
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:52 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: 用户6878868063,(https://xueqiu.com/6878868063/109854365)


Some say that the greatest invention of mankind in the first 10 years of the twenty-first century is Bitcoin. Others say that bitcoin is one of the greatest innovations in the financial field in nearly 500 years. Bitcoin has emerged not only as a destabilizing financial sector, but as a new, decentralized system of social exchange value management that is applied to all walks of life.

一个真实的例子,先让你感受下比特币的“威力”。2010年5月22日,一位名叫Laszlo Hanyecz的程序员,用1万枚比特币购买了两个披萨,到了今天,一万个比特币已经从当初的40美元涨到了7千多万美元,而如果按照2017年12月的比特币价格计算,将高达1.8亿美元!这就是整个人类社会,对比特币的价值最有力的表现。

On May 22, 2010, a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins. Today, 10,000 bitcoins have risen from the original $40 to over $70 million, and would be as much as $180 million if calculated at the December 2017 Bitcoin price. This is the most powerful expression of the value of Bitcoin for the entire human society.


What is a bitcoin? First, remember that bitcoin is an electronic currency based on p2p and cryptography. The point-to-point transmission (p2p) means a decentralised payment system that, unlike most currencies, does not depend on a specific monetary institution for distribution, which is generated by a large number of calculations based on a particular algorithm.


Remembering this concept, we learned the wonders of Bitcoin through an application:


In the second grade of a primary school, in order to motivate students to pursue their studies, Mr. Wang ranked after each examination, with the top 10 with three small red flowers, 10-20 with one small red flower, and the last 5 with one small red flower. The change in the small red flower is recorded by the class leader, Yangyang, and the number of small red flowers can be converted into animation books or beautiful stationery in the bookshelves of the class.


In reality, the bank's duties are the same as those of the class leader Yang-yang - it's the bookkeeping (but it's the saffron and the bank's the money). Pay is paid, and the bank adds $5,000 to your account; buys a bottle of shampoo minus $20; deposits plus interest of $100 a year; transfers are reduced by 1000 on your account and by 1000 on the account of the other party...


The biggest difference between a bank and a class leader, Yang Yang, who serves you free of charge, is that banks ask us how much money we charge, how much we charge, how much we pay, how much we pay, how many high-rise buildings and how many employees we hire.


But it's not very solid to rely on the class leader's yang-yang recording system (the bank relies on government intervention), because students start making small saffrons themselves in order to be able to change books and stationery. Small saffrons have grown faster than bookcases, eventually causing them to stop believing in small flowers.


The teacher came up with a way to move away from a small red flower in physical form, but instead to keep a check. Each student has his own “saffle account book” and has a “Saffron account” in his class chief's place. When a transaction takes place, the student fills in his own account book under the witness of the class leader. If a classmate tries to change his own account in secret, but it doesn't match the class leader's general account, the problem becomes clear.


A system like this solves the problem of students making their own small saffrons, but the good news is not long, and the monetary system soon collapses, because one day, one of the


In response to this situation, teachers have once again taken advantage of their talents, as follows:


1) no longer have a master record;


2) The owner of the class jointly maintains an account book, which is updated every 10 minutes, regardless of changes, and is updated to inform all students;


3) Every day after school, all students who want to keep their books together calculate today's transactions, the first of them being rewarded.


(4) After daily calculation, a transaction can only be recognized if it is consistent with the records of the vast majority of students.


So it's hard for someone to change the books secretly, and he has to reconcile the books of the entire class, and only if the vast majority (more than half) of them are able to match the accounts with you (perhaps there are individual classmates) will the deal be accepted. It also motivates the students to calculate the accounts, because the first ones to calculate are rewarded. and this model is the bitcoin system that exists in Bitcoin.


In this scene:

① 账本上的小红花就是一种数字货币,相当于比特币。

1 Saffron on the books is a digital currency equivalent to bitcoin.

② 全班同学组成的网络就是一个p2p网络。每个同学就相当于一个节点。

2 The whole class network is a p2p network. Each student is equal to a node.

③ 同学+账本共同组成的系统就好比一个区域链。

3 A system of shared accounts is like a regional chain.

④ 不存在一个保存在班长那里的“小红花总账”,这就是去中心化。

4 There does not exist a small saffron ledger kept at the class leader, which is decentralised.

⑤ 最先计算出来的同学会得到奖励,这个就是挖矿。

5 First calculated reunions are rewarded, and this is mining.

⑥ 有个同学用计算器,算的比别人快,这个计算器就相当于矿机。

6 A student uses a calculator to calculate faster than anyone else, and this calculator is equivalent to a miner.

⑦ 如果同学的账本上面都不写自己的名字,而是用自己想的符号表示,这就是匿名性的体现。

7 If your classmate's books don't contain his own name, it's an expression of anonymity.


At first, Bitcoin was of little value, and only his inventors were willing to dig mines. After China’s silent excavation of more than a million bitcoins, people began to join the mining team. And then some real-estate shops, websites, etc. began to accept bitcoin payments, and the demand for bitcoins became more and more valuable.




The article is based on a micro-credit code: guide to the currency circle (ID:btczhinan) , which is aimed primarily at new hand and hands-on teaching, including not only bitcoin mini-white piping, pedagogy and investment techniques, and welcomes the browsing.




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