This is an intellectual article with no horror pictures or illegal URLs.
大家應該多少都聽說過「暗網」這個神秘的網路世界,而且多半伴隨著恐怖的都市傳說,像是人口買賣、死亡直播、毒品交易、雇用殺手等等…這些都是真的嗎?到底為什麼會有暗網呢?又是誰建立了這麼一個黑暗 (!?) 的網路世界?如果好奇想要上去暗網看一看,會不會有什麼危險?這些解答,本篇將以最簡單的方式,一一告訴你關於暗網的真相。
You should have heard more or less of the mysterious online world of the Dark Net, and most of it is accompanied by the horrors of urban legends, such as human sales, live deaths, drug trafficking, hiring killers, etc. #8230; are these real? Why is there a dark net? And who created this dark (?) online world?
在開始介紹「暗網」到底是什麼之前,可以先說一下 2019 年年中的一個故事;根據新華社的消息,德國警方破獲並摧毀了暗網上的第二大交易平台「華爾街市場」,網站伺服器已經被警方控制。
Before we begin to introduce what the Dark Net really is, we can start with a story from mid-2019; according to Xinhua, the German police broke and destroyed the second largest trading platform on the Dark Web, the Wall Street Market, and the web server is already under police control.
這個其實就是位於暗網的購物網站,賣家超過五千個、客戶超過 115 萬…就數字上來看,跟大家熟悉的淘寶、AMAZON 比並不算特別突出。
This is actually a dark web shopping site with more than 5,000 vendors and more than 115 million #8230 customers; as far as the numbers are concerned, AMAZON is not more prominent than the one known to you.
不過既然位在暗網,「華爾街市場」自然有它不尋常的地方;那就是,這邊充斥著上網即可購買的毒品、駭客服務、假證件、電腦病毒等等,非法物品的數量高達 6 萬 3000 多筆。
But since it's in the dark, the Wall Street Market naturally has something unusual; that is, it's full of drugs, hacker services, fake IDs, computer viruses, etc. that can be bought online, and the number of illegal items is as high as 63 million or more.
Such a web site would naturally not be able to buy for everyone in the sun (that is to say, on the Internet that you are usually on); it would thus thrive in a dark, untraceable "black net".
事實上,大家常用的 Gmail、Netflix,都可以算是深網的一部分。(震驚?) In fact, Gmail and Netflix, which are commonly used, are all part of the deep web. 暗網及深網是兩個不同的東西,而且都是真實存在的。事實上,大家平常上網就已經大量的在使用深網了。根據定義,只要是「無法被搜尋引擎檢索到的網站」都被稱作深網,也就是說,大家的 Gmail 信箱、Netflix 裡的影片,甚至是未設為公開的 YouTube 影片、許多人的 Facebook 帳號,都可以被歸類為「深網」的一部分。 Dark and deep webs are two different things, and they are all real. In fact, you usually have a lot of access to deep webs. By definition, "sites that cannot be retrieved by search engines" are referred to as deep webs, which means that your Gmail mailboxes, videos in Netflix, even unpublished YouTube videos, and many people's Facebook accounts can be classified as part of the Deep Web. ▲ 表網路、深網、暗網的不同 The difference between the watch network, the deep web, the dark web. 而「暗網」則是「深網」的一部分,一般恐怖的都市傳說也都是指這裡。要上暗網,必須要透過專屬的瀏覽器,使用一般瀏覽器無法進入的網址,最常見的就是「洋蔥路由器(TOR)」,除了洋蔥外,還有其他諸如 I2P、freenet 等等。 The Dark Net is part of the Deep Net, and the usual horror urban legends refer to it here. To get on the dark net, you have to go through a dedicated browser, use an URL that the general browser cannot access, the most common being the Onion Router (TOR), which, in addition to onions, has other things like I2P, Freenet, and so on. 通常暗網的網址就是指洋蔥,網址以 .onion 結尾。像是這個網址,用一般的瀏覽器就進不去:https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/,可是透過洋蔥瀏覽器點擊後,就可以看到下圖畫面: The URL of the dark web is usually the onion, which ends with the.onion. Like this, a normal browser cannot enter: https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/, but the image below can be seen after clicking on the onion browser: ▲ Facebook 也有推出官方的暗網版本。 Facebook also has an official dark web version. 為什麼有暗網? why is there a dark net? 暗網最初是由美國海軍資助的計畫。 The Internet was originally funded by the United States Navy. 暗網成立的初衷,是為了建立一個不被追蹤的點對點網路,所以在軍用目的上非常有價值;這項技術是由美國海軍研究試驗室(United States Naval Research Laboratory)國防部高級研究項目署(DARPA)在 1990 年資助的,可以說是美國打造了最初的暗網原型。 Darknet was created to create an untraced point-to-point network, and is therefore very valuable for military purposes; this technique was funded in 1990 by the United States Naval Research Laboratory, the Department of Defense's High-Level Research Project (DARPA), which could be described as the original dark net prototype in the United States. 只是,如果是軍方用途,為何又會流出給一般百姓使用呢? Only, if it's for military use, why would it go out for the general population? ▲ 暗網始祖「洋蔥計畫」的主持人 Roger Dingledine。 Roger Dingledine, the host of the Dark Net's original Onion Project. 根據當初洋蔥專案的計畫主持人 Roger Dingledine 在 2004 年的演講所說,如果要讓暗網真正達到匿名的目的,就「一定得開放給公眾使用」,這樣一來,政府情報人員才可以隱身在廣大的人群之中。 According to Roger Dingledine, the project host of the project on the first onion, in a speech in 2004, if the dark web is to truly reach the objective of anonymity, it is "must be open to the public" so that government agents can remain invisible in a large crowd. 否則,當有網站主發現自己的網頁有個來自洋蔥瀏覽器的訪問時,就會知道: Otherwise, when a webmaster discovers that his web page has an interview from an onion browser, he will know: 「噢,又有一個 CIA 探員來逛我的網站了。」 "Oh, there's another CIA agent visiting my website." 為了避免這種情況,把洋蔥瀏覽器釋出給大眾,讓人人都可以上暗網,才是美國政府的目的。 In order to avoid this, it is the United States government's goal to release the onion browser to the public so that everyone can access the Internet. 連上暗網的方式一點也不神秘,甚至簡單到讓人想像幻滅。 Even the way in which the dark web is connected is not mysterious, it's even so simple that it can be imagined. 要上暗網(不是深網,大家平常就已經在逛深網了),只要下載「洋蔥瀏覽器(TOR)」就行了。直接到 TOR 官網、下載,然後就像平常上網那樣使用,是不是讓很多人想像幻滅呢?TOR 就是最早由美過海軍資助的專案所開發出來的瀏覽器,現在由當初創辦人成立的?The Tor Project 非營利機構繼續維護。 If you want to go to the dark net (not deep, you're usually already in the dark), just download the Onion Browser (TOR). Do you think many people would imagine that if you go directly to the TOR network, download it, and then use it like they usually do on the Internet? The TOR is the browser that was first developed by the US Navy-funded project, and is now being maintained by the original founder? The Tor Project is a non-profit institution. TOR 官網請點此,支援多個平台,甚至連 Google Play 都有上架手機版;瀏覽器也有提供簡體中文版本。 真的,但並非下載瀏覽器後就會被殺手鎖定。 It's true, but it's not a download browser, and it's locked up by the killer. 知道了什麼是暗網、深網,以及如何上去後,大家最在意的應該還是裡頭的內容吧!到底暗網是不是如同網路跟媒體所說,充斥著大量犯罪、恐怖的網站呢? Know what the dark web, the deep web, and how to get up there, should everyone care more about what's inside it? Is the dark web full of crime and horror sites, as the Internet and the media say? 是的。 Yes. 不過,暗網跟表網路一樣只是一種網路形態而已,能不能進去主要還是看你有沒有「門路」,也就是有沒有那些非法網站的網址。沒有網址,TOR 也就是個瀏覽器罷了。而真正的犯罪分子,哪怕進不去暗網,在 Facebook 上也是有辦法犯罪,所以大家不用太過妖魔化暗網這個東西。 However, the dark web is just like the watch network. Whether you can go in there depends on whether you have a "door" or a web address for illegal sites. Without a URL, Tor is just a browser. And the real criminals, even if they don't get into the dark web, are able to commit a crime on Facebook, so you don't have to demonize it too much. 但由於暗網本身不易被追蹤的特性,確實讓不少非法買賣在上面進行,最有名的就是非法界的 eBay 「絲路(Silkroad)」網站。 But because of the fact that the dark web itself is not easily tracked, it does allow many illegal sales to take place, the most famous being the illegal eBay "Silkroad" website. ▲ 已被 FBI 抄掉的「絲路」網站 The "Silence Road" website has been copied by the FBI. 非法界的 eBay – 絲路 eBay & #8211; 絲路事件讓普羅大眾開始認識暗網。 As a result of the Shiloh incident, the public began to know the dark web. 2013 年 10 月,FBI 抄掉了暗網上最大的毒品、槍枝買賣網站「絲路(Silkroad)」,在報告中也指出,至少有六名受害者被絲路上雇來的殺手所殺,真正是什麼都有、什麼都買、什麼都不奇怪的網站。根據富比世的估計,絲路在短短兩年間就創造了約 12 億美元的利潤。 In October 2013, the FBI took down Silkroad, the largest drug and gun buying and selling site on the Internet, and reported that at least six victims had been killed by killers hired on Silk Road, who had everything, bought anything, and did nothing strange. According to Fubic estimates, Silk Road created about $1.2 billion in less than two years. 在主流媒體開始報導絲路事件後,網站流量也迅速的攀升,可以說正因為美國政府的大動作,才讓大眾第一次知道「暗網」這個神秘的網路世界。 After the mainstream media began to report on the Silk Road incident, the web traffic also rose rapidly, and it can be said that it was because of the American government’s big move that the public first learned about the mysterious Internet world, the “Dark Net.” ▲ 絲路被主流媒體報導後的流量曲線 The flow curve after Shizuku's coverage by mainstream media 在絲路被抄掉的短短幾個月後,前網站擁有者又成立了「絲路 2.0」,在 2014 年,FBI 再次抄掉絲路 2.0,並逮補了創辦人;而在絲路 2.0 被關閉後短短幾個小時,絲路 3.0 又順勢而生。類似絲路這樣的網站,在暗網上更是多不勝數。 Just a few months after the Silk Road was carved, the former site owner set up "Sillet 2.0" and, in 2014, the FBI took the Silk Road 2.0 again and arrested the founder; while Silk Road 2.0 was closed for just a few hours, it was 3.0 again. Web sites such as Silk Road are more numerous on the dark web. 滿滿的殺手、毒品、槍枝網站,是真的嗎? 駭客表示:很多詐騙。 The hackers say that there are many frauds. ▲ 暗網上的殺手僱傭網頁,來源:reddit Killer's web page, source: Reddit 在暗網上稍微逛一下,其實也不難發現大量的非法買賣網站。但這些都是真的嗎?說實話…沒人知道,因為任何人都可以輕易地架設一個網頁,宣稱提供非法服務,並直接騙走你的比特幣。 It's not hard to find a lot of illegal buying and selling sites on the dark web. But are these true? Honestly #8230; no one knows, because anyone can easily set up a web page that claims to provide illegal services and steals your bitcoins directly. 事實上,曾經有駭客入侵了殺手網站,並揭露了管理員的內部郵件,裡面清楚地寫道: In fact, there was a hacker hacking into the killer's website and exposing the manager's internal e-mail, which clearly states: 我們在全世界都有接到聘請殺手的請求,但我們是直接把這些雇主的資訊交給警方。 We've been asked to hire killers around the world, but we're giving these employers information directly to the police. 另一封信也提到: Another letter also mentions: 我們成立網站,專門騙那些心懷不軌的人的錢。我們是有道德的。 We set up a website to trick people who don't want money. We're ethical. 而暗網最早被「陽光世界」裡的人們所熟知,有可能是與一起綁架案有關,在 2017 年(其實更早暗網就已經非常蓬勃了),一名中國女孩章瑩穎在伊利諾大學失蹤,而在警方追查嫌犯時,發現嫌犯的電腦經常在暗網搜尋「綁架教學」、「完美綁架」、「策劃綁架」等令人毛骨悚然的文章。 While Darknet was first known to people in Sunny World, possibly linked to a kidnapping case, in 2017 (which was already very strong earlier), a Chinese girl was missing at Illinois University, and when the police traced the suspect, the suspect’s computer often searched for creepy articles like Kidnapping Pedagogical, Perfect Kidnapping, Planning Kidnapping, etc. 這起事件,也讓民眾不由的聯想暗網的犯罪與失蹤案的關聯。 The incident also led the public to think about the connection between the crime of the dark Internet and the disappearance. 暗網上滿滿的犯罪網站? /strang > > 根據一份 2016 年由倫敦國王學院做出的報告,指出在他們找到的 5,205 個暗網網站中,有 1,547 個網站含有非法內容,包括毒品、洗錢、非法色情、駭客、暴力等等。 According to a report The King's College in London in 2016, of the 5,205 dark web sites they found, 1,547 websites contained illegal content, including drugs, money laundering, illegal pornography, hackers, violence, etc. ▲ 倫敦國王學院做出的報告 The report from the King's College in London. 這樣的比例確實高出表網路許多,但由於暗網的匿名機制,成為犯罪滋生的溫床倒也合理。不過這樣的比例可能也低於許多人的想像,畢竟還是有 70% 的暗網網站是很正當的,與一般表網路沒有不同。 Such a ratio is certainly much higher than that of the Internet, but it makes sense because of the anonymity of the Internet, to be a breeding ground for crime. But it may also be lower than many think, after all, that 70% of the dark Internet sites are positive, no different from the general Internet. 其他恐怖的都市傳說 other terrible urban legends 大家會進來這篇文章,多少是因為看了網路上人口販賣或是死亡直播才找到的吧。事實上,沒有任何一起可信的證據指出這類犯罪確實有在暗網上進行。雖然沒有人可以保證這些事情不曾發生,但,至少從 FBI 或其他官方的紀錄上看不到。 There is no credible evidence that the crime was actually committed on the Internet. No one can guarantee that it never happened, but at least it is not seen in the FBI or in other official records. 雖然很令美國政府頭疼,但暗網的存在有其必要性。 Despite the headaches of the United States Government, there is a need for the existence of the dark web. 暗網最初是作為軍事用途,現在政府機關也還是使用的大宗。雖然匿名的機制導致了犯罪網站的滋生,但為了維護探員的匿名性,暗網工具在可預見的未來肯定還是會開放給大眾的。 The dark web was originally used for military purposes and is now used by government agencies. Although anonymous mechanisms have given rise to criminal sites, to preserve the anonymity of agents, dark Internet tools will certainly be available to the public in the foreseeable future. 但就如同前面所說,暗網只是一種網路、洋蔥只是一種瀏覽器,犯罪與否完全在於自己的決定。暗網不是什麼恐怖、神秘的東西,如果是為了安全性使用洋蔥瀏覽器,更是完全可以接受的正當理由。 But, as has been said, the dark web is just a web, the onions are a browser, and the crime is entirely in its own hands. The dark web is not a scary, mysterious thing, and it is a perfectly acceptable reason to use the onions browser for safety. 至於一般人好奇的恐怖網站,雖然有些是真的,但大多數沒有可靠的證據支持,大家還是當作都市傳說看看就好吧! As for the most curious terror sites in general, although some of them are true, most of them have no reliable evidence to support them, so let's just think of them as urban legends! 所以說穿了,暗網不過就是一種網路而已,不過是難以追查、找到源頭的網路。 That's why the dark net is just a network, but it's hard to trace and find the source. 也正因為這種特性,上面才自然而然展現了人類醜陋的一面,因為躲在暗網的背後,不易被警方抓到(儘管如此,絲路與華爾街市場還是被破了,歹路不可行啊);所以「暗網」這兩個字本身是中性的,所以 Facebook 等網站才會有洋蔥版,要說是暗網版也可以。 And it is because of this characteristic that the ugly side of the human face is naturally displayed, because hiding behind the dark net is not easy for the police to catch (albeit, the streets of Silk Road and Wall Street have been broken, and it is not possible to do so); so the word "dark net" is neutral in itself, so Facebook and other sites have onions, if any. 真正可怕的,還是利用這種網路特性進行犯罪的人;但各國政府也相當積極在追查暗網上的犯罪事件,就連絲路等老牌非法網站都被抄了,想在暗網上犯罪還是別幻想了吧! It's really scary, it's still someone who's using this Internet identity to commit a crime; but governments are also very active in tracking down crimes on the Internet, and even old illegal websites such as the Silk Road have been confiscated, so don't think about committing crimes on the Internet. ?
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