
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:54 评论:0



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The Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) is an investment instrument that allows potential investors to extend their hands into a particular market without the risk of purchasing assets. These so-called ETFs are listed by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission as securities, and they track the movements of specific investments — — a gold or some corporate stock & mdash; — but do not require investors to purchase gold or stocks directly. The ETF is very useful in reducing risks, while still providing an appropriate exposure to risks in hot markets, and they have long been recognized as important investment instruments for prudent investors.


At least, it is necessary to establish an account on an exchange, because encrypted currency transactions are almost unregulated. If an investor does not want to risk investing his or her money in an unregulated, possibly immoral, transaction, he or she must experience a problem, namely, the creation of a wallet and its security.


Bitcoin-based ETFs may eliminate all of these problems and give investors a good exposure to bitcoins in a familiar and regulated environment. However, Bitcoin ETFs encounter several regulatory barriers. We will see how Bitcoin ETFs operate, why there is a need for them, and what regulatory challenges they need to overcome.


BitcoinETF Basics


With regard to ETFs, the first thing to understand is that they are passive investment instruments. Even if they are active in the open market, they do not need to be managed or tracked. Each ETF is linked to an index, and the performance of ETFs is the performance of the index that is tracked. In the case of an encrypted currency or a bitcoin ETF, the index may include a combination of encrypted currencies, or merely a index linked to a bitcoin price. The main difference between the holding of a bitcoin ETF and the mere holding of bitcoins is that there is no need to worry about the safety or storage of Bitcoin ETFs, because the investor's money is linked to the price rather than to the digital asset itself. No exchange can be blacked and no wallet & mdash; & mdash; as long as the money in the market follows the price of a bitco currency ETF.


Another factor that makes ETF attractive to ordinary investors is that there is no minimum investment. While bitcoins (almost) can be divided indefinitely, most exchanges need a minimum purchase to pay for bitcoins when buying and selling bitcoins.


ETFs can also be set up in such a way as to pay dividends to investors. If you try to build a similar scheme with actual bitcoins, this will include looking at someone’s wallet to decide to whom to pay and regularly sell a portion of it to pay “ shareholders & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & &


Thus, the central argument of the Bitcoin ETF is that they provide investors with a safer and more stable way to take advantage of unregulated bitcoin trading markets without entering the wild west. ETFs are a long-standing financial instrument for managing risk and simplifying investment processes, and they are automatically exposed to US regulatory law, which seems to make them ideal options for investors in “ entity & & rdquo; and bitco markets.


Unfortunately, BitcoinETF has been controversial from the outset.


Challenges facing the ETF

比特币ETF的关键参与者是美国证券交易委员会,由于ETF属于安全证券的定义,就像所谓的“Howey Test”一样,证交会对它们拥有监管权。

The key participant in the Bitcoin ETF is the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, which, because ETFs are defined as security securities, has control over them, just like the so-called & ldquao; Howey Test&rdquao; as well as the SEC.

简单地说,Howey Test是一种衡量给定金融工具是否为安全的措施。它源于1946年最高法院的一桩涉及柑橘园股份的案件。法院裁定,一种特定的金融工具是一种证券,因此在美国证券交易委员会的职权范围内。

In short, Howey Test is a measure of whether a given financial instrument is safe or not. It stems from a 1946 Supreme Court case involving shares in citrus gardens. The Court ruled that a particular financial instrument is a security, and therefore falls within the purview of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.


During 2018, the SEC repeatedly banned various ETF applications from entering the market.


In its decision of 22 August, the European Commission expressly denied that two Bitcoin ETF operated at the Arca Exchange of the New York Stock Exchange, which had submitted its own application in December 2017, in cooperation with ProShares, the proposed ETF provider.


The ProShares case was not the only European Commission award on the issue of the Bitcoin financial instrument in 2018, but it may be the latest and relevant award & mdash; & mdash; and, of course, the most representative.


At the outset, the Commission stated that it did not consider the validity of Bitcoin. Its ruling was closely related to the creation of an ETF based on Bitcoin. This was seen by some as a circumvention, because the European Commission did not have to declare Bitcoin safe or non-safe, a question that the market had been seeking clarification.


On the contrary, the European Commission focused almost entirely on the threat of fraud and market manipulation in the larger Bitcoin market.


In this representative case of a bitcoin financial instrument, there is a glimmer of hope. Shortly after the Commission decided to continue its review in August, it decided to further rule on it. Moreover, the refusal itself was based on the need for more guarantees, particularly a large bitcoin futures market.


Bitcoin's progress.


Since China’s landmark White Paper was published in 2008, Bitcoin has come a long way, turning from a tiny little thing into a mainstream financial instrument. However, the market is not yet fully mature, and the SEC’s repeated rulings seem to be stifling it. In a circular way, the Commission has declared that the market is not completely free from fraud and manipulation, so it cannot use financial instruments that help to protect investors from fraud and manipulation.


However, the mainstream of Bitcoin and the acceptance of Wall Street are on the rise, and some market observers expect that it is only a matter of time before Bitcoin ETF becomes an encrypt currency investment instrument.




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