Source: Capital State.
“我一直都是巴菲特价值投资理念的长期信仰者,同时我希望邀请区块链行业知名人士一起与巴菲特交流,从而增进顶级传统投资人与数字货币的理解和友谊,让整个行业真正受益! ”
“I have always been a long-standing believer in the Buffett concept of value investment, and I would like to invite prominent members of the block chain industry to interact with Buffett in order to enhance the understanding and friendship of top traditional investors and digital money for the benefit of the entire industry!”
The 20th Buffett charity luncheon auction ended on 31 May, with a winning bid far higher than last year's $3.3 million, and more than $1 million higher than the record of $3.46 million in 2012, known as “the most expensive lunch in the world”.
Sun Woo's daily lunch with Buffett is also controversial, because Sun Woo's morning is very controversial in the currency business, and a lot of people are worried about Buffett, “You're 88 years old, don't you worry about evenings?”
Sun Woo Morning Controversy: It's called the Jiaoting of the Currency Circle.
Sun Woo-moo was one of the well-known post-90 entrepreneurs who accompanied me as founder of the APP and CEO, founder of the acute wave and CEO, founder of the Path to the Free Revolution of Wealth and founder of the Bountain Tron Foundation.
The spring holidays of 2017 to 2018, with the circulation of air coins, the story of a one-night rich and a groceries cut, constantly stimulates people's nerves.
One of them, Sun Woo-ming, invented the Bounty Currency and issued 100 billion Bounties, from mid-December 2017 to 5 January 2018, raising the price of the Bounty Currency from one or two cents to two dollars for a short period of half a month, with a sharp increase of 100 to 200 times.
At that time, there was an unprecedented desire to become rich overnight. According to reports, on 5 January of the same year, Sun Woo threw 6 billion bounties, worth 300 million yuan, for about 2 billion yuan. Since then, the bounties have gone down.
Earlier, after seven ministries banned the ICO, Sun Woo left the site in early September 2017 in the name of the expedition project. The "Span id=stock_sz000931" office,
孙宇晨在网上对这些都有过回应,比如说,波场基金会持有342亿TRX早于2017年12月19日于公开地址进行公开锁仓给予社区公开监督,从未减持套现,锁仓期至2020年。以此来回应“割韭菜”质疑。 Sun Woo-moo responded to all of this online, for example, by holding 34.2 billion TRX earlier than 19 December 2017 at an open address for open community supervision, never less stocking and locking until 2020. 孙宇晨还说,自己不存在跑路,正常管理公司运营,也参加多场公开活动证明回国,于当年3月27日参加湖畔大学毕业典礼,于马云校长手中亲自接过鸣杏礼证书。 Sun Woo also stated that he did not have a running track, that he operated a normal management company, that he had attended several public events to prove his return, that he had attended the graduation ceremony of Lakeside University on 27 March of the same year and that he had personally received the Almonds Certificate at the hands of Principal Maun. 不过,一位投资机构人士形容孙宇晨为“成功的创业演员”,比如说他本来是100分,却精心包装成1000分的样子,只要这1000分的泡沫不戳破,就可以在市场上找来1000分对应的资本和行业地位。就是行话中的“做局”。 One investor, however, described Sun Woo as a “successful entrepreneur”, saying, for example, that he was 100 points, but was carefully packaged into 1,000 points, so long as the 1,000 cents of the bubble did not burst, he could find a 1,000 share of the corresponding capital and industry position on the market. 最直接的评价来自曾经的“币圈首富”李笑来的评价,李笑来有一次录音曝光手把手教学币圈割韭菜套路,其中就点名孙宇晨。 The most direct assessment comes from the laughter of Lee, who once was “rich in the currency”, when a recording revealed a hand-drawn choreograph, in which he named Sun Woo-mun. 李笑来说,“你再去看孙宇晨,就不用讲了,他肯定是忽悠。” Li laughed and said, "You go to Sun Woo-mun again, you don't have to tell him. He must be lying." 孙宇晨发微博称:“听说我又躺着中枪了。”网友却不买账,纷纷评论称大家都知道孙宇晨是个骗子,算不上揭露,也算不上躺枪。 Sun Woo posted a tweet in the morning saying, "I heard I was lying down and I was shot again." The Internet didn't buy any money and commented that everyone knew that Sun Woo-ming was a liar, not a whistle-blower, not a lie-gun. 网友说,“没事,大家都知道你是骗子。李笑来没那本事给你安名号。”、“大家知道你是骗子,但如果能再拉盘让韭菜们挣钱就是好骗子”。 They said, "It's all right. Everyone knows you're a liar. Li laughs without giving you a name." "You know you're a liar, but it's a good liar if you can pull a plate again to make money for the pickles." 引人关注的是,孙宇晨花费456万美元拍下天价午餐,但他和巴菲特在理念方面存在极大分歧,比如,巴菲特就说,比特币是一种“赌博”,很多欺诈行为与之相关,比特币没任何价值。 It is a matter of concern that Sun Woo spent $4.56 million in the morning to film a daily lunch, but he and Buffett have great conceptual differences, such as Buffett's assertion that Bitcoin is a “gaming” and that many frauds are associated with it and that Bitcoin has no value. 有人模拟了一段对话,孙宇晨:我们波场。。。巴菲特:吃饭的时候别聊这些不开心的。 Someone simulated a conversation, Sun Woo-moo: We're on the floor. Buffett: Don't talk about it when you eat. 孙宇晨拍下天价午餐后,有网友就说:“币圈也要自称价值投资,呵呵。”另一位网友说:“这跟微商去白宫拍照是不是同一个心态。” After Sun Woo's luncheon, he said, "Does the currency ring also call itself a value investment?" Another blogger said, "Is this the same mentality as a microscopic visit to the White House?" 朱晔创造2018年A股市场最大雷区 过去也曾有3位中国人成为与巴菲特共进午餐的人,分别是步步高、小霸王创始人段永平(2006年),私募大佬、赤子之心资产管理公司总经理赵丹阳(2008年),及天神娱乐实控人朱晔。 In the past, three Chinese have also been among those who had lunch with Buffett:
抛开相对早期的段永平和赵丹阳不谈,2015年以234万美元拍下天价午餐的朱晔就非常有争议性。朱晔拍得巴菲特的慈善午餐后在国内声名大噪,被各路媒体追逐,还上了各种创业真人秀,成了别人的导师。 Beyond the earlier sections of Yongping and Zhao Danyang, Chu's lunches at a price of $2.34 million in 2015 are highly controversial. Chu's reputation in the country after filming the charity lunch of Barfite has been squeezed by the media, and he has been in various business reality shows and has become a mentor to others. 朱晔还开启了一路买买买。不到5年的时间里,朱晔完成了12起并购。这些并购涉及网游、手游、影视等产业,网罗了雷尚科技、妙趣横生、幻想悦游、乐玩、一花科技等一批游戏细分市场龙头,还将合润传媒、AVAZU、为爱普等在互联网广告及品牌营销行业行业翘楚揽入。 In less than five years, Chu has completed 12 mergers and acquisitions. These are related to the Internet, hand-to-hand, video, etc. 朱晔逐渐构筑了一个影视、游戏、应用分发、互联网广告等板块间相互协作的泛娱乐版图,但这些并购给天神娱乐此后的暴雷留下伏笔。 Chu's gradual construction of a pan-recreational map of the interaction between the film, the game, the application distribution, the Internet advertising, etc., has left pens in the wake of the thunderbolts that were bought by the angels. 2018年5月,朱晔因涉嫌违反证券法律法规被证监会立案调查。2018年中秋节,朱晔发公开信,宣布暂别天神,辞去在董事会与高管层的工作。 In May 2018, Chu was investigated by the SEC for alleged violations of securities laws and regulations. “天神娱乐上市以来的每一次外延式发展,都经过我与管理层深思熟虑,绝非贸然激进。”朱晔说,遗憾的是,对行业市场、资本市场波动性预判不够充分,更无法干预相关政策疏严。 “Every expansive development since the entry of the gods into the market has been carefully thought out by me and management and is by no means radical.” According to Chu, unfortunately, the prognosis of the volatility of industry markets and capital markets has not been sufficient to interfere with the laxity of related policies. 朱晔还透露,离开天神的日子里,会不断探寻诸如生物医药、互联网教育等等立足全球市场的优秀产业板块。与此同时,不会减持所持有的天神娱乐股票,并增加了锁定承诺。 Chu also revealed that the days of departure from the gods will continue to look for such fine industrial plates as biopharmaceuticals, Internet education, etc., that are based on the global market. At the same time, there will be no reduction in the holdings of the angels’ entertainment stocks, and an increase in locking commitments. 一位业内人士指出,当时天神娱乐的股价刚刚经历一次大跌,却因这段午餐而起死回生,公司股价从66元左右上涨到125元左右,涨幅接近90%。 According to an insider, the stock price of the angels, which had just fallen sharply, had risen from about $66 to about $125, nearly 90 per cent, as a result of the recovery from the lunch. 上述人士称,“朱晔果断在股价大涨之时提前套现,不知道赚回了多少顿巴菲特的午餐,再来看一看天神娱乐的走势,就问你怕不怕,从125跌到3.6,跟币圈归零没什么区别了。” According to the above-mentioned sources, “Ju's determination to pre-empt the stock price when it rises, and wonders how many lunches Buffett earns, then looks at the way the gods entertain, and asks you if you are afraid of falling from 125 to 3.6, which is no different from the zero currency circle”. 朱晔离开后的天神娱乐已是一地鸡毛,天神娱乐在2018年亏损了73个亿,被称为2018年A股市场的最大雷区。 After Joo's departure, the god's entertainment was already a piece of hair, and in 2018 it lost 7.3 billion dollars, known as the largest minefield in the A share market in 2018. 史玉柱学巴菲特 但午餐主角被刑拘 Stadium learns Buffett, but the protagonist for lunch is in custody. 在中国有一个人也学过巴菲特做天价午餐,却惹得一身麻烦,这个人就是巨人网络CEO史玉柱。 In China, a man who also learned how to cook lunch at a daily price has caused trouble: 责任编辑:唐婧
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