Man/Jen Chen
The outbreak of the new crown has posed a serious test for all industries and provided new opportunities for digital technology and industry to develop. But the view has been expressed that there appears to be a “missing” in the “digital anti-epidemic” chain that could have been made more transparent and efficient. Is that true? What are the challenges and opportunities that the sector chain industry will face when the country integrates the “block chain” into the new infrastructure?
Today, online strategy meetings have been co-sponsored around the challenges and opportunities of the chain industry under the epidemic at 数据互通有壁垒,疫情防控中的区块链“缺位” There are barriers to data exchange, and the chain of blocks in outbreak control is “missing” 在新冠“防控战”中,人工智能、大数据、云计算等新兴技术表现亮眼,而被寄予厚望的区块链却表现平平,甚至有些“缺位”。 The emerging technologies of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, etc., are visible in the new crown of the “war on control”, while the chain of blocks placed on high expectations is flat and even somewhat “missing”. 针对这一话题,中国(上海)自贸区研究院(浦东改革与发展研究院)金融研究室主任刘斌在圆桌会议上表示,区块链技术在疫情期间主要应用在包括身份管理、数据共享、供应链管理等方面,推动经济发展和复工复产,判断经营风险以及慈善捐赠。对于区块链在此次疫情防控中表现不“抢眼”的情况,他认为,由于区块链应用缺乏顶层设计,区块链在每个领域都形成了特有的区块链网络,进而形成了数据孤岛。 In response to this issue, Liu Bin, Director of the Financial Research Unit of the China (Shanghai) Institute of Self-Trade Research (Pudong Institute for Reform and Development), stated at the round table that block chain technology was used to promote economic development and rehabilitation during the epidemic, including identity management, data-sharing, supply chain management, and judgment on business risks, as well as charitable donations. In the case of block chains that did not show “optimal” in the prevention and control of the epidemic, he argued that, owing to the lack of top-level design for their application, they formed a unique network of block chains in each area, thus creating a data silo. 刘斌认为,区块链作为数字经济时代的基础设施,若想真正形成网络效应,关键在于实现技术通用、建立标准、以及技术的互联和融合。其中,大数据、人工智能、5G这些新技术的融合尤为关键。产业区块链是未来国内区块链最大的落地方向,如何在不同的产业领域里,如航空、物流、金融、医疗等领域真正用区块链改造产业底层,实现产业的互联互通,对中国未来的产业基础和产业优势有重要的集成作用。 Liu Bin believes that, as the infrastructure of the digital economy of 互通互融是基础,场景选择是落地关键 Compatibility is the basis, and scene selection is the key to landing 4月20日,在国家发改委举行的例行新闻发布会上,区块链正式被列为新型基础设施中的信息基础设施。本次圆桌会议上,同济大学智慧城市与电子治理研究所所长周向红,分布式资本合伙人姚镜仪等嘉宾,就新基建下区块链技术的机遇进行了分享。 On 20 April, the block chain was officially listed as an information infrastructure in the new infrastructure at a routine press conference organized by the National Development Commission. At this round table, the Director of the Institute of Smart Cities and Electronic Governance at the University of Honji, a guest such as Yao Mirror, a distributed capital partner, shared the opportunities of the new building block chain technology. 周向红在分享中表示,区块链不仅应该是含有数字属性的基础设施,也应是包含了信任的基础设施,新基建与城市化、智能化、智慧化数字经济之间必须要解决链接和信任问题。另外,她也在会上分享到,场景选择、顶层设计以及如何与其他技术配合,是区块链技术在新基建春风下大规模落地的关键。 Cho said in the sharing that the block chain should be not only an infrastructure with digital attributes, but also an infrastructure with trust, and that new infrastructure and urbanization, intelligence, intelligence 在关于区块链前景方面,布式资本合伙人姚镜仪认为,区块链在政策风口后将落地产业经济,但必定会产生洗牌效应,太过超前于市场技术不能落地、简单照搬互联网的模式上链会被淘汰。 With regard to the outlook for the block chain, Yao Scho, a paved capital partner, argued that the block chain would fall into the industrial economy after the policy tone, but that it would certainly have a shuffling effect, and that it would be removed from the upper chain of a model that was too advanced to allow market technology to land and simply copy the Internet. 在产业经济落地方面,她认为需要历经构建底层架构并上链,区块链网络的产品化、平台化,才能真正迎来应用大潮。未来,伴随你着5G网络和物联网商业化认知成熟以及统一的生态数字体系形成,区块链和其它新兴技术结合会孕育出新的商业模式,这个阶段区块链才会最大程度发挥价值,实现信息传播、价值流转和信任共享的合三为一。 In terms of industrial economic landings, she argued that it would take the construction of the bottom structure and the upper chain, the productification and the platforming of the block-chain network, to truly embrace the tide. In the future, with your 5G network and the commercialization of the goods network and the formation of a unified eco-digital system, block chains and other emerging technologies will give rise to a new business model that will maximize the value of the chain at this stage and achieve a combination of information dissemination, value flow and trust-sharing. 生态共创,区块链需要多方协同共建 Ecological co-innovation, and the chain of blocks needs to be constructed in a multiplicity of co-ordinated ways 在此次数字转型策略会上,腾讯区块链技术总经理李茂材,腾讯云区块链首席架构师敖萌,也结合腾讯在区块链领域的探索和经验,总结了当下区块链发展的机遇。 At this Digital Transformation Strategy Conference, 李茂材介绍表示,从2015年开始,腾讯就已经开始在金融领域布局区块链技术,而金融领域也是区块链落地最成功的领域之一。他认为,区块链技术最大的作用是协助行业或产品完成全信息化、数字化的过程,这个过程中可以提高运作效率、增加信任、底层信息智能化。 According to Li Motsu, starting in 2015, 他以疫情期间腾讯与深圳税局免接触开票项目为例介绍了区块链在降本增效方面的优势。他表示,通过免接触开票在微信支付里登录注册以后30秒就可以做开票的处理,有效降低了办税人员工作的负担,大幅提高工作效率。 He described the advantages of the block chain in reducing efficiency gains by giving the example of 物联网、人工智能、云计算和区块链有效结合,一直是行业探索的重点。会上,腾讯云区块链首席架构师敖萌认为,把云上的应用,AI能力、物联网能力赋予区块链后,可以在区块链应用上打开一个缺口,把现实中的很多东西接入区块链。 The effective combination of physical networking, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and block chains has been the focus of industry exploration. At the meeting, 他表示,腾讯云区块链通过物联网+人工智能+区块链,结合云计算、视频直播、点播技术在里面,实现了物理世界中的资产和现实世界中的资产一一映射。借助这个功能,金融机构可低成本高效率的为实体经济进行服务。 He indicated that 此外,腾讯研究院智慧产业研究中?副主任徐思彦在会上发布了腾讯深度解读产业区块链发展图景的书籍《产业区块链》,本书是过去几年对区块链产业在实践和理论方面思考的沉淀。这本书传递了腾讯开放的态度,让各行各业的人以不同方式参与进来。只有有了这样的参与,区块链的生态才能做的更好。她还表示,接下来腾讯将正式发布国内首个区块链加速器“腾讯产业加速器——区块链“通过整合全球区块链产业资源,链接优秀的区块链企业,打造基于技术、场景、商机、资本的多维度服务平台,共同推动区块链技术自主创新,助力技术应用落地行业场景,共建产业繁荣生态。
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