
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:48 评论:0



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Wang Yongfei.


Using the anonymity of encrypted money, illegal crimes such as tax evasion and tax-laundering are a problem that has been prevalent since the birth of encrypted money. As a major country for encrypted currency transactions, South Korea is one of the most keen to invest in digital currency, and has repeatedly adopted policy regulations to regulate encrypted currency, but after nearly three or four years of regulatory action, the results have been less than satisfactory.


On March 15, the Korea State Revenue Office announced that it had recently investigated 2,416 tax thieves who had hidden their assets in virtual currency, such as Bitcoin, and that a total of 36.6 billion won (approximately RMB 210 million) in tax recovery had been recovered from the IRS. In an effort to combat theft of assets using virtual currency, such as Bitcoin, the Korea Broadcasting Corporation reported that Korea would be implementing a “digital currency transaction real name system” from 25 of this month.

对于以区块链为底层架构的虚拟货币,Onchain 研究与战略负责人江金泽向华夏时报金融研究院研究员分析,区块链的数据结构是完全透明、共享、防篡改的,对交易数据记录可追溯性有很大的提升。不过区块链中的程序规则会自行判断活动是否有效,因此,交易对手无须通过公开身份的方式让对方自己产生信任。这对反洗钱、反恐怖融资、反偷逃税提出了新要求。

For the virtual currency that uses the block chain as the base structure, Onchain, the research and strategy director, Jiang Kinzawa, analyses the data structure of the block chain to be fully transparent, shared, and tampered with. However, the rules of procedure in the block chain will determine whether the activity is effective, so that the counter-dealer does not have to trust himself through an open identity.


encryption laws are rampant and regulations are difficult to enforce


In recent days, the KFC has indicated that all virtual currency trading platforms in Korea are required to meet anti-money laundering obligations such as real-name account transactions, customer identification and suspicious transaction reports from 25 of this month, in accordance with the forthcoming special legislation on virtual currency.


Since 2017, the Korean government has called on the exchange to introduce a “digital currency transactional real name system” that prohibits anonymous opening of encrypted currency accounts, but it has not worked well, and the relevant statistics show that there are currently more than 100 virtual currency trading platforms in Korea, only four of which use bank real-name accounts for financial management. The Korean government’s regulation of encrypted currency is among the world’s leading, with the announcement in 2017 of measures to curb encrypted currency speculation, including the prohibition of Korean financial institutions from holding encrypted currency and making encrypted currency investments, and the possibility of taxing encrypted currency was already being considered by the Korean Treasury at that time.


Alan, the chief researcher at the China Block Chain Research Institute, stated to the Researcher at the Washington Times that anonymity of encrypted money, while providing privacy security for users, would also provide profitable opportunities for outlaws, which could not be completely eliminated at the moment. Therefore, strengthening the platform’s real-name (KYC) controls and data tracking on the chain would also significantly reduce users’ infractions.


Alan argues that real names measures can, to some extent, reduce tax evasion in encrypted currencies, but most trading platforms do not currently make physical registration compulsory for all users. For example, some trading platforms allow users to trade freely at a certain level, as well as to raise cash charges, which enhances users’ experiences and lowers entry thresholds for trading platforms, but unnamed management at the regulatory level provides users with illegal opportunities.


With regard to measures to tax encrypt currency, the Korean media recently reported that the Korean government plans to formally include virtual currency transactions in the tax area by charging 20% of the income tax earned from virtual currency transactions of over 2.5 million won (approximately 15,000 yuan) per year from 2022. Researchers at the Washington Times Financial Research Institute learned that the bill is the Tax Law Amendment Act 2020, enacted by the Korea State Revenue Office in mid-July 2020, which classifies the encrypt currency as other income, sets a 20% high capital gain tax, and plans to reduce the share transaction tax from 0.25% to 0.15%.


With regard to the bill, the Korean Financial Council explained that the bill requires that the virtual asset industry be declared to the Financial Information Analysis Institute in advance. The original practitioner must complete the declaration within six months of the amendment. From next year, the overseas exchange will also be obliged to do so.


As virtual currency is mostly anonymously traded, the existing financial system is unable to access the assets of the population, and the above-mentioned amount of 36.6 billion won collected by the Korea National Tax Office through virtual currency trading platforms collects information on taxpayers’ property and imposes a mandatory tax on tax evasion. This is the first time that the Korean government has imposed a mandatory tax on tax thieves who use virtual currency to hide their property.


In the case of encrypt currency transactions, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Korea, Hun Nam Ki, has recently warned that encrypt currency prices are currently overheating in relation to its real value, and that from an economic point of view (investment in encrypted currency) should be very cautious; the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Korea had previously warned that virtual currency lacked intrinsic value and that, judging from a number of indicators, the current price boom was abnormally sharp and did not preclude large future fluctuations.



Interestingly, encoded currency has been subject to considerable regulatory pressure in South Korea, but South Koreans are quite enthusiastic about encoded currency. The famous pickle premium refers to South Korea’s virtual currency offer, which is significantly higher than that offered in other parts of the world because of the high enthusiasm of South Koreans, and provides an opportunity for many to move brick arbitrage, reaching even 40% when the pickle premium is highest.


According to the Korean media, the average daily volume of encrypted currency transactions in South Korea in recent days exceeded the South Korean stock market, a phenomenon that is rare in the world. To date, the number of users of the 11 major virtual currency trading platforms in South Korea totalled about 9 million, representing the total population of South Korea.


About 20 per cent.

另外,在2021年3月初,韩国国民议会立法和司法委员会通过了一项至关重要的与数字货币相关的《特别金融信息法》(Special Financial Information Law),该法案基本确立了加密货币在韩国的合法化。

In addition, in early March 2021, the Legislative and Judicial Committee of the National Assembly of Korea adopted a crucial Special Financial Information Act (Specific Financial Information Law) relating to digital currency, which essentially legalizes encrypted currency in Korea.


Under the Special Financial Information Act, the country’s exchange is required to implement the anti-money-laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) provisions recommended by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).


The Special Financial Information Act highlights the growing number of cyberattacks and corresponding precautions that the new law faces against encrypted currency transactions. Digital asset exchanges must obtain permission from the KISA Information Security Management System (ISMS) in order to continue to provide their services.

如,韩国加密交易所Bithumb 为响应韩国监管,宣布暂停为不符合金融特别行动组(FATF)的反洗钱(AML)标准的国家或地区居民提供交易服务,据金融特别行动组公布的数据,Bithumb 将暂停为21个国家提供加密服务交易。

For example, in response to Korean regulation, the Korean Encrypted Exchange Bithumb announced a moratorium on the provision of transaction services to countries or territories that do not meet the anti-money-laundering (AML) standards of the Financial Task Force (FATF), which, according to data published by the Financial Task Force (FATF), will suspend the provision of encryption services to 21 countries.


With regard to China’s possibility of following the example of the South Korean government’s measures to deal with tax evasion through strict declaration of encrypted currency, real names, etc., Alan states that almost the majority of the entities operating in China are in other countries, so that measures such as strict declaration of encrypted currency, real names, etc. would not have a mandatory effect on such platforms. In the long run, the regulation of real names would be a good norm for the industry as a whole, and would effectively eliminate a series of tax evasion, money laundering, etc.


Jiang Kinzawa explains that virtual currency offences are not insurmountable difficulties. Indeed, by collecting open raw data on and under the block chain, labelling analysis can result in clear visualized hierarchical structures and body information, including individual, from thousands of transactions and addresses. The asset balances of the digital asset exchange and the frequency and total amount of transfers between them make it possible to see clearly, to some extent, the routes through which the proceeds of fraud and security incidents are transferred and the final flow of the proceeds, which can facilitate regulation and enforcement.


So digital money, too, is illegal, and using it to carry out illegal activities permanently exposes the wrong to the sun. According to Chainanalysis, the oldest analysis agency in the circle, in 2019, only 1% of BTC transactions were related to illegal activities.


He's a researcher at the Warsaw Times Financial Research Institute.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong


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