
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:53 评论:0



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On 26 December, the Conference on Industrial Cultural Development, 2023, organized by the Centre for Industrial Cultural Development of the Ministry of Industry and Informatization, in association with the City of Ningpo, was opened at the opening of the Congress, under the theme “Consolidation of Industrial Culture for New Industrialization,” with the aim of promoting Chinese-style modernization and industrial cultural prosperity. As a leader in the universe of industry, Hangzhou was invited to participate in the Congress with great interest in science and technology. The annual report, cutting-edge standards, excellent cases, keynote speeches, and an exhibition of the results.


as lead author


White Paper published on


At the conference, the White Paper on the 2023 Indian Dollar Cosmos was launched as the main author of the White Paper, under the leadership of the Deputy Director of the Ningbo Economics Bureau (and also Director of the Municipal Digital Economics Bureau), and under the leadership of the Industrial Cultural Development Centre of the Ministry of Industry and Informatization. As the main author of the White Paper, the Hangzhou Spirit Science and Technology has set a new standard for the industry with pioneering research and leading market performance.


It was reported that the White Paper, sponsored by the Centre for Industrial Cultural Development of the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, brought together a group of institutions such as the Hangzhou Academy of Science and Technology, Mid-Sing, Convergence and the Guangdong Province Telecommunications Planning and Design Institute, with authority, representation and influence at the highest levels in the country. The White Paper elaborated on core technologies, industrial applications, and opportunities challenges, and provided recommendations for moving forward, with a view to informing the application of the industrial universe and industrial development.

杭州灵伴科技之所以此次能主要编写《白皮书》,源于其背后强大的科技创新能力、产品应用能力、标杆示范能力以及品牌影响能力。自成立以来,杭州灵伴科技便投身于工业元宇宙事业建设,通过空间计算、语音识别、自然语言处理、光学显示、芯片平台、计算机视觉、工业大模型、硬件设计等多领域研究,将前沿的AI和AR技术与行业应用相结合,积极掌握关键核心技术发展主导权。目前,杭州灵伴科技已经自主研发了全球首款一体式5G工业AR智能眼镜X-Craft、国内首款分体式单目光波导AR智能眼镜Glass2以及空间计算套装AR Studio等系列智能终端产品,服务全球80余个国家和地区,加速推动全球经济共同体高质量发展,成为元宇宙生态的探索者、建设者、领航者。

Since its inception, Hangzhou Academy has been involved in the construction of the industrial meta-cosm, using multidisciplinary research such as space computing, speech recognition, natural language processing, optical displays, chip platforms, computer visualization, large industrial models, hardware design, which combines cutting-edge AI and AR technologies with industry applications to actively take ownership of key core technological developments. At present, Hangzhou Academy has autonomously developed a global front-line 5G industrial AR smart glasses X-Craft, a domestic lead-in-the-box SAR smart glasses Glass2 and a series of smart terminal products, such as AR Studio, to serve more than 80 countries and regions around the world, accelerating the high-quality development of the global economic community as a explorer, builder, navigator of meta-coscopic ecology.


Joint development of forward standards


takes over the international voice of the Won cosmos


Since the introduction of the meta-cosm concept, governments, industry, and academia have stepped up their efforts in the fields of technological research, industrial promotion, and standard development. Our meta-cosmos is still at a rapid stage of development, facing the challenges of disharmony, lack of application of norms, and heightened ethical problems, which require the adoption of standards and the introduction of a healthy and orderly development of the meta-cosm industry.


In this context, the Ministry of Industry and Informationization has issued the Group Standard for the Identification of Geocosym Fields (Application Draft), which provides a solid foundation for the construction of an orderly and prosperous future of the metacosystem as the main unit of development. The Guidelines further follow up on the three-year action plan for innovation development in the metacospace industry (2023-2025) by standardizing the normative health development of the industrial cosmopolitan industry and by selecting industries and regions where conditions are ripe for experimental development and pilot promotion.


As a leader in the industry, Hangzhou Spirit Science and Technology has in recent years attached great importance to the construction of meta-cosmos standardization as a “lead force” in the development of standards of participation in the meta-cosmos industry. In the organization of government and industry institutions, Hangzhou Ling and Science and Technology have been active in promoting the standardization of the meta-cosm industry, building consensus among industry, promoting technological innovation, promoting industrial development and effectively managing risk, and promoting our programme of good practices as an international standard to enhance the combined innovation and competitiveness of the industry.



is constantly building industry markers


At the conference, the 2023 industrial dollar cosmopolitan excellence case was officially published. The Hangzhou Spirit Science and Technology Platform, a multi-dimensional lead in business innovation, social influence, and highly replicable, highly replicable, replicable industries, was rated as an annual case of excellence.


The keynote address, in which Yang Guanggen, Director of Sales, Hangzhou City of Technology and East China, analysed in depth the status and future trends of the industrial universe under the title " Exploration and Practice of Industrial Intelligibility Developments in the Yuan Cosmos ", shared the company's case-studies in the hydrocarbon industry and vividly explained how companies could achieve efficiency gains, cost optimization and intellectual upgrading through AR technology enabling industries, providing a valuable reference model for the high-quality development of our industrial industry.


At present, as the technological revolution and industrial transformation deepens, the role of industrial intelligence has become more prominent in enhancing the quality of development and in activating dynamic development. With the results of this White Paper as an opportunity, Hangzhou’s companion technology will continue to upgrade core technological innovation capabilities, continue to lead industrial innovation and become a strong and modern industrial cluster, providing positive support for the promotion of the country’s new intellectual industries and the building of manufacturing powers.




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