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1. The concept of a block chain

区块链(Blockchain)是一种由多方共同维护,使用密码学保证 传输和访问安全,能够实现数据一致存储、难以篡改、防止抵赖的记账技术,也称为分布式账本技术(Distributed Ledger Technology)。 典型的区块链以块-链结构存储数据。作为一种在不可信的竞争环境中低成本建立信任的新型计算范式和协作模式,区块链凭借其独有的信任建立机制,正在改变诸多行业的应用场景和运行规则,是未来发展数字经济、构建新型信任体系不可或缺的技术之一。

Block chains (Blockchai) are commonly maintained, using cryptography to secure transmission and access, capable of achieving consistent data storage, difficult to tamper with, counter-deposit accounting techniques, also known as Distributed Ledger Technology. Typical block chains store data in block-chain structures. As a new computing paradigm and collaborative model of low-cost confidence-building in an untrustworthy competitive environment, block chains, with their unique confidence-building mechanisms, are changing the application landscape and operating rules of a wide range of industries, and are one of the technologies essential for the future development of a digital economy and the construction of a new system of trust.

典型的区块链系统中,各参与方按照事先约定的规则共同存储信息并达成共识。为了防止共识信息被篡改,系统以区块(Block)为单位存储数据,区块之间按照时间顺序、结合密码学算法构成链式 (Chain)数据结构,通过共识机制选出记录节点,由该节点决定最新区块的数据,其他节点共同参与最新区块数据的验证、存储和维护, 数据一经确认,就难以删除和更改,只能进行授权查询操作。

A typical block chain system in which participants jointly store information and reach consensus in accordance with the pre-agreed rules. To prevent the manipulation of consensus information, the system stores data in blocks (Block), in chronological order, in combination with cryptographic algorithms, into a chain (Chain) data structure between blocks, selects the records node through the consensus mechanism, determines the latest block data, and the other nodes jointly participate in the validation, storage and maintenance of the latest block data, which, once confirmed, makes it difficult to delete and change data and can only perform authorized query operations.


Depending on whether the system has a node access mechanism, the block chain can be classified as a licensing chain and a non-licensing chain.


2. Characteristics of the block chain


The following contrasting features are present in the block chain as opposed to the traditional distributed database:

(1)从复式记账演进到分布式记账。传统的信息系统,每位会计各自记录,每次对账时存在多个不同账本。区块链打破了原有的复式记账, 变成“全网共享”的分布式账本,参与记账的各方之间通过同步协调机制,保证数据的防篡改和一致性,规避了复杂的多方对账过程。

(1) From a double-entry to a distributed account. Traditional information systems, each accountant records separately, and there are several different ledgers for each reconciliation. The block chain breaks the original double-entry record, becomes a distributed “web-wide” account book and ensures data integrity and consistency through a synchronized coordination mechanism between the parties involved in the bookkeeping process, circumventing the complex multiple reconciliation process.

(2)从“增删改查”变为仅“增查”两个操作。传统的数据库具有增加、删除、 修改和查询四个经典操作。对于全网账本而言,区块链技术相当于放弃了删除和修改两个选项,只留下增加和查询两个操作,通过区块和链表这样的“块链式”结构,加上相应的时间戳进行凭证固化,形成环环相扣、难以篡改的可信数据集合。

(2) From the word “additional” to the word “examining” only. The traditional database has four classic operations: adding, deleting, modifying, and querying. For a web-wide account book, block chain technology is equivalent to abandoning two options for deleting and modifying, leaving only two operations for adding and querying, using a “block-chain” structure such as blocks and chain tables, coupled with a corresponding time stamp to solidify the document, forming a condensed and unmanageable collection of credible data.

(3)从单方维护变成多方维护。 针对各个主体而言,传统的数据库是一种单方维护的信息系统,不论是分布式架构,还是集中式架构,都对数据记录具有高度控制权。区块链引入了分布式账本,是一种多方共同维护、不存在单点故障的分布式信息系统,数据的写入和同步不仅仅局限在一个主体范围之内, 需要通过多方验证数据、形成共识,再决定哪些数据可以写入。

For each subject, the traditional database is a unilaterally maintained information system with a high degree of control over data records, whether distributed or centralized. The block chain introduces a distributed account, a distributed information system that is multi-maintained and free of single-point malfunctions, and the writing and synchronization of data is not confined to one subject; it requires multiple validation of data and consensus-building to determine which data can be included.

(4)从外挂合约发展为内置合约。传统上,财务的资金流和商务的信息流是两个截然不同的业务流程,商务合作签订的合约,在人工审核、鉴定成果后,再通知财务进行打款,形成相应的资金流。智能合约的出现,基于事先约定的规则,通过代码运行来独立执行、协同写入,通 过算法代码形成了一种将信息流和资金流整合到一起的“内置合约”。

Traditionally, the flow of financial funds and business information is two distinct business processes. Contracts entered into by business cooperation, after manual review and validation of the results, notify the finance to make a loan and form a corresponding flow of funds. The emergence of smart contracts, based on pre-contracted rules, is executed independently and collaboratively through the operation of codes, which create an “incorporated contract” that integrates the flow of information and the flow of funds.


3. Importance of block chain technology


On the afternoon of 24 October, the Central Political Office of the Communist Party of China conducted its eighteenth collective study on the current state of and trends in the technological development of the block chain. Collective learning emphasized the important role that integrated application of block chain technology plays in new technological innovations and industrial transformations.


Block-chain technology is emerging as a new business, a new dynamic for economic development, and is driving a new round of business model changes that will provide important support for building an honest social system. Block-chain applications are accelerating landing, contributing to the high-quality development of traditional industries and accelerating the upgrading of industrial transformations.





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