一:使用 route 命令添加
ixff1a; add with root command
使用route 命令添加的路由,机器重启或者网卡重启后路由就失效了,方法:
The route added by the roote command xff0c; the machine reboots or the netcard reboots xff0c; method xff1a;
/ / Add to host route
/ / Add to network route
// Add default gateway
// Delete route
IIxff1a; method to set the permanent route under linuxxff1a;
Add in/etc/rc.local
Methodology & #xff1a;
route add -net dev eth0
route add -net gw
Add the end to/etc/sysconfig/network
方法:GATEWAY=gw-ip 或者 GATEWAY=gw-dev
Method & #xff1a; GATEWAY= gw-ip or GATEWAY= gw-dev
3https://blog.csdn.net/rBo1koI8criHQ/article/details/etc/sysconfig/static-router :
any net x.x.x.x/24 gw y.y.y.y
– Route命令的正确用法
– The correct use of Route's command
使用 Route 命令行工具查看并编辑计算机的 IP 路由表。Route 命令和语法如下所示:
View and edit the computer's IP route table using the Roote command line tool. Route commands and syntaxes as & #xff1a;
route [-f] [-p] [Command [Destination] [mask Netmask] [Gateway] [metric Metric]] [if Interface]]
-f 清除所有网关入口的路由表。
-f Clear route sheets for all gateway entrances.
-p 与 add 命令一起使用时使路由具有永久性。
-p Make routers permanent when used with add command.
Command 指定您想运行的命令 (Add/Change/Delete/Print)。
Command specifies the command you want to run (Add/Change/Delete/Print).
Destination 指定该路由的网络目标。
Destination specifies the network target for the route.
mask Netmask 指定与网络目标相关的网络掩码(也被称作子网掩码)。
Mask Netmask specifies a network mask associated with a network target & #xff08; also known as a subnet mask & #xff09;
Gateway 指定网络目标定义的地址集和子网掩码可以到达的前进或下一跃点 IP 地址。
Gateway specifies the address set and subnet mask that can be reached for the forward or next leap IP address of the network target definition.
metric Metric 为路由指定一个整数成本值标(从 1 至 ArrayArrayArrayArray),当在路由表(与转发的数据包目标地址最匹配)的多个路由中进行选择时可以使用。
Metric specifies an integer cost marker xff08 for routers; from 1 to ArrayArray Array) xff0c; which can be used when multiple routes are selected in the route sheets (which best match the transmitted data package target address).
if Interface 为可以访问目标的接口指定接口索引。若要获得一个接口列表和它们相应的接口索引,使用 route print 命令的显示功能。可以使用十进制或十六进制值进行接口索引。
If Interface assigns the interface index to the interface that allows access to the target. To get a list of the interfaces and their corresponding interface index xff0c; display function using the root print command. You can index the interface using decimal or hexadecimal values.
/? 在命令提示符处显示帮助。
/? Show help at the command prompt.
若要显示 IP 路由表的全部内容,请键入:
If you want to show all the contents of the IP route table xff0c; type xff1a;
route print
若要显示以 10. 起始的 IP 路由表中的路由,请键入:
If you want to show the path & #xff0c in the IP route table starting with 10. Please type & #xff1a;
route print 10.*
若要添加带有 1Array2.168.12.1 默认网关地址的默认路由,请键入:
To add a default route with 1Array2.168.12.1 default gateway address & #xff0c; type & #xff1a;
route add mask 1Array2.168.12.1
若要向带有 子网掩码和 下一跃点地址的 目标中添加一个路由,请键入:
To add a route xff0c; type xff1a;
route add mask
若要向带有 子网掩码和 下一跃点地址的 目标中添加一个永久路由,请键入:
To add a permanent route xff0c; type xff1a to a goal with subnet mask and next leap address;
route -p add mask
若要向带有 子网掩码、 下一跃点地址且其成本值标为 7 的 目标中添加一个路由,请键入:
To add a route xff0c; type xff1a;
route add mask metric 7
若要向带有 子网掩码、 下一跃点地址且使用 0x3 接口索引的 目标中添加一个路由,请键入:
To add a route & #xff0c; type & #xff1a to a goal with subnet mask, next leappoint address and index using 0x3 interfaces;
route add mask if 0x3
若要删除到带有 子网掩码的 目标的路由,请键入: route & #xff0c; type & #xff1a to delete the target with subnet mask;
route delete mask
若要删除以 10. 起始的 IP 路由表中的所有路由,请键入:
To delete all routes from the IP route table starting with 10. xff0c; type xff1a;
route delete 10.*
若要将带有 目标和 子网掩码的下一跃点地址从 修改为,请键入:
To change the next leappoint address with a objective and subnet mask from to & #xff0c; type xff1a;
route change mask
First, understand the traditional network configuration command:
- 使用ifconfig命令配置并查看网络接口情况
示例1: 配置eth0的IP,同时激活设备:
Example 1: Configure eth0's IP, also activate the device:
示例2: 配置eth0别名设备 eth0:1 的IP,并添加路由
Example 2: Configure eth0 alias devices for eth0:1 IP, and add route
Example 3: Activate & #xff08; Disable & #xff09; Device
Example 4: View all xff08; specify xff09; network interface configuration
- 使用route 命令配置路由表
Example 1: Add to host route
Example 2: Routes added to the network
Example 3: Add default gateway
Example 4: Delete route
Example 5: View route information
3.ARP 管理命令
3. ARP Management Commands
Example 1: View ARP Cache
示例2: 添加
Example 2: Add
示例3: 删除
Example 3: Delete
- ip是iproute2软件包里面的一个强大的网络配置工具,它能够替代一些传统的网络管理工具。例如:ifconfig、route等,
The examples above may well be obtained by the following ip command, and the ip command can achieve more functions. The following are some examples:
4.0 ip命令的语法
Syntax for 4.0 ip command
The use of the ip command is as follows: xff1a;
4.1 ip link set–改变设备的属性. 缩写:set、s
4.1 ip link set - Change device properties. Abbreviation & #xff1a; set, s
示例1:up/down 起动/关闭设备。
Example 1 & #xff1a; at/down Start & #xff0f; Close device.
这个等于传统的 # ifconfig eth0 up(down)
#ifconfig eth0 up (down)
Example 2: change the length of the equipment transfer queue.
参数:txqueuelen NUMBER或者txqlen NUMBER
Parameters: txqueuelen UMBER or txqlen UMBER
Example 3: changing the value of the network device MTU (maximum transport unit).
示例4: 修改网络设备的MAC地址。
Example 4: Modifying the MAC address of the network device.
参数: address LLADDRESS
Parameters: address LLADDRESS
4.2 ip link show–显示设备属性. 缩写:show、list、lst、sh、ls、l
4.2 ip link show - display device properties. & #xff1a; show, list, lst, sh, l
-S option appears twice or more times xff0c; ip produces more detailed bug statistics.
eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc cbq qlen 100
link/ether 00:a0:cc:66:18:78 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast
2449949362 2786187 0 0 0 0
RX errors: length crc fifo missed
0 0 0 0 0
TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns
178558497 1783946 332 0 332 35172
TX errors: aborted fifo window heartbeat
0 0 0 332
这个命令等于传统的 ifconfig eth0
This command is equal to the traditional ifconfig eth0
5.1 ip address add–添加一个新的协议地址. 缩写:add、a
5.1 ip address add - add a new protocol address. Abbreviation & #xff1a; add,a
Example 1: setting a string as a label for each address. For network aliases compatible with Linux-2.0, xff0c; this string must start with the device name xff0c; followed by a colon xff0c;
示例2: 在以太网接口eth0上增加一个地址192.168.20.0,掩码长度为24位(,标准广播地址,标签为eth0:Alias:
Example 2: Add an address at & #xff0c on the Ethernet interface eth0; 24-bit mask length (155.555.155.0) & #xff0c; standard broadcast address xff0c; labeled eth0: Alias:
这个命令等于传统的: ifconfig eth1:1
This order is equal to the traditional: ifconfig eth1:
5.2 ip address delete–删除一个协议地址. 缩写:delete、del、d
5.2 ip address delete - delete one protocol address. & #xff1a; delete, del,d
5.3 ip address show–显示协议地址. 缩写:show、list、lst、sh、ls、l
5.3 ip address show - Show protocol address. & #xff1a; show, lst, sh, l
5.4.ip address flush–清除协议地址. 缩写:flush、f
5.4.ip address Flush - Clear protocol address. Abbreviation & #xff1a; Flush, f
示例1 : 删除属于私网10.0.0.0/8的所有地址:
Example 1: Delete all addresses belonging to the private network of xff1a;
示例2 : 取消所有以太网卡的IP地址
Example 2: Cancel all IP addresses of Ethernet cards
- ip neighbour–neighbour/arp表管理命令
缩写 neighbour、neighbor、neigh、n
Abbreviations neighbour, neighbor, neigh, n
命令 add、change、replace、delete、fulsh、show(或者list)
Command add, change, place, delete, fulsh, show (or list)
6.1 ip neighbour add – 添加一个新的邻接条目
6.1 ip Neighbour add - add a new adjoining entry
ip neighbour change–修改一个现有的条目
ip neighbour change - modify an existing entry
ip neighbour replace–替换一个已有的条目
ip neighbour place - replace an existing entry
Abbreviations #xff1a; add, a& #xff1b; changee, chg;replace, repl
示例1: 在设备eth0上,为地址10.0.0.3添加一个permanent ARP条目:
Example 1: Add a permanent ARP entry & #xff1a on device eth0 & #xff0c; add a permanent ARP entry for address;
Example 2: Replace state with status
6.2.ip neighbour delete–删除一个邻接条目
6.2.ip neighbour delete - delete a neighbouring entry
Example 1: Delete an ARP entry on device eth0 from
6.3.ip neighbour show–显示网络邻居的信息. 缩写:show、list、sh、ls
6.3.ip neighbour show - Show information about network neighbors. #xff1a; show, list, sh, ls
示例1: # ip -s n ls
Example 1: #ip-s n/s dev eth0 lladdr 00:00:0c:76:3f:85 ref 5 used 12/13/20 nud reachable
6.4.ip neighbour flush–清除邻接条目. 缩写:flush、f
6.4.ip neighbour flush - Clear adjacent entries. Abbreviations & #xff1a; Flush, f
示例1: (-s 可以显示详细信息)
Example 1: (-s can show details)
- 路由表管理
7.1.缩写 route、ro、r
7.1. Abbreviation: roote, ro, r
7.2. Route sheets
Start with Linux-2.2 & #xff0c; kernels summarize route routes to many route tables & #xff0c; these tables are numbered xff0c; numbers range from 1 to 255. Also xff0c;
To facilitate #xff0c; it can also be named in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables.
By default & #xff0c; all routes are inserted into table main (No. 254).
7.3.ip route add – 添加新路由
7.3.ip route add
ip route change – 修改路由
ip root change - modify route
ip route replace – 替换已有的路由
ip route replace - replace an existing route
Abbreviations #xff1a; add, a& #xff1b; changee, chg;replace, repl
示例1: 设置到网络10.0.0/24的路由经过网关193.233.7.65
Example 1: Routes set to network 10.0.0/24 pass through gateway
示例2: 修改到网络10.0.0/24的直接路由,使其经过设备dummy
Example 2: Direct route to network 10.0.0/24 & #xff0c; pass through device dummy
示例3: 实现链路负载平衡.加入缺省多路径路由,让ppp0和ppp1分担负载(注意:scope值并非必需,它只不过是告诉内核,
Example 3: Achieving a chain load balance. Add default multiple path & #xff0c; load ppp0 and ppp1 (note & #xff1a; scope values are not necessary & #xff0c; it is merely telling the kernel & #xff0c;
This route goes through the gateway instead of straight. In fact, xff0c; better if you know the address of the remote endpoint xff0c; use the via parameter to set it up.
示例4: 设置NAT路由。在转发来自192.203.80.144的数据包之前,先进行网络地址转换,把这个地址转换为193.233.7.83
Example 4: Set the NAT route. xff0c prior to forwarding the data package from; network address conversion xff0c; convert this address to
示例5: 实现数据包级负载平衡,允许把数据包随机从多个路由发出。weight 可以设置权重.
Example 5: Achieve a load balance at the data package level, allowing the package to be sent randomly from multiple routes. Weight can set weights.
7.4.ip route delete-- 删除路由
7.4.ip roote delete -- delete route
Abbreviations #xff1a;delete, del,d
Example 1: Remove multi-pathic routes from the previous section of the command
7.5.ip route show – 列出路由
7.5.ip route show - list route
Abbreviations #xff1a;show,list,sh,ls,l
示例1: 计算使用gated/bgp协议的路由个数
Example 1: Calculate the number of routes using the gated/bgp protocol
1413 9891 79010
示例2: 计算路由缓存里面的条数,由于被缓存路由的属性可能大于一行,以此需要使用-o选项
Example 2: Calculate the number of bars in the cache xff0c; require the use of the -o option because the properties of the cached route may be greater than one line xff0c
159 2543 18707
示例3: 列出路由表TABLEID里面的路由。缺省设置是table main。TABLEID或者是一个真正的路由表ID或者是/etc/iproute2/rt_tables文件定义的字符串,
Example 3: List the route in the TABLEID form. The default settings are table main. TABLEID is either a true route ID or a string defined by the /etc/iproute2/rt_tables file xff0c;
or the following special value xff1a;
all – 列出所有表的路由;
All - list the route of all tables & #xff1b;
cache – 列出路由缓存的内容。
cache - list the content of the route cache.
ip ro ls tab cache
示例4: 列出某个路由表的内容
Example 4: List the contents of a route chart
示例5: 列出默认路由表的内容
Example 5: List the contents of the default route list
这个命令等于传统的: route
This command equals the traditional: roote
7.6.ip route flush – 擦除路由表
7.6.ip root flush - erase route sheets
示例1: 删除路由表main中的所有网关路由(示例:在路由监控程序挂掉之后):
Example 1: Delete all gateway routes from table main & #xff08; example & #xff1a; after the route logout & #xff09; & #xff1a;
Example 2: Clear all cloned IPv6 routes xff1a;
示例3: 在gated程序挂掉之后,清除所有的BGP路由:
Example 3: xff0c after the gated program has been hanged; clear all BGP routes xff1a;
示例4: 清除所有ipv4路由cache
Example 4: Clear all ipv4 routecache
*** IPv4 routing cache is flushed.
7.7 ip route get – 获得单个路由 .缩写:get、g
7.7 ip root get - get a single route......................................................................................................
The order is used to obtain a route to the destination address and its exact content.
ip route get命令和ip route show命令执行的操作是不同的。ip route show命令只是显示现有的路由,而ip route get命令在必要时会派生出新的路由。
The ip roote get command is different from the ip roote show command. The ip roote show command only shows the existing route & #xff0c; and the ip roote get command provides a new route when necessary.
示例1: 搜索到193.233.7.82的路由
Example 1: Search to dev eth0 src realms inr.ac cache mtu 1500 rtt 300
示例2: 搜索目的地址是193.233.7.82,来自193.233.7.82,从eth0设备到达的路由(这条命令会产生一条非常有意思的路由,这是一条到193.233.7.82的回环路由)
Example 2: The search destination is & #xff0c; from #xff0c; route from eth0 equipment & #xff08; this command creates a very interesting route & #xff0c; this is a loop route xff09 from; from dev eth0 src realms inr.ac/inr.ac
mtu 1500 rtt 300 iif eth0
- ip route – 路由策略数据库管理命令
add, delete, show (or list)
注意:策略路由(policy routing)不等于路由策略(rouing policy)。
Note & #xff1a; Strategic routeing is not the same as roading policy.
In some cases xff0c; we need not only to determine route xff0c through the destination address of the package; we may also need to use other domains xff1a; loads of source addresses, IP protocols, transmission layers ports and even data packages.
这就叫做:策略路由(policy routing)。
This is called #xff1a; strategic routeing.
8.1. ip rule add – 插入新的规则
8.1. ip rule add - Insert new rules
ip rule delete – 删除规则
ip rule delete - delete rule
Abbreviations xff1a; add, axff1b; delete, del, d
示例1: 通过路由表inr.ruhep路由来自源地址为192.203.80/24的数据包
Example 1: Data pack from the source address 192.203.80/24 by route inr.ruhep route
ip ru add from 192.203.80/24 table inr.ruhep prio 220
Example 2: Convert the source address of the data report from to & #xff0c; route through Table 1
ip ru add from nat table 1 prio 320
Example 3: Remove useless default rules
ip ru del prio 32767
8.2. ip rule show – 列出路由规则
8.2 ip rule show - list route rules
Abbreviations #xff1a;show,list,sh,ls,l
示例1: # ip ru ls
Example 1: #ip rls
0: from all lookup local
32762: from lookup fddi153
32764: from lookup fddi153
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup 253
- ip maddress – 多播地址管理
Abbreviations #xff1a;show,list,sh,ls,l
9.1.ip maddress show – 列出多播地址
9.1.ip Maddress show - List Multicast Addresses
示例1: # ip maddr ls dummy
Example 1: #ipmadr ls dummy
9.2. ip maddress add – 加入多播地址
9.2 ip maddress add — add multi-broadcast address
ip maddress delete – 删除多播地址
ip Magdress delete — delete multi-broadcast addresses
Abbreviations xff1a; add, axff1b; delete, del, d
Use these two commands & #xff0c; we can add & #xff0f; delete the links overlays that are bugged on the network interface. This command only manages the links level addresses.
示例1: 增加 # ip maddr add 33:33:00:00:00:01 dev dummy
Example 1: Increase #ipmadr add 33:33:00:01 dev dummy
示例2: 查看 # ip -O maddr ls dummy
Example 2: View #ip-Omaddr ls dummy
2: dummy
introduces himself to #xff0c; xff0c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
therefore collects a complete learning kit for Linux Transporter 2024 xff0c; it is also simple xff0c; it is hoped to help friends who want to raise themselves without knowing where to start xff0c; and at the same time to ease the burden on everyone. 既有适合小白学习的零基础资料,也有适合3年以上经验的小伙伴深入学习提升的进阶课程,基本涵盖了95%以上Linux运维知识点,真正体系化! has zero basics for small white learning xff0c; there is also an advanced course for in-depth learning and advancement of small partners who have more than three years of experience xff0c; it basically covers more than 95 per cent of Linux transporting knowledge points xff0c; real systematization xff01; 由于文件比较大,这里只是将部分目录大纲截图出来,每个节点里面都包含大厂面经、学习笔记、源码讲义、实战项目、讲解视频,并且后续会持续更新 due to the size of the document xff0c; this is only a screenshot of some of the table of contents xff0c; each node contains large-scale scripts, study notes, sourcebooks, field projects, presentation videos xff0c; and will be updated continuously . 如果你觉得这些内容对你有帮助,可以添加VX:vip1024b (备注Linux运维获取) If you think that these elements are helpful to you xff0c; add VX: vip1024b & #xff08; note Linux transport dimensions for xff09; 一个人可以走的很快,但一群人才能走的更远。如果你从事以下工作或对以下感兴趣,欢迎戳这里加入程序员的圈子,让我们一起学习成长! AI人工智能、Android移动开发、AIGC大模型、C C#、Go语言、Java、Linux运维、云计算、MySQL、PMP、网络安全、Python爬虫、UE5、UI设计、Unity3D、Web前端开发、产品经理、车载开发、大数据、鸿蒙、计算机网络、嵌入式物联网、软件测试、数据结构与算法、音视频开发、Flutter、IOS开发、PHP开发、.NET、安卓逆向、云计算 AI artificial intelligence, Android mobile development, AIG large model, C#, Go languages, Java, Linux transport dimensions, cloud computing, MySQL, PMP, network security, Python reptiles, UE5, UI design, Unity3D, Web front end development, product manager, vehicle development, big data, Honghong, computer network, embedded object networking, software testing, data structure and algorithms, audio video development, Flutter, IOS development, PHP development,.NET, Andrew Reverse, Cloud calculation 示例2: 查看 # ip -O maddr ls dummy Example 2: View #ip-Omaddr ls dummy 2: dummy 自我介绍一下,小编13年上海交大毕业,曾经在小公司待过,也去过华为、OPPO等大厂,18年进入阿里一直到现在。 introduces himself to #xff0c; xff0c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 深知大多数Linux运维工程师,想要提升技能,往往是自己摸索成长或者是报班学习,但对于培训机构动则几千的学费,着实压力不小。自己不成体系的自学效果低效又漫长,而且极易碰到天花板技术停滞不前! 因此收集整理了一份《2024年Linux运维全套学习资料》,初衷也很简单,就是希望能够帮助到想自学提升又不知道该从何学起的朋友,同时减轻大家的负担。 therefore collects a complete set of learning materials for Linux transports in 2024 & #xff0c; it is also simple & #xff0c; it is hoped that it will help friends who want to raise themselves and who do not know where to start & #xff0c; and at the same time ease the burden on everyone. 既有适合小白学习的零基础资料,也有适合3年以上经验的小伙伴深入学习提升的进阶课程,基本涵盖了95%以上Linux运维知识点,真正体系化! has zero basics for small white learning xff0c; there is also an advanced course for in-depth learning and advancement of small partners who have more than three years of experience xff0c; it basically covers more than 95 per cent of Linux transporting knowledge points xff0c; real systematization xff01; 由于文件比较大,这里只是将部分目录大纲截图出来,每个节点里面都包含大厂面经、学习笔记、源码讲义、实战项目、讲解视频,并且后续会持续更新 due to the size of the document xff0c; this is only a screenshot of some of the table of contents xff0c; each node contains large-scale scripts, study notes, sourcebooks, field projects, presentation videos xff0c; and will be updated continuously . 如果你觉得这些内容对你有帮助,可以添加VX:vip1024b (备注Linux运维获取) If you think that these elements are helpful to you xff0c; can add VX: vip1024b & #xff08; note Linux transporter for xff09; 一个人可以走的很快,但一群人才能走的更远。如果你从事以下工作或对以下感兴趣,欢迎戳这里加入程序员的圈子,让我们一起学习成长! AI人工智能、Android移动开发、AIGC大模型、C C#、Go语言、Java、Linux运维、云计算、MySQL、PMP、网络安全、Python爬虫、UE5、UI设计、Unity3D、Web前端开发、产品经理、车载开发、大数据、鸿蒙、计算机网络、嵌入式物联网、软件测试、数据结构与算法、音视频开发、Flutter、IOS开发、PHP开发、.NET、安卓逆向、云计算 AI artificial intelligence, Android mobile development, AIG large model, C#, Go languages, Java, Linux transport dimensions, cloud computing, MySQL, PMP, network security, Python reptiles, UE5, UI design, Unity3D, Web front end development, product manager, vehicle development, big data, Honghong, computer network, embedded object networking, software testing, data structure and algorithms, audio video development, Flutter, IOS development, PHP development,.NET, Andrew Reverse, Cloud calculation
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