
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:57 评论:0



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Everyone's saying the block chain is the third generation of the Internet, the value of the Internet. Why?


The earliest networks are analogue communication networks, dealing mainly with cable digital exchanges, telephone voice exchanges, fax video exchanges, but video-screening telephones have never flown because of simulating bandwidth restrictions. At this point, the information exchange can only be relatively simple, day-to-day and work-related.


Then the digital communication network, coupled with the TCP/IP-based package exchange protocol, has become the ubiquitous Internet and mobile Internet today. The earliest Internet, too, has only been able to communicate some static information.


So, the time calls for a third generation of networks, the value Internet. And then, with Bitcoin's birth in 2009, the block chain became the value network behind it.


The primary premise of value is the need to identify the owner of the asset. This is the first problem to be solved by the block chain.


First, block chains apply cryptography, using a public-key private key mechanism that secures the use of the only public key only if the asset is signed by a private key. If a person signs his own asset with a private key, then others can no longer declare ownership of the asset and cannot be tampered with, because others do not have his private key. So, for a signature of an asset, the sole ownership of the asset is guaranteed, both theoretically and arithmetically.


Secondly, the block chain applies a distributed consensus mechanism that guarantees the chronological order of the declaration of ownership, which guarantees that the first declaration is the true sole owner of an asset only if there is a chronological order. The mechanism is to collect the sequence of statements over a certain period of time by one node, then to be witnessed and validated by a large number of other nodes, and if most nodes are accepted, the order of the statement is recognized and established. Not found, or based on, most recognized democratic institutions.


Finally, through chain structures, encryption of Hashi and distributional books, historical ownership is guaranteed for a long time and cannot be changed. The record of ownership of these histories, which is accepted by most groups, is credible. That is to say, most of the statements were heard, witnessed, and it was impossible to deny.


In these ways, the block chain can be authenticated and undeniably determine who owns what. Then another premise that needs to be addressed is a safe and secure exchange of values. Values are expressed in supply and demand, and there is no value without exchange. How does the block chain solve a reliable exchange?


First, it is cryptology that allows the owner to release his or her assets and transfer them to another person by providing a signature certification. Once another person has the assets, he or she can transfer them to another person only by means of a signature authenticated by his or her own private key. This guarantees that the transferring party does have the corresponding assets. The transferred party does receive the corresponding assets in order to continue the transfer.

其次,贯彻“Code is Law”的思想,采用脚本和智能合约的技术,保障交易只能在符合条件的情况下,才能真正发生。如果条件不能满足,那么相应的交易就会失败,等于什么都没有发生。这种自动化的交易机制,除了人,让机器和系统也能参与到交易中来。

Second, the idea of implementing & ldquo; Code is Law” using scripts and smart contract techniques that guarantee that transactions can actually take place only if they are qualified. If the conditions are not met, the corresponding transaction will fail and nothing will happen. This automated trading mechanism, apart from people, allows machines and systems to participate in the transaction.


And again, by establishing the order of transactions through a consensus mechanism, the question of &ldquao; & & & rdquao; digital money or & digital assets is resolved. Once the order of transactions is determined, which of the same assets first happens, which of them happens later, it becomes clear. So that the determination that occurs first, and then that happens, is invalid, so that there is no double flower.


Finally, the confirmation of a transaction requires a majority of confirmations and consensus and is recorded and cannot be changed.


With & & & ldquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, the value is done. And the block chain solves these two problems and becomes the cornerstone of the third generation of Internet value, making value Internet possible and real.


With the value of the Internet, there will be more room for imagination later, and that is why large companies, countries cannot ignore the technology of block chains and the changes that may be brought about.


Electronics and Technology (www.diankeji.com) is a leading information medium focused on the global TMT industry.

作为今日头条青云计划、百家号百+计划获得者,2019百度数码年度作者、百家号科技领域最具人气作者、2019搜狗科技文化作者、2021百家号季度影响力创作者,曾荣获2013搜狐最佳行业媒体人、2015中国新媒体创业大赛北京赛季军、 2015年度光芒体验大奖、2015中国新媒体创业大赛总决赛季军、2018百度动态年度实力红人等诸多大奖。

As the winner of today’s leading Qingyun Project, the 100+ Project, the digital annual authors of 2019, the 100th most popular in science and technology, the 2019 dog-searchers, the 2021st quarterly influence creators, the best industry media promoter of the 2013 search, the Beijing Quakers of the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship Competition, the 2015 luminous experience award, the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship final season, the 2018-degree dynamic year Red Man, and many other prizes.



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