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Over the past year, the “Main Universe” has been on fire all over the world and is known as the “Emergency Revolution after Mobile Internet” and the “Future Internet.” Whether it is the “hot word 2021” published by the Collins Dictionary (known as the most comprehensive and authoritative dictionary in modern English) or the “Ten Hot Words of 2021” published by the Chinese News Weekly, the “Main Universe” has been successively selected. In the investment market, the conceptual share has risen, with the “virtual land” selling millions of dollars in high prices... In one night, the concept of the “metrocosmos” seems to ignite the entire planet, and the “next station of the Internet is the metacos” has become the most popular assumption in the market.

这个新“宇宙”将覆盖娱乐、电商、汽车、教育、房地产等众多领域,难怪科技巨头们虎视眈眈。去年10月,Facebook更名为“ ”,这一源自元宇宙( verse)的改名,彰显了Facebook向元宇宙业务押注的决心。国内互联网大厂们也纷纷亮剑,提前布局。阿里巴巴在云栖大会上将元宇宙定为“AR、VR眼镜上的整个互联网”;字节跳动收购VR软硬件研发制造商;腾讯曝光首个类元宇宙项目ZPLAN,并正在筹建全新的XR业务部门;百度推出元宇宙社交App希壤。

This new “cosmos” will cover many areas, such as entertainment, electricity, cars, education, real estate, and so on. Last October, Facebook changed its name to “,” a change of name from the meta-cosm, highlighting its determination to bet on the business of the meta-cosm.


By the end of December 2021, the total number of applications for trademarks with the name “megasmos” had exceeded 11404, with more than 1582 companies participating. By 22 September last year, the number of applicants had been more than 130.


What do you mean, "the meta-cosmos"?

尼尔·斯蒂芬森1992年出版的科幻小说《雪崩》首次提到了元宇宙。小说描述了一个平行于真实世界的赛博空间——元界( verse,直译“元宇宙”),体验者戴上耳机和目镜,就可以通过虚拟分身的方式进入由计算机模拟、与真实世界平行的虚拟世界。

Neil Stephenson’s science fiction novel Avalanche, published in 1992, first referred to the meta-cosmos. The novel describes a space parallel to the real world – metaspace (verse, direct translator of the meta-cosmos), where experiencers, wearing headphones and goggles, can enter the virtual world, simulated by computers and parallel to the real world, by means of virtual divers.


Number One Player.


Virtual worlds like the Woncosm have been shown in a number of films that have been shown in recent years. The first player, which was shown in 2018, visualizes the Woncosm vividly, creating an oasis scene where players can freely explore, entertain and live in the virtual world through VR devices; in the 2021 movie Uncontrollable Players, people need only to wear special devices to get a real experience in a completely virtual game world.


So the meta-cosm is not a new concept; it is more like the conceptualization of new technologies such as the extension of reality (XR), block chains, cloud computing, digital twines, etc. For the meta-cosm, many entrepreneurs and investors have come to understand themselves, and Zuckerberg says: “The next platform and medium will be the Internet more accessible and concrete, and you will be in the experience, not just as a bystander, and we will call it the meta-cosmos.” At the same time, he has proposed the “eight main elements of the meta-cosmos”: a platform/set, virtual incarnation, family space, space transmission, cross-platform interaction, privacy and security, virtual goods and natural interfaces.


The founder of Stifler has proposed the concept of “the Internet as a whole”: “a exciting opportunity is coming, a decade of mobile Internet development is about to rise, and we call it “the Internet as a whole.” “This is a process from quantitative to qualitative, which means integration under the line, physical and electronic. The door to the virtual world and the real world has been opened, both from the point of view and from the point of view, to help users achieve a more real experience. As new technologies, such as VR, new hardware and software, move on to different scenes, I believe another major shuffling is about to start.


The prevailing argument is that the first generation of the Internet is in computers, the current Internet is in mobile phones, and the meta-cosmos is the future Internet. It is a virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world. It is a digital space with a new social system.

“其实,大约在2007年,互联网发展到一定阶段后,就有一批人在思考虚拟空间和现实空间的结合,很多机构都提到了 verse一词,大家甚至在技术路线图上做了研究。不过,2008年乔布斯带领苹果公司推出了移动互联网,实现了手机的计算机化,行业忙着移动互联网转型,元宇宙概念便沉寂了几年,直到2020年左右才被重提,成为显学。”中国传媒大学新媒体研究院院长赵子忠表示,不管是元宇宙还是全真互联网、虚拟现实、web3.0,说到底都是未来的愿景,“对元宇宙的研讨需要引入时间维度。近期来看,要聚焦技术和产业;长远来看,元宇宙世界的法律、道德、伦理也需要考虑。”

“In fact, around 2007, when the Internet reached a certain stage, there was a group of people thinking about the combination of virtual and real space, and many institutions referred to the term verse, which was studied even on the technology road map. However, in 2008, Jobs led Apple to the mobile Internet, computerizing mobile phones, the industry was busy with mobile Internet transformation, and the concept of the meta-cosmos was resurfaced for several years, until 2020 or so, and Zhao Tsung, President of the New Media Institute of China Media University, said that it was the vision of the future, whether the meta-cosmos or the Internet, virtual reality, or web3.0, and that “the exploration of the meta-cosm needed to be time-sensitive.” In the near future, the focus was on technology and industry; in the long term, the law, ethics and ethics of the meta-cosmos world also needed to be taken into account.”

“大厂”布局  话题热闹产品遇冷

"big factory" layouts nbsp;

2021年3月,沙盒游戏平台Roblox首次将元宇宙概念写进招股说明书,在纽交所上市首日市值即破400亿美元。10月,扎克伯格将Facebook改名为 ,而在更早的2014年,该公司就斥资20亿美金收购VR硬件商Oculus VR。也许从那时起,扎克伯格对元宇宙的布局就已经开始。

In March 2021, Roblox, the sandbox game platform, for the first time, wrote the concept of the meta-cosmos into a statement of shares, with a market value of $40 billion on the first day of its listing at the New York Post. In October, Zuckerberg renamed Facebook, and earlier in 2014, it spent $2 billion on VR hardware to buy the VR hardware vendor, Oculus VR. Perhaps from then on, Zuckerberg’s layout of the meta-cosmos has begun.


In December 2021, the 100-degree Congress of the 2021 AI Developers was held in the meta-cosm product, “Hyoma”, which is a mobyusian ring planet that accommodates 100,000 people to interact with the screen. Once a user has been made of names, faces, etc., at the time of the login, it enters virtual space and can interact with the users next to it, as well as with the upper right corner and small voice.


According to the Vice-President of 100 degrees and head of the Greek Empire, Majeed, “Hilo” is a negative 6.0 version of a meta-cosm product that will not be fully developed until six years from now and will not be officially available. According to Maj, the meta-cosmos is an open world whose final state is unknown, but there must be a lot of creative developers in it.

阿里在元宇宙方向的布局可以追溯至2016年淘宝上线VR购物功能,并投资AR独角兽Magic Leap。2021年阿里在元宇宙方向的布局更加频繁,先后成立新品牌“云镜”、XR实验室,聘请虚拟数字人AYAYI成为天猫超级品牌日数字主理人等。2021年10月,阿里巴巴云栖大会上,阿里巴巴达摩院XR实验室负责人谭平宣布阿里巴巴达摩院成立XR实验室,并对元宇宙的概念进行了解读。他称元宇宙就是AR/VR眼镜上的整个互联网。他认为,AR/VR眼镜是即将普及的下一代移动计算平台,而元宇宙则是互联网行业在这个新平台上的呈现。

Ali's layout in the direction of the Woncosmos dates back to 2016, when Tamping, the head of the XR Laboratory of the Albabada Moor College, announced the establishment of the XR Laboratory at the Alabada Moor, and interpreted the concept of the Woncosmos. He called the Yuan cosmos the entire Internet on the AR/VR glasses. In his view, AR/VR glasses were the next generation of mobile computing platforms that were about to become popular.

腾讯对元宇宙的布局更倾向于投资。2020年2月,腾讯参与Roblox的1.5亿美元G轮融资。腾讯还投资了《堡垒之夜》游戏开发商Epic Games,持有其40%股份。2021年4月,Epic Games融资10亿美元用于元宇宙相关业务开发,创下当时元宇宙赛道最高融资纪录。

In February 2020, it was involved in Roblox’s $150 million G-wheel financing. It also invested in the Fortress Night game developer, Epic Games, with 40% of its shares. In April 2021, Epic Games financed $1 billion for the development of the eco-cosmos-related business, creating the highest record of funding in that time’s meta-cosmos track.


At the company's third quarter finance conference in 2021, the founder of the Internet, CEO Ding-ding, stated that the web was easily home to meta-cosm concept products such as the elixir immersion system, the virtual person, and the “Star” block chain, and invested in a number of virtual innovation companies to promote the exploration of the entire meta-cosmos link from the front end to the end of the commercial landscape. In addition, on 25 December 2021, the network was able to sign a strategic cooperation agreement with the municipality of Sanya.


Byte beats to acquire, self-researched, typographical meta-cosms. The Antxon Securities Research analyzes that byte beats Pico, a domestic head VR supplier acquired last year, and completes a short plate in hardware and operating systems. In the bottom structure, the company invests in physical engine developers.

元宇宙的热潮还催生了虚拟土地的拍卖热。在国外平台上,Republic Realm公司以约430万美元(约2742万元人民币)的价格买下The Sandbox里的一块土地,刷新全球最贵虚拟土地交易纪录。

The boom in the Woncos has also generated auctions for virtual land. On foreign platforms, Republic Realm buys a piece of land in The Sandbox at a price of about $4.3 million (approximately RMB 2.74 million) to refresh the world’s most expensive virtual land transactions.


The contours of the meta-cosm have also become a “wealth code” for capital markets. For example, China’s share price has soared 3.5 times in two months after the announcement of the Won-Cosmos game, the Winner, and its market value has soared by nearly 8 billion yuan; it has also increased by more than 200 per cent since the Chinese-language online “China dollar-cosmos global essay contest” was held in November 2021.

与热闹的话题相比,各大公司的元宇宙产品却“冷”得有些令人尴尬。 推出的Horizon Worlds被用户吐槽,“它所构建的元宇宙世界就如同里面的人物一样,只有‘半截身子’,非常不成熟。”在国内,天下秀推出的元宇宙标签产品“虹宇宙”,也在苹果App Store上反馈平平,“游戏性差、优化不行、完成度不高”的吐槽比比皆是,甚至还有不少用户直言“不如《摩尔庄园》”“就像十多年前的QQ秀”。

The introduction of the Horizon Worlds, “the world of metacosystems, like the characters inside it, is very immature.” Domestically, the solar-cosm label product, “The Rainbow Universe,” is also recognizable on Apple App Store, and the “deficit, unoptimal, incomplete” chutes are numerous, and even a number of users say, “better than Moore Park,” “like the QQQ show 10 years ago.”

和《头号玩家》呈现的“绿洲”相比,这些产品更像是襁褓里的婴儿。元宇宙何时才能“长大”?从北京大学汇丰商学院联合安信证券发布的报告《元宇宙2022——蓄积的力量》来看,2016、2019、2021年是元宇宙发展的三大关键时间点,“尤其是 旗下Oculus Quest 2的发布及其在2021年的销量大幅增长,带动整个互联网生态圈进入新的硬件时代——VR/AR+元宇宙。下一代计算平台的产业轮动周期已然开启,在新硬件主义的研究思路下,2021年及以后,VR/AR产业的硬件、软件、内容、应用等均会面临重构。”

In 2016, 2019, 2021 was the three key points in the development of the meta-coastal, “especially the release of the Oasis Quest 2 under the banner and its significant increase in sales in 2021, which led to the entry of the entire Internet ecology into the new hardware age — the VR/AR+ meta-cosmos. The next generation’s industrial cycle of computing platforms has begun, and VR/AR’s hardware, software, content, applications, etc. will face re-engineering in 2021 and beyond, under the new hardwareist thinking.”


The report states that 2021 is the first anniversary of the meta-cosm, and that it is the time for the creation of the consciousness of the meta-cosm. The global giants have begun to lay the stage, pulling off the "sign gun" of the meta-cosmos track. But many of the commercial products that have not yet matured have landed, and there is no industrial consensus. In 2022, the general public’s understanding of the meta-cosmos will enter a more pronounced period of disagreement.


The universe is still in its infancy, and the inclusion of the Internet giants will undoubtedly accelerate the development of the industry in the country. Chiu-Tung said that, over the next five to 10 years, as relevant technology matures further, the universe is expected to begin. "From the concept of fumigation to the site of the product, as in the case of the open waste, the universe is what it is."


“The Industry May Be New Big”


What are the major end forms beyond AR/VR, if the metacosystem needs a two-way entrance to and from the virtual world and the real world, as well as more sensory elements beyond sight to achieve a immersion experience?


In the long run, VR/AR represents a much more immersive experience for users than the existing PCs, mobile phones, game hosts, etc., and is thus called the “portal of the meta-cosm” but not the only entry. The sensory experience of people is not only visual and hearing, but also tactile, smell, taste, etc. The hardware entrance to the meta-cosm will be very diverse, except for VR/AR and smart earphones, tactile gloves, body suits, and so on, all of which are in common that enhances the user's soaking sense and brings more dimension of experience and interaction. The President of the Vivo Institute of Communications, Qin, also states that the terminal of the future meta-cosm will need to be added to the real world in addition to the immersion of AR/VR.


The meta-cosmos 2022 — the power of accumulation suggests that the meta-cosm will also bring new content, both morphological and creative. The report notes that from PC Internet to 4G and 5G, from text to pictures, audio, long video, live, short video, and so on, there will be changes in content patterns from one infrastructure to another. The meta-cosmos is expected to innovate in the forms of interaction between audiences and content, with a great variety of content presentations, such as video tours. In addition, the meta-cosm content faces greater technical difficulties and requires higher research and development inputs; and the more complex meta-cosm content is more demanding for the full range of producers.


So the new content of the Won-Cosmos era should be creative at the beginning of its creation, not flow-based thinking. “In the course of the development of the Won-Cosmos, a new industrial giant may be born.” Cho said.


Opportunities and challenges coexist


In addition, the capital, Beijing, will promote the formation of a new conglomerates of the meta-cosmos and explore the creation of a conglomerates of the meso-cosm industry.


Some say that it is the future development goal of the Internet and another revolution in human information technology; others argue that it is a departure from technology, which is more like a hot spot and a trance. After all, technological difficulties, high costs, and ecological problems present enormous challenges to the development of the metacosystem.


The former director of the industrial unit of the National Development Commission Institute for Economic Institutions and Management and a member of the Information Economy Expert Committee of the Ministry of Trade and Communications stated that there were three key factors that were of concern: first, that the development of AI technology was not synchronized with the advancement of AR/VR/XR; second, that 5G technological advances still did not find suitable applications and innovative scenarios; and third, that there was an urgent need for synergy between big data, cloud services, arithmetic algorithms, block chains and AI.


Technology is the foundation of the meta-cosm, but not just technology, and its economic value must be based on real economic development. The development of the meta-cosmos cannot be separated from political, economic, industrial innovation, employment, financial policies, etc.


Qin Fei argues that play and entertainment applications may be the first meta-cosm products to land, but there is a need to guard against the negative effects of the virtual world becoming a spiritual haven for the real world. The real value creation may be virtual education, which will bring great change and progress to the education community.


In Zhao's view, technological innovation is the primary condition for the development of the Yuan cosmos; secondly, financial bubbles need to be kept vigilant while encouraging good investment; thirdly, industrial development requires the establishment of supply-demand relationships and industry models and the regulation of digital assets; and fourthly, for the media, the dissemination of public opinion in the Yuan cosmos.


He gave the example of a popular virtual number: “Does digital people need to be certified on the job? How do they manage their communications?” From technology, capital, industry to communications, the development of the meta-cosmos requires fine management, “it is a fine job to keep going and manage it.”

业界普遍认为,元宇宙不会突然到来,它在真正成熟前,需要先经历各项底层技术的突破,以及硬件的完善,最后才会迎来内容消费的大爆发。头显设备世界领先的 公司的高管表示,他们可能需要15年才能完全实现通过智能眼镜进入沉浸式虚拟世界的愿景。

Industry generally believes that the meta-cosmos will not come suddenly, and that before it really matures, it will have to go through the breakthroughs of bottom technologies and the refinement of hardware before it can end up with a big explosion in content consumption. The top executives of the world-leading companies say that it will take 15 years to fully realize their vision of moving through smart glasses into a immersion virtual world.


There's a lot of talk about the Woncosmos.


Chief Executive Officer Zuckerberg:


& nbsp; the next platform and medium will be the Internet more accessible and concrete, and you will be in the experience, not just as a bystander, which we call the meta-cosmos. The eight main elements of the meta-cosmos: development of platforms/sets, virtual incarnations, family space, air-separation transmission, interoperability across platforms, privacy and security, virtual goods, and natural interfaces.


The founder of Storing Inc. (Strange) :


This is a process from quantitative to qualitative, which means integration below the line, physical and electronic. The door to the virtual and real worlds has been opened, from the point of view to the point of truth, to the point where users can experience a more real experience. As new technologies like VRs, new hardware, and software move in different contexts, I believe another big shuffling is about to begin.


100-year-old Vice-President and head of Greece, Maj :


100 degrees aspire to become an infrastructure platform for the meta-cosmos, providing technical engines such as AI, cloud computing and other meta-cosm products.


Tanpin, head of the XR Laboratory, Ali Babadam House, :


The metacosystem is the entire Internet on AR/VR glasses. AR/VR glasses are the next generation of mobile computing platforms that are about to become popular, and the metacosystem is the new platform on which the Internet industry is present.


Jo Yvonne, Founder and Chairman of the China-China Group:

对于影视行业来说,元宇宙作为web 3.0的最重要应用场景,将创造一个虚拟世界,带来相较于目前市场100倍以上的市场空间,对行业来说是巨大的发展机遇。

For the visual industry, the meta-cosm, the most important application scenario of web 3.0, would create a virtual world that would create a market space of more than 100 times the current market, which would be an enormous development opportunity for industry.


Qin Fei, President of the Institute of Communication :


Play and entertainment applications may be the first meta-cosm product, but there is a need to guard against the negative effects of the virtual world becoming a spiritual haven in the real world. The real value creation may be virtual education, which will bring great change and progress to the education community.


The former Director of Industry of the Institute for Economic Institutions and Management of the National Development and Reconstruction Commission and Member of the Committee of Experts on the Information Economy of the Ministry of Trade and Communications, Shi /strang <:


The current three “keys” are of concern: first, the development of AI technology is not synchronized with the advancement of AR/VR/XR technology; second, the advancement of 5G technology is still unable to find appropriate application models and innovative scenarios; and third, there is an urgent need for synergetic development such as big data, cloud services, arithmetic algorithms, block chains, and AI.


Director, New Media Institute, Chinese Media University:


The primary conditions for the development of the meta-cosmos are technological innovation; secondly, financial bubbles need to be kept vigilant while encouraging benign investment; thirdly, industrial development requires the establishment of supply-demand and industry models and the regulation of digital assets; and fourthly, for the media, the dissemination of public opinion in the meta-cosm.



"The first share of the Woncosmos" is listed on Roblox


On March 10, 2021, Roblox, a virtual game platform company in the United States, landed in New York, breaking the market value of $40 billion on the first day of the market, known as the “first share of the dollar universe”, and this time it became a landmark time node for the meta-coast. Roblox, as a UGC sandbox platform, was the biggest feature of the free creation and openness of players. As of September last year, 7 million global developers produced 18 million games on Roblox.


Invelda revealed the "digital double"

2021年4月,美国人工智能计算公司英伟达举办GTC峰会,英伟达CEO黄仁勋在长达1小时48分钟的主题演讲中,有14秒是“数字替身”代为出席。当时,黄仁勋身上的标志性皮衣、带壁炉的厨房及桌上的所有物件,都是通过软件技术渲染出来的仿真画面,这以假乱真的14秒,时隔3个多月之久都没有人发现。同年8月12日,英伟达在计算机图形学顶会SIGGRAPH 2021上承认了此前在GTC峰会上的“造假”事实。以假乱真引起热议的“数字黄仁勋”是用英伟达开发的Omniverse制作的,因此它也被称为“元宇宙创造工具”。

In April 2021, at a summit of the GTC organized by the United States A.I.A., the C.I.C.E. Wong In-hoon was present for 14 seconds in a one-hour 48-minute keynote address. At that time, Huang In-hoon's iconic leather coat, a kitchen with a fireplace, and all the items on the table were simulated by software technology. This was 14 seconds of disinformation, and no one discovered it for more than three months. On August 12 of the same year, Y. Weeda admitted the fact of "false" at the G.C.G.G.G.G.G.H. at the top of his computer graphics summit.


bytes to jump to acquire head VR startup Pico

2021年9月,字节跳动收购国内头部VR厂商Pico。根据IDC发布的2020年第四季度中国AR/VR市场跟踪报告,Pico位居中国VR市场份额第一,其中第四季度市场份额为37.8%。Pico拥有完善的产品矩阵,能够满足玩家居家观影、移动娱乐与VR在线社交的多样化需求,以及教育、模拟仿真、展览展示、云游戏、远程办公等生产场景。作为元宇宙最具潜力的终端之一,VR一直备受关注。此次收购,一方面是字节跳动对标 的元宇宙战略,另一方面是字节跳动有意将社交作为未来的发展战略基础。

According to a Chinese AR/VR market tracking report released by the IDC in the fourth quarter of 2020, Pico was ranked first in China’s VR market share, with a market share of 37.8% in the fourth quarter of the year. Pico has a well-developed product matrix that meets the diversity needs of players’ home-based viewing, mobile entertainment and VR online social networking, as well as production scenes such as education, simulations, exhibition displays, cloud games, teleworking, etc. As one of the most promising endpoints of the meta-cosmos, VR has been receiving attention.

Facebook更名 ,进军元宇宙

2021年10月29日,社交巨头Facebook正式宣布更名为“ ”,并希望人们将其视为“元宇宙公司”。Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格在其公司大会“Connet 2021”上表示,公司更名为 以反映“ verse(元宇宙)”带来的新增长机会。“我们正处于互联网下一篇章的开端,而这也是我们公司的下一篇章。”扎克伯格在公开信中写道。在他的愿景中,元宇宙是一个实体化的互联网,人们可以在元宇宙中一起工作、学习、玩耍、购物、创造。

On October 29, 2021, social giant Facebook officially announced a change of name to “the meta-cosm” and hoped that people would see it as “the meta-cosm.” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated at his corporate congress, “Connet 2021”, that the company changed its name to reflect the new growth opportunities offered by “verse”. “We are at the beginning of the next chapter on the Internet, and this is the next chapter of our company.” Zuckerberg wrote in an open letter. In his vision, the meta-cosm is a physical Internet that allows people to work, learn, play, shop, and create together in the meta-cosm.

Oculus Quest 2销量破千万或成元宇宙基石

Oculus Quest2 >

“Oculus Quest2的销量已经达到了1000万台。”高通首席执行官克里斯蒂亚诺·阿蒙(Cristiano Amon)在2021年11月举行的一次投资者大会上公布此消息。由于Oculus Quest2搭载高通XR 2芯片组,此消息引起业界广泛关注。Oculus前身为Oculus VR,该公司创立于2012年,主要产品为VR头戴显示器。2014年3月,Facebook以20亿美元现金及股票将其收购。2019年,FacebookCEO马克·扎克伯格认为1000万用户是“(VR相关)生态系统爆发”的关键门槛。

“Oculus Quest2 sales have reached 10 million.” The story was announced by Hightower CEO Cristiano Amon at an investor conference held in November 2021. The news was widely received by the industry as a result of Oculus Quest2 aboard a high-access XR 2 chip group.

元宇宙社交平台Rec Room完成1.45亿美元融资

dollar cosmic social platform Rec Room completed $145 million in financing

2021年12月,继同年3月完成由红杉资本和Index Ventures领投的1亿美元之后,元宇宙社交平台Rec Room宣布又完成了一笔1.45亿美元的融资,估值达到35亿美元。团队将利用这笔资金来扩展新的平台,投资一流的信任和安全系统,同时继续打造创作者工具。这家元宇宙社交平台最初专门面向VR用户,但在近年逐渐增加对移动、主机和PC端的支持,不断扩容迎合年轻受众的功能。

In December 2021, following the completion of $100 million in March of the same year by Redwood Capital and Index Ventures, Rec Room announced the completion of a further $145 million worth of financing, valued at $3.5 billion. The team will use the funds to expand the new platform, invest in first-class trust and security systems, while continuing to build creative tools.

开放虚拟世界平台Horizon Worlds

Open Virtual World Platform Horizon Worlds

2021年12月10日, 开放了自家的虚拟世界平台Horizon Worlds。它是 旗下的一款元宇宙社交VR应用套件,用户可以在其中进行游戏、互动等虚拟体验。进入Horizon Worlds,用户首先得是18岁及以上的美国和加拿大用户,其次需要配备Oculus Quest2VR头显。2022年, 还计划推出移动版“Horizon”,这将把早期元宇宙体验带到VR以外的更多领域,因此,用户也将能够通过Facebook或Instagram访问元宇宙。随着时间的推移,这类体验内容将会越来越多。

On December 10, 2021, it opened its own virtual world platform, Horizon Worlds. It is a meta-cosm social VR application that allows users to have virtual experiences of games, interactions, etc. Entering the Horizon Worlds, the first user to be an 18-year-old American and Canadian user, and the second to be equipped with Oculus Quest2VR headlines. In 2022, it is also planned to launch a mobile version of “Horizon”, which will bring the early meta-cosm experience to more areas than VR, so users will also be able to visit meta-cosm through Facebook or Instagram.


publishes the dollar cosmos product Greek

2021年12月27日,百度正式发布元宇宙产品“希壤”。同时,百度Create 2021(百度AI开发者大会)也在希壤App举办。这是国内首次在元宇宙中举办的大会,可同时容纳10万人同屏互动。“希壤”App打造了一个跨越虚拟与现实、永久续存的多人互动空间。每个用户可以创造专属的虚拟形象,在个人电脑、手机、可穿戴设备上登录“希壤”,听会、逛街、交流、看展。百度副总裁、希壤负责人马杰表示,“目前,元宇宙尚处于非常初期的产业探索阶段,其发展是循序渐进的,将由整个社区花费很长时间来共同构建并成熟。”

On December 27, 2021, 100 degrees of official publication of the meta-cosm product “Hyoma” was launched. At the same time, 100-degree Create 2021 (the 100-degree ACDP) was also held in App, Greece. This was the country's first congress in the meta-cosmos, which allowed 100,000 people to interact with the screen at the same time. The “Hyoma” App created a multi-person interactive space that transcends virtual and reality and lasts forever. Each user can create a unique virtual image, log on personal computers, mobile phones, tweepable equipment, listenerships, streetwalks, exchanges, and shows.


Microsoft acquired the blizzard for $68.7 billion

2022年1月18日,微软宣布以每股95美元的价格,总斥资687亿美元收购知名游戏公司动视暴雪。交易完成后,按营收计算,微软将成为全球第三大游戏公司,仅次于腾讯和索尼。受此影响,动视暴雪当日股价上涨25.88%。动视暴雪首席执行官Bobby Kotick在1月18日向员工发布的电子邮件中表示,“我们的天赋和游戏是构建丰富元宇宙的重要组成部分。”收购动视暴雪展现了微软对虚拟世界和未来构建元宇宙的野心。

On January 18, 2022, Microsoft announced a total of $68.7 billion at $95 per share to buy the famous game company Steam Snow. When the deal is completed, Microsoft will be the third largest game company in the world, after the news and Sony. As a result, stock prices rose by 25.88 per cent on the day of the storm. Bobby Kotick, Chief Executive Officer of Steam Steams, said in an e-mail to his staff on January 18, that “Our talent and games are an essential part of building a rich meta-cosm.” The acquisition of Steam Steam Snow demonstrated Microsoft's ambition for the virtual world and the future.


XR shows that in 2025, 100 million shipments will be delivered, an increase of about 10 times .

2022年1月,根据Counterpoint Global XR(VR/AR)最新预测,扩展现实(XR)头显的出货量将从2021年的1100万台增长到2025年的1.05亿台,增长约10倍。2022年,XR头显销量将进入爆发期,这将是XR新产品发布最多的年份,包括Oculus Quest系列、索尼PlayStation VR2和Apple AR眼镜。

In January 2022, according to the latest forecast by the Council Global XR (VR/AR), the volume of XR sales will increase approximately 10 times from 11 million in 2021 to 105 million in 2025. In 2022, XR sales will enter the outbreak period, which will be the highest number of new XR products released, including the Oculus Quest series, Sony PlayStation VR2 and Apple AR glasses.


"Strong" especially planned the Chess of the Won-Cosmos "/strang"


It's a big game in the Won-Cosmos.


The video industry robs the beach cosmos.

五问“元宇宙” ——专访华策集团创始人、董事长赵依芳

Five questions: "The Won-Cosmos" - a visit to Jo Yvonne, founder and chairman of the China-China Group.


The Age of the Won cosmos: opportunities and opportunities for the film industry


Metacosm: advanced stages of media integration and the future shape of society


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