本产品隶属于北京心往科技有限公司,请您在使用本产品之前仔细阅读下列条款。您下载、安装或使用产本品或者单击“ 我同意”表明您已经阅读本协议并充分理解、遵守本协议所有条款,包括涉及免除或者限制本公司责任的免责条款、用户权利限制条款、约定争议解决方式等,这些条款均用粗体字标注。如果您不同意本协议的全部或部分内容,请不要下载、安装和使用本产品。
If you do not agree with all or part of this agreement, do not download, install or use this product.
This product is protected by the intellectual property laws of China and other countries, international intellectual property conventions (including, but not limited to, copyright laws, trademark laws, patent laws, etc.).
You are certain that you do not have ownership of this software, that this software has not been sold to the user, and that this company retains ownership of this software.
The company grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-commercial, and revocable licence to download, install, back up and use the product.
You may not modify, translate, reverse compile, reverse work, reverse translations of some or all of the software without obtaining the company’s written permission, unless expressly provided for in certain third-party software or permitted by applicable law.
3.1 如果您在使用本公司产品或服务的过程中发布相关用户内容,您需要对自己发布的所有用户内容负责。用户内容是指您发布或以其他方式使用本产品时产生的所有内容(例如:您的信息、声音、图片或其他内容)。您是您的用户内容唯一的责任人,您将承担因您的用户内容违法法律、侵犯第三方权益的所有法律责任。
3.1 You are the only person responsible for the content of your user, and you will be liable for any violation of the law or of the rights and interests of third parties because of your user's content.
3.2 在使用过程中,您将承担因下述行为而产生的全部法律责任,本公司不对您的下述行为承担任何责任:
3.2 In the course of your use, you will be held liable for all legal consequences arising from the following acts, of which you will not be liable:
- 破坏宪法所确定的基本原则的;
- 危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一的;
- 损害国家荣誉和利益的;
- 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;
- 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
- 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
- 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
- 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;
- 含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。
3.3 您同意不通过本产品从事下列行为:
3.3 You agree not to perform the following acts through this product:
(b) Unauthorized collection of information or data from other users, such as the illegal collection of personal information from third parties that violates the privacy or other legitimate civil interests of third parties;
3.4 费用
3.4 Costs
Most of our products or services are free of charge, but some of the products may contain relevant fee-for-value-added services.
We can adapt, improve, add to, or even delineate some of our products from time to time to meet our operational needs. Any updated or future version of this product or other changes are also subject to this agreement.
5.1 本产品作为一个互联网工具,基于标准的互联网规范和协议为用户提供服务,如果您认为某些服务涉及到您的权利问题,请发送邮件至: chengkai.me@gmail.com ,否则我们认为您提供的内容向大多数互联网上的内容一样,可供用户浏览、查看、下载、学习、研究。
5.1 This product serves users as an Internet tool based on standard Internet norms and protocols and, if you believe that certain services involve your rights, send emails to:
5.2 鉴于互联网的自由开放性,您通过本产品下载的任何内容仅供自己使用、学习、研究,任何未经他人授权传播他人具有版权的内容您应该承担相关的法律责任,和本产品无关。 5.2 Given the free and open nature of the Internet, any content that you download from your product is only for your own use, study, research, and any person who disseminates the copyrighted content of another person without another person's authorization should bear the relevant legal responsibility, independently of the product. 5.3 本产品支持兼容一些第三方的脚本和广告拦截规则,脚本和规则来源为第三方或用户分享,您应该慎重使用,并自行承担第三方来源脚本或规则带来的后果,和本公司无关。 5.3 The product supports the compatibility of some third-party scripts and advertising interception rules, which are shared by third parties or users, and should be used with caution and bear the consequences of third-party source scripts or rules independently of the company. 5.4 本产品的一切网络资源均来自互联网,包括用户脚本,广告拦截规则等,鉴于精力有限无法做到完全的审核,请您一旦发现有任何侵权以及危害用户安全的内容,请您务必联系我们我们将第一时间将其移除。 请发送邮件至: chengkai.me@gmail.com 5.4 All web resources for this product come from the Internet, including user scripts, advertising interception rules, etc., and in view of limited energy, it is not possible to complete the audit, please contact us to remove any violations and threats to user safety. Please send the mail to:
5.5 本公司在发布本产品之前,已尽可能对产品进行了详尽的技术测试和功能测试,但鉴于电子设备、操作系统、网络环境的复杂性,本公司不能保证本产品会兼容所有用户的电子设备,也无法保证用户在使用本产品过程中能够持续不出现任何技术故障。 5.5 Prior to the issuance of this product, the company conducted as much detailed technical and functional tests of the product as possible, but given the complexity of the electronic equipment, the operating system and the network environment, it was unable to guarantee that the product would be compatible with the electronic equipment of all users or that the user would be able to sustain no technical failure in the use of the product. 5.6 在法律允许的最大限度内,本公司无法对产品或服务做任何明示、暗示和强制的担保,包括但不限于软件的兼容性;产品一定满足您的需求或期望;或产品将不间断的、及时的、安全的、或无错误的运行。 5.6 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the company is unable to provide any express, implied or compulsory security for the product or service, including, but not limited to, the compatibility of the software; the product must satisfy your needs or expectations; or the product will operate without interruption, in a timely, safe or without error. 5.7 由于网络环境的自由与开放特征,我们的产品或服可能会被第三方擅自修改、破解发布于互联网,建议用户从本公司的官方应用渠道,如官网、本公司已申请认证的第三方应用商店下载、安装我们的产品,我们不会对任何非官方版本承担任何责任 5.7 As a result of the free and open nature of the network environment, our products or uniforms may be modified and decrypted by third parties on the Internet and users are advised to download and install our products from the official application channels of our company, such as the Official Network, the third party application stores for which our company has applied for certification, and we will not be held responsible for any unofficial version. 6.1 赔偿。在你违反本协议或你所提供的信息侵犯第三方合法权益而导致直接或间接损失的情况下,你应当赔偿其他用户、本公司、第三方合作伙伴的所有损失、费用或支出。 6.1 Compensation. In the event of direct or indirect loss resulting from a violation of this Agreement or the information provided by you against the legitimate interests of a third party, you shall pay compensation for all losses, expenses or expenses incurred by other users, by your own company or by third-party partners. 6.2 赔偿程序。可以通知你及时要求赔偿。然而,本公司未能通知不会减轻你的赔偿义务,除了在某种程度上,未能及时通知你给你造成了实质上的损害。 6.2 Compensation procedures. You may be informed in time to seek compensation. However, the company's failure to notify will not relieve you of your obligation to compensate, except to some extent by failing to inform you in a timely manner of the substantial damage caused to you. 6.3 额外的责任。你的赔偿义务不是本公司的唯一补救措施,除此之外可能本公司对你依据本协议采取其他补救措施,你的赔偿义务在本协议终止后仍存在。 6.3 Additional liability. Your obligation to make reparation is not the only remedy available to the company, and in addition to other remedies that may be taken by the company against you under this agreement, your obligation to make reparation continues after the termination of this agreement. 7.1 不可抗力:本协议有效期间,如若遭受不可抗力事件,任何一方可暂行中止履行本协议项下的义务直至不可抗力事件的影响消除,并且遭受方无需为此承担违约责任,但应及时将不可抗力事件及时通知对方,并尽最大努力克服该事件,减少损失的扩大。不可抗力指各方不能控制、不可预见或即使预见亦无法避免的事件且该事件足以妨碍、影响或延误任何一方根据本协议履行其全部或部分义务。该事件包括但不限于自然灾害、战争、法律法规变更、政府命令、计算机病毒、黑客攻击或基础电信运营商服务中断等。 7.1 Force majeure: During the life of this Agreement, if an event of force majeure has occurred, either party may temporarily suspend its obligations under this Agreement until the effects of the event of force majeure have been eliminated and the party to which it has been subjected is not liable for such breach, provided that the event of force majeure has been notified in a timely manner to the other party and every effort has been made to overcome the event and reduce the increase in loss. Force majeure means an event beyond the control of the parties, which is unforeseeable or which, even if foreseeable, cannot be avoided and which is sufficient to prevent, affect or delay the fulfilment by any party of all or part of its obligations under this Agreement. 7.2 损害限制:本公司及其分支,和所属的管理人员、董事、合伙人、雇员、承包商给你造成的所有损害赔偿额度均仅限于你使用产品支付的款额。你放弃对特殊、间接、附带或间接损害要求赔偿的权利,包括并不限于利润损失、收入、使用、或数据和应用的损失,即使本公司知道此类损失的可能性。 7.2 Limitations on damage: All damages caused to you by the company and its subsidiaries, and by its management, directors, partners, employees, contractors are limited to the amount paid by you for the use of the product. You waive the right to claim compensation for special, indirect, incidental or indirect damage, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, income, use, or loss of data and applications, even if the company is aware of the possibility of such loss. 保护用户跟个人信息安全、维护用户隐私是我们一贯的理念,并且我们贯穿于产品的开发和运营过程。为不断优化用户体验,我们会收集一下用户使用数据,但不涉及到用户敏感的私人信息,详情请参看我们的《隐私政策》,了解关于我们收集信息的内容、使用目的以及如何保护你的信息安全,《隐私政策》均构成本协议的一部分。 Protecting user and personal information security and maintaining user privacy is our consistent philosophy, and we cut through the development and operation of products. To continuously optimize user experiences, we collect user-use data, but do not involve user-sensitive private information. For details, see our Privacy Policy chengkai.me@gmail.com】 All questions, notifications, requests or requests relating to this agreement, as well as to privacy policy, should be written in Chinese and sent to the company's mailbox: [
9.2 本协议的修改。 9.2 Modifications to this Agreement. 由于业务的拓展、调整或法规变化等原因,本公司可能会适时修改本协议至被法律所允许的程度。如果调整会对您的权利与义务造成重大影响,我们会尽可能通过电子邮件、应用内通知等方式告知您。我们建议您定期访查看我们的网站和移动应用程序,关注本协议的任何变化。在本协议修改后您继续使用本产品代表您接受修改后的协议内容。 If the adjustment will have a significant impact on your rights and obligations, we will inform you, as far as possible, by e-mail, application of the notification. We suggest that you visit our website and mobile applications on a regular basis and look into any changes in the agreement. 9.3 适用法律和管辖法院。 9.3 Applicable law and competent courts. 执行本协议和所有程序引起的纠纷适用法律为中华人民共和国法律、解释。由本协议引起的所有纠纷由我们附属公司的住所地法院管辖。 The law applicable to disputes arising from the implementation of this Agreement and all proceedings is the law of the People’s Republic of China.
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