泰达币的英文缩写是USDT。 The acronym for Titanic is USDT. 什么是USDT What's a USDT? USDT 是一种加密稳定币,价值与美元等值挂钩。这意味着 1 USDT 的价值始终与 1 美元的价值相同。 USDT is an encryption . This means that the value of 1 USDT is always the same as the value of 1 dollar. USDT 的用途 Use of USDT USDT 主要用于以下用途: USDT is used mainly for the following purposes: USDT 的发行 Release of USDT USDT 由 Tether 运营,是一家位于开曼群岛的公司。Tether 声称其所有 USDT 都由等量的美元储备支持。然而,这一说法一直存在争议,因为 Tether 尚未提供第三方审计来验证其储备。 The USDT is operated by Tether, a company based in the Cayman Islands. Tether claims that all of its USDTs are supported by an equivalent dollar reserve. However, this claim has been controversial because Tether has not yet provided a third-party audit to validate its stock. 需要注意的事项 在使用 USDT 时,需要考虑以下事项: In using USDT, the following matters need to be considered: 以上就是泰达币的英文缩写是什么的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章! This is the details of the English acronym Tedacoin. Please pay more attention to other relevant articles in php in Chinese!
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