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以下文章来源于区块链日报 ,作者财联社 徐赐豪

The following article is based on the daily section chain, by the financial association, Xu Chi-ho.


The block chain daily.

财联社及科创板日报旗下产品 ,聚焦区块链技术、应用、投融资等,提供区块链行业权威、专业的信息及服务。

FAFIA and the products under the daily newspapers, focusing on block chain technology, applications, investment finance, etc., provide block chain industry authority, professional information and services.


According to the information received, El Salvador announced in June this year that it would include Bitcoin as the legal currency of the country, and that the symbolic significance of the event was greater than the substance. Thus, when El Salvador officially used Bitcoin, the boots fell on the ground, the benefits began to disappear, and the market was being sold.

文 | 徐赐豪 张洋洋

Wen Ji-ho, Seo Chi-ho, Zhang Yang-yang.

北京时间9月7日14:00,对于比特币来说是一个历史性时刻,比特币正式成为萨尔瓦多的法定货币。萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele此前在社交媒体称,萨尔瓦多又购买200枚比特币,现在持有400枚比特币。

On September 7, Beijing time, 14:00, was a historic moment for Bitcoin, which became the legal tender of El Salvador. President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador previously stated in social media that El Salvador had bought 200 more bitcoins and now held 400 bitcoins.


It would have been good for the whole business, but it fell at night, turning into a “black swan”.

据Huobi Global行情显示,9月7日晚间,BTC价格大跌,从最高的52924美元,最低探至39818美元,跌幅超过24.8%;以太坊从日内最高的3925美元,最低下探到3000美元,跌幅超过23.6%。其他加密货币也出现了大幅下跌,市场整体呈现恐慌踩踏的行情。

According to Huobi Global, BTC prices fell sharply in the evening of 7 September, from a high of $52924 to a low of $39,818, a decline of over 24.8 per cent; Etheria, from a high of $3925 to a low of $3,000 in the day, a decline of over 23.6 per cent in other encrypted currencies, and the market as a whole showed panic pedaling.

不过,探针后行情迅速反弹。截至8日中午12时,BTC价格徘徊在46500 美元附近,ETH价格徘徊在3450美元左右。

However, the probe quickly rebounded. By 12 noon on 8 August, BTC prices hovered around $46,500, and ETH prices hovered around $3450.


According to the third-party data currency Coin, which was affected by the sharp fall in bitcoin, at 10 a.m. on the last 24 hours, the net was nearly $4.34 billion, amounting to over 395.8 million. Of this amount, bitcoin exploded, amounting to $1.63 billion, XRP exploded, and XRP exploded, amounting to $23.4 million. According to the exchange silo, Bybit contracted to blow up 43.18 per cent, the tender contract was nearly 20 per cent, and the largest single silo occurred in the pyrotechnic silo, valued at $43.7 million.

大跌行情也反映到了美股市场,区块链概念股跌多涨少。Riot Blockchain收跌6.74%,Marathon Patent收跌9.26%,Square收跌1.45%。在美上市区块链中概股涨跌各异。嘉楠科技收涨0.63%,迅雷收涨0.53%,猎豹移动收跌0.49%,兰亭集势收涨17.42%,第九城市收跌5.98%。

The fall was also reflected in the US stock market, where the block chain concept fell by less and less. Riot Blockchain fell by 6.74%, Marathon Patent by 9.26%, and Square by 1.45%. The stock in the upper U.S.C. chain rose by 0.63%, the thunder by 0.53%, the leopard by 0.59%, the leopard by 0.42%, the Landin by 17.42%, and the Ninth by 5.98%.


In the morning, the concept of a block chain in the port stock continued to weaken.


This is a reoccurrence of extreme behavior in Bitcoin since 19 May this year.

消息面方面,据俄媒sputniknews今日(8日)报道,克里姆林宫发言人Dmitri Peskov说:“俄罗斯还没有准备好(接受比特币作为支付方式),我们没有理由这样做。数字货币合法化将不利于金融系统。”

On the news, according to Russian media SPutniknews today (8th), Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said, “The Russians are not ready (to accept bitcoin as a means of payment) and we have no reason to do so. The legalization of digital money will be detrimental to the financial system.”

对于昨晚加密市场的大跌,Galaxy Digital创始人及CEO Mike Novogratz接受媒体采访时表示加密资产是下一个互联网,比特币突然下跌是投资者过于兴奋的结果,是市场在挤出空气。

The founder of Galaxy Digital and CEO Mike Novogratz, in an interview with the media, said that the encryption asset was the next Internet, and that the sudden fall of Bitcoin was the result of overexcited investors and the market was crowding out the air.


And he said, "There's a recognition that encrypted money is not just a bitcoin that you buy to hit against bad monetary and fiscal policy. More importantly, it's Web3.0, and no investors are willing to miss the next Internet. I think we're just too excited. The market is just a little air out of balloons."


William, the chief researcher at the Institute of Currency, in an interview with the Block Chain Daily, said that, according to the news, El Salvador had announced in June this year that Bitcoin would be the legal currency of the country, and that the symbolic significance of the incident was greater than the substance. Thus, when El Salvador officially used Bitcoin, the boots fell on the ground, the benefits of which began to disappear, and the market was being sold.


He also pointed out to the Journal of the Block Chain that one of the central reasons for the continued increase in bitcoin before the fall was El Salvador’s expectation that it would officially use bitcoin as a French coin. Since certainty is a condition for attracting funds to continue to join, there is a certain amount of institutional funds to intervene in the process. But Bitcoin is not a suitable payment tool for ordinary civilian use.


Xing Ji-peng analysed the fact that the late President of El Salvador, on Twitter, had indicated that the country held 550 bitcoins, a message that directly turned profit into profit, further stimulated panic down and led to the emergence of a troupe of panic.


In addition, Xing Ji-peng pointed out that the recent fire in the NFT market had caused larger bubbles and that, in the process, it had accelerated the burning of Ether and raised the price of Ether; it had also led to an excessive rate of détourism. In panic, the sharp decline in Ether's leverage in the DeFi market had triggered a chain troupe.


Original title: Last night, Bitcoin fell by over $10,000, nearly 400,000 US$ 4.34 billion worth of wealth was evaporated.





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