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1. The Ethereum is a digital token of Ethereum and is considered “bitcoin 0” using a different block chain technology from Bitcoin, Ethereum, an open-source platform of intelligent contract outcomes, a resonance network of tens of thousands of computers around the world. Developers need to pay for the operation of applications in Tetheo.

2、以太坊(英文Ethereum) 是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密 货币以太币(Ether) 提供去中心化的虚拟机( 以太虚拟机”Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。

Ethereum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts that handles point-to-point contracts by providing decentralised virtual machines (Etherium Virtual Machine) with their dedicated encryption currency in Ether.


Three. The Etherium is a digital token of Ethereum, which is considered “bitcoin 0” using a technology different from Bitcoin's block chain, “Ethio” and an open-source, intelligent contract-based public block chain platform, a resonant network of tens of thousands of computers around the world. Developers need to pay in tatco to support applications.

4、以太坊是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币提供去中心化的以太虚拟机来处理点对点合约。以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,以太币是市值第二高的加密货币,仅次于比特币。

4. Ether is an open-source, smart-contracting public block chain platform that provides de-centralized Ether virtual machines for point-to-point contracts through its dedicated encryption currency, which is the second-highest encrypted currency after Bitcoin, the concept of which was first proposed between 2013 and 2014 by Programmer Vitalik Buterin, after being inspired by Bitcoin, to the effect that “the next generation of encrypted currency and de-centralized application platforms” is the second-highest encrypted currency in the market.


Etheeum is an innovation in applying some of the technologies and concepts of Bitcoin to the computing field. Bitcoin is considered to be a system that maintains a shared book of accounts that safely records all bitcoin bills.


6-Etheria is a platform that can be used for multiple types of decentralised block chains, including encrypted currency, but not exclusively. Like other block chains, the Ether has a point-to-point network protocol. It is maintained and updated with a number of nodes connected to the network. Each network node runs an Ether simulator and carries out the same command.

1、加密货币分析机构Messari和Dove Metrics近期联合发布2022年上半年加密货币融资交易报告显示,今年上半年,CeFi、DeFi、NFT、加密货币基础设施等领域,已通过1199笔融资交易募集到303亿美元的资金,超过去年全年的总和。

1 The recent joint release of the report on encrypted money financing transactions in the first half of 2022 by the crypto-money analysis agencies Messari and Dove Metrics shows that in the first half of this year, funds of $30.3 billion have been raised through 1,199 financing transactions in areas such as CeFi, DeFi, NFT, crypto-currency infrastructure, more than the sum of last year's entire year.

2、年的第一场重大加密事件并没有发生在链上,甚至也没有发生在网上,而是发生在加拿大首都渥太华。1 月 22 日,数百名加拿大卡车司机从全国各地出发,开始聚集在国会山,抗议政府出台的新冠疫苗接种强制令。政府拒绝与他们谈判,于是所谓的“自由车队”控制了街道。由于车队的规模庞大,导致执法部门难以驱散抗议者。

The first major encryption event of the year did not occur on the chain, even online, but in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. On January 22, hundreds of Canadian truck drivers, starting from all over the country, began to gather on Congressional Hill to protest the government’s new crown vaccination injunction.

3、年的第一场重大加密事件并没有发生在链上,甚至也没有发生在网上,而是发生在加拿大首都渥太华。1 月 22 日,数百名加拿大卡车司机从全国各地出发,开始聚集在国会山,抗议政府出台的新冠疫苗接种强制令。政府拒绝与他们谈判,于是所谓的“自由车队”控制了街道。

The first major encryption event of the year, not on the chain, or even on the Internet, took place in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. On January 22, hundreds of Canadian truck drivers, starting from all over the country, began to gather on Congressional Hill to protest the government’s new crown vaccination injunction. The government refused to negotiate with them, so the so-called “free convoy” took control of the streets.


4. What happened? Two encrypted money lending and investment platforms went bankrupt at the end of July 2022, causing millions of user assets to be frozen in their respective platforms, triggering a lot of discussion among the online community, and two companies quickly applied for bankruptcy after it became apparent in the explosion that the large number of withdrawals had led to liquidity problems. The risk of this leverage ecology was completely exposed.

1、Vitalik Buterin(中文名:维塔利克·布特林)先生币圈人称V神,Vitalik Buterin是以太坊(Ethereum)/ETH币的创始人。Vitalik Buterin俄罗斯裔加拿大人,电脑工程师,著有《以太坊白皮书》。V神他辍学,创办自媒体,精通多国语言,19岁时发行以太币之后名声席卷世界。

1 Vitalik Buterin (Chinese name: Vitalik Buterin) is called V God, and Vitalik Buterin is the founder of Etherum/ETH. Vitalik Buterin, a Canadian of Russian origin and computer engineer, has the White Paper of Ether. V God has dropped out of school, founded from the media, mastered multinational languages, and published after 19 years in Tai currency.

2、以太坊创始人,90后小哥Vitalik Buterin,江湖人称“V神”。比特币是2009年,中本聪设计出了一种数字货币,其创始人“中本聪”的身份一直都是个谜,关于“比特币之父”的传闻牵涉到从美国国家安全局到金融专家,也给比特币罩上了神秘光环。

As the founder of Taiku, after 90 years of age, Vitalik Buterin, is called “V God.” Bitcoin was a 2009 digital currency, whose founder's identity was always a mystery, and the rumor that “the father of Bitcoin” was involved from the US National Security Agency to the financial expert, and also gave Bitcoin a mysterious ring of light.

3、彼时的Buterin,刚刚获得10万美元Thiel奖学金(Paypal创始人、硅谷投资大佬Peter Thiel为鼓励20岁以下年轻人创业的奖学金)。这笔钱还没有焐热,就被Buterin用来开发一个去中心化、基于区块链技术的计算平台,取名以太坊(Etherum)。同时,Buterin还为以太坊设计了一种新的加密货币币种—以太币(Ether)。

Buterin, who has just won $100,000 as a Thiel Scholarship (Paypal founder and Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel, a scholarship to encourage young people under 20 years of age to start their own businesses). This money has not yet been warmed up, but has been used by Buterin to develop a decentralized, block-chain-based computing platform known as Etherum.

4、wear币创始人布特林。维塔利克_布特林(Vitalik Buterin):以太坊创始人、程序员、写作者,行内都称之为V神(以下简称布特林),1994年出生的布特林至今年仅27岁。

Butrin, founder of Wearcoin. Vitalik Buterin: As the founder, programmer, author of the Tai Chamber, it's called V God (hereinafter Butrin), born in 1994 but only 27 years old.


On February 7, 2023, Forbes published the first digital-currency-range rich list, valued at US$ 1-5 billion in the family of Joseph Lubin, the founder of the Tai shop. Vitalik Buterin is the founder, programmer, author, and is known in the line as V God.


The biggest digital currency is the bitcoin that we know of. Bitcoin rose from less than one point in its first price to more than 300,000 yuan today, a huge increase.

杰弗里维尔克,以太坊(英文Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,简称“ETH”)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。

Geoffreywick, an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts, offers decentralised Etherium Virtual Machines to handle point-to-point contracts through its dedicated encrypted currency in Tether (Ether, “ETH”).

创始人 Vitalik Buterin是一名27岁的程序员,就是他在2013年的时候创建出了以太币,并且在2015年推出了以太币。他是一位俄裔加拿大人 。

The founder, Vitalik Buterin, is a 27-year-old programmer who created Ether in 2013 and introduced Ether in 2015. He is a Russian Canadian.


Yes. As a top global digital cryptographer, a math genius, a billionaire, one of Russia’s richest, and as a strategic partner with the founder of Etherwood, God V, and as a co-founder of Taipa, Russia is a billionaire.




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