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數字貨幣(Digital Currency,簡稱DC)

Numerical Currency (Digital Currecy, short DC)


digitized currency means . Digitization does not mean scanning. This is like . This is not the signature of /a>.

  國際清算銀行( BIS )將數字貨幣定義為以數字形式表示的資產。

(BIS) defines numeric currency as a numeric asset.


Digital currency, as a generic term, can contain anything that represents value in numerical terms.


Digital currency does not take physical form like is used to transfer digital currency between users or entities. The most successful and popular form of digital currency is used as is used as an encryption line of >.

  1、數字貨幣包含部分“電子貨幣”, 這些貨幣只是政府發行或監督承認的法定貨幣的數字代表。比如巴克萊銀行新發佈了-一個名為Pingit ,美國監管機構承認的1:1錨定美元的USDT\GUSD\PAX等。

1 Digital coins include .

  2、數字貨幣包含狹義的“虛擬貨幣”,由開發 人員控制和創建,併在特定社區中獲得價值。比如騰訊的Q幣、任天堂的積分等,僅用於自己的生態圈,理論上不能用來購買真實商品和服務。

2 Digital currency includes a narrow “, controlled and created by the developer and valued in a particular community. For example, a href=https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E4%BB%B%E5A4%E5%E5%E5%A5%A5%A0%82"title= "any paradise" is used only in its own sphere of life and theory cannot be used to buy real goods and services.

  3、數字貨幣包含”加密貨幣”, - 種使用密碼學原理來確保交易安全及控制交易單位創造的交易媒介,去中心化,沒有任何監管者,可以在實體或用戶之間傳輸,可以進行真實貨品交易,允許無國界轉讓所有權以及即時交易。比如比特幣、以太幣等。

3 digit currency includes "encrypted currency" - The use of cryptography to ensure that the transaction media created by the transaction security and control units are centralized, that there are no supervisors, that they can transfer between entities or users, that they can carry out real goods transactions, that they are allowed to move beyond national boundaries to all rights and instant transactions.

  1. 在很早的原始商業行為當中,代幣(金屬硬幣)使用的效率很高,方便交易結算。這個時候誰手裡有硬幣並不重要,重要的是硬幣被賦予了貨幣結算的價值,這個時候的代幣使用範圍僅限於一城一地。

1. In the early business , efficiency efficiency is high. It is not important who has a coin in his hand at this time that the coin is given

  2. 但是商業行為會自動擴大,馬車、輪船的發明使得全世界可交易的範圍越來越廣,這個時候硬幣因為其自身重量的關係,成本變得越來越高。直到9世紀紙幣誕生以及銀行的誕生,使得前往不同地域的商人直接持有該銀行的票據便可取款。這也是支票的來源。

2. However, commercial activity increases automatically, and the world’s tradable scope is increased by the invention of carriages and ships, and the cost of coins is increasing by its own weight. Until the ninth century notes /a> and banks’ birth, making it possible for traders to travel to different regions to hold the bank’s ticket directly. This is also the source of cheques.

  3. 隨著全球化商業行為越來越多,票據因為商業範圍的擴大,所以國家與國家之間也簽訂了協議,支持票據的合法性。直到如今互聯網的出現和發展,我們可以隨時隨地用智能手機進行點對點、人對人的交換各種信息和服務。這個使用使用某種特定貨幣進行結算反而極為不方便。這種需求催生了很多巨頭的電子貨幣專業支付服務。例如中國的支付寶微信、蘋果的Apple Pay等。

Businesses are increasingly involved, as a result of the expansion of business


But the value of electronic currency varies from country to country, so electronic currency can only be traded within a country. Now that the Internet has turned the world into a global village, , which is a numeric currency that everyone can agree to.


Electronic currency is related to bank accounts in a different way to digital currency, which is usually a digitized expression of a national statutory currency used to carry out electronic transactions. So, the digital currency is different from the electronic currency. Bitcoin, unlike the digit currency issued by the Central Bank, is a legal currency that is secured by government credit and values are smaller relative to value movements, and it has a non-profit niche and does not charge a user at any cost at the same time.


Controllability, fairness and security are more secure than Bitcoins.

  目前為止,數字貨幣大部分都是由非金融機構發行的。最近幾年來,比奧幣、可可幣、萊特幣、比特幣等為代表的數字貨幣吸引了全世界的關註甲。其得到愈來愈多人的追捧因為其低的交易成本去中心化、可控匿名、便捷跨境流通等優勢。除此之外,一些國家的部分金融機構或者中央銀行也在研究自己的數字貨幣上下了大功夫。2015 年,瑞士信貸銀行研究發明瞭一種能夠使真實貨幣和央行賬戶建立相關聯繫的“多用途結算貨幣”;美國的花旗銀行推出了使用“區塊鏈分散式賬戶技術”

At present, most of the digitized coins have been issued by . In recent years,

  數字貨幣經常被訛誤成虛擬貨幣。但是虛擬貨幣是指非真實的貨幣,比如在你玩三國誌 (游戲)或大航海,你有錢,那些錢是虛擬的。當然,那些虛擬的錢也會有其真實價值。比如,你從別的玩家那裡將她/他的賬號買過來,你就可以得到那個玩家的所有虛擬的資產,然後你繼續玩下去就會容易得多。

Digital coins are often mistaken for . But virtual coins refer to non-real , for example, in your three national magazines (players) or in the ocean, you have money that is virtual. Of course, the virtual money also has its real value. For example, when you buy her/his account from other players, you will get all of the player's virtual currency


does not necessarily have to be . For example, children play games with small stones for .


General reference is ) and , which does not require a physical card.


The reference to the nature of a digital currency is often a factor -- but, in fact, its intrinsic value tends to be more different than that of other types of currency. If the currency problem is a contemporary discussion model, the virtual currency is a post-modern one.


1. Value formation mechanisms.


Digital currency is a symbol, an information currency, an external facet of relative value. It can also be said that digital currency is a sexual currency. In another way, it can be called an information currency. Their commonality is a symbol of unsure value . The original value currency can only be a special feature of a new, more general currency.


2. Currency determination mechanisms.


From the perspective of the information economy, the central bank is a fixed , while the virtual


3. Value swap system.


Generally speaking, the general currency and the


4. Currency creation capacity.


The current digital currency travel process, which does not need to be raised, is circulating only on the Internet. It is is likely to expand to an unlimited extent.




There is no doubt that, as a virtual currency, the risk of a digital currency is greater than that of a conventional French currency, which is issued under a more rigid and highly regulated system, , usually backed by national credit. But the issuer of a digital currency is mostly a business, which is more dynamic than the business >, and that it is likely that the issue of corporate property will be ignored.


1. The speciality of the unit of measure is defined as . In reality, the currency of the people is divided into coins and coins, and there is a fixed decadal relationship between the units. But the currency of our country is stored in the form of computer


2. Virtualness of currency form.


Virtuality is the most prominent feature of digital currency. At its very nature, digital currency is a set of binary bits , which is quite different from paper and coins in reality, although it may exist in some unique shapes in virtual communities such as games, but it is the reality of a technique rather than the reality of a real world of view.


3. Limitations of application time and space.


The virtuality of the currency shape is precisely the source of its limitations, leaving a particular time and space, usually of no value. Even digitally encrypted currency, subject to surveillance, etc., has a significant limitation on the range of spaces currently in use. Research has found that Bitcoins have not been in circulation since they were created, and most of them have disappeared from circulation since they were transferred to a specific account. The May 2012 survey figures show that bitcoin holdings are highly concentrated, with 97 per cent holding bitcoins below 10, and that more than 90 per cent of accounts have been traded 10 times less than 10 times, and are not lively.


4. Instability of transaction prices.



1. The profit of the digit currency


Digital currency, as a new thing, is beginning to show its vitality, with the following aspects of its main “profits” being given high priority by Governments and businesses:


(1) To reduce the cost of paper management...


Although our country currently has about $6 trillion per year in circulation, this figure is decreasing year by year, but it includes the management costs of printing, issuing, changing, destroying, cash services and businesses of bank self-directed tellers and counters, cash management, which is estimated at more than 100 billion yuan per year, which would significantly reduce the management costs if digitized.


(2) In the interest of currency supervision


The digital currency system is rich in dimensions and complete . The central bank can keep track of the financial market in a timely manner and, based on complete and comprehensive data = for the main purposes of currency control.


(3) To improve the efficiency of cross-border payments and economic statistics by accelerating the dissemination of financial market information


In the digit currency system, transactions in digit currencies are time-sensitive and may be known to all participants. This facilitates the rapid transmission of information on financial market transactions by upgrading .

  (4) 有利於反洗錢監測

(4) To the benefit of anti-money laundering surveillance


Digital currency technically records key information throughout the currency's life cycle, including the reasons for its generation, the reasons for payment, the payee and beneficiary, historical information from past payments, and so on. From digital currency, you can learn about currency flows and loops, as well as information about people, goods, services, businesses, money, etc. involved. These information can explain the true use and direction of the currency, in the interest of preventing and monitoring economic crimes /a>.


(5) In the interest of complete transparency of the transaction information


The digital currency can record transactions including the origin of the currency, the reasons for payment, the path of payment, and the completeness and opening of the data, which solves the problem of the inestimation of the information and helps businesses and institutions to find valuable statistics and to some extent improve the fairness and efficiency of social transactions, improve resource allocation and avoid unnecessary costs.


(6) Promotion of currency flows to health, education, public welfare, etc.


Under the digit currency system, the currency’s payment loop is fully documented, key payment information is recorded, stored, uploaded, and the currency flow information is fully transparent. Finance can use this information to monitor the currency’s flow and to ensure that the currency’s flow to the planned territory is secured. And, technically, the digit currency can be deactivated, and when the digit’s flow is wrong, it can be controlled using technical means to return it to the right direction to help people in need.


2. The malignancy of digital currency


(1) Digital currency derivatives have evolved more rapidly, technologically and administratively, and many problems remain unresolved in terms of cost, efficiency, storage and security;


(2) The digital currency, if put into use, will involve the adaptation of all financial payment systems, including the billing system and the billing system in place. Its data calculation and storage system is heavily invested, and it is estimated that its base investment will be on the hundreds of billions of yuan. This does not include country's > digit currency system;


(3) For the current currency payment system, the digital currency system is likely to face more risks , especially from risks, such as hacking.


At present, although technology is constantly being developed and improved, there are many problems with the real use of chain technology in the business sector in particular. The three biggest problems are: safety, accessibility, privacy.


1. Security


The most serious problem facing the chain is still security. Since the advent of the Bitcoin, there have been incidents of theft caused by hacker attacks, so digital currency based on chain technology is technologically immature.


2. Scope of application


Most of what we are talking about is digital currency, which is meant to replace cash and to support petty transactions between natural persons. But for technology as far as technology is concerned, the payment of the treasure is sufficient. However, Central Bank


3. The question of privacy

  在區塊鏈中,參與者都擁有一-份完整的數據備份,所有交易的信息都會在全網公開,這是區塊鏈信息不可篡改、去信任的優勢。這一點對於區塊鏈使用方來說是不利的。用戶不願意公開自己賬戶隱私,商業機構也不會將商業機密公開共用給同行。如何保護交易信息是一 個難題。

In , participants have a complete copy of /a>. It is a problem to protect trade information.


There are many ways of doing this.


Let's say you get a number from the bank.


The bank has digitally signed amounts and other data (e.g. branch numbers, permitted number of conversions, validity options, traceability).


This set of data can be encrypted using your public key, or it can be non-encrypted.


There's a lot of ways you can get this data: it's encrypted, it's unencrypted.


In any case, you've got a set of data. (The bank must have taken the corresponding amount off your account. The bank also sent a copy to the clearing server.)


This set of data, no matter how many copies you make, represents the same digit currency (that $100). So even if you give it to two department stores at the same time , that's useless.


When you give it to the recipient, the data may be encrypted with the recipient's public key, or it may be unencrypted.


The transfer process can be encrypted or non-encrypted.


When the recipient receives it, the recipient can deposit it in her/his bank, and the bank settles it through . This is like 貨幣所有權註冊服務。

Of course, there is no big difference between such a process and a transfer. To reach a non-traceable purpose, this reality requires the introduction of an anonymous number /a> currency ownership.

  • 數字貨幣的形成[1]



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