Before answering this question, the Money Circle has been able to talk to you about the Etherton contract deal, which refers to the conduct of both parties in the exchange to buy and sell a specified number of goods at a given price at a given time and place in the future, as agreed. After learning about the Ether Club contract deal, how to get back to business. The Currency Circle has organized the Ether Business Course for investors.
With the following reference, BTC can be replaced with ETH:
(一)账号注册 (i) Account number registration 1.打开欧易官网(点此注册),下载OKX APP后在首页点击“注册/登录”点击“立即注册”,输入邮箱地址,点击“注册”,然后输入邮箱收到的六位数字验证码,有效时间为10分钟 1. Open E-O-Line Strong> at at /a> at ) downloads from OKX APP after clicking on the first page, click on "Regist / Login" at "Regist immediately", enter into the Mailbox address, click on "Registrate" at , and then enter the six digits received in the Mailbox for valid 10 minutes 2.接下来需要进行手机号验证,输入手机号,点击“立即验证”,而后输入手机验证码,验证码有效时间为10分钟,点击“下一步” Next thing you need a cell phone number check, enter a cell phone number, click on "Immediately Verify" and then enter a cell phone authentication code, valid for 10 minutes, and click "Next" 3.确保选择的居住地与证件所示信息一致,为了保护账号安全,请按照提示设置账户密码,密码设置完成,点击“下一步”即可完成账号注册 To ensure that the choice of place of residence is consistent with the information indicated in the document, and in order to protect the security of the account, please set the account password as per the reminder, the password is complete and the account registration can be completed by clicking on the Next 4.完成注册登录后,点击首页左上角按钮,在跳转页面点击页面上方进入个人中心,进行个人资料和设置页面,在个人资料页,点击身份认证,并按照提示完成认证。 Lv.1级认证通过后,即可进行数字资产交易。您也可以选择继续进行Lv.2高级认证,获得更高的交易权限。 After you have completed the registration login, click on the top left corner button on the first page, click on the page above to enter the personal centre, perform personal data and set the page, click on the personal information page, click on the identification and complete the authentication with the hint. With Lv.1 level authentication, you can enter into a digital asset transaction. You can also choose to continue the Lv.2 advanced authentication and get higher trading privileges. (二)交易设置 (ii) Transaction settings 1)想要进行合约交易需要将账户模式开通并设置为单币种保证金模式或跨币种保证金模式。 1) For a contractual transaction to take place, the account mode is opened up and set up as a single-currency bond model or a cross-currency bond model. 2)您可继续进行合约设置,个性化选择交易单位,下单模式。 2) You can continue with the contract setting, personalize the selection of the transaction unit, next mode. (三)交割合约交易 (iii) Hand-over of contractual transactions 交割合约分为USDT保证金交割合约,币本位保证金交割合约,这里以币本位保证金当周交割合约为例。 The contract was divided into a USDT bond and a currency bond contract, for example, when the currency bond was paid on a week-by-week basis. 1.同样,将我们的数字资产从资金账户划转到交易账户,如已完成则无须进行额外划转操作。 Similarly, transfer of our digital assets from fund accounts to transaction accounts without additional transfer operations if completed. 2.在交易页面点击币对右侧的下拉按钮,在搜索框输入币种,在保证金交易处选择交割,选择合约周期为当周、次周、当季或次季的币本位合约。此处以当季合约为例。 Click on the transaction page on the right-to-right button of the currency, enter the currency in the search box, select the delivery point at the bond trading place, and select the currency contract period for the current week, week, season or season. Take the current-season contract as an example. 3.设置杠杆倍数,选择账户模式、委托类型,输入价格、数量,点击买入开多(看涨)或卖出开空(看空)。未成交的委托挂单可单击撤单撤销委托。 3. Sets a multiple number of leverages, selects account mode, commission type, input price, quantity, click to buy more open (look up) or sell out (see empty). Unsold tasking order can be cancelled by clicking to withdraw the order. 4.挂单成交后,可在持仓界面中可查看订单的相关数据,例如保证金、收益、收益率、预估强平价等。 4. When a single transaction is made, relevant data on the order, such as bonds, returns, rates of return, projected over-parities, etc., can be viewed at the warehouse interface. 5.您可在持仓界面设置止盈止损,还可选择平仓,输入平仓价格和平仓数量确定平仓,或选择市价全平完成平仓操作。 5. You can set up a terminal at the warehouse interface and also choose to level it, enter a flat price and a number of silos, or choose the market price to complete the silo operation. 1、交易时间 1. Transaction time 合约交易是7*24小时交易,只有在每周五16:00(UTC+8)结算或交割期间会中断交易。合约在交割前最后10分钟,只能平仓,不能开仓。 The contract is a 7* 24-hour transaction, which will be interrupted only if it is settled or delivered on a Friday at 16:00 (UTC+8) per week. 2、交易类型 Type of transaction 交易类型分为两类,开仓和平仓。开仓和平仓,又分买入和卖出两个方向: There are two types of transactions. 买入开多(看涨)是指当用户对指数看多、看涨时,新买入一定数量的某种合约。进行“买入开多”操作,撮合成功后将增加多头仓位。 When a user looks at the index and looks up, it buys a certain number of new contracts. A “buy-in-and-open” operation will result in more than one warehouse. 卖出平多(多单平仓)是指用户对未来指数行情不再看涨而补回的卖出合约,与当前持有的买入合约对冲抵消退出市场。进行“卖出平多”操作,撮合成功后将减少多头仓位。 The sale of Pingto (many silos) is a sale contract that is made up by a user to stop looking at future index developments and offsets the exit from the market with the purchase contracts currently held. A “sale torto” operation would reduce the number of warehouses once it is successfully consummated. 卖出开空(看跌)是指当用户对指数看空、看跌时,新卖出一定数量的某种合约。进行“卖出开空”操作,撮合成功后将增加空头仓位。 Selling open spaces (watching down) means selling a certain number of new contracts when a user looks out and looks down on the index. A “sale open” operation will result in an additional empty warehouse. 买入平空(空单平仓)是指用户对未来指数行情不再看跌而补回的买入合约,与当前持有的卖出合约对冲抵消退出市场。进行“买入平空”操作,撮合成功后将减少空头仓位。 The purchase of flats (empty sheets) is a buy-in contract made up by a user that no longer looks down on the future index, offsets the current sales contract and exits the market. A “buy-in flats” operation will reduce the amount of empty silos when it succeeds. 3、下单方式 Three, one way to go. 限价委托:用户需要自己指定下单的价格和数量。开仓和平仓都可以使用限价委托。 The user needs to specify the price and quantity of the purchase order. 对手价下单:用户如果选择对手价下单,则用户只能输入下单数量,不能再输入下单价格。 Counterpart price: If the user chooses the counter price, the user can only enter the number of orders and cannot enter the price again. 系统会在接收到此委托的一瞬间,读取当前最新的对手价格(如用户买入,则对手价为卖1价格;若为卖出,则对手价为买1价格),下达一个此对手价的限价委托。 The system will read the current latest counterparty price (if the user buys it, it sells it at 1 price, and if it sells it at 1 price) and issue a price-limiting order. 4、仓位 Four, we're in a warehouse. 用户开仓成交后,即拥有了仓位,同种合约同一方向上的仓位会合并。在一个合约账户中,最多只能有6个仓位,即当周合约多仓、当周合约空仓、次周合约多仓、次周合约空仓、季度合约多仓、季度合约空仓。 The user has a warehouse, and the same sort of contract will merge. In a contract account, there can be only six warehouses at most, i.e., a week of contracts, a week of contracts, a week of contracts, a week of contracts, a week of contracts, a week of contracts, a quarter of contracts, a quarter of contracts and a quarter of contracts. 5、下单限制 5. Subsistence limits 平台对单个用户某个周期合约的持仓数量、单笔开仓/平仓的下单数量会做出限制,防止用户操纵市场。 The platform limits the number of holdings of individual user contracts for a given cycle and the number of purchase orders for single openings/silos in order to prevent users from manipulating the market. 通过以上介绍,相信大家对于以太坊合约交易怎么玩这个问题已经有所了解,币圈子小编友情提示,若是币圈新手,最好还是做现货交易,同时要注意分散投资,做好资金的配比,若是一定要玩合约交易,那就要心态要平稳,亏钱后不能像无头苍蝇一样,要学会复盘,总结教训。如果想要了解更多相关知识,可以关注币圈子,币圈子小编后期会持续更新相关报道! Through the above, it is believed that you already know how to play with the Etherton contract deal. If you want to learn more about it, you can focus on the currency circle, but you should do it on the spot. If you want to diversify your investment, you have to match it with the money. If you have to play with the contract deal, you have to keep your mind calm. If you lose money, you can't do it like a fly, you have to learn to rewrite it and learn from it. If you want to learn more about it, you can focus on the currency circle.
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