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比特现金(BCH)全称为Bitcoin Cash,是矿池ViaBTC基于Bitcoin ABC方案推出的新的加密数字资产。

Bit Cash (BCH), known as Bitcoin Cash, is a new encrypted digital asset launched by ViaBTC in the pond on the basis of the Bitcoin ABC programme.


On 21 July 2017, the Bitcoin forklift BIP91 was supported by full network computing, agreeing to first upgrade the isolation witness and upgrade the block size of the bottom block chain to 2M within the next six months. However, the “martgers” have emerged — the pit of ViaBTC, under the national flag of the mine giant Bitcoin, has prepared a hard-fork system and introduced the “bitcoin cash” based on Bitcoin's original chain.

项目亮点链上扩容 - 比特币现金遵循中本聪通过链上扩容实现全球普及的路线图。作为第一步,区块大小限制已被设为可调整,默认提升到了 8MB 。 允许未来大幅提升区块容量的研究正在进行 。

project bright spots - Bitcoin cash follows a road map for universal access through a chain-wide build-up. As a first step, block size limits have been set to adjust, by default, to 8MB. Research is under way to allow a significant increase in block capacity in the future.

新的交易签名 - 新的签名哈希 (SigHash) 类型提供了重放攻击保护、改善了硬件钱包安全性,也解决了二次哈希问题。

The new transaction signature - the new signature (SigHash) type provides protection against re-launching attacks, improves the security of hardware wallets and also solves the secondary Hash problem.

新的难度调整算法(DAA) - 响应式的工作量证明(PoW) 难度调整允许矿工按其意愿从旧的比特币链迁移至新链,同时提供保护抑制算力过度波动。

New difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) - Responsive workload certification (PoW) The difficulty adjustment allows miners to move from the old bitcoin chain to the new chain as they wish, while providing protection against excessive fluctuations in computing power.

去中心化的开发 - 有数个独立开发团队提供的软件实现,未来是安全的。比特币现金能够抵御在协议开发上的政治和社交攻击,没有单独的团队或项目能控制。bitcoin-ml 邮件列表是一个好的平台,用于跨发开团队协作以实现协议变更。

Decentralized development - software provided by several independent development teams is realized, and the future is safe. Bitcoin cash is resistant to political and social attacks on protocol development, and there is no separate team or project to control. Bitcoin-ml mailing list is a good platform for cross-dispatch team collaboration to achieve agreement change.


fast-track transactions are designed to fast-track transactions and are rarely spent on the Bitcoin cash network.

与初始的比特币区块链受限于1MB区块和替换费用不同,比特币现金区块为8MB。 升级到更大的区块意味着矿工可以验证所有交易,而不仅仅是收费最高的交易。较大的区块有助于保持BCH内存池的空间和交易的快速确认。

Unlike the initial Bitcoin block chain, which is limited to 1MB block and replacement costs, the Bitcoin cash block is 8MB. Upgrade to a larger block means that miners can verify all transactions, not just those with the highest fees. Large blocks help to maintain the space and fast confirmation of transactions in the BCH memory pool.



In the case of consumers, low fees mean low charges to businesses. Businesses can begin to accept currency cash payments without paying monthly fees and percentage of each transaction. Moreover, currency exchange costs do not exist; the BCH is a global currency without borders.


One of the risks of receiving credit card payments, especially online, is fraud. Businesses are always exposed to the risk of refunding (transfer of funds from consumer credit cards or bank accounts).


Bitcoin cash transactions are in seconds, confirmed in a few minutes. You can send or receive money on a global scale, and the transaction is irreversible (even for fraudsters).


is easy to execute small traders who need their own bitcoin cash address to start receiving BCH payments.

像Coinbase Commerce这样的商业服务使它变得更加容易。商户可以在电子商务平台上添加CoinbaseCommerce作为支付选项,也可以添加到现有的结账流程中。你所需要的只是一个电子邮件地址和一部电话。

Business services like Coinbase Commerce make it easier. Businesses can add Coinbase Commerce to the e-commerce platform as a payment option, or they can add it to the current closing process. All you need is an e-mail address and a phone.


regularly upgrades the Bitcoin cash community is unique in its commitment to continue upgrading the network. Recently, developers have issued an upgrade to the BCH address format. The BCH address now includes "bitcoincash:" before the usual letters and numerical strings, so bar code scanning is not mistaken for a bitcoin address. Mitigating this risk helps to simplify and quickly pay.


The BCH has been successfully upgraded twice in 2019, adding the Schnorr signature function, and most of the transactions on the BCH network are now unalterable. Moreover, the BCH adoption increased in 2019, the SLP medal exploded, a large number of useful third-party applications emerged, and has become a private competitor for Cashhuffle and Cashfusion.

2019的比特币现金增长随着新年的临近,BCH的支持者一直在讨论比特币现金网络必须提供的所有好处。Marketwise BCH,就像在排名前10位最硬币,只见小运动,但仍高于(+ 30%-40%),2019年1月的价格。尽管市场度过了有趣的一年,但比特币现金生态系统却取得了长足的发展。从基础设施到采用商户,BCH在2019年继续保持快速增长。此外,BCH链今年经历了两次升级,这改善了整体功能并迈向BCH路线图。生物安全信息交换所来自世界各地的支持者全心全意地认为,去中心化的加密货币正在为全球点对点电子现金系统铺平道路。在过去的两年中,BCH已成为一个更好的对等网络电子现金系统,远远优于BTC。

Marketwise BCH, like the top 10 coins in the ranking, is still a small sport, but it is still higher (+30-40%) than it was in January 2019. Despite an interesting year in the market, the Bitcoin cash ecosystem has grown considerably. From infrastructure to adoption, the BCH grew rapidly in 2019. In addition, the BCH chain has been upgraded twice this year, which has improved overall functionality and moved to the BCH road map.

2019升级每六个月,BCH链升级一次,以支持比特币现金路线图的扩展和技术改进。5月15日,在块582680,BCH 区块链实现了Schnorr签名功能和Segwit恢复豁免的基本基础。Schnorr签名为改善扩展性和隐私性打开了大门,并且首次升级创建了初始框架,因此开发人员可以利用该协议。Segwit恢复更改使网络参与者可以恢复意外发送到Segwit地址的资金。该BCH链今年两次成功升级。

2019 Upgrade Every six months, the BCH chain is upgraded to support the expansion and technical improvements of the Bitcoin cash road map. On 15 May, the Schnorr signature function and the basic basis of Segwit's recovery were achieved in block 582680. Schnorr's signature opened the door to improved expansion and privacy and created the initial framework for the first upgrade, so developers could use the agreement. Segwit's restoration enabled network participants to restore funds that were unexpectedly sent to the Segwit address. The BCH chain was successfully upgraded twice this year.

六个月后的11月15日,BCH开发人员在区块高度 609135实施了Minimaldata规则更改,该规则更改从网络中删除了最终的bip-0062可延展性向量。此更改使网络上的大多数BCH交易均不可篡改。11月的共识更改还包括将Schnorr签名支持扩展到OP_Checkmultisig(verify),这意味着所有签名检查操作都将支持Schnorr签名。

On November 15, six months later, the BCH developers implemented a change in the Minimaldata rule at block height 609135, which removed the final bip-0062 extension vector from the network. This change made most BCH transactions on the network non-manufactured. The November consensus change also included extending Schnorr’s signature support to OP_Checkmultisig (verefy), which means that all signature checking operations would support Schnorr’s signature.

简单分类账协议(SLP)随着SLP领域变得相当强大,今年比特币现金网络看到了简单总账协议(SLP)的使用激增。到目前为止,已经使用SLP框架创建了6,141个令牌,占今年的312,505个SLP交易。今年在BCH网络上建立的流行代币包括Honk Honk,Spice,Official Honk,ACD硬币,Flex硬币,Honestcoin,SAI,Drop和Gocrypto。这些SLP代币中的许多已经获得了价值,而BCH的拥护者已经看到了代币的市值增长。

The simple ledger agreement (SLP) saw a surge in the use of simple master account agreements (SLPs) in the Bitcoin cash network this year as the SLP field became quite strong. So far, 6,141 medals have been created using the SLP framework, accounting for 312,505 SLP transactions this year. Many of these SLP coins have already gained value, and BCH supporters have seen the market value increase of the coins.

各种比特币现金里程碑和新应用比特币现金迷们,还看到了一个名为Bitcoin市场的引入,该市场允许人们以对等和非托管方式进行交易。专门的SLP交易所Cryptophyl于今年推出,创建了一个以BLP为基础对的以SLP为中心的市场。今年还启动了一个加密货币交易所,该交易平台也具有基本的BCH基本对,并且也支持SLP令牌。委内瑞拉的Barquisimeto出现了一种新的加密资源,称为委内瑞拉人,有兴趣了解BCH和加密货币利益的比特币现金屋。比特币现金屋计划也正在扩展到非洲的许多国家。今年在比特币现金区块链的顶部构建了一个名为Realmx的视频游戏。BCH慈善机构在2019年显着增长,非营利性点对点食品机构Eatbch 庆祝成立一周年。Eatbch方面也取得了在非洲显著的进步和BCH社区最近资助 Eatbch代表的加纳之行。总体而言,今年以来,比特币现金网络经历了许多发展和里程碑,人们对2020年的存储感到兴奋。当回顾BCH生态系统在过去12个月的增长时,似乎发生了许多事情。就像几乎每天都会发布新消息一样。尽管批评家在网络有一些评论,但支持者对该成就感到非常满意。

The special SLP exchange, launched this year, created an SLP-centric market based on the BLP. The BCH charity, with its basic BCH platform, also supported the SLP medals. In Venezuela, Barquisimeto has a new encryption resource, known as the Venezuelans, that allows people to trade in BCH and the encoded currency cash house. The Bitco cash house scheme is also being extended to many countries in Africa. This year, at the top of the BLP cash chain, a video game called Realmx has been built. The BCH charity has grown significantly in 2019, and the non-profit sector has supported the SLP medal.


Bitcoin can be said to be BCH’s past, but after the split, BCH has been seen as a bitcoin in a new direction, and BCH has a larger block, capable of dealing with more transactions, and does not create congestion as BTC does because of the size of the blocks and the speed of processing is not keeping pace with the volume of transactions. This is also the clearest difference between BCH and BTC. This also directly results in BCH processing costs being much lower than BTC, which, because of the slow pace of processing of transactions, has rules for dealing with whose fees are higher, which is unlikely to happen. Because the BCH community is conceptually different from the current BTC community core team, it simply says that BCH has little to do with BTC, becoming a whole new currency.


The BCH can be considered an “innovation” in bitcoin, and they agree that bitcoin is capable of implementing more projects by raising the size of blocks, using the latest technology, but their radicalism has also turned them against, saying that they are profit-driven miners and do not respect the will of middle-aged minds, and that they are as passionate but too radical as historical innovators.


information: The difference between BCH and BTC, not just the size of blocks? https://www.chainnode.com/post/92169


BitcoinVSbitcoin in cash - What's Bitcoin's "partfork"? https://baijiao.baidu.com/s?id=165823572656308084&wfr=spider&for=pc


Half of Bitcoin cash (BCH) would be “catalytic” https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1648884912896004236&wfr=spider&for=pc




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