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前十名的美國上市礦企總市值超246億美元,共開採了超2.1萬枚比特幣,且隨著比特幣減半後利潤空間的大幅壓縮,這些企業已給出應對之策,礦企之間的算力擴張、業務轉型與吞併之爭已然開啟。 The top 10 listed United States mining companies, with a total market value of over $24.6 billion, have launched more than 21,000 bits of currency and, with the loss of half of the latter’s post-exploitation space, these companies have responded to the problem, and the competition between them for expansion, business transformation and annexation has opened up. 10x Research:山寨幣正處熊市,115種代幣較今年高點平均下跌50% 代幣解鎖和不利的流動性指標是此次山寨幣崩盤的主要誘因。 市場將會橫盤整理,或下跌直到第三季末/第四季。 在談論這輪行情之前,讓我們先回顧一下上輪多頭市場和A股多頭市場的規律。 1000個比特幣現貨ETF購買者名單揭露:總投資規模超115億美元,對沖基金佔大頭 Q1 季度BTC ETF 的買家都有誰? (附完整投資者名單!) Arthur Hayes:日本拋售美債或迫使聯準會印鈔,將為加密市場帶來新一輪牛市 如果聯準會大規模印鈔回購日本拋售的美債,將為加密貨幣市場帶來新一輪美元流動性。 加密市場震盪行情下Runes現“小牛市”,Meme“動物園”行情引關注 近日,加密貨幣市場整體呈現動盪普跌的態勢。儘管如此,比特幣生態的符文(Runes)卻在這波跌勢中仍然表現活躍,形成了以動物主題為主導的meme「小牛市」行情。 In recent days, the encrypt currency market as a whole has been marked by a downward trend. Despite this, the bit currency’s living symbol (Runes) has been active in this wave of decline, creating a meme “cow market” that is dominated by animal themes. Bitlayer研究:首個基於BitVM的比特幣Layer 2 Bitlayer Study: First Biter 2 on BitVM Bitlayer是第一個基於BitVM方案的比特幣Layer 2網路安全等效項目,旨在提供與比特幣等同的安全性,並且支援圖靈完備,即可以執行任何可能的計算或程式。 OP_CAT: BTC Layer2 Missing Part? 如果重新啟用OP_CAT 的提議獲得批准,則可以在六個月到一年內實施,具體取決於社區的共識和測試階段的結果。 If the re-enactment of the OP_CAT proposal is approved, it can be implemented within six months to one year, depending on the results of the community's consensus and testing phase. 比特幣生態里程碑:Zulu利用Bitcoin Script實現ZKP驗證 近期比特幣生態中一個重要里程碑的事件,Zulu宣布實現首個利用Bitcoin Script 的zk-SNARK驗證(ZKP),實現了比特幣腳本進行ZKP,這意味著比特幣網路可以對layer2進行驗證。這是真正意義的layer2,它將繼承比特幣網路的安全性的。 In a recent landmark in the Bitcoin ecosystem, Zulu announced that the first zk-Snark test (ZKP), using Bitcoin Script, had produced a bitcoin script for ZKP, which means that the Bitcoin network can test the player 2. This is the real player2, which will inherit the security of the Bitcoin network. 更多相關內容,請查看專題:《超越數位黃金:BRC-20與銘文,開啟比特幣嶄新篇章》 For more information on the subject, please look at: . ZRO 上線會是什麼價格?空投分配會增加嗎?如何制定交易計畫? Layerzero的付錢領ZRO是第一個,但未來絕對不是最後一個。 Layerzero's payment to ZRO was the first, but the future is definitely not the last. 強制捐贈、狩獵女巫,LayerZero空投大戲落幕,鏈上數據下降90% 在這波女巫狩獵行動過程中,LayerZero賺足了眼球,卻似乎沒能真正為鏈上活躍帶來多大的收穫。 LayerZero drops in the air and sings the song of a fury rich story? LayerZero空投了,但又好像沒空投。今晚還有必要領嗎? Layer Zero dropped it, but I don't think there's a drop. Do you need it tonight? 這是屬於Base最好的時代,也是屬於Onchain建造者的絕佳機會。 This is the best time of Base and an excellent opportunity for Onchain's builders. AO currency economic model released, how to maximize AO currency capture? AO 的取得取決於資金量的大小以及持有的代幣資產類型,我們所要做的也就是在有限的資金量下尋求AO 代幣獲取的資金效率最大化方式。 The acquisition of AO depends on the size of the amount of money and the type of money we hold, and what we have to do is find ways to maximize the efficiency of the AO's gains at a limited amount of money. 用自己的DNA賺錢?快速瀏覽Pantera 最新投資的DeSci計畫GenomesDAO 從投資的角度而言,GenomesDAO 擁有可用的產品、可賺取的收入、有潛力的敘事、開發者的持之以恆。 From the point of view of investment, GenemesDAO has available products, income to earn, potential narratives, and the persistence of developers. Sonic獲1200萬融資,打造首個為遊戲而生的Solana L2 Solana 原子化的SVM Layer2 Sonic宣布完成1,200 萬美元A 輪融資,由Bitkraft 領投,Galaxy Interactive、Big Brain Holdings、Matt Sorg (Solana 創始團隊) 、Nom (Bonk) 等多家機構與個人參投。 Solana's atomic SVM Layer2 Sonic announced the completion of a $12 million A rotation, led by Bitkraft, with the participation of various institutions and individuals such as Galaxy Interactive, Big Brain Holdings, Matt Sorg (Solana Founding Group), Nom (Bonk). Eigenlayer 第一季EIGEN 空投的第二階段將在未來幾天內上線。 Eigenlayer, the second stage of Eigen drop in the first quarter will be online in the next few days. 專訪Astar創辦人:吹響日本Web3號角,「索尼鏈」即將迎來重大更新 日前,恰逢Astar Network創辦人Sota Watanabe來到中國,PANews與其約見並進行了專訪。交談期間,Sota分享了個人經驗以及Astar計畫的發展歷程,對於外界關切的「Sony Chain」的新近動態,他也透露了部分細節。 2個月「攫取」3000萬美元,Solana最大的三明治攻擊者日賺57萬美元引眾怒 在有記錄的2個月的時間內,arsc共獲利20.95萬個SOL,平均每天獲利3800 SOL,日均收入約為57萬美元。這項收入能力甚至超過了近日爆火的MEME幣發行平台。 In the two months that have been recorded, Arsc has been able to earn 20,95 million SOLs, an average of 3,800 SOLs a day, with an average income of about $570,000 a day. This income capacity is even greater than the recent fire of the MEME dollar platform, 川普主題MEME幣DJT抓馬劇情:發行人「自爆」且有詐騙前科,代幣日內跌幅超六成 近日,MEME幣DJT因「最純川普概念幣」的傳言爆火,但隨後上演一波三折劇情,最終這位神秘操盤手Martin Shkreli也在懸賞活動中不得已自曝身份。 In recent days, MEME coin DJT has exploded as a result of rumours of "the purest Trump concept coin", but it was followed by a wave of dramas, and finally Martin Shkreli, the mysterious player, was forced to expose his identity during the award. 比特幣第一起竊盜案:一位加密OG因秘鑰洩漏被竊2.5萬枚比特幣 the first theft of bitcoin: 25,000 bitcoins were stolen by an encrypted OG key leak Allinvain最大的錯誤是他將未加密的金鑰保存在自己的電腦上。 Allinvain’s biggest mistake is that he saves unencrypted keys on his computer. 觀點:Vitalik錯了,加密領域確實需要「愚蠢」的Memecoin 名人擁抱Memecoin可能為加密提供了正確的推動力,從長遠來看可以改善基礎設施。 Famous hugging Memecoin may provide the right push for encryption and improve the infrastructure from a long perspective. Layer3遊戲公鏈Xai交易量飆升達60倍,繫最新活動掀起熱潮 Layer3 public chain Xai trades up to 60 times, sparking a surge in recent events Xai推出「Xai Vanguard:Genesis」活動後首周表現不俗,其初露鋒芒是正式崛起還是曇花一現? 速覽Tether新平台Alloy:由XAU?支援的全新合成美元平台 全球最大穩定幣發行商Tether推出的開放平台「Alloy by Tether」允許創建由Tether Gold支援的不同綁定資產,旨在為用戶提供一種日常使用和資產管理提供可靠且多功能的數位貨幣。 登頂Steam榜首,Notcoin類遊戲Banana爆火出圈 沒有人會跟點擊賺錢過不去。 發現漏洞先吃再報?加密安全獨角獸CertiK與交易所Kraken公開撕逼 昨晚,加密貨幣交易所Kraken 和區塊鏈安全公司CertiK 在社群媒體上就一系列嚴重的安全漏洞問題發生了公開對峙。 Last night, the encrypted currency exchange Kraken and the sector chain security company CertiK openly confronted social media with a series of serious security gaps. 深入解讀Optopia:AI Agent加成下的Intent-Centric Layer2落地實踐 最近上網主網的Optopia或許能為市場帶來經濟誘因驅動下的AI Agent 與Intent-Centric結合的最新工程化實務參考。 從構想到現實:Espresso如何透過共享排序實現L2擴充? 排序器作為區塊鏈網路不可或缺的一個元件,交易排序已成為二層(L2)領域日益嚴重的問題。今天我們就來看看這個問題的解決方案---共享排序協議Espresso如何實現去中心化排序,優化區塊鏈交易。 FHE作為加密學的聖杯,能夠透過其獨特的演算法使得第三方能夠在不解密的情況下,對加密資料進行任意次數的計算和操作,為隱私計算提供全新的可能性。 從理論到實踐:Based Rollup能否實現L1排序驅動的Rollup方案 Based Rollup 是一種透過L1 排序來實作Rollup 擴充的新方案。本文深入探討了此技術的歷史背景、設計優勢和不足之處,以及其在現階段的實際應用。 幣安CEO:預計比特幣將在今年底前超過8萬美元,加密產業明年會更出色 某用戶羅列Zksync「老鼠倉」證據,稱這些「老鼠倉」地址獲得近5000萬枚ZK代幣 Consensys:以太坊經受住了美SEC的考驗,SEC不會指控以太坊的銷售屬於證券交易行為 Andrew Kang:預計現貨以太坊ETF批准將延遲1-2個季度 Andrew Kang: Anticipating a delay of 1-2 quarters with ETF approval by the Tails. Arthur Hayes預測未來3年內Aptos將超越Solana成為第二大L1 Arthur Hayes predicts that Aptos will be the second largest L1 in the next three years beyond Solana
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