& nbsp; On May 19th, a ceremony was held at the Tourist Hostage Centre of the National Tour of Fairy Mountain, which is the country's first municipal meta-cosmosis centre, which will help to accelerate the internationalization of the tourism industry and raise the digitalization of the industry.
The opening ceremony was attended by the heads of regional commissions, district governments and relevant departments at the district level, representatives of enterprises such as the Wulong Tourism Industry (Group) Ltd., New Sky World, the Global Cultural Industry Group, the Qatar Business Centre of China, the Hangzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Centre for Industrial Science, Technology and Innovation, and representatives of the project's social investors and construction teams.
At the ceremony, the President of the New Day World, Li Jong-hwan, presented an overview of the story of Caster planet, an opening plan, and released the Caster planet preview. The President of the Global Cultural Industries Group, Hao Jin-ling, the New Day World Strategic Investor, and the Hummingbird Interaction CEO, Hei-Ling, delivered separate messages. Ms. Hao Jin-Ling pointed out that the Caster Won-Cosmos, through digital technology and virtual world-enabling industries, could be a representative of China in the internationalization of digital culture in the future through globalized resources and networks.
& & & & & ldquo; & 3 & & rdquo; & 3 & & & & & & Quo; & & & important for the development of Vulong's tourism style. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Huang Feng, Vice-President of the Political Consultative Council of the Vulong Region, announced the launch of the Caster planetary cosmonautial experience centre project. He said that the popularly-visited Caster Won cosmonium experience centre had been set up to promote the internationalization-led Vulong tour & ldquo; three entrepreneurship & rdquo; and the construction of a world-famous demonstration zone for green development as a world-famous tourist destination.
据了解,2022年5月16日新天世界和武隆区人民政府签订了喀斯特星球元宇宙开放世界项目合作协议,总投资1亿元,落地武隆区仙女山国家级旅游度假区游客接待中心。项目合作内容包括“1个载体、1场活动、1个产业和基金、1个平台”将武隆打造成为中国首个元宇宙沉浸文旅创业者圣地(To B)、成为全球具有影响力的国际文旅元宇宙产业创新基地、成为中国首个元宇宙消费者的梦想乐园(To C),助力武隆实现国际化、数字化和证券化。今天活动正是“1个载体”喀斯特星球元宇宙体验中心的开工盛会。未来1年内将陆续建设运营喀斯特星球元宇宙开放世界平台、喀斯特星球沉浸式体验中心,每年举办一场全球元宇宙嘉年华活动,发行100万张数字门票、构建100万数字人、销售100万件数字商品,实现实体经济与数字经济的有机结合。
It is known that, on 16 May 2022, the People’s Government of the New Sky World and the Vulong Region signed an agreement for cooperation on the Caster dollar Cosmos Open World Project, with a total investment of 100 million yuan, for a country-level tourist resort centre for the Fairy Mountains in the Wulong region. The project’s cooperation includes “ one vehicle, one activity, one industry and foundation, and one platform & & rdquo; and the construction of the ToB, China’s first semi-cosmodromes immersion centre, the World Platform for the Opening of the Caster Planet Cosmos, the Caster Planet Absorbation Center, which is the world’s most influential international heritage industry innovation base, and China’s first meta-cosm consumer, supporting the internationalization, digitalization and securitization of the country’s national tourist resorts. Today’s activities are & & ldquo; one carrier & & & rdquo; and the opening of the Caster Planet Center for Geostatic Economics.
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