As an old dish that has been baptized with currency, many of the same people have been “smugged” by the market, and their hearts are very diverse. Today, I would like to share a few words about the contract deal for the sake of real silver and silver, and you will listen to me.
顺应周期,戒骄戒躁1. 合约涨跌犹如潮汐起伏,皆有其固有周期。若以15分钟为单位捕捉超短线趋势,成功率可达九成。然而,切忌沉迷于一时之胜,当入场信号到达顶峰或谷底,若未能及时平仓,妄图以日线甚至周线尺度“死磕”趋势,无异于自投罗网,被割韭菜便不足为奇。
Contract booms and falls are like tidal booms, with an inherent cycle. A 90% success rate can be achieved by capturing ultra-short line trends in 15 minutes. However, it is not surprising that when a signal of entry reaches the peak or bottom of a valley, a tendency to “kill” the sun or even the peri-line scale, if it fails to level out in time, it is not surprising that it will be cut.
2. 趋势之中,健康上涨往往伴随震荡,急拉暴赚多为诱饵,实则暗藏杀机。反之,真跌常以疾风骤雨之势降临,而绵延阴跌往往是庄家故布疑阵,借机吸筹。识此阴阳转换之理,方能洞悉市场脉络,进退有据。
2. In the trend, health rises are often accompanied by shocks, stupendous surges of profit as bait, and clandestine killings. On the other hand, the fall is often accompanied by a storm of wind and rain, while drowsing and falling are often suspicious of the man’s family’s ability to absorb it.
概率思维,洞见大势1. 把握大趋势,本质上是对概率的游戏。试问,当下BCT现货价处9300之际,您认为短期下跌可能性大,还是上涨概率更高?又有多少大资金甘愿此刻充当“救世主”,逆市接盘?近期横盘走势已揭示答案:主力正耐心等待散户抛压释放殆尽,方会掀起新一波行情。故而,交易路上,唯“耐心”二字值千金。
To grasp the big trends is essentially a game of probability. When the BCT spot price stands at 9300, do you think it is more likely to fall in the short term or to rise? How much money would you like to be a “savior” at the moment, a counter-market interface?
节奏为王,盘感制胜1. 交易成功与否,八成取决于对市场节奏的精准把控。一流操盘手的过人之处,就在于其对盘感的敏锐洞察。久历沙场,方知“节奏”二字乃财富密码,得之则如鱼得水,失之则寸步难行。修炼此道,方能在瞬息万变的市场中游刃有余,笑傲江湖。
The success of a transaction depends on the precise control of market rhythms. First-class masters are keenly perceptive in their sense of disks. In the past, the word “pacing” is known as a wealth code.
Here, the pen is nothing more than a piece of paper. This will be followed by more real-world secrets. We hope that you will keep your eyes open, share wealth, and join hands on the road to “Common Wealth!”
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