原标题:比特币暴涨5000美元 炒币大户清仓离场对冲升温
Original title: bitcoin surged by $5,000.
The largest encrypt currency in the world continued to surge after a four-month price hike on 2 April.
According to the global currency website CoinMarketCap, the price of Bitcoin passed $5,000 early on 3 April, amounting to $5034.08, a 24-hour increase of 19.62 per cent, with a total market value close to $88.5 billion.
Bitcoin prices are moving around the clock.
On 2 April, the price of Bitcoin rose from $4196.27 to $4849.46 in the middle of the day, reaching its highest level since 22 November 2018, raising the total market value by $12.55 billion, from $72.9 billion to a maximum of $85.45 billion.
Other mainstream digital currencies are also on the rise.
CoinMarketCap data show that the largest increase in currency in mainstream figures was in Bitcoin cash (BCH) at 53.52 per cent in 24 hours, with an offer of $259.48. The daily increases in Ethereum, Lettecoin and EOS were over 20 per cent, or 20.92 per cent, 34.63 per cent and 26 per cent, respectively.
此外,彭博社数据显示,囊括了10种主流数字货币的彭博银河密码基准指数(Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index)从去年的最低点位上涨逾77%。有分析师认为4月2日的上涨证明加密货币市场的新一轮牛市已经开始,而看跌人士则认为,监管机构、机构投资者和消费者对加密货币持根深蒂固的怀疑态度,任何反弹都是暂时的。
Moreover, according to Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index, which includes 10 mainstream digital currencies, has risen by more than 77% from last year’s lowest position. According to analysts, the rise of 2 April attests to the start of a new round of cow markets in the crypto-money market, while those who look down argue that regulators, institutional investors, and consumers have deep-rooted suspicions about the encoded currency, and any reaction is temporary.
Overall, bitcoin prices have been in the range of $4,000 since they fell by $3,500 at the end of 2018. CoinMarketCap data show that on 31 March, bitcoin prices were still in the area, receiving $4096.92. Until midday on 2 April, Bitcoins prices jumped sharply, receiving $4675.12, while on 1 April they remained at $413.36.
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