[汽车之家 新车上市] 6月16日晚,广汽传祺GS4 PHEV车型正式上市,新车共推出2款车型,其指导价区间为20.98-21.98万元,补贴后售价为17.38-18.38万元(补贴以广州为例)。新车是传祺GS4的插电式混合动力版本,其动力上搭载了1.5L阿特金森循环发动机和G-MC电耦合系统组成的插电式混动系统。关于新车的售价请见下表:
[传祺GS4 PHEV指导售价 车型 补贴前指导价(万元) 补贴后售价(万元) 尊享版 21.98 18.38 智享版 20.98 17.38
■ 新车简介
> > > > >.
外观方面,传祺GS4 PHEV基本沿用了普通燃油版车型的设计,不过其前进气格栅和尾门中央处的LOGO均带有蓝色底纹,尤其是尾部的“PHEV”标识,让人能一眼识别其新能源车型的身份。车身尺寸方面,传祺GS4 PHEV的车身尺寸为4510×1852×1708mm,轴距为2650mm,和其他版本相比整体尺寸并无变化。
In terms of physical size, the size of the vehicle is 4510 x 1852 x 1708 mm, href=http://car.autohome.com.cn/shuyu/detail_3_4_132.html” Target="_blank" > axis is 2650 mm, with no change in overall size compared to other versions.
动力方面,广汽传祺GS4 PHEV搭载1.5L阿特金森循环发动机和G-MC电耦合系统组成的混动系统,其中发动机最大功率为96马力(71kW),峰值扭矩120牛·米;电动机最大功率为177马力(130kW),峰值扭矩达300牛·米。其综合最大续航里程超过600公里。
On the power side, GS4 PHEV on 1.5L Atkinson cycle engines and G-MC coupling systems with the largest engine > 新车的混动系统有三种行驶工作模式:纯电模式下,以电池提供能源,靠电动机驱动;增程模式下发动机主要作为发电机使用,为电池充电,车辆主要依靠电动机的驱动;混动模式下(主要是高速时),发动机和电动机都为车辆提供动力,车辆为混动行驶。此外,在车辆制动的时候,则会开启制动能回收功能,驱动电机充当发电机将制动能回收储存在电池中。 The hybrid system of the new vehicle is operated in three modes: pure electrical mode, powered by batteries, driven by electric motors; incremental mode engine, used primarily as a generator, charged by batteries, and vehicle powered mainly by electric motors; and hybrid mode (mainly high-speed time), in which both engines and motors provide power for vehicles and drive vehicles for hybrids. Moreover, during vehicle braking, the brake energy recovery function is turned on, and the engine is used as a generator to store the brake energy in the battery. ■ 新车背景 new car background 传祺GS4 PHEV是GS4的插电混动版本,在GS4已经取得了很好的销量,并且建立了良好的口碑,GS4 PHEV与燃油版车型在外观和内饰方面基本相同,而主要是动力系统有所改变,将来还有可能推出纯电动版的车型。 The transmission of GS4 PHEV is an electro-mixed version of GS4, which has been well marketed in GS4 and has been well-established. GS4 PHEV is essentially the same as the fuel model in terms of appearance and interiors, but mainly the power system has changed and it is possible to introduce a pure electric model in the future. ■ 竞争对手 > > 『左:宋DM 右:荣威:eRX5』 在紧凑型SUV市场上插电混动车型并不算多,但是个个都是实力战将,包括荣威eRX5、比亚迪宋DM和宝马X1新能源等车型。在纯电续航里程和加速性能上,比亚迪宋DM都在同级别中有一定的优势,而且价格也相对低一些。宝马X1新能源则是品牌影响力更高,内饰氛围更为高档,但是价格较高。和与竞品相比,传祺GS4 PHEV的优势在于高度原创而且十分出众的造型,同时混动的方式更接近于增程式,在低速的城市道路的油耗和综合行驶里程方面会有一定优势。 ■ 新车行情和优惠政策 以广州地区为例,个别4S店已经有展车到店,订金5000-10000元。现在预订,预计在7-8月份可以提车。同时由于新车采用的是插电混动式的混动系统,所以在广州地区可以直接获得新能源专属牌照,不需要进行节能车的摇号,同时享受国家和地方补贴(1:1),购置税全免等优惠政策。 In the case of Guangzhou, for example, an individual 4S store has already arrived in the shop with a deposit of $5,000-10000. It is now scheduled to be available in July/August. Also, since the new car is based on a hybrid power-infused system, a new energy exclusive license plate is available directly in the Guangzhou area, without the need for a swing number of energy-saving vehicles, while at the same time benefiting from national and local subsidies (1:1), ■ 编辑点评 >. . >............................................................... GS4 PHEV的上市对于补充GS4车系的产品线大有帮助,能覆盖到新能源领域,在广州、上海等限购的城市也能享受到新能源车的政策优惠。在广州地区可以直接上新能源牌的优惠政策将会大大提高消费者的关注,目前的补贴后的价格在合理的区间,急于购车而受限于牌照指标的朋友可以重点考虑一下。(文/汽车之家 梁海文) The listing of GS4 PHEV will be of great help in supplementing the product lines of the GS4 system, covering new energy sources, and in cities with limited access to new energy vehicles, such as Guangzhou and Shanghai. A preferential policy for direct access to new energy plates in the Guangzhou area would greatly increase consumer interest, and the current subsidized prices would be in a reasonable region, where friends who are eager to buy cars and are limited to license plate indicators could focus on them.
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