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倾尽十二年学习和工作经验的精华, 结合北京尚学堂各学院院长和教学总监多年教学经验总结, 特著此册 希望对所有想要进入程序员行列的 同学 都能起到一定的 积极 作用。

With 12 years of study and work experience, and taking into account the many years of teaching experience of the deans and heads of schools of the Beijing Academy, /span'.


This manual, with wine and meat and dried goods, has a reason to have video, and it is hoped that everyone will benefit from it.

大家也可以去 http://www.bjsxt.com/xiulian.html 观看最新版内容。免费领取《程序员修炼手册》联系我们

You can also go to to view the latest edition.

如要索取相关资料,请访问官网:www.itbaizhan.cn或者www.bjsxt.com 。或者加本手册的作者微信号:

For relevant information, please visit www.itbaizhan.cn or .


随着近几年来大学生就业压力越来越大 ,为了 更好的 就业,不少同学 选择 参加各种各样的培训。

As university students have become more and more under pressure in recent years , a number of classmates have chosen to participate in a variety of trainings for better /span employment.

决心做软件的很多人 会选择 java, 也有人会选择Python、大数据、人工智能、前端H5开发、PHP、C/C++等。

Many people who are determined to do software choose java, others choose Python, big data, artificial intelligence, front-end H5 development, PHP, C/C++, etc.


So which direction should we choose? What direction would be better for yourself?


My opinion is: do not believe too much in training institutions or soft language, including me, and when you are about to move towards society, do not think of yourself as a student, do not give your future to others, learn to observe the world with your own eyes.

每个培训机构都会宣传自己的好处,并不能说明大的趋势。一些新闻文章很有可能是枪手写的,不必太过 较真 。有国外背景的教师和课程,未必 真正 适合你。

Each training institution promotes its own benefits and does not indicate a big trend. Some news articles are probably written by gunmen, and need not be too real. Teachers and courses with a foreign background may not be really

那么怎么才能确定自己将来的方向呢?如何才能从纷 繁 、 假的数据中挖出一条适合自己的路呢?

How, then, can you determine your future direction? How can you find a way to find your own way out of all the fake data you can get from


These data are the most authentic raw data, and you can search every once in a while, and some patterns are drawn up. (There are, of course, a lot of training institutions that recruit on their recruitment sites, and this is a screening exercise.)

比如说,我在 http://www.jobui.com 中搜索java,全国大概提供了3万个职位。然后要多翻几页,这样不仅能够看清楚大概有多少是有效的职位,而且还可以看清楚用人单位最关心的技能是什么, 这个很重要,决定着你将来要花多少时间和精力在特定的知识点上,比如说swing,搜了一下,全国只有700个左右的职位,仔细读一下,也并非全是有效职位,花太多时间和精力在这个上面就不值得了。当然自己感兴趣或者为了研究的话另当别论。但是如果是为了快速就业,把太多的时间和精力,花在很多职业生涯前一两年用不到的知识上就太可惜了。 同时,并非某一个行业的职位数目少,就不能当作一个方向进行选择,比如PHP,我搜索到的职位数是5000左右,比java少,是不是就选java了呢? 我的回答是 :不一定。因为java职位虽然多,但是可能竞争者也多,有些方向虽然职位数不多,但是和你竞争这些职位的人数量也少,不见得就不能选择。

For example, I searched Java in

可能很多同学会说:我们都读了十几年书了,难道还不会学习吗?是的,虽然 我们天天都在学习,但是80%的人事实上并不会学习。 所以,我们要 “先学会如何学习,再开始学习”, 才能达到事半功倍的效果。


What is the objective pattern of learning?



When you start learning, you have to believe in the teacher, and you don't have to obey him. If you do, you have to do it; if you don't, you have to do it; if you don't, you don't have to do it; if you don't, you don't have to do it.

批判、挑刺很容易,但这不是学习的态度。我们 可能 经常会挑刺,老师这个毛病那个毛病。老师也是普通人,不是圣人,谁还没有缺点呢?我们要关注的是,从老师这里能学到什么,得到什么,老师身上有哪些地方是值得你学习和利用的。 这才是正确的学习思维

It's easy to criticize, but it's not an attitude to learn. We may often pick. Teachers are ordinary people, not saints. Who has any shortcomings? We're concerned about what we learn from teachers, what we get, and what teachers have to learn and use. This is the right idea to learn.

注意:批判别人,并不能 使 自己进步。

Note: Criticism does not make

所以,刚开始,你要照着老师说的,不打 一点 折扣的去执行,在练习的过程中慢慢体会,才能达到下一个“破”的境界。 就像武侠小说里,只有牢牢记住每个招式,才能灵活应对

So, at first, you have to do what the teacher says, if you don't play a little bit of the discount, then you'll be able to learn slowly during the exercise to reach the next “breakdown.” As in martial arts books, only by keeping every move in mind can you be flexible about .

“守”就是一心遵守老师教诲、守住招式、反复练习。这 是最基本、也是最重要的阶段。

"Death" is one-heartedly following a teacher's instructions, holding his moves, practicing again and again. This is the basic and most important stage.



A one-size-fits-all approach, of course, goes to the “break-up” stage. That is, to use your own originality in the process of trial error. Starting to “break-through” teachers' teachings, starting to think for themselves. Much more thinking, naturally, goes to the “break-out” stage.



"Departion" is a little bit of "break" through constant thinking and repeated exercises, and finally forms its own style. "Depart from" is what teachers start to say, and "Expert" is elevated to "Expert."


A lot of people “deserve” when they're not well-guarded, think of “leaving from their teachers” and then being self-defeating and deceiving themselves. “Care for newness, self-expression” is a human weakness.


In any case, please fight assiduously!

不管是 学习编程, 还是 学习 其他 任何技术,一定要动手,仅仅靠看和听是学不好编程的。

Whether or not learn to program, or learn any other technology , it is important to do so by simply reading and listening.

总有同学来信问我们这样的问题,说:"老师我看了视频了,可是怎么一动手就没有任何思路呢?" 对此,我一般都会说不要着急,如果你只是看了视频就想行云流水的话,那老师这些年的锻炼真是白费了,这么多年的苦练才能略有些行云流水的感觉,你一朝一夕就想达到,不是太奢侈了吗?

There's always a student who asks us questions like, "Miss, I've seen the video, but there's nothing to think about?" And I usually say, "Don't worry about it. If you're just looking at the video and you want to do it, it's a waste of exercise all these years, it's a little bit of work, and you're thinking about it all the time. Isn't it too much?

作为编程的过来人,回想一下当年自己学编程的时候,是什么时候有思路的呢?至少也是照猫画虎画了一段时间之后吧, 我本人是在某一个领域画虎画了上万行代码的时候才慢慢有自己思路的。就像写作文, 要有自己的思路。总的一般来说要经过以下几个阶段,首先学习词汇, 其次 学习造句,然后大量阅读别人的文章,自己模仿着写一些,逐渐积累经验,才能形成自己的思路。

As a programmer, when did you think about your own programming? At least after a while, I was drawing tigers in a field where I was drawing thousands of lines of code. Like writing, you have to think about it. In general, you have to learn the vocabulary, learn the words, then read people's articles, imitate them, build up experience, and then form your own thinking.

学编程, 也是同样的道理 ,只是看一看、听一听视频,是不足以学好编程的。


So, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it.

如果遇到,暂时对一些思路不能理解的同学,我一般都会劝告说: 动手写,先写代码,量变会引起质变的 。而这种质变的确发生过不少次。

If you meet a fellow student who can't understand some ideas for the time being, I usually advise: writes the code first, and a quantitative change causes a qualitative change . And it does happen many times.


The point is that if you understand the code, you're going to have to do it again. Don't put someone else's program on the left, write a subtitle on the right, and you're not a programmer anymore. You're a typist.

纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行 。所以:别问那么多,别想那么多,别看那么多,动手写吧。

There's no end to the paper, and . So, don't ask so many questions, don't look so much, just do it.


Everything in life has to be done: take it easy, it's important.


There is no doubt that development is enormous for a person who has never been involved in programming before, and it seems that every field can expand, but the energy that each field takes to reach out to every detail is enormous. At this point, everyone has a great heart, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, every new knowledge, clear, clear, clear, clear. What is wrong with that?

我的意见是,没什么大毛病,但是学习效率太低了!我们推荐的学习方式是:”抓大放小,要事为先”。 比如说学习JAVA基础时,学到GUI这一章,有的同学认为,既然学到这儿了,我们去把SWING细细的了解一遍吧; 还有的同学,遇到了在Linux下的Shell编程,就恨不得把Shell先学成专家才肯,或者是才敢继续往下学习;有没有过这样的感觉,一本书的上册没有学好,觉着下册心里也没底儿,甚至非要把上册复习一遍才敢继续学习。如果你也是这样,要去看看心理医生啦,没准儿会有洁癖 强迫症喔

My point is, there's nothing wrong with it, but learning is too inefficient. The recommended way of learning is: "Clean up and down, it's important." For example, when learning the JAVA base, you learn the GUI chapter, and some of your classmates think that, since you've learned this, let's go over SWING in detail.

任何事情都要追求完美才敢继续往后进行,是一种性格缺陷。大胆的放弃一些东西吧,有失才有得,把自己有限的、宝贵的精力用在对于就业直接相关的地方,这才是最有效率的学习方式! 等你参加工作,有了可持续发展的事业动力和经济基础,有时间有精力闲着没事儿干的时候,再去研究那些其它吧。

It's a character defect to pursue perfection in order to move forward. It's the most efficient way to learn when you're working, you have the motivation and the economic basis for sustainable development, and you have the time and the energy to do whatever you want.


There's a story about the relationship between capacity and output.


A person who likes to read, who has read all his life, and who can do whatever it takes to do anything at this time, is able to produce so much, but he is too old to be able to produce as much as he can for a long time, and has not produced much for the rest of his life.

另一个人直接工作,天天在机器旁日复一日,做了一辈子,忙,没时间学习和进修。可以想象, 他的 产量 有多大呢。

Another person works directly, day by day, day by day, full of work, no time to study and study. Imagine how much his


The better balance between a man's life, his ability to exercise, his ability to produce in time, his engine to turn, and his ability to refuel, the greater your contribution and output. If what is drilled has nothing to do with productive targets (or near-term ones), let go.

所以,对于编程中各种协议、各种过于详细的细节、各种华而不实的效果,都暂时和它们 “分手” 吧。 一切和我们的直接工作目标关联不大的东西,扔在一边或者弄清楚到足够支持下一步学习就可以了。

So, for the time being, all kinds of agreements in programming, too detailed details, and all kinds of flimsy effects are “span”


Russia’s GDP is similar to South Korea’s, who's the best? Obviously Russia. Why? Some industries in South Korea do go far beyond Russia, but Russia’s overall industrial system is blowing up the vast majority of countries on the planet.

你和高手的差距不在于某个小知识点,而在于体系。高手往往掌握了“成系统的知识 体系 ”,应用这套“系统知识”可以解决他遇到的绝大多数问题。

The difference between you and the masters is not a little bit of knowledge, but a system. The masters often have mastered the "systemic knowledge" system that solves most of the problems he encounters.


So, in order to be a master, a “knowledge system” is created and some details are developed as necessary.

我一向不认为一个人掌握了很多很多知识点的细节就是高手了,一个人如果告诉你,“回字”有四种写法,你会认为他是高手吗? 毫不夸张的说,现在我们所教授的所有知识细节在网上或书中都可以找到,只要你肯花时间花精力去动手试,去钻研,没有什么是不能掌握的。servlet、spring你能掌握吗?当然能!但是如果把时间花在spring的各种细节的研究上,光一个API文档就够费时的了,这个精力就太浪费了,而且学习的积极性会受到打击,谁愿意整天泡在细节的蜘蛛网中挣扎不出来呢?谁愿意天天经历风雨却总是看不到彩虹呢?

I don't think that a person with a lot of knowledge details is a master, but if one tells you that there are four ways to write a word, do you think he's a master? It's no exaggeration to say that all the details of the knowledge that we've taught can be found online or in books, so long as you're willing to spend your time trying to do it, and there's nothing you can't do.



“一开始追逐细节,是应试教育的硬伤”。为了考试难住你,必须抠各种恶心的细节。所以,为了应试,学生也必须跟着抠八辈子用不着的细节。 为了应付从小学到大学的考试,我们背了各种各样的不应该提前掌握的细节,同时也养成了见到细节就抠的习惯。而现在,是到改改的时候了, 学习要学会变通 。请在合适的时间,做合适的事情吧。

"At first pursuit of the details is the hard wound of an education that should be tested." In order for an examination to be difficult for you, it is necessary to pick up all kinds of disgusting details. So, in order to try, students must follow the details that they cannot use for eight years. In order to cope with the tests from primary school to university, we have carried out all kinds of details that should not be kept in advance, and have become a habit of seeing the details. And now, by the time of change,


Spend time and energy on projects, on writing works and on the ability to practice problem-solving, which is the right and quickest way to proceed.

同样的 ,我也一直不认为一个课程提供了很多很多的细节就是优秀的价值高的课程了,掌握必要的细节,这个不能含糊。至于其他,或者通过视频给出(这样可以给出更多的细节,但是不占上课时间,课上只讲重要的、必要的细节知识),或者在掌握了自学的能力后自己能够查出,这才是正途。

Again , I never thought that a course offered many, many, many details, with the necessary details, which should not be ambiguous. As for the rest, either by video (which gives more details, but does not take school time, only important and necessary details) or by self-learning skills, this is the right way to find out.


When you look at a book that is not understood for a while, let go for a while, and let go for a little bit of water and nature, just don't stop moving forward, and don't let the end of the lobe interfere with your journey, the project, the real project, that's the end.


Tao Yon reads, "Don't seek a solution," but he is a great poet.


Zhuge is always “seen at all”, but he's a big politician.


is a detailed study that takes place after the direction has been determined.


How do you know "real face" when you get to the mountains and throw a pulse shape and stare at a little grass and a grain of stone?


As an appliance person, do you want to study the n-type writing of the word "back" or do you want to make a choice in the direction of the main application?


Project-driven learning, when the art of technology is captured, adds details to the study is the right way.


Since it is learning, it is not possible not to be without problems.


Since it was self-study, there was no convenient opportunity to discuss it with the teacher.


So, what happens when, after a problem, the environment doesn't fit, the program doesn't work, it doesn't work, it doesn't work, it doesn't work, it doesn't work.


First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the fact that meeting a problem means that you have another chance to increase your experience. Every time you solve a problem, your experience rises by hundreds of points, and the more problems you encounter, the faster your knowledge improves.


When it comes to "problems," it's as exciting as "beautiful women." That's not the problem. That's the step you raised.


When there's a problem, I usually ask the students to do the following six steps:


1: Watch carefully what's wrong. Don't ask anyone!


Many of our classmates had very fast hands, and when they compiled a program, they made a lot of mistakes, and after a glance, they looked at the lines of the code. Did you see what the errors were? No. Sometimes there was a problem with the installation of the software, a dialogue box came up and said something wrong, and immediately raised their hands and asked the teacher: "Oh, no, no, no, no."


“What mistake?”


"Didn't you see it?"


These are typical methods of indifference. They are also extremely disrespectful to teachers.


In development, it's the first thing you do when you look at the wrong information, or when you run the wrong information. Read it well, so you can get the point in the next step, cry for half a day, and always know who's crying.


There are three other scenarios:


A: The wrong information is read, then enter two steps: think carefully about what the problem is.


B: I don't get it. I don't get it. Let's go to step four: Baidu.


C: Read half-understand, some eyes but not sure, with steps 2 and 4 combined.


2: Think carefully about what the problem is.


When you read a question, you have to think about where it might go wrong. A car comes down from the bus line, the door won't close. What's wrong with that? How do you do it? You follow the production line, of course.


The procedure is also the same and the result of the completion of a series of statements.


Write a web program that always finds that the data received cannot be printed on the server, and how many links are wrong?


A careful analysis of the links of this phenomenon:


There is a potential for error in all of this:


It is possible that the client did not produce data at all, that the button was pressed and not sent at all, or that you did not produce anything, or that the network was not connected at all, or that the server sent out did not receive it, or that it was printed before it was received, etc.


Having learned to analyse carefully the links of the process and the problems that may arise from them, your experience is bound to rise dramatically and rapidly, although it may be tiring, but is there any value in doing something that is not at all tiring?


But there can be problems at every link. How do you know what's going on? Keep reading.


3: The next step is to find out which links were wrong when it became clear how to locate the errors (important).


There are three ways to locate:

A: 简单打印输出,可以解决一些简单问题。 比如java的System.out.println(),比如js的alert()和console.log(),这种办法常用,必须掌握。

A: Simple print output solves a few simple problems. For example, System.out.println() in Java, e.g. aert() and console.log() in js, this approach is common and has to be mastered.

B: Debug,通过调试查看程序运行细节,解决复杂问题。

B: Debug, solves complex problems by debugating the details of the operation of the program.

C: 删掉一部分调试一部分,也就是去掉一部分的功能,做减法、做简化,然后调试剩下的功能,JSP和JavaScript常用。

C: Deleting part of the debugging, i.e. removing part of the function, subtracting, simplifying and then debugging the remaining function, which is commonly used by JP and JavaScript.


4: If not, baidu > /i>


Still can't find out? Congratulations. Your mistake is one that deserves to be taken seriously. It's one that affects your studies.


As a rule, search engines can find a variety of knowledge points, and I used to joke with my classmates, "If I learned how to google or baidu, I didn't have to learn from the teacher, I got it all figured out.


A: Systematic knowledge


B: Real project exercise experience


C: Cut the bends and save time

D: 形成师生朋友圈

D: Forming a circle of students and teachers

不知不觉开始做广告了,请原谅,处其位谋其事,总得为尚学堂说点什么 :)

I don't know if I'm going to start advertising. Forgive me, but I'm going to have to say something for you.


Let's get to the bottom of this. How do we check the search engine?

先精后粗,首先先尽量精确的查找 。比如一个错误,SocketException,你怀疑它是在connect()方法出的问题,那么当然是选这样的关键词java connect SocketException先中后英,本着以解决问题为主的想法,练习英文还是先放在一边吧,首先应该在中文网页中查询,还不行的话,搜索英文的吧,最近的尚学堂课程中会带大家阅读英文的书籍。 有很多东西就像一层窗户纸,远看灰蒙蒙怪唬人的,你壮着胆子一捅,它就破了 。阅读英文的书籍就是如此,不是想象中的那么困难:)宁可在沙场上战死,也不能被吓死不是吗?

SocketException, for example, you suspect it's a problem with the connect(), then of course you choose the key word java connect SocketException first, so let's practice English on one side, with the idea of solving the problem, first look in the Chinese web page, if it's not possible, and search English, if it's not possible.


Information filters, search results do not match exactly, and it is recommended that you read the results of the previous pages and open a few more pages. However, my experience is that more than three pages are generally meaningless, so more than three pages do not have the right answer. Perhaps you should adjust the keywords or use the results of the whole search.

经常的进行知识难点的查询,如果一个问题牵扯的面比较广,就干脆到网上搜索一些相关的专题,比如“java 乱码 mysql”、 “oracle 创建用户”等等,如果有必要,不要犯懒,动手写一些小的测试程序,来弄明白知识点的细节,这也是涨知识的重要途径。

Frequent access to hard-to-know queries, and if a problem has a broader dimension, simply search on the Internet for related topics such as “java mysql”, “oracle creating users” and so on, and if necessary, do not be lazy and write small test programs to understand the details of the knowledge points, which is also an important way to increase knowledge.


What? Not yet? Then just the BBS and the QQ Group.


If that's not the case, ask the forum or the QQueen's. Asking people is very skillful!


I have been asked the following question: “How can you learn how to programme?” The question is too general.


Someone gave me a code, even a jar bag, and said that the teacher had a mistake and you could check it out for me: "The teacher's time is too valuable to spend a lot of time deciphering a mistake that doesn't yet exist!"


There was also a question on the BBS: "Is there anyone who can help me with a full chat? Please write me a landing module?" The request was a little too much, and it was your luck that someone did it for you, and it was the normal response that nobody helped you.


To ask others, first of all, to make sure that you have done what you have to do, and, quite simply, that you have done the 1, 2, 3, 4 steps that I have cited, and then you can turn to someone. Don't ask people recklessly without thinking about it, and you won't make much progress on your own.


Finally, you need to be grateful to others. You don't need to write a letter of thanks, you don't need to pay for it, you don't need to say things like that, and it's enough to do the following:


When you're becoming a master, try to answer questions from others, with time and energy!


I can't fix it?


Oh, my God, is there something wrong with the idea at the root? Write to me, let me also learn. Let's move on!

现在就业竞争的激烈程度已经远远高于当年了。记得我当年毕业时,一个会编程的毕业生站到台上,大声问道:“我会C语言,有没有人要?” 台下的企业马上哗的举起一大片手:"我要,我要!"(有些夸张,但无疑当时找一份不错的工作是比现在要容易的多)。

Now the competition for employment is much more intense than it was that year. Remember when I graduated, a programmer graduate came to the stage and said, "I can speak C, does anyone want it?" The firm under the stage immediately raised a big hand: "I want, I want!" (some exaggeration, but no doubt it was easier to find a decent job than it is now).

那时,没有项目经验也会有人给你提供学习的机会。但随着时代的发展,这种好日子恐怕一去不复返了。 而现在,即便是各种必要的知识你掌握的差不多了,但还有一座大山横在你的面前,那就是“项目经验”。

And now, even if you have all the necessary knowledge, there's a mountain that runs across you, and that's project experience.

有经验的程序员都知道,学习编程的最有效率的方式,就是把你扔到一个项目组,连滚带爬的做一两个项目下来, 你马上会发现所有的知识点全都连到一起了,不再是分散的,而是形成一个整体了。那种感觉是仅仅深入钻研知识点而不写真实项目的人所不能体会的。一个项目就是一根绳子可以把大片的知识串到一起。

Experienced programmers know that the most efficient way to learn how to program is to throw you into a project group, crawl around and do one or two projects, and you'll soon find that all the points of knowledge are all connected, no longer scattered, but form a whole. That feeling is something that people who just dig deep into knowledge points without writing real projects can't understand.


If you want to exercise the ability actually developed, not just to recite or understand some knowledge, if you want to be a real good man, not just to understand how the word "back" can be written, then let's do the project!


At present, the various programming knowledge points are becoming more and more easy to grasp, and it is possible to build up the breadth and depth of their knowledge according to the various approaches in the Sixth: The Way to Solving the Problem. What can now reflect the difference in levels? Of course, project experience.


At present, the curriculum of the Academy goes beyond the study of knowledge points and lists them, and we will gradually publish most of the training videos in the coming years. There are two advantages: the first self-studyer can get free of charge the content of the original business training, which will save at least some time and make less of a fall. The second school itself can focus more on the project.

目前尚学堂的项目实战占了课程50%左右的比重,尚学堂的项目也早已经超越了简单的MIS系统的概念,逐步成为综合了 搜索引擎、工作流、SCA/SDO、Linux/UNIX、大型数据库系统、设计模式、架构模式、负载均衡 等各种深层应用的综合大型项目。 并且采用手把手式的教学方法,做的更加的深入和细致,从现在看效果相当好,最近班的就业就完全证明了这一点,我们的计划是最近逐步将项目比重提升到70%以上,相信效果会更好。

The project currently in the Academy accounts for about 50% of the course, and the project has moved beyond the concept of a simple MIS system to a combination of search engines, workflows, SCA/SDO, Linux/UNIX, large database systems, design models, architecture models, load balance , and a combination of deep-level applications. And, using hand-held teaching methods, it has done much more in depth and detail, which is now quite well demonstrated by recent class employment.


In order to disseminate the concept of “operational training”, we will publish a large number of project videos, such as the recently released 100 graduate design projects, the large power provider system development video, and so on.



So what do we do to learn how to develop a project if we learn to do it?

一个比较有效的办法是,可以在现有项目的基础上做的更深入一些, 比如在你按照视频完成了BBS之后,可以增加一些其他的功能,例如注册/积分/精华/搜索/贴图等等,在完成了Shopping之后,可以增加一些评论/排行/统计/存货等等方面的业务逻辑,尝试用自己的技术将他们做出来,这样既积攒了项目经验,又记住了知识点。

A more effective approach would be to build on existing projects in greater depth, for example, by adding some other functions, such as registration/centres/precision/search/painting, after you have completed the BBS by video, by adding some business logic in terms of comments/rowing/statistics/stocking, etc., and by trying to use your own technology to make them, so that both project experience and knowledge points can be accumulated.


So how do I know what business logic I'm going to write?

应该讲这对于一个初学者是非常困难的,一些简单的系统,比如:BBS、Shopping、图书管理等等,它们的业务逻辑很容易确定,去浏览和参考一些现成系统的功能,很容易就能了解了。但是对于商用的大型系统,光是了解业务逻辑本身就会花费大量的精力,如果有时间有精力有财力的话,还是建议考虑一下我们的培训吧,这样经验的积累和薪水的提升会更快,从以前的统计数据来看非常容易就可以回收这笔高价值投资(替尚学堂的广告,请见谅,但保证真实)。如果所在城市没有我们的分校,可以参加我们的线上课程http://www.itbaizhan.cn , 内容和质量也是杠杠的。

It's very difficult for a beginner, and simple systems, such as BBS, Shopping, book management, etc., whose business logic is easy to determine, to browse and refer to some of the functionality of the off-the-shelf system. But for large commercial systems, simply knowing business logic alone will take a lot of effort. If you have time and resources, it is recommended that we consider our training, so that the accumulation of experience and the increase in salaries will be faster and it will be very easy to recover this high value investment from previous statistics (advertisements for the Academy, but for sure). If there is no one in the city, we can attend our online course , the content and quality of which are also relevant.


If the conditions do not permit, then study the project according to the above approach, and do not be discouraged by the temporary lack of access to larger and deeper projects. Remember that opportunities always favour prepared minds, try hard, teenagers!



Interviews are essentially a communication process, and they're exactly the same thing as you do when you go to a relationship. So it's the key to getting a job offer from the interviewer's point of view to the interviewer's point of view.


If you know the motives of the interviewer, you can build common ground, and you can easily respond appropriately to the question.

相亲时,你期望碰到美女的渴望和美女期望碰到白马王子的渴望,二者的“渴望程度”完全是一样的。 那么,你如果是男方,你需要做的事情就是“包装”自己,让自己显得比实际上“更高,更富,更帅”,接近女方的心中白马王子的高度,越接近越容易成功。这个过程也存在“心理博弈”的过程,双方聊过去、聊现在、聊未来。 有辉煌过去的喜欢聊过去来证明自己的未来;现在就辉煌的就喜欢聊当下;过去不行,现在不行的就喜欢聊未来,展现自己的雄心。

When you get together, you expect to meet the desire of beautiful women and the desire of beautiful women to meet the desire of Prince Charming. So, if you're a man, what you need to do is “pack yourself,” so that you look closer to the height of Prince Charming's heart than actually “higher, richer, more handsome.” There is also a process of “psychological games” in which both sides talk about the past, talk about the present, talk about the future.

同上面相亲的案例,面试中,面试官需要人才的热烈程度等于你求职的热烈程度。 我们首先要明白面试官需要什么样的人才,然后展示自己,告诉他,我就是这样的人才!

In the case of last-minute encounters, the intensity of the interviewer’s need for talent is equal to the intensity of your job search. Let’s first understand what kind of talent the interviewer needs, and then show himself, and tell him that I am such a person!


Knowing the above, we need to conduct a detailed analysis of the entire recruitment process in order to make it easier for you to understand the psychological state of the interviewer.



There are three types of reasons why employees are recruited by companies in general:


1. Planned expansion of companies


2. Specific items


3. Separation of staff

因此,招聘者也是“求贤若渴”,他也面临公司给他的绩效压力。 如何能尽快、低成本的招聘到合适的人到岗,而不耽误业务的进展,这是招聘者最大的工作。

So the recruiter is also “satisfied” and he is under pressure from his company to perform. How can recruit the right person as soon as possible and at low cost without delaying the progress of his business?

通常如果受到高层压力,感觉招聘进度已经限制了公司业务的发展、已经阻碍了业务推广的时间,招聘者就会变“急”。 就跟开发人员迫于项目时间的压力,凑合完成一段不合格的代码一样。招聘者也会由于这些压力,有可能降低招聘的岗位标准(这种降低不是明面上通知降低标准,而是各个环节把控较松)。 这也就是为什么很多人技术并不太好,也能找到工作的原因。 公司最大的成本有时候不是金钱、而是时间。 这也就像很多优秀的男生女生30岁之后,迫于时间压力,降低标准找对象的道理一样。

Often, when under high-level pressure, it is felt that the pace of recruitment has limited the development of the company’s business and has impeded its roll-out time, the recruiter becomes “urgent.” As with the pressure on the developers to complete an unqualified code, as with the pressure on project time.

虽然学习编程的人员很多,但是各行各业都需要信息化,人员需求也非常巨大,缺口仍然很大。 如果某个公司招聘并不顺利,连续面试很多人都不合格,那么可能就在面试你的时候降低“标准”。 这也是为什么很多技术很水的人也能找到工作的原因。 对于招聘者来说,如果你心态好,很踏实,即使现在技术不行,花一点时间培养你,也没什么大不了。

If a company is not well recruited, and many people are not qualified for continuous interviews, it may lower the “standard” when interviewing you. That's why many people with great skills can find jobs.


Of course, it's not a reason why you don't learn a lot about technology. "Technology, good mentalities, realism will give you more chance in life.


任何一个行业都有失败者,这就是规律。 就像婚姻、恋爱市场,总会有打光棍的问题(100%是男同胞,男女比例严重失调啊)。 为什么会有人找不到工作?为什么会有人找不到老婆?这是个大课题。想明白了,你将会走向人生巅峰。

There are losers in any industry, and that's the rule. Like in the marriage and love market, there's always the problem of playing the game (100% of men and women are compatriots, there's a serious imbalance). Why can't anyone get a job? Why can't anyone get a wife? It's a big question.

我们先以婚姻、恋爱市场为例。研究研究为什么会有人找不到老婆? 有人说,打光棍是因为这个人没钱。 但你总会发现比他还没钱的人娶了老婆,有的还很漂亮。老婆还很贤惠,出去打工养老公。 有人说,打光棍是因为这个人没能力。 但你总会发现很多没能力的人也娶了老婆,有的也很漂亮。 这时候,你只能仰天长叹,“好白菜都让猪拱了”。有人说,打光棍是因为这个人长得丑,个子矮、家里穷等等。但你总会找到层出不穷的反例。这时候,你可能就会迷茫了。 到底什么才是关键、才是问题的核心?

Some say it's because he's ugly, short, poor, poor, and so on. But you always find the opposite. At that point, you might get lost.

好吧,我告诉你, 是心态!心态!心态!重要的问题说三遍! 心态积极,勤奋努力什么事情都能干成。 心态消极,懒惰不努力,什么条件都没戏! 很多“懒屌丝”宁愿天天宅在家里睡懒觉、玩游戏,也不愿意走出去。宁愿窝在家里练习右手臂力,也不愿意出去多跟异性接触。 这些人,不管什么条件都将被淘汰。

Well, I'm telling you, is a mentality! A mentality! The important question is said three times!

大家如果看过电影《夏洛特烦恼》,里面的“大傻”,智商低,但是人实在。就是靠死缠烂打硬泡的方式,竟然也追上了自己的女神。 追女神也是概率问题,努力去追,提高成功率,女神总有空虚、心理没底的时候,这时候可能就会有机会了。 某天,女神忽然微信呼你:“忙吗?”,这时候机会就来了。 但是,如果你不努力,你连女神的候选名单都上不去,怎么可能有机会?

If you see the movie Charlotte's Troubles, and it's "Big Stupid," IQ, but people are real. It's the way you hit hard bubbles with death, and you're catching up with your own goddess. And if you don't try, it's also a question of probability.

在招聘市场,应聘者面临的是同样的问题。 即使你技术水平差,只要多面试、多总结、多努力,没有不成功的。 你想想,面试是个概率事件,技术差你的成功率即使只有1%,面试100家也上去了。 技术好你的成功率是10%,不去面试,面试的少,你可能也没戏。 因此,我们要千方百计提高自己“面试的机会”,至少可以让自己进入企业“眼里”,一旦有机会,即可成功。

Even if you have a poor skill, with more interviews, more summing up, and more effort, it's not unsuccessful. You think that an interview is a probabilities event, with less than 1% of your skills, and 100 of your skills go up.

我们曾经碰到一个学员,大学学的是文科,学历是专科, 毕业后做了一名“光荣的水手”,环球航行了两年,决定回归陆地。 开始学习编程,学了1个多月后,仍然在纠结什么是变量的问题。 但是,这个同学心态好,积极向上,毕业后,积极主动的去面试,结果很快搞定了工作,刚开始工资并不高。 工作两年后,成了项目经理,年薪30万。风风光光的回尚学堂招聘学弟学妹了。 积极努力,一天当两天用,起点再低也会成功。

After two years of work, a project manager, 300,000 dollars a year, was recruited as a graduate student. Actively working, two days in a day, the starting point would be too low to be successful.

我们也碰到过一个奇葩的学员,在尚学堂学完后,就纠结于你们不是“推荐就业”吗?窝在宿舍等着。 企业来了,老师通知也不来参加面试,偶尔来了,结果窝在宿舍根本没有锻炼出能力,也无法面试成功,这是极其个别的案例。即使你是千里马,不出去跑,天天窝在家里,消极等待,最终你也会成为一匹“废马”。

It's a very rare case that we met a strange student who, after studying at the school, was concerned that you weren't “recommended for employment” when you were in the dormitory. The company came, the teachers didn't come to the interview, and occasionally they came, and they didn't get any exercise in the dormitory, and they couldn't do it. Even if you were a horse, you wouldn't run away, you stayed at home, you waited passively, and eventually you would become a piece of junk.

所以,无论你是什么条件,高富帅还是矮矬穷,心态不对,恋爱和工作都不可能成功。 希望大家积极起来,大着胆子冲向社会,千方百计进入企业招聘环节,即使不成功,就当做一次锻炼机会,锻炼多了,一旦机会来了,是不是成功率就大大提高了? 做“屌丝”可以,自嘲一下也不错,但千万不要做“懒屌丝”,那样你就完蛋了。

So, whatever your condition is, you're rich and handsome, you're poor, you're not in a good mood, you're in love, you're in a bad mood, you're in a bad mood, you're in business, you're in a bad mood, you're out of business, you're out of business, you're out of business, if you don't.

4. 公司最喜欢什么样的程序员?


What kind of programmer does the company like?


First, good attitude.

态度永远是第一要素,面试者通常都是你以后的直接上级。如果跟你交流顺畅,看你态度也不错,这样对他来说,领导起来就容易一些。 因此,态度通常是面试官看人的第一要素。 态度不端正,一切免谈。能力强我也驾驭不了,要你何用? 能力差态度好也勉强能接受,能力差态度还差那就分分钟被灭掉。

Attitude is always the first element, and the interviewer is usually your next direct superior. If you talk well with you, it is easier for him to lead.


If you know the motives of the interviewer, you can build common ground, and you can easily respond appropriately to the question.




After all, companies recruit people to do their jobs, and technical skills are the focus of the study.




By communicating with an interviewer, you can feel that you love technical work. Even if you feel like you're at a poor level, it doesn't matter. Interest is the best teacher, likes the technology, treats overtime as a game-playing attitude, and the interviewer will obviously give you a big compliment.

PS:这里顺便给个技巧,可以让你身价立刻增加30%以上(本来你值8000,可以拿到1万,一下子让你一年多挣3万),那就是学习本专业的一些新的技术、高级一点的技术。不需要多么精通,了解即可。可以在面试的时候说出来。这样就会令面试官对你刮目相看,薪水标准也会立刻增加。因为你说的这些技术,可能是面试官也不会的,这种对你的好感度和惊诧的眼神立刻就会让你身价暴增。 很多java学员学完后再学大数据或者架构师班,都有这样的误解,觉得一定要学到多么多么好。其实,没必要,了解大数据或者架构师班某些技术能交流即可,面试时优势已经极大了; 而且,即使上了班,用到这些技术,查查资料加加班能弄出来就OK了。

PS: A technique that gives you an immediate increase of more than 30% in the price of your life (you were worth $80,000, you could earn more than 30,000 a year) is learning some new and advanced techniques of your profession. No need to be so proficient and understand it. You can say it during an interview. This will impress the interviewer, and the salary rate will increase immediately. Because these techniques, which may not be that of an interviewer, will immediately increase your price by looking at you.

如上三点决定了你是否能被录用。大家掌握这三点,也可以互相补充。比如,你技术差,可以通过展现态度好,爱技术,爱学习来获得加分。 当然,如果技术好,也要通过展现态度好,爱技术,爱学习获得更多的分。

If you're good, of course, if you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you know, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good.

面试官经常会碰到技术非常合适,但是态度较差,计较是否加班的面试者,基本都被pass。毕竟,技术再强也不是地球上只有你会,对不对? 如果态度差,加入团队变成团队的负能量,那就损失大了。

Interviewers often meet the right technology, but with less attitude, they're basically passers. After all, you're not the only one on the planet with more technology, are you? If you have a bad attitude, you lose a lot of negative energy to join a team.



First, good attitude.

“我是谁?”这是人生最大的命题,找工作最大的命题是什么呢?显然,就是“我到底值多少钱?”。给自己确定了合适的定位,才能找到合适的工作。 如果你能力只值5000,一定要找3万的工作,那怎么可能找得到?

“Who am I?” is the biggest thing in life. What is the biggest thing about finding a job?


Generally, the interviewer evaluates your salary rates from the following:


1. Personal qualities and oral talent (percentage: 20 per cent)


This is actually an impression, so to be accepted is the first characteristic expressed in the last topic, "What's the company's favorite programmer?"


If you fully express to the interviewer good personal qualities and a positive attitude towards the job, the interviewer will feel very smooth and confident throughout the interview process, and even if you are less skilled, you will be able to get the offer.


"personal qualities and oral talent" is the most critical factor in your getting off-offer.


2. Basic technologies (percentage: 40 per cent)


Basic programming skills, sound theoretical knowledge, and knowledge systems are more important for interviewers.

如果面试官感觉你项目经验不丰富,但是基础扎实,也可以完全的弥补项目经验欠缺的问题。这也是很多应届毕业生能顺利就业的法宝。 当然,如果项目经验欠缺的话,高薪的概率就降低了, 需要降低薪资要求,保持较普通的薪水来实现就业。

If the interviewer feels that you are not experienced in the project, but that you are based on solid foundations, it can also make up for the lack of experience in the project. This is also a valuable tool for many candidates to be employed successfully.


"basic technology" is a fundamental factor in your ability to find employment.


3. Project experience (percentage: 40 per cent)


Project experience is obviously one of the most important things the interviewer has. It reflects your personal qualities, basic skills, and so on in the description of the project experience.


During the course of the training, the teacher's project case has to learn the opposite. After all, it's been told to dozens of people, hundreds of people, and it's not very good for you to write it directly on your curriculum vitae during the interview. The best thing is to be kind enough to keep an eye on and look for your project case.


The project case is yours, and the problems encountered in the process and development of the project are described in the teacher's class.


“Project experience” is a key factor in your ability to achieve high salaries.


The top three items of state-of-the-art and advanced technical knowledge (additional, 30-50 per cent value added) can be fully assured of employment if they are completed. “Stand-up and advanced technical knowledge” is the key to securing a reasonable range of higher wages, i.e., a higher premium, “exceeding your own sale”.

面试官通常由于平时工作忙,无暇学习新的技术和知识,除非是项目用到的技术。但是,作为一个“技术控“,通常会关注最新技术的信息,拥有学习这些技术的渴望,但是没有时间和精力。 这个时候,应聘者简历上写的新技术、面试时聊的新技术,都会成为让”面试官欣赏你的理由“。

However, as a “technology control,” it usually focuses on information about the latest technologies, and has a desire to learn them, but it lacks time and energy. At this point, the new technologies written on the candidates’ curricula vitae, the new technologies discussed during the interviews, will be the reason why the interviewers appreciate you.

但是,注意千万不要有心理负担,这种”欣赏的眼神“是上级发现一个得力下属的”喜欢的眼神“,而不是好基友。 面试官也知道你基础一般、项目经验一般,但是这些新技术你都在学,证明你是个”技术好胚子“,很像曾经的”他自己“而已。

But be careful not to have a psychological burden, because the “appreciative eye” is the look that a superior finds in a powerful subordinate’s favored eye, not a good friend. The interviewer also knows that you have a general base and project experience, but you are learning these new technologies, proving that you are a “good piece of technology,” just like you once were.

如果前三项决定了你的薪水是8000,那么有了第四项,你的薪水标准通常会提高至少30%,最高50%。也就是实现了”你的溢价”, 每个月可以多赚:4000元左右。 而且,你会发现拿8000和溢价拿1万,1万2, 最后干的活其实差别不大。

If the first three decide that your salary is 8,000, then with a fourth, your salary rate usually rises by at least 30%, up to 50%. That's "your premium," you get more money every month: 4000 dollars. And, you find that there's no difference between the 8,000 and the $10,000 premium, and the last job.

这里有个经过我们统计的”1.5倍定律”: 就是经过”最新和高级技术”的助力,你的薪水会在原定值上增加50%,薪水是原来的1.5倍。

Here's the 1.5-fold rule, which we've counted: with the help of the latest and advanced technology, your salary will be 50% higher than the original one and a half times higher than the original one.




I don't say much about it. If you need money, it depends on your salary, it depends on your opportunity. Personal advice, it's your chance.



This situation, of course, is, "Don't pick it. Get into the business first and look for opportunities." Time can't be wasted. If two months are lost, two months are lost, and two months are wasted.



In this case, the standard is lowered, and every effort is made to find jobs, regardless of the enterprise.

我们始终强调”机会成本”,差不多的前提下,尽快就业,不要纠结于薪水多500少1000的问题,进入行业后,还需要再学习再提高。 现在就业不是你的终点,而是你的起点。

We have always emphasized the “opportunity costs” – in a similar context – to find employment as soon as possible, not to dwell on 500 or 1,000 more salaries, and to learn more after entering the industry. Now employment is not your end point, but your starting point.


很多朋友还是跟小孩一样, 感觉学习了东西后如果考试不考,公司暂时不用就没有价值,不想学习。 感觉学习好累啊,是给老师学的,给尚学堂交了学费,是给尚学堂学的。别不承认,很多人潜意识里面就是这种”应试教育”思维。

A lot of friends, like kids, feel that they don’t need to study for a while, if they don’t take the test, they don’t want to do it. They're tired, they're for teachers, they're for tuition, they're for schools.

多学东西到底是为什么?其实,很简单。掌握更多的技术,意味着更多的机会,有更多选择的机会。 人和人之间本质的差距就是“选择权“的差距。 农民自家种蔬菜、养猪吃,很干净很有机;千万富翁可能还要吃着普通的猪肉和蔬菜;他们之间的差距在于:千万富翁可以随便选择,可以随时过农民的生活;而农民却没有选择过千万富翁生活的权利。 多学技术,就意味着有更多选择的机会,发展的机会,就会造成工作和生活的差距。

The difference between people and people is the difference between the “right of choice.” Farmers grow their own vegetables, feed their pigs, and are clean and organic; millions ofaires may also eat ordinary pork and vegetables; the gap between them is that millions ofaires can choose their own options and live their lives at any time; and farmers do not have the right to live their lives at any time.

同时,在IT行业多学东西,除了这些“机会和选择权“之外,更直接的就是能带来金钱的收益。 举例来说,同样招聘一个java程序员。小A只会java已经合格了。 小B除了会java,还会一点大数据和架构知识,要价比小A高20%。 关键是,我们公司现在也不需要大数据和架构技术,小A和小B来了以后还是写java代码。 你猜,面试官会选择小A还是小B? 绝大多数面试官会选择小B。 有了小B,一旦后期有大数据和架构的需求,技术经理就多了一个选择。 而且,小B显然更好学,成长性更好,虽然薪水高20%,但是几个月时间就能把这20%的薪水赚回来。

In addition to going to Java, little B will have a little big data and architecture knowledge that is 20% higher than little A. The point is that our companies don’t need big data and architecture now, and when little A and B arrives, write the Java code.

掌握或了解更多的技术知识,抛开企业用和不用的角度,单纯看应聘者就是一个态度的问题、成长潜力的问题。 面试官显然会要态度更好、成长力更大的员工。

Knowing or learning more about technology, leaving aside the point of view of business use and non-use, simply looking at candidates is a question of attitude and growth potential. Interviewers will obviously want better and more empowered employees.

另外,你的企业现在不用,以后可能会用呀,这个时候你可能就具备强大的话语权和机会了。 我们一个大数据的学员毕业后,他还是应届生,去了一家公司做java开发,没多久老板成立大数据业务的公司,结果公司就他会,直接就被任命为大数据业务的技术负责人。 你可以说,这个学员还年轻,技术不行什么的,但是他有这个技术负责人的平台,还要学习和提高,现在不行,一年后呢?

After we graduate a student of big data, he goes to a company to do Java development, and not long after the boss set up a company of big data businesses, he will be appointed directly as the technical director of big data operations. You can say that this student is young, not technically capable, but he has a platform for the technology executive, and he has to learn and improve, not now, not a year later.


More learning means more opportunities and choices; more opportunities means a whole different life.

高考前,我们要练兵考试和集训。”临阵磨枪不快也光 ”,找工作前,我们也必须要花很多精力去完成一些必要的准备。 “不打无准备之仗”, 精心准备和训练会对你有相当正面的作用。

Before we go to high school, we're going to have to train for military examinations and training.” We're going to have to spend a lot of effort on some of the necessary preparations before we can find a job.

有人认为“找工作要靠能力”。这话没错,我要说的是,“临阵磨枪准备的内容也是能力的一部分”。 找工作其实是结果导向的一个事情,而不是过程导向。

Some say, “Looking for work depends on capacity.” That's right, I'm saying, “The content of the gun is part of the ability.” Finding work is actually a result-oriented matter, not a process-oriented one.

小A和小B技术实力差不多, 小A经过精心的准备和策划,获得的机会显然要远远多于小B。也许一个机会,就能完全将小A的命运改变了。

Little A and Little B have the same technical power, and Little A, after careful preparation and planning, obviously has a far greater chance than Little B. Perhaps a chance will completely change A's fate.


大家进入职场前,非常有必要明白职场的一些基本要领。其实,道理都非常简单,甚至可以说是常识, 关键是我们能否执行下去。很多人不明白这些基本的道理,几年下来,坏的行为固化成习惯,习惯进一步融入到命运,最后很悲惨的成为人人鄙视的loser。所以,我希望大家从看到这篇文章起,就遵守这样的行为准则,你将会在职场中很快迎来自己的好运。

Before you go to work, it is very important to understand some of the fundamentals of the workplace. In fact, the truth is very simple, if not common sense, and the key is whether we can do it. Many people do not understand the basics, and for a few years now, bad behavior has become a habit, a habit that has become more integrated into destiny, and, in the end, tragicly, a loner. So, I hope that you will follow such a code of conduct from the moment you see it, and you will soon get your luck in the field.


1 dress up clean and hygienicly satisfactory


It's not a job quality, it's a person's quality. Every day you walk out of the door with dirt on your fingernails, and you smell something different, how do you make people think you're a solid person? Don't tell me, you don't bother. It's modest. People can say that to you, but you can't say that to yourself. Every day, a man takes 10 minutes to clean himself up and wears a clean dress. You can get clean and clean without Amani.


Remember, a couple of years ago, a student came to me and said, "Teacher, I've interviewed a lot of homes. Why is it a few minutes away?" I was so surprised to see him, he didn't have a shower, his hair was a mess, he had a greasy face, and he was described as "incident." It was summer, and it was estimated that N didn't have a bath, and it was a different smell. Basically, I could say, the guy was in a situation. First, no friend, no man or woman. It was a torture. Second, no future. And I didn't know which blind interviewer would want him. So I cruelly told him what he was in.


And I said to him, "Isn't your hygiene too bad? This instrument, I've been telling you for 10 minutes, has been a big face for you?" He said, "I know it's a little bad, but I don't think people are so vulgar, they should pay more attention to my skills and my character."


And I said, "Well, we're all very busy. First, there's a lot of people with your skills and you don't have to spend time trying to figure out what's inside you. Secondly, you're too self-centred. You should be concerned about what's inside. Why don't you say that you should change what's inside you? You don't even have basic external hygiene. What else can you do?"


He's still stubborn: "Handing is simple. I'll just take a little time every day to sort it out. But..."


And I cut him off, and I said, "Go back to the shower and change your clothes. You don't respect yourself. Second, you don't respect people. How do you find a girlfriend like this without working? To change your situation, change your instrument, change your behavior. After that, you spend 10 minutes in the morning sorting out yourself, otherwise you're finished."


And then I didn't come to me again. A year later, I received a text message: "Thank you, Mr. Gao. Thank you very much. I used to be so pretentious that the world was all about me. When I went back that day, I was really “cleaning up” and it took me ten minutes, five minutes to sort out my appearances every morning. Then I took only a week to get to work. This year, I had a lot of harvests and girlfriends and a lot of male friends, and my whole life felt changed. Thank you again for your frankness."


Two has normal communication habits.


A normal communication habit is also important. The normal communication habits are as follows:


1. No interruptions to each other's conversations


This is the most basic respect for others and the most basic courtesy to let others finish their words.

2. 说话时,盯着对方的眼睛。眼神坚定,不飘忽

2. When you speak, look in the eye of the other person. Your eyes are firm and do not float.


The eyes are the windows of the heart. When you talk to people, don't look around. Keep your eyes on each other's eyes. If you're embarrassed, you can look at the nose. Keep your eyes on the nose.

3. 说话时,语气不拖拉。

The tone of speech does not drag.


I'm sure you'll say it with confidence. Don't you ever do that.

4. 没有小动作,但可以适当增加手势

4. No minor moves, but appropriate gestures can be added


It's rude to shake your legs, rub your hands, and touch others. Don't do these bad things when you talk, but you can increase your gestures to make your communication smoother.

5. 表情放松,多一些微笑

Take it easy. Smile a little more.


Don't make it too formal, relax and smile.


Three's on time. Don't be late.


How can a person without a sense of time do a good thing? So an interview is not late, a date is not late, it's a basic courtesy. And all interviews and datings are best guaranteed to arrive 10 minutes in advance.


However, in the event of a late arrival, what should be done? In the event of a late arrival for reasons such as traffic jams, call the other party immediately, inform the other party of the reasons, and apologize.


You're not leaving, you're not leaving.


For you in the first place, it is very important for the leadership to see how you work. You can work slowly, but the attitude must be correct, at least to make the leader feel like you're a piece of work, not a piece of shit.


If your immediate superior is still working overtime, it is very important that you keep synchronizing. If you can help, you can ask if you need anything. If you can't do it for a while, you can sit in front of a computer and learn some specialized knowledge.


Five in a row with colleagues around.


It's the most basic rule of the workplace, you know, to talk to your colleagues more often. It's important to be careful not to be alone when you work and rest. The most typical is lunchtime: you must eat with your colleagues, don't be alone.


If there's a problem with six, ask for help immediately.


If you have problems at work, you can't solve the problem by checking your own data.


Seven is responsible. It's over with me.


Basic responsibility and its importance! Do not use a clear division of labour, not my business, as an excuse for exoneration. It is true in large companies, but you often need to be involved in something other than work. Not to mention, in small and medium-sized enterprises. You can solve it with you, and it is the exercise and upgrading of your abilities, and it is the opportunity to appreciate yourself. If you push it away, you lose not only the opportunity to exercise, but also the way others see you and see your future.


There was a little thing about moving a chair before. At a meeting, five less chairs in the conference room, the boss had sat down and said, "Five more people, five less chairs." The guy who arranged the meeting said, "Shall I move?" He probably meant, "I'm a girl, I can't move." Maybe he wanted to say, "I'm a manager, I'm a chair, I can't move a chair." Anyway, he said five words. The boss was wrong and didn't say anything. A week later, the girl resigned.


At work, you run into your business. The more things you solve, the more exercise you get, the more skill you get, and the less chance you get for promotion and development?


Unfortunately, a large part of the job is for those who lack responsibility. And fortunately, these irresponsible people will give you a lot of opportunities. Believe in your responsibility, your superiors, your girlfriends will know it first.


8 Learning mindsets for colleagues and superiors, inclusive mindsets for colleagues and subordinates


“To be able to lead and to work together, to be able to work together, you have to be learning with your superiors. He can do this, he must be human, he must be better than you. Learn from his strengths, and then improve them, and you will have a chance.


At work, many colleagues speak privately about their superiors, and they feel that the decision is stupid and that it is stupid. Often it is because of the different perspectives of the subordinates and the superiors, the “ass-head” decides the head. So why not try to match the leadership’s decision to see if it works or not? Or, do you think there are problems that you can tell the leader about your thoughts in private?


Nine loyalties.


If you don't be loyal to your company, embezzle public funds and profit from other companies in private. If you do, you're basically gonna lose your mind. There's no good future for you in the company. Other companies look at you like this, just take advantage of you, but there's no way you can be used again.


Never play with your superiors and your colleagues with your own wits. The world is similar to IQs. Who's dumber than anyone? You can fool him once, twice, not three or four times. Like you cheated on the test, you think you're smart, but if you sit on the podium, you understand that the next step is more than a teacher won't pick you up.


So, in the workplace, loyalty is the most basic of humans.


There are always more options than problems, and positive mindsets face problems.


There's a problem at work, don't be afraid. The job is to solve a problem. If it's a problem, there's a solution. If it's a solution, it's always a solution. If it's not a problem, it's a problem: it's a disaster. It's not a problem.



For the companies you are about to interview, it is important to be “know-your-own-know” and to conduct adequate research prior to the interview. This will allow you to have a full opportunity to interact with HR during the interview, as well as to avoid the pits of many bad companies.


1. 公司发展的历程

1. The course of corporate development

2. 公司的产品或者项目以及周期

2. Company products or projects and cycles

3. 公司下一步的发展规划

3. Next steps in corporate development planning

4. 公司开发使用的技术架构

4. Technology architecture developed by companies

5. 公司跟开发有关的组织结构(开发部、测试部、运维部、产品部等)

5. Corporate development-related organizational structures (Ministry of Development, Department of Testing, Ministry of Transport and Security, Department of Products, etc.)



For a company, would it be interested in your post-graduate report card or in your project experience? The answer is clearly: project experience. Even in many post-graduate re-testings, the coaches would see you write a lot of project experience on your curriculum vitae, which would greatly increase your scores. Five years ago, one of my students was asked and asked about a post-graduate re-testing curriculum vitae, and was eventually taken into account by the middle school. That is the strength of the project.


So, the pre-project is going to enrich your curriculum vitae and win more opportunities. A small opportunity might completely change your fate.


You need to avoid misunderstandings about project research. It's not about getting the commercial source of the project and reading it through. It's not about writing the code. The essence of the project research is to open your eyes and increase the resources of the interviewer.


The most important purpose of the project research is to make you understand the process of project development, the intrinsic logic of a project, the problems that are common to such projects, open-mindedness and, ultimately, a true understanding of the overall process of project development.


The key to research is to be good. The modern Internet is so developed that any information can be found online.

A. 打开各种网站,其实就是一个个项目。

A. Opening various websites is actually a project.

B. 打开相关软件公司,下载他们软件的试用版,就可以去研究他的内在逻辑。

B. Opening the relevant software company and downloading a trial version of their software would allow him to study his intrinsic logic.

C. 下载各种app,也是一个个完整的项目。

C. Downloading applications is also a complete project.

D. 各种开源网站下载的项目,也可以作为研究的对象。

D. Projects that are downloaded from various open-source sites can also be the subject of research.

E. 大胆出去,参加一些创业、创意相关的活动。比如:中关村创业一条街的各种会议。

E. Be bold and participate in a number of entrepreneurial, creative and related activities. For example, conferences and meetings in the middle-kang village to start a street.



Before you go to work, you need to go through all the techniques you learn during your regular training.


1. 对于一些常见的面试和笔试问题,一定要反复练习,最好能背下来。

1. For a number of common interview and written examination questions, it is important to practice repeatedly and preferably to be able to carry it down.

2. 对于一些工作和面试不常见的问题,记住结论即可,不要纠结。不要因为一些小概率的问题而浪费太多的时间。毕竟,任何人都没有必要有能力可以应对所有的问题,只要能应对常见的问题足以实现就业。

Don't waste too much time on small probabilities. After all, there is no need for anyone to have the capacity to deal with all the problems, provided that the common problems are sufficient to achieve employment.



The software industry is more up-to-date and often new technologies are available. However, these technologies are not usually applied immediately to enterprises, which generally use stable and popular technologies.


People who are at the forefront of software development often lag behind in learning about new technologies. After all, companies don't need them, and they don't want to spend much time and effort on learning. But, as program apes, they tend to be very curious about these technologies. Most program apes think, "When I have time, I have to learn."


This lag is the opportunity for a newcomer to enter the software industry. If you're an IOS developer, the curriculum vitae indicates that you will be using the swift language, which will be of great interest to the interviewer who has been using the Web-C development project. If you're a JAVA developer, the microservice architecture will be used to understand the technology associated with big data, and the interviewer will be of great interest to the interviewer. And, more interestingly, you don't need to be proficient in these new technologies, just to understand.

对于热门新技术的了解,可以明明白白的告诉对方,你就是一个喜欢技术、喜欢钻研的典型的程序猿。这会给你起到加薪加分的效果。” 1.5倍薪水定律”就会起到作用。

You can clearly tell each other that you're a typical program ape who likes technology, who likes drilling. This will give you an increment." 1.5-fold pay rule will work.



The technical industry is a very clean industry, giving and getting is basically a positive relationship, and you don't need to rely on background. As a program ape, learning is instinct, learning is a positive comparison with your pay. The more you learn, the higher the pay. As a professional program ape, you must be prepared for further advancement. Don't have ideas that have come to an end.


It is important to keep the mindset of learning about higher-end technologies in the profession. Even if these technologies are not used for a while. It is very good for open-mindedness, better thinking, and better interviewing. Knowledge or knowledge of higher-level techniques in the profession, and the effect of salary increment is also evident.



A lot of people would say, "Professional is not expensive" and "Little is good" as an excuse not to learn other technologies. There's nothing wrong with these words, and I agree with them. But they can't be a reason not to learn.


Of course, the most important thing for a program ape to learn about Andre and IOS is to master the development skills of his profession, but if you also know the development of back-office server programs, that is the advantage of your being different from an ordinary program ape.

一个学习JAVAEE开发的程序猿,学好JAVAEE是最重要的,再了解大数据开发的知识、人工智能开发的知识, 也可以触类旁通, 让自己获得更多技巧。同时,在面试JAVAEE的时候,你竟然也懂大数据、懂人工智能(也许只是皮毛)?但也一定可以给你的面试加分。

A program ape who learns about JAVAEE, learns about JAVAEE, learns about big data development, knowledge about artificial intelligence development, and can reach out and get more skills. At the same time, when interviewing JAVAEE, you know big data, you know artificial intelligence (perhaps just fur)?


The breadth of knowledge often means good learning, with great potential. After two or three years of practice, you, who are familiar with all kinds of technologies, will certainly come up with an opportunity for development. Why does it give you the opportunity? Obviously, ordinary people can't do that.


We had a trainee who, after learning about JAVAEE, studied big data development, and a lot of people said, "That's stupid, you go to the company and do a job. What do you do with all this?" But the people who laughed at him were wrong. Three months later, the student became the director of the project, simply because he's gonna do it, and the big data, and the company just needs someone who knows both ways.


"If someone says you're stupid because of learning," we can only answer: "Someone laughs that I'm crazy and I laugh that I don't look." This society, if it doesn't work with someone else, is just sweating with someone else.



You are interviewed mostly by programmers, or by programmers, so you can find a lot of common topics in the conversation. So, in order for our interviews to be full of “beautiful points”, it is quite necessary to prepare for common topics. “An interview prepared with your heart, even an interviewer will be moved by your serious attitude; how, in turn, can I believe that you are more responsible for your work if you don't even care about the interview?”


1. 是否曾经耗费几个小时甚至几天的时间来追踪一个顽固的bug?

Have you ever spent hours or even days tracking a stubborn bug?

2. 你有没有因为某个问题加班到半夜的经历?

Have you ever worked through the middle of the night on an issue?

3. 你喜欢某种编程语言的哪一点?

What do you like about some sort of programming language?

4. 经常访问哪个程序员的网站?

4. Which programmer's website is visited on a regular basis?

5. 你最喜欢看的编程类的书籍是什么?

5. What are your favorite programming books?

6. 关于IDE,什么事最让你抓狂?

6. With regard to IDE, what's driving you crazy?

7. 精心准备几个能说明你技术能力的专业问题,在面试时尽量发挥出来。

A number of professional issues that illustrate your technical competence are carefully prepared and are used to the maximum extent possible during interviews.



The benefits of grouping exercises are obvious, so that we can be upgraded in a very short time. Grouping exercises include interviewers, candidates, bystanders.


The benefits of grouping exercises include:

1. 面试官面试别人可以体会如何设问,对方回答是否得体

1. Interviewers can learn how to ask questions and whether the answer is appropriate.

2. 应聘者可以身临其境体验被面的过程。

2. Candidates may experience the process of being confronted in their own country.

3. 旁观者可以清晰的看到面试官的优缺点、应聘者的优缺点。加强学习,避免自己发生这些问题。

3. Bystanders have a clear view of the strengths and weaknesses of the interviewer and of the candidate.


But not too much training. It's better to play two roles each (two interviewers, two candidates). Then, immediately, submit the resume and start the battle!

1. 简历的作用


A format-coded and highlighted CV is that you're looking for a job that deserves a week or even two weeks of careful work. You get more opportunities. Of course, CVs are just a door-block, and no interviewer can hire a person on the basis of a CV alone.



The first point is that the curriculum vitae must be written in person.

简历必须每个字都自己写,绝对不能抄!自己亲自写一次简历,相当于把技术复习一遍,把项目捋一遍,对于其中的关键点可以做到心中有数。 面试中的很多问题都是根据简历问出来的,只有自己亲自写一遍才能灵活应对。

The curriculum vitae must be written in its own words. It must not be copied.


Second point: CVs should highlight their core competitiveness.

一个职位会有几十、几百份简历的投递!投递简历显然是存在竞争关系的,一定要对简历作出适当的包装,就像去相亲要化妆一样。 不包装的简历如同没有穿衣服逛街一样,虽然显得本真,但是也很神经病,很傻。在面试官看来,没有包装的简历会显得你这个人不识时务,不灵活,而不会觉得你这个人本真(其实就是天真)。 处在世俗社会里面,我们要随“社会大流”,别人化妆我们也要跟进,不求占别人便宜,但是也不能吃亏。但是,包装不能欺骗企业,掌握好“度”。

Unpackaged CVs, as if they were real, but also insane and stupid. In the view of the interviewer, unpackaged CVs would seem untimely, inflexible, and not as real as you are (in fact innocent). In a secular society, we have to follow the “social stream” and we have to wear makeup and not take advantage of others, but not at the expense of others.



1. Include relevant technical keywords, bearing in mind context


The company receives dozens of résumés every day, which are often screened by unskilled recruiters, and therefore tries to write the key words of your technology.


2. Better written, more focused and concise


If you don't know how to structure the text, you can try to tell your friends what you want to say, which is very effective. First, you can interact and communicate, and let your friends give you a point. Second, you can think. Third, you can lay a solid foundation for the answers to the interviews.


3. Explanation of work experience, project experience, internship experience

如果你声称具备某种工作经验、项目经验,那么就必须说明是如何获得的。如果简历上写了“3年java开发经验”、“3年ios开发经验”,不进行进一步的说明,就显得太虚假了。 不说明倒也没关系,但是面试官收到的简历可不止你这一份,毕竟还是有很多人进行了详细的说明。你不说明就意味着白白丢失了很多机会。 就像去相亲见面,但是你不化妆、不打扮,穿着拖鞋去了,那我想你太吃亏了。 我们不想占别人便宜,但绝不能吃亏。

If you claim to have some kind of work experience, project experience, then you have to explain how you get it. If the curriculum vitae says “3 years of java development experience” and “3 years of ios development experience” without further explanation, it would be false.


4. Work experience should not leave an unknown blank period


In the curriculum vitae, don't leave a very long blank period, which makes you feel like you have a ghost in your heart.


5. Personal hobbies and special certificates


A lot of people write their own favorites: "Karaok, listen to music, watch movies." These aren't personal qualities. But, if you're a basketball team, a ball school champion, a cooking championship, you can write them on your curriculum vitae.


6. Curricula vitae are well structured and well organized.


The résumé structure must be clear and easily accessible to recruiters.

如下是一份比较规范的简历,该学员当时年薪为30万(税前,北京)。 大家可以作为奋斗的参考。当然,写简历简单,掌握简历上的内容难。可以说,简历上的每个字都代表“一段血泪史”。

Here's a more standardized curriculum vitae, with a student's annual salary of 300,000 (Pre-Tax, Beijing), which can be used as a reference to the struggle. Of course, it's easy to write a curriculum vitae, and it's difficult to grasp what's on it.


“千里之堤,溃于蚁穴”, 简历可以让招聘者对你形成第一印象。如果简历中存在细小的错误,也会被视为不认真的体现,可能会让你失去很多机会。

The résumé can give the recruit a first impression of you. If there's a minor error in the résumé, it can also be seen as a dispassionate reflection, and it may cause you to lose a lot of opportunities.


There are usually the following errors:


1. Wrong cell phone number, wrong qq, incorrect e-mail format

真的有傻瓜竟然会把自己手机号码写错,或者写了已经停机的旧手机号码。然后,坐等招聘电话。 这些基本联系方式,一定要核准无误。

It's true that a fool writes his cell phone number wrong or writes the old phone number that's down. Then, sit and wait for the call. These basic contacts must be approved.


2. Spelling errors in technical terms

这也是常见的错误,技术词汇单词错误、大小写不对等等,这会直接降低你的第一印象。连自己的简历都不认真,还能做什么? 就像出门不洗脸的人,还能期望他做什么?

This is also a common mistake, a technical vocabulary error, wrong case, etc., which directly reduces your first impression. What else can you do if you don't take your résumé seriously?


3. Layout disorder


The layout must be clear, generous and well structured.


4. Copying someone else's curriculum vitae


This is the most irresponsible thing you can do for yourself and for others. How can you say that when you want a job, you can't even write a resume? How can you answer the questions you ask about the resume in an interview?


So, copying the resume must be a dead end.



When the curriculum vitae is ready, it must be delivered as soon as possible. Don't wait, don't think, "I'm going to get the links straight and back to the resume and the interview," which is the wrong idea. We have to raise ourselves in the field, and we have to raise ourselves as fast as we can in the real battle.


First, you can register well-known recruitment sites or local recruitment sites and improve your curriculum vitae on them.

简历投递一般采用海投的方式,并且要隔两三天海投一次。 海投会给企业招聘者带来一定的麻烦,但是对于应聘者是最高效的方式。对于应聘者来说,时间很宝贵。千万不要把时间花在一个个筛选企业上面,对于刚入行的新人,还没有资格筛选企业。至于有善良的应聘者害怕企业的HR麻烦,我只能说: “你想多了”。

For candidates, time is valuable. Do not spend time on a single screening firm, and for new entrants, it is not qualified to screen a company. As for good-faith candidates who fear corporate HR trouble, I can only say, "You think too much."


You'll get some interview calls when you're done with a qualified resume. You should learn how to handle the interview calls.



When you get an interview call, you need to know some basic phone protocol. Through the following scenario simulations, you have a basic understanding of the process behind the phone.


The process at is as follows:

1. 接听电话第一句通常是: “喂(二声),你好”。

The first sentence of the answer is usually: "Hello, hello."

2. 对方通常会说:“我是xxx公司,我们这里收到你的简历。你明天上午10点有时间来我公司面试吗?”

They usually say, "I'm xx. We've got your resume here. Do you have time for my interview tomorrow at 10 a.m.?"

3. 你通常会说:“可以,没有问题。贵公司的地址在哪里?”。注意,如果时间上不允许,比如跟你已经约好的一家公司冲突了。你也可以大方的告诉别人,明天上午有面试了,能不能换一个时间。

You usually say, "Yes, no problem. Where's the address of your company?" Note, if time doesn't allow, like a company that you already have a deal with.

4. 对方会说: “我们公司在海淀区xx大厦12层1201”。

The other side would say: “Our company's 1201 on the 12th floor of the xx building in the Haidian area”.

5. 你可以说: “那我到了以后,跟您联系吗?您怎么称呼?”

You can say, "Well, when I get there, will you be in touch? What's your name?"

6. 对方会说: “我姓高。到了,你跟前台说找高七七就行”。

The other party would say, “My last name is Gao. When you arrive, tell the front desk to look for a 7th grader”.

7. 如果你对自己查询交通路线不太放心,可以问一下对方,如何到他们公司。如果有信心,就不用问了。

If you don't feel comfortable checking your route, you can ask each other how to get to their company.

8. 最后,你一定要这样说,“好的。谢谢你。我跟您确认一下。您的公司名字是:xxx公司。明天上午10点,在海淀区xx大厦12层1201。对吗?”

Finally, you must say, "Okay. Thank you. Let me confirm. Your name is xxx. Tomorrow at 10 a.m., 1201 at the xx building in Haidian. Right?"

9. 对方回答: “是的。没有问题。还有其他问题吗?”

The answer was: “Yes. No questions. Are there any other questions?”

10.你回答: “没有了。谢谢。我明天准时到贵公司”。

You said, "No. Thank you. I'll be at your company tomorrow on time."

11.对方回答: “好的。再见”。

The answer was: “Okay, bye-bye”.


You answer, "OK. Bye." When the other person hangs up, you can close the call.


Then, immediately, the more detailed you can find out about the company using a cell phone or computer, the better.

1. 公司发展的历程

1. The course of corporate development

2. 公司的产品或者项目(该公司同类型公司的产品和项目,各自的优劣势分析)

2. Companies'products or projects (products and projects of companies of the same type, analysis of their respective strengths and weaknesses)

3. 公司下一步的发展规划

3. Next steps in corporate development planning


These questions will allow you to gain little in purpose in subsequent interviews.



Before going to the company interview, do the following five o'clock:

1. 查询和调研该公司的基本情况

1. Inquiries and research on the company's basics

2. 个人卫生整洁,着装干净

2. Physics clean and dress clean

3. 提前10-15分钟到达,不迟到(万一迟到,一定电话通知对方,告知实情)

3. Arrival 10-15 minutes in advance and no delay (in case of late arrival, call each other and tell the truth)

4. 将以前面试遇到的问题再预演一遍

4. Revival the problems encountered in previous interviews

5. 将笔试题再复习一遍

5. Review the question of the written test



When you go to a business written examination, you usually do a written examination of the company as a basic test. Usually, the written examination topics are the same. They're common job problems. They don't appear to be problematic. If you've already done a common written examination, most of them can be covered. So, as long as you're well prepared, the written examination does not pose a particularly big problem.



First, you have to look at this interview as an exercise. After all, to be honest, a successful interview is a small event, with a 10% chance of success for every one of the 10 companies. So there is no need to be nervous at all.


Secondly, the interviewer does not keep every word you say in his heart when he communicates with you. After all, he has work pressure, and he probably thinks, "What do you say to the boss when you meet in the afternoon?" Most of the time, the interviewer is in a state of complete relief, and you listen to a process and a general idea, and you don't go into it all. So, you can have a relaxing conversation. Some of your small questions, they usually don't come to your attention.


Third, after you're interviewed, the interviewer has to interview another N. The last thing in his head is the score you did, and you don't leave a lot of memories for each of you. If you think you're doing every detail, the interviewer sees it. Usually, you're thinking too much.


Fourth, what is the fear of failure? There is nothing left for us here, there is nothing left for us. There are so many companies in the world, so long as I have more interviews and more questions.


Of course, the phrase “failure is not a terrible mindset adjustment” does not mean that you can waste the opportunity to interview without valuing it.



In the interview, follow the normal protocol. This is the basic requirement. If you have any problems, you can immediately reduce your success rate by more than 50 per cent.


Therefore, the basic principles must be respected:

1. 微笑、礼貌、大方

1. Smile, polite, generous

2. 有正常的交流习惯,没有小动作(抖腿、搓手等)

2. Normal communication habits, no small moves (shaking legs, handshake, etc.)

3. 绝对不能争论

3. Absolutely non-controversial

4. 卫生干净,衣冠整洁即可(没必要西装领带)

4. Clean and clean clothes. (No need for a suit tie)


Start of interview:


The interviewer entered, the job seeker stood from his seat and smiled and said, "Hello."


2. If the other person is a man, he or she may hold his or her hand at his or her own initiative. In the case of a woman, do not take his or her initiative and look at the other person's indications.


At the end of the interview:


1. At the end of the session, it is important to express our gratitude to the interviewer.


2. Put your seats back in place to help clean up the desktop and put all the items back where they were.



Whether or not the interviewer comes from a technical background, we must give a well-prepared answer, with a precise technical name, without any reservations, and try to answer questions as carefully as possible.

1. 面试官提出的某个技术,你不会。

1. A technique proposed by the interviewer, you will not.


First, you can't just say "no." It's stupid, it's stupid, it's impossible to communicate, it's typical of straight male cancer.


And secondly, to face the gap in attitude, to be honest with you. "This is a technique I don't know. The previous project didn't work. It was just a xx technique. After the interview, I wanted to learn."


In this way, both the actual situation and the attitude of their own learning, as well as the technology of your xx, may lead to a small wave of rhythm.

2. 你对这个技术有一定的认知,但没有把握。

2. You have some knowledge of this technology, but you are not sure.


Response: The interviewer can be told that when I was not too busy with last year's project, I studied for a few days, and then I was too busy to look at it. Then, to say a few words, understand the technology. And finally, to ask if our company is using it. I was just going to pick it up and learn.

3. 面试官提出尖锐的问题,质疑你的简历或者技术能力。

3. Interviewees raise acute questions and question your curriculum vitae or technical skills.


Interviewee: “I don't see in your curriculum vitae experience of projects that are useful to us, and your technical skills do not meet our requirements.”


Interviewee: "Maybe it's my experience or it's too shallow. It's not the business of our company. What kind of technical requirements do you have? I can recommend my friend to try."


When it comes to direct questioning, the chances of a successful interview are very low. But you can't be nervous, with so many companies in the world, there's no one here, there's no room for me.

4. 问到自己特别了解的技术

4. Questions about technology that they know in particular


All right, play it, young man! Show off!



Social competition is cruel, interviewing is actually a show, and companies always like smart job-seekers who can adapt. They don't like honest, dumb job-seekers. So you have to play cards, so you have to play cards that the interviewer likes, in order to win more.


The interviewer also knows that the job seeker must have been carefully prepared, but he will still accept it. If you don't even try to prepare the interview, you certainly won't do it for work. This is the logic inherent in the interviewer.


1. Self-introduction


This question is the most frequently asked question at the interview. Many people answer these questions in the wrong direction, thinking it would be better to briefly describe their names, how old they are, where they worked, what they do at the university, what they want to do, what they want to do. If you answer that, your self-introduction is only 30 points.


“The interviewer would like to hear what he wants to know.” To think about it, if you were the interviewer, what would you like to know? Obviously, the question is whether the candidate is qualified for his current position. So, the candidate should think more from that perspective.


So, we generally suggest that candidates focus their own presentations on their “business experience” in their own self-introductions. For example: what work, what projects I've done in xx, why I can do your job. That's what the interviewer wants to hear most.


A good self-presentation should be divided into the following parts:


a. Description of operational experience


Practical experience can be in companies’ work experience, internships, and even projects involving university teachers. You need to tell the interviewer about the company’s field experience, how long it took, what the project was, and what the gain was. Here, you get 60 points on this question.


b. Why did you come to your company?


On the basis of the company's basic information that you have online, you can say what you know about the company: look at the future of the company and learn more when you want to come in. Here, you get 80 points on this question.


c. The reason why I'm qualified for your position.


When the first two points are over, tell the interviewer that I'm qualified for my current position and determined to do well, taking into account his own experience in the field and his company. Here, you get a hundred points on the question. Wait until the interviewer sees the colorful look.


2. What are your strengths?


The description of strengths and disadvantages is intended to see how well the candidate understands himself or herself.


Interviewers usually prefer process apes with the following advantages:

1. 态度好

1. Good attitude

2. 技术实力强

2. Technical strength

3. 热爱技术、学习能力强

3. Love of technology and ability to learn


The advantages you describe can be built around these three points. You can refer to: what kind of program apes do companies like.


What are your shortcomings?


You can't say, "My disadvantage is that I don't like technology, I don't like overtime," and you're finished. The disadvantage is as little about work as possible. For example, I think my weakness is more introvertive and more house-to-house. I can do it alone at home on weekends, but I just don't want to go out and play with anyone else.


It's not too bad to say. For example, I think I'm working too hard and not looking at my body. So, the interviewer sprayed it right away.


4. Know anything about our company?


I've always stressed that the company must be consulted before the interview. So, the question must be answered. If the interviewer doesn't ask you that question, you also have to say what you know about their company in other questions.


5. Why did you leave the previous company?


Companies want to have a stable and valued workforce. So you're paying special attention to the reasons for your departure. The reasons for leaving are as positive and objective as possible, and do not in any way express dissatisfaction with the previous company or its superiors. For example, I think the previous company was too busy and overtime was not paid. Well, your negative response is tantamount to a death sentence.


6. What about overtime?


The interviewer obviously asks the question of overtime often. If you can't accept it, you can say it. But it's very normal for young people who have recently entered the profession to know that overtime is a normal thing.


To answer that question, it must be objective. You say that you like overtime, which is a bit ridiculous. You can say, "When the project is tight, overtime is normal. That's what the industry is doing, no problem. And I'm young and able to live."


7. What about travel?


Traveling is hard in the eyes of some people and experience in the eyes of others. Some young people tend to travel, feel they can travel to different cities and experience different experiences. For job-seekers, they can tell what they really feel. If you really can't accept it, you can say no.


What are your career plans?


The question is whether the job seeker is capable of planning and whether he or she has plans for himself or herself.


The general answer is as follows:


And in three years, I'd like to get to the bottom of it. I'd like to be the best man in our industry through three years of work. Three years later, I'd like to learn to manage. Two more years, five years, and eventually I'll be alone."


Three years of research, and you seem to be very good at it. Five years of management, it's a normal promotion process for people with hearts.


What do you think of the chute?


The company very much dislikes frequent jumpers, so you have to be careful in answering this question.


The classic answer is as follows:


"We're all very restless now in this industry. But I don't like frequent alternations. I don't think I can afford to lose my chance as long as I'm in a firm company. When it's done, I can't afford to pay less."


Do you have any more questions for me?


This is usually the question when the interview ends. The job seeker must not say, "I have no problem." And then you're going to have to ask a question, even if the interviewer doesn't. And at the end of the interview, you must ask a question.


The job seeker can't be too quick to ask, "Can I get an interview today? How much can you give me?" You'd like to know, but, you know, you're down. The usual question is work-related.


The technologist can ask:

1. 今天我们聊到的某个技术,我想回去好好研究一下,您这里有什么资料吗?

1. Some of the techniques we talked about today, I'd like to go back and study them. Do you have any information?

2. XX新技术,您怎么看他的发展?我想趁这几天时间宽裕,学习一下。

2. New technology. What do you think of his development? I'd like to take advantage of these days to learn.

3. XXX技术,我感觉您好像有比较深的研究。我也想学学,您能推荐些资料吗?

Technically, I think you've got some research. I'd like to learn. Can you recommend some information?


Questions like this make you love the characteristics of technology, and it's a shame not to do anything like that. You're supposed to have a 70-point interview, and you're going to have an 80-point interview. And you're just asking a question, and the answer is an interviewer. Isn't it a shame you're not doing such a good business?



After a lot of interviews, we start waiting for company news, restlessness, which is absolutely wrong. After the interviews, the big picture is decided, the war is over, and we need to get back to it. What we should do is prepare for the next interview, make the summary of the interview immediately, and make no progress without the summary.


1. 列出问了哪些问题?

1. What are the questions asked?

2. 列出自己回答较好的问题

2. List of questions for which it is better to answer

3. 列出自己回答交差的问题,并进行改进

3. List your answer to the outstanding questions and make improvements


Don't think about waiting, "The plan is in the person, the day is in the day," and it's good, it's not good, it doesn't matter, it's not going to work. Now, it's going to be a hard study, and it's going to be the next interview.


This is the full learning path for JAVA engineers, and we will publish most of the learning videos from our offline training sessions, most of which are recorded directly in the classroom and are welcome to download or view online.


We update the video every month, so you can keep an eye on downloading:

http://www.bjsxt.com/javashipin.html (java视频的拼音,方便记忆)

http://www.bjsxt.com/javashipin.html (java video spelling, easy memory)



There's no doubt about the first thing about JavaSE. At the same time, in parallel with JavaSE's learning, it's suggested that you look at data structures and algorithms.


Once JavaSE has been completed, it is possible to try to complete a number of small projects, while focusing on the content of the design model, without having to force itself to be fully informed of the details and move forward.


A programming tool, e.g. Eclipse. Of course, it's simple. It only takes about 30 minutes.

建议大家读北京尚学堂的《实战JAVA程序设计》,同时可以配合《java300集视频教程》(好吧,书是我写的,视频也是我录的。个人认为还是很不错的)。这里有JAVASE讲解、有项目实战、有数据结构、有算法、有JDK源码解读、有底层内存分析、有设计模式,从一开始就植入了“高手思维和高手习惯”, 可以说是非常适合大学生和入门学习的人使用。

It is recommended that you read the Beijing School of Science's "Practical JAVA Program Design" in conjunction with the Java 300 Video Curriculum (well, I wrote the book and I recorded the video. Personally, it's still very good. This is where JAVASE talks, has a project, has a data structure, has algorithms, has a JDK source code reading, has a bottom-down memory analysis, has a design model that has been embedded from the very beginning, and can be said to be very suitable for university students and entry-level learners.


The study list and the study description are as follows:

  • 知识块
  • 1.JAVA入门
  • 2.面向对象基础
  • 3.飞机小项目(前两个阶段练习)
  • 4.面向对象深入
  • 5.常用类
  • 6.异常机制
  • 7.容器和数据结构
  • 8.IO流技术
  • 9.多线程
  • 10.网络编程
  • 11.手写服务器(java基础集大成者)
  • 12.注解、反射机制、字节码
  • 13.GOF23种设计模式
  • 14.正则表达式和文本操作
  • 15.JDBC数据库操作(可在学完数据库后学习)
  • 16.手写SORM框架(学有余力的同学学习)


For basic students, it is recommended to study the preparatory stage (about two hours). There is a basic knowledge and understanding of the whole industry, the JAVA technology system, the process of employment, and career development.



Databases are a technology that programmers are required to learn, and you can start with Oracle or MySQL.


Re-learning JDBC technology so that Java can operate the database.


You can learn in the following order:

  • 知识块
  • 1.Oracle数据库安装和配置、客户端使用
  • 2.Mysql数据库的安装和配置、客户端使用
  • 3.SQL语言
  • 4.SQL语言强化(查询深入)
  • 5.数据库设计范式
  • 6.项目数据库表设计核心
  • 7.PL/SQL



In the Internet age, programmers who do not learn about web pages are not good drivers. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ajax, these things are necessary to do the Web project. Of course, as java programmers, they do not need to learn deep enough to be familiar with it.

4.Servlet/ JSP和企业级项目开发


Servlet/JSP is the core of JAVAEE and must be focused. After learning the basics, do some projects. For example: BBS, the message system, the administration of books, the mall, customer relationship management, etc.

5.SSM框架(Spring、Spring MVC、Mybatis)

Spring 是java程序员必须掌握的一个框架,已经形成了事实上的行业标准。 刚开始学习一下“IOC + AOP”。 依赖注入 + 面向切面,嗯,完善的旅程

Spring is a framework that Java programmers have to master and have developed de facto industry standards. Started learning about "IOC+AOP." Reliance injections + face-to-face, um, perfect journeys

Spring MVC是典型的MVC框架,企业非常流行。已经超过struts2成为行业第一。

Spring MVC is a typical MVC framework, very popular for businesses. More than stuts2 have become industry leader.


Mybatis is a classic ORM framework that allows us to handle databases in a object-oriented manner. More than Hibernate has become the first ORM framework.


After learning three classic frameworks, integrate them. Then start doing some business projects to deepen their capabilities. Here you can find some relatively complex business projects, with complex business logic. So you can add a big piece to your resume.


其他一些工作中可能会用到的技术,也需要大家学习: Maven、Shiro、Nginx、Lucene、Solr、Redis、Dubbo、Zookeeper 等。

Technologies that may be used in other jobs also need to be studied: Maven, Shiro, Nginx, Lucene, Solr, Redis, Dubbo, Zookeper, etc.


The learning of these technologies does not need to be particularly deep, after all, because an enterprise does not use all of them. But, in order to build a “java technology system”, you have to learn about them. So you form a complete “system”.


Remember: Building a system is more important than developing the details of a particular knowledge point. Don't delay building a system because of a particular detail. Don't stop reading the whole article because you can't read a word!



Businesses and service providers are looking for better ways to deploy applications in cloud environments, and microservices are seen as the way forward. By dissecting applications and services into smaller, loosely co-ordinated components, they can be more easily upgraded and expanded.


Currently, the increasingly popular technologies of micro-services require attention. The skills of SpringBoot, SpringData, Springcloud have become mandatory for JAVA programmers .



So much has been learned, and some small projects have been done. And finally, we have to do a big project that integrates what we've learned. That's the key to bridging the gap, just like when we were in high school.


After a big project of hammering, you'll be able to make steel. You'll be able to apply all the knowledge in a system for a few months, and that's the beginning of being a master! It's the starting point for you to fly.


There are two types of programming. One is already mastering other languages, where learning is simpler, where language is only a tool, and programming is fundamental. The other is basic, where programming is not introduced or understood. This is the second case.


As a beginner, learning begins with the development of good habits and ways of thinking. So, in the beginning, in addition to writing codes, it's more important to develop these habits.

企业要求:程序员既有实战技能可以快速上手,也内功扎实熟悉底层原理后劲十足。因此,在笔试和面试考察时候也是结合 “底层原理、数据结构、实战应用、设计思维” 四方面进行考察。

Business requirements: programmers have both the ability to move quickly and the ability to become familiar with the underlying principles. So, in the course of the written test and interview, they also look at the four dimensions of , : “bottom principles, data structure, operational applications, design thinking” .


As a beginner, therefore, the following five core issues need to be captured:


1. Application of the content of JAVA itself. For example: literal use of certain categories.


2. There is a need for an audience-oriented mindset.


3. Mastering the program is based on the bottom of the memory. This allows you to have a deeper understanding of programming.


4. Master basic data structure and algorithms.


5. The project will begin and the knowledge learned will be integrated.


So we can start with JAVA's basic course based on the above theory.


Step : Learn about JAVA's development environment configuration and develop the first Java program. It is also recommended that you start using eclipse and other IDEs, without having to wonder if it has to start with the notebook.


Step 2: Learning data types, operators, variables. This is the basis for programming, which is a program 'brick'. Most of these elements are in programming languages and are very similar.


Step 3 : Learning control statement. This is the basis for programming, which is "crete" of the program. With control statement plus variables, you can theoretically write any program. So, this is the threshold to the program and requires a lot of practice.


Step 4 : Learn the basics of the audience.


Step 5 : Continue to be targeted, with three main features: inheritance, sealing, and interfaces, abstractions, internal classes. These concepts need to be mastered. But for starters, you need to be familiar with grammar.


Step 6 : Anomalous mechanisms. The security of Java procedures requires an anomaly. Of course, it's very simple.


Step 7 : Multiple sets and algorithms. When you learn arrays, you focus on combining loop management arrays. You also understand arrays from the bottom memory, which is both learning arrays and refreshing objects; and you combine algorithms, such as sorting and searching algorithms, which both practice their use and learn algorithms to prepare for a business written test and interview.


Eighth step : Read common and JDK source code. Learn the usage of common class: packing, string-related, practice, Math, File, etc.


Ninth step : Packagings and data structures. Packagings are: List, Set, Map. Learning these three packagings only takes one or two hours. But then you have to combine the data structure with the JDK source code. This is the "handy habit" that allows you to learn both the container and the data structure, and to go deep enough to be interviewed by the company.

第十步:IO流技术。学会各种常用流即可,掌握一些工具类的用法,比如:Apache IOUtil这样会让你在以后使用时效率大增。

Step 10 : IO-fluent technology.


Eleventh step : Multiline technology. This is also common in written tests and interviews. We have to learn about the basic use, life cycle, and state transformation of multilines. If there's more to learn, learn about the producer consumer model so that you can start with structured thinking; if you learn to do so, ask for yourself according to “high standards”.


Step 12 : Network programming. Not much direct use is made, and socket programming paradigms are similar. After all, it's less common for you to write bottom code based on socket.

第十三步:做个项目吧。 学了这么多,不做个东西怎么对得起自己?不管是小游戏项目也好,还是基于swing的项目,还是其他控制台项目。

Step 13 : Do a project. How can you afford to do something without learning so much? Whether it's a little game project, a swing project, or another control platform project.


You can also download the JAVA 300 video program that I have recorded, which has already been studied by millions of people. Basically through my mind, has knowledge, bottom level, data structure, algorithms, projects, and from the very beginning has trained you to be a great thinker.


This is the full learning path of the Python engineer, and we will publish most of the learning videos from our offline training sessions, most of which are recorded directly in the classroom and are welcome for free downloads or online viewing.


We update the video every month, so you can keep an eye on downloading:

http://www.bjsxt.com/pythonshipin.html (python视频的拼音)

http://www.bjsxt.com/pythonship.html (python video spelling)


“人生苦短,我用Python”, 随着人工智能的发展,Python无疑是现在热度最高的语言。从“小白”到成为一个合格的Python程序员首先要先迈过Python基础这个门槛。

"Life is short, I use Python," as artificial intelligence develops, Python is undoubtedly the most hot language in the world today. The threshold of becoming a qualified Python programmer is first to cross the Python foundation.


The first step: we need to learn the most basic knowledge of programming: variables, data types, control statements, containers, functions and file operations. At the same time, we go deep into the organization of the array structure and build up the basic work of everyone.


Step 2: Learning about python’s target-oriented mechanisms and some of the usual design models, which are required to become Python programmers. Through a project, the advantages of object-oriented development are learned.

第三步:还需要了解python是如何管理内存的以及很多高级特性;学习内存管理会让我们更深入掌握python的运行机制; 很多函数式编程的特性,比如闭包、装饰器和生成器,这些都是一些比较难掌握的概念,但面试和工作中会经常遇到,所以大家也必须掌握。

Step 3: There is also a need to understand how python manages memory and many high-level features; learning about memory management allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the running mechanisms of python; many of the features of function programming, such as wrappings, decorators and generators, are more difficult concepts to grasp, but interviews and jobs are often encountered, so you have to master them.

第四步: 网络编程中的高并发问题是大型互联网企业必须面对的核心问题,解决高并发可以用多进程、多线程,python中还有协程。高并发和网络是相关的,最后我们会利用学到的并发编程的知识来编写不同的服务器模型。

Step 4: The problem of high convergence in network programming is at the core of the problems that large Internet firms have to face, and can be addressed with multiple processes, multitraces, and python. High integration and networking are relevant, and eventually we use the knowledge we have learned and developed to develop different server models.


You have a stronger python base after the top four blocks, but there is still a gap between the job requirements.



Now that the vast majority of businesses, whether web projects or databases, and deployed reptiles, not to mention large data processing or even artificial intelligence, are operating in Linux systems, the development of a Linux base is a necessary skill.


We will learn how to install Linux in a virtual machine and a variety of commonly used software in Linux. We will learn how to configure the Linux network. We will learn to use Linux's usual basic commands. Finally, we will be a skilled administrator of Linux.


Our goal, of course, is to use Linux to become familiar with the usual commands. We don't need to know much about shipping, which is also a professional position.



There is no enterprise-level project without databases, and database knowledge is a necessary skill for programmers.


Of course, no matter which database. The SQL language needs to be developed in depth, including the idea of database design, the three main paradigms, and the SQL language to add, delete, modify, and check out the most basic operations. And then you need to master some of Mysql’s basic operations.



Most of the current projects in the software industry are based on a B/S architecture, i.e., a viewer-end performance demonstration. Web programming is also a skill that every programmer understands.


The course at this stage focuses on the three main bases developed by Web: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, and on Jquery and Ajax, which are frequently used in front-end projects.


For python programmers, there is no need to be as proximate as the front-end programmer, but it also needs to be familiar.

5.Django Web开发框架


Python is also increasingly being used to develop WEB applications, thanks to Django's powerful WEB framework.


Learning about Django's use of MVT models in Django, mastering model design, view route settings and templates, and finally leading you to develop a blog project using Django that cuts through all the features that are commonly used in Django.

python在WEB应用开发方向的需求在近段时间逐步增长, 薪水范围在10k-25k之间,是大家学完python后的一个重要就业方向。

Python’s demand for WEB applications has grown gradually in the near future, with salaries ranging between 10k-25k, which is an important job orientation for everyone after python.



After learning Django, you have to do a project. Combining Python's basics, databases, web pages, and so on, so that you can learn to use them. Let yourself grow up quickly.

7.Tornado 异步编程框架

Tornado也是一个常用的python WEB开发框架,但Tornado更强大的地方是它的异步IO处理能力。在真正的项目中,经常会混合使用Django和Torndao这两大框架,充分利用Django的方便快捷和Tornado的高负载来解决项目中的实际问题。

Tornado is also a common python WEB development framework, but the stronger part of Tornado is its agile IO processing capacity. In real projects, the two main frameworks, Django and Torndao, are often used in combination, making full use of Django's convenience and speed and Tornado's high load to solve practical problems.



The demand for reptiles is also increasing, with experienced reptiles often receiving 15k-25k wages and interested students moving in this direction, as large data analysis and artificial intelligence in recent years require a large amount of data to support them.


First of all, you need to understand the basic set of web-based reptiles, the pits that web-based reptiles write, to be able to cope with some of the common anti-circle technologies, to be able to cope with dynamic web sites, and to be able to cope with sites with authentication codes. We also need to learn some of the usual frameworks for reptiles: reptiles, bs4, scrappy, etc.


With these technologies, we can get whatever data we want in the ocean of the Internet.


Artificial intelligence has become an extremely important subject for the IT industry in the next few decades. The Academy's programmer runs a full course on Artificial Intelligence, which is taught by Mr. Chen Bo, who has returned from studies in Europe and America.

为了让更多人受益, 我们会陆续公布大部分的学习视频,这些视频来自于我们线下培训精品课程,大多数直接录制于课堂,欢迎大家免费下载或者在线观看。

In order to benefit more people, we will publish most of the learning videos, which come from our online training excellence courses, most of which are recorded directly in the classroom and are welcome to download them free of charge or to view them online.


We update the video every month, and you can focus on the download address.


1. 机器学习


Learning from machine learning algorithms is a core and a top priority of artificial intelligence.


While learning the theory of machine learning algorithms, it is recommended that you use the sikit-learn library, a python machine learning library, to try to complete some small projects. At the same time, focus is on whether algorithms can be combined to improve the accuracy of forecast results.

掌握一种编程工具,比如说PyCharm或者Jupyter Notebook,当然工具掌握不难,大约只需要30分钟。

A programming tool, such as PyCharm or Jupyter Notebook, is available, of course, for about 30 minutes.


It is recommended that you do not blindly read books and blogs on the market, either too theoretical, to extrapolate too much and some jumps seem too profound, to surface too much without the details of the algorithmic principles, or to use the video from Beijing School as a learning material, where algorithms are understood, algorithms are derived, algorithms are applied, and students and first-instancers are well suited to use, with algorithms going in, and algorithms fighting.


The above-mentioned machine learning algorithms include, for example, monitoring multiple linear regressions in learning regression algorithms, Lasso regressions, and ridge regressions. Logical regressions in classification algorithms, supporting vector machines, decision trees, random forests, GBDT, Adaboost, XGBOST. The unsupervised learning cluster algorithms in K mean clusters, density clusters, spectrometry.


For those students who do not know the subject of artificial intelligence, it is recommended that they study the preparatory stage and that they have a basic knowledge and understanding of the entire industry, the technical system, the direction of employment and future career development.



In-depth learning is a very popular area today. It is the extension of the neural network of machine learning algorithms, and it is an area in which the creators of machine learning develop more. In-depth learning engineers are also the talent that major companies need.


The depth of learning can begin with learning how to complete the construction and application of DNN (a deep neural network) in the Tensorlow framework, which is the open source of Google. Then we can use the Tensorlow framework to learn how to complete the construction and application of the CNN (a volume neural network). Finally, we can use the Tensorlow framework to learn how to complete the construction and application of the RNN (circular neural network).


Learning advice: In the course of learning, you can try to use built DNNs to complete the classification and regression of machine learning algorithms, to compare the results to whether they have improved, and thus to learn more deeply. CNN can also be used to perform some image recognition tasks, and RNN can be used to perform some NLP (natural language processing) tasks. CNN and RNN are not limited to these two areas, but they have advantages in each of these areas.


The Tensorflow framework is one of the in-depth learning frameworks, but not the only one. The Keras framework is also a very good one, and you can be interested in continuing to study the Keras framework. The code volume will be less than TensorFlow, and it will be better suited to do some experiments.


Python当今作为数据科学的第一语言,熟练掌握numpy、scipy、pandas、matplotlib等数据分析的模块不光是作为数据分析师必须的,也是作为人工智能工程师所必须的, 如果大家认为自己的python语言掌握的不够熟练,可以从学习这些基础的模块开始,来锻炼自己。因为scikit-learn机器学习算法库是基于numpy、scipy、matplotlib开发的,所以大家掌握好了这些基础库,对于分析别人封装的算法源代码,甚至日后自己开发一些算法也有了可能性。

Python today, as the first language of data science, has a mastery of data analysis such as numpy, scippy, pandas, matpoltlib, not only as a data analyst, but also as an artificial intelligence engineer. If you think that your python language is not sufficiently proficient, you can practice yourself by learning these basic modules. Because the sikit-learn machine learning algorithm is based on numpy, scippy, and matplattlib, it is also possible to analyse other people’s sealed algorithm source codes and even to develop some algorithms for yourself in the future.


Learning from these data analysis modules can be complemented by the basic syntax of the python language, repeating the basic syntax and not running away from other web developments such as python, reptiles, etc.

4.Spark MLlib机器学习库

如果说当今有什么是算法工程师的加分项,那么分布式计算框架Spark中算法库MLlib就是一个,如果想掌握Spark MLlib,首先需要会使用spark计算框架,建议大家还是使用python语言通过pyspark来学习,在掌握了前面的机器学习部分后,这里再来学习里面的算法使用将变得异常容易。

If there is any algorithm engineer plus today, then the distributed computing framework of the algorithm library MLlib in Spark is one, and if you want to master Spark MLlib, first you need to use the spark calculation framework, and it is recommended that you learn by python via pyspark, and once you have mastered the previous machine learning component, it will be extremely easy to learn from the algorithms.


Learning advice: Let's get to the point, let's not get into clusters, even big data frameworks, because for us, the sark calculation framework is just a tool to help us make better data pre-processing and to help us use the algorithms in distributed clusters to calculate the results of big data scenes. Within companies, operators manage clusters, and in some large companies, there are engineers specializing in data pre-processing for algorithms.



Having learned so much, and having done a few small projects, it is important to do some big projects that integrate their knowledge. Some big projects in the field of personal industrial intelligence, such as medical image recognition, face recognition, autochasing robots, referral systems, user drawings, etc., are what business needs.



Mathematics is a misunderstanding. Many people say they're not good enough to be an arithmetic engineer. Who in the company dares to say that they're really good at math when faced with a problem like this? Mathematics is used to extract algorithms at the machine learning stage, but you don't have to take a step-by-step approach to mathematics, for example, 2+2=4, so the data base is 1+1=2, but we need to prove 1+1=2.


Study advice: A lot of mathematical symbols are just an expression, a little bit more in the course of learning, no more time to prepare math knowledge, and, most importantly, no artificial intelligence engineers in a company are guided by mathematical formulas every day. So the good math students in college congratulate you. You'll be a little easier in machine learning algorithms. On the contrary, those who can't do math in college congratulate you, because mathematics does not determine the gap between the algorithms you need to be in a business.


With the development of the Internet, mobile Internet, HTML5 has become the mainstream technology for client software development, and HTML5 is actually made up of HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT languages.


Teacher Liu Heungwoo, a leading national technical expert, has trained thousands of people in employment and has had a very good social impact.

为了让更多人受益, 我们会陆续公布大部分的学习视频,这些视频来自于我们线下培训精品课程,大多数直接录制于课堂,欢迎大家免费下载或者在线观看。

In order to benefit more people, we will publish most of the learning videos, which come from our online training excellence courses, most of which are recorded directly in the classroom and are welcome to download them free of charge or to view them online.


We update the video every month so that you can keep an eye on the download address (combination of the front-end video):




At this stage, we need to master the foundation of HTML and CSS, including, of course, new features of H5 and C3. This part is very simple and very easy to grasp. I believe you're more willing to learn that part, after all, he can make you feel the charm of the front end most intuitively.

这一阶段是非常重要的基础阶段,所谓基础就是可能这个阶段我们的学习的内容,可以让我们开发出来绚丽网站站点,但是功能丰富却暂时做不到。 为了完成更绚丽的站点,我们需要掌握常见特效的实现,利用css3和h5的新特性实现动画,布局,雪碧图,滑动门,tab切换等特效。并且掌握基础的站点优化内容。例如sprite等。虽然我们还不能完成更多交互内容,但是我们会学习到很多的知识模型和理论,而这些知识模型和理论是我们后期工作和学习的基石。扎实的基础有了,我们才能走的更稳更快。

This stage is a very important foundation, and the basis is what we can learn at this stage, and we can develop more interactive sites, but we can’t do so for the time being. In order to complete a more spectacular site, we need to master the realization of common effects, make animations using the new features of css3 and h5, make animations, layouts, snowfalls, slide doors, tabs, etc., and master the underlying site’s optimal content.


Note: Programming is not involved at this stage and is mainly familiar with the various labelling usages of HTML5 and CSS3 properties.



JavaScript is a very important language, and it can be said that learning the very essence of the front end is learning about "JavaScript" programming. Many of the advanced technologies that follow are based on JavaScript.


The JavaScript language allows the web element to be dynamic and more fluid. This is extremely important in the current B/S architecture. That is why front-end engineers do what they want.


At this stage, we are learning about the JavaScript grammatical and in-depth interpretation of JavaScript, which includes DOM operations that also cover object-oriented and design models, as well as compatibility processing and data interpretation.


jQuery是一个快速、简洁的JavaScript框架,jQuery设计的宗旨是“write Less,Do More”,即倡导写更少的代码,做更多的事情。它封装JavaScript常用的功能代码,提供一种简便的JavaScript设计模式,优化HTML文档操作、事件处理、动画设计和Ajax交互。在本阶段,我们注重讲解如何更好的应用jQuery以及他的设计方式,同时也包含jQuery扩展内容。

jQuery is a fast and simple JavaScript framework designed to “write Less, Do More”, which promotes the writing of fewer codes to do more. It encapsulates JavaScript’s usual functional code, provides a simple JavaScript design model that optimizes HTML document operation, event processing, animation design and Ajax interaction. At this stage, we focus on how to better apply jQuery and his design, and also contains jQuery extensions.



Backend server engineers need to know the basics of the front end. Similarly, frontend engineers need to know the basics of the server end programming. We can be less proficient, but we have to know the process as a whole.


As a front-end development engineer, a back-end language is inevitable. In our course, the PHP is chosen for you because the PHP environment is simple, the language is more similar to JavaScript, easy to access, and the database is very easy to connect. It is hoped that the content at this stage will help you to quickly acquire data on the front-end interactions.


By learning from PHP, the front-end engineer can also be called the " pantry engineer ". It can be both front-end development and back-end server development.

5. Http服务于Ajax编程


Ajax is really a very old technology, but so far the technology has been used extensively, and it can be seen how excellent it is. At this stage, we will take you to Ajax and have access to its applications. It also includes knowledge about Http. For sites, it is data that can be seen in addition to page effects. So it is particularly important that data access is reasonably appropriate.

6. 做一个阶段项目

本阶段为纯项目实战,可以将前面学到的知识融会贯通,不实战就相当于没有学习;主要练习网络请求、站点布局、网站优化等内容,同时我们需要对项目有一定的而了解。 所以,在老师的带领下,可以更快的了解项目如何搭建,如何更优雅的实现代码。老师会将整个项目的开发流程完整的罗列出来。本阶段也锻炼BootStrap的应用,也包含一些常用的第三方插件。在实战中展示具体应用。

At this stage, it is a purely project-oriented phase, where the knowledge gained can be integrated into the process, and the lack of real action is tantamount to non-learning; the main practice is network requests, site layout, website optimization, etc., and we need to have some understanding of the project. So, under the leadership of the teacher, it is possible to learn more quickly how to build the project and how to achieve it more elegantly. The teacher will list the entire development process.

7. H5新特性与移动端开发


The new features of H5 are no longer new, and they are visible everywhere in the project. After all, there is no compatibility at the moving end, and they are very well represented at the moving end. For example, positioning, semanticity, etc., using Canvas to achieve more results.


In the mobile end, we focus mainly on mobile end layout and resource loading, layout direction, and we talk about percentage, flex, RM, and grid systems. Resource loading takes the form of single (SPA) page loading, which is currently the form of fire. Resources can be very resource-efficient when the page jumps. Mixed development is also a feature of the mobile end, which is explained in detail in our curriculum.



As the project demands more and more, the traditional way of development is no longer enough to meet our needs, so we need more support. At this stage, we talk about modularization and decompose programs into modular development. We need Nodejs to be supported, whether it exists as a server in the construction tool or by providing us with data simulation tests.


As the ES5 developer becomes a source of uncertainty in its development, the ES6 has come to address all kinds of headaches. It's also a focus that we have to focus on. There are more, for example, multiple co-developments (git or svn), using Less and Sass to complete a better CSS.


Let us now turn to the three main frameworks at the front end:


Angular: Angular: Angular is a platform for development that can help us build the Web application easily, and we will teach Angular's statement template in this part of the course, relying on injections, end-to-end tools, and some best practices. We will share the lessons with the full project to make it easier for you to understand Angular's application.

React:作为前端三大框架之一,React拥有声明式和组件化两大特点,React可以轻松创建交互式用户界面。为应用程序中的每个状态设计简单的视图,当数据更改时,React将高效地更新和正确的渲染组件。声明式视图使您的代码更具可预测性,更易于调试。创建好拥有各自State(状态) 的组件,再将其组合构成更加复杂的UI界面。由于组件逻辑是用JavaScript而不是模板编写的,因此可以通过应用程序轻松传递丰富的数据,并将State(状态) 保留在DOM之外。我们将会从零开发讲解,讲解过程中个,我们也带领大家从环境的构建开始学习,这样可以让你更好更快的对接企业级项目的环境架构。

React: As one of the three main frameworks of the front end, React has two main features: statement and assembly, and React can easily create an interactive user interface. Design a simple view for each state in the application, and when data changes, React will efficiently update and correct the rendering component. The statement view makes your code more predictable and easier to debug. Create components that have their own State (state) components, and then combine them into a more complex UI interface. Because the component logic is written with JavaScript instead of templates, it can easily transmit rich data through applications and keep State (status) outside DOM. We will start with zero development and interpretation, and we will lead you to learn from the construction of the environment, which will allow you to better and faster access to the environmental architecture of enterprise-level projects.


VUE: Building on the two excellent frameworks of Angular and React, Vue is certainly very welcome, using simple, powerful ecosystems, and efficient speed of operation, which is one of our options in development. Vue is a gradual framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other large frameworks, Vue is designed to be applied from the bottom up to the top. Vue's core library focuses on viewing layers, not only easy to handle, but also easy to integrate with third-party repositories or existing projects.


On the other hand, when used in combination with modern tool chains and various support libraries, Vue is well placed to provide a driver for complex page applications. In learning the real Vue, we will explain his use through two enterprise-level projects to improve access to Vue-skilled development.



As a new project demonstration introduced by the micro-letter, the micro-credit process must be very valued and, so far, most of the major extension companies have had a micro-credit program, which has given rise to a post, a micro-producer development engineer. As you can imagine, the micro-procedure is very exciting. Our course has been introduced since the formal launch of the micro-procedure. Through almost a year of practice, our course has been able to learn, directly through the project, about the application of the API knowledge point in the project. This allows us to adapt more quickly to project development.


The most important feature of the IT era is that there are more and more data. The daily generation of data becomes the “oil” of modern societies. Large data are stored and analysed as very important technologies.


In 2014, the Academy started its first major data specialization in the country, which was created by leading national experts, Chumbum, Shaobin, and Zhou Ji-Rai. The vast majority of the data trainees we trained became the backbone of the current big data firms, deeply affecting the big data industry in the country.

为了让更多人受益, 我们会陆续公布大部分的大数据课程视频,这些视频来自于我们线下培训精品课程,大多数直接录制于课堂,欢迎大家免费下载或者在线观看。

In order to benefit more people, we will publish most of the big data course videos from our online training excellence courses, most of which are recorded directly in the classroom and are welcome for free downloads or online viewing.


We update the video every month, and you can keep an eye on the download address.




Big data is a very popular concept in our time, and with the rise of artificial intelligence, big data is of increasing value. The artificial intelligence algorithms actually existed 30 years ago, but they were useless. The reason is that, first, computers are not fast enough; and, secondly, the amount of data is not big enough, and the models trained are too poor.


The IT era, and indeed the big data age. We're generating more and more data, which, in turn, provide us with further value like “oil.” Altruistic algorithms such as artificial intelligence are like “the monster that eats the data,” and the more artificial intelligence the data is stronger.



1. What big data?


2. What is cloud computing?


3. What is data mining?


4. What is artificial intelligence?


5. What are the conditions for learning big data?


When you understand it, you can be targeted and think about whether you're fit to learn. At the same time, you can't at least be deceived, because when you get to know these questions, you look at the curriculum with "tele-robot technology, android technology," and so on. These technologies certainly have nothing to do with big data.


Because of space problems, the answers to these questions have been recorded in a video set. The video list is as follows:

  • 知识块
  • 1、什么大数据?
  • 2、什么是人工智能?
  • 3、什么是机器学习和深度学习?
  • 4、数据挖掘到底挖什么?
  • 5、大数据技术体系介绍
  • 6、基础可以学习大数据吗?
  • 7、大数据工作职务多吗?薪水怎么样?
  • 8、大数据简历怎么写?
  • 9、大数据的学习方法
  • 10、哪些技术才是大数据的重点内容?


Recommendation: Take two hours before learning big data, take a hard look, and everyone can read it. If you don't want to learn big data, you can increase your knowledge.



The core design of the Hadoop framework is: HDFS and MapReduce. HDFS provides storage for big data, and MapReduce provides calculation for big data.


HDFS is a highly faulty system that can be deployed on cheap machines. HDFS can provide high-absorbent data access, which is very suitable for program computing on large data sets. HDFS technology is the “initiation” of the whole big data. Programmers working on big data, whatever kind of analytical techniques you use, have to learn about HDFS.


MapReduce is a parallel calculation for large-scale data sets (greater than 1 TB). It greatly facilitates programmers to run their own programs on distributed systems without distributing parallel programming. Only distributed calculations solve the analysis of big data.


By learning about HDFS, you can see why it can store big data and know what the 100-degree Web Disk is. Can you also make a Web Disk yourself? Let's start with big data on the ground.


Hadop is a technology that must be taught in big data, and one that is required for big data posts. Hadop is also the foundation of other technologies that have to be developed to better learn from Hive, Hbase, Spark, Storm, etc.



The data warehouse technology for big data includes, among others, Hive, Hbase, Sqoop, Flume, which is most widely used in companies. For students, Hive is the easiest entry, because it does not write code; it only needs a sql base to learn how to do it.


Hbase is a distributed, column-based database. It solves the problem: you can add, delete, modify, and check seconds in the case of big data.



Spark is the most popular distribution framework for memory-based calculations, and the framework in Spark's biosphere can address almost all of the big data applications, if calculated 100 times faster than MapReduce in Hadop's biosphere based on memory, and if calculated on diskette, more than 10 times faster, so Spark is required by the current big data developers.


Spark was developed in the Scala language, including Spark-Core (offline calculation), Spark-SQL, Spark-Streaming (fluent calculation), Spark-MLlib (machine learning).


Spark is “the top priority” of the whole big data technology. Because 60 per cent of written and interview questions are likely to involve Spark knowledge points in the interview process. So Spark’s learning requirements are to understand the Spark source code and to be able to optimize any Spark program in Java, Scala, Python, three computer languages.


机器学习(Machine Learning, ML)是一门多领域交叉学科,涉及概率论、统计学、逼近论、凸分析、算法复杂度理论等多门学科。专门研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知识结构使之不断改善自身的性能。它是人工智能的核心,是使计算机具有智能的根本途径,其应用遍及人工智能的各个领域。

Machine learning (Machine Learning, ML) is a multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary discipline involving such disciplines as probabilities, statistics, proximity theory, contemplation analysis, algorithmic complexity theory. It specializes in how computers simulate or achieve human learning behaviour in order to acquire new knowledge or skills and reorganize existing knowledge structures so that they can continuously improve their performance. It is at the core of artificial intelligence and is a fundamental way to make computers intelligent, with applications spread across all areas of artificial intelligence.

在公司项目应用过程中,重点强调的分布式的机器学习,因为基于海量的数据必须采用分布式的机器学习库。否则根本就是“扯淡”。所以根据企业的需求,同学们也要分辨出哪些是分布式的机器学习库,比如:M ahout,Spark-Mllib等。

In the application of company projects, the emphasis is on distributed machine learning, because big-scale data must be in a distributed machine learning library. Otherwise, it is simply “breathing.” So, depending on the needs of the enterprise, students also have to identify distributed machine learning banks, such as M ahout, Spark-Mllib, etc.



There are currently two more popular methods of calculation: offline and current calculations.


Flow calculation: It allows for a good real-time analysis of large-scale mobile data in the course of changing movements, captures potentially useful information and sends the results to the next calculation node.

Storm是流式计算中的技术之一,Storm集群由一个主节点和多个工作节点组成。主节点运行了一个名为“Nimbus”的守护进程,用于分配代码、布置任务及故障检测。每个工作节 点都运行了一个名为“Supervisor”的守护进程,用于监听工作,开始并终止工作进程。Nimbus和Supervisor都能快速失败,而且是无 状态的,这样一来它们就变得十分健壮。

Storm is one of the techniques in current calculations, and the Storm cluster is made up of one main node and several working nodes. The main node runs a daemon called Nimbus, which distributes the code, assigns the task, and the fault detection. Each node runs a daemon called Supervisor, which listens to the work and starts and ends the work process. Nimbus and Supervisor both fail quickly, and are in a state that makes them very robust.


Usually, you have to use Kafka as long as you have a flow calculation. So you need a Kafka+Storm flow solution in the big data.



Cloud computing is divided into three layers from a service point of view:

同学们需要重点掌握:Iaas层的云计算技术。目前比较流行的云平台都是基于Iaas层的云计算,包括:阿里云(https://www.aliyun.com/)、腾讯云、百度云等。 而Openstack 和Docker就是属于Iaas层的云计算技术。

Students need to focus on cloud computing techniques on the Iaas layer. The current popular cloud platforms are based on cloud computing on the Iaas layer, including: Alis (https://www.aliyun.com/), tweaking clouds, 100-degree clouds, etc., while Openstack and Docker are cloud computing techniques that belong to the Iaas layer.


Openstack and Docker have fewer jobs in search of work, but there are good prospects for development.



"Beautiful learning, most important is participating in the project." When the big data technology is finished, it needs to be involved in a big enterprise-level project in order to actually get out, get paid and get better opportunities.

区块链已经成为近年非常热门的技术,并且正在飞速的发展。各大公司都成立了区块链相关部门, 大量职位空缺等待区块链专业人才加入,而目前区块链专业人才少之又少,所以抓住机会就是成功了一大步。

Block chains have become a very popular technology in recent years, and are growing rapidly. Large companies have set up sector-related sections of the block chains, and a large number of vacancies await the inclusion of block chain professionals, who are currently few, so seizing the opportunity is a big step forward.


The chain of blocks covers a wide area and is relatively “bottom” in technology. After learning the chain of blocks, we can learn other directions very quickly, because the chain of blocks can provide a solid foundation for learners.


In the block chain course at the Academy, the knowledge associated with most of the current enterprise block chain is captured and accompanied by a large number of enterprise-level projects, which can be described as broad and deep.


The block chain course applies to a wide range of people, even small white industry, and can gradually learn the block chain in a shallow-down course. The technology is not remote, it's solid. Don't be overly admiral of a technology. It's just a layer of window paper.


We will publish most of the videos in the block chain course, which can be downloaded free of charge or viewed online through the following web site:

http://www.bjsxt.com/qukuanlianshipin.html (区块链视频的拼音)

http://www.bjsxt.com/qukuanlianshipin.html (combating block chain video)


本阶段主要是为了让学习者对区块链有总体的认识,从宏观角度阐述了区块链相关内容.本阶段是一个纯理论阶段,不需要编程, 所以学习本阶段重点在听而不是写。区块链也将作为像人工智能那样的一个基础技术,改造现在的很多行业。让很多行业去中心化,极大的提升行业效率。

The main purpose of this phase is to give the learner a general idea of the block chain and to describe the content of the block chain from a macro perspective. This is a purely theoretical stage, which does not require programming, so the focus of learning at this stage is on listening rather than writing. The block chain will also be used as a basic technology, like artificial intelligence, to transform many of the current industries.


本阶段主要是为了让学习者对区块链有总体的认识,从宏观角度阐述了区块链相关内容.本阶段是一个纯理论阶段,不需要编程, 所以学习本阶段重点在听而不是写。区块链也将作为像人工智能那样的一个基础技术,改造现在的很多行业。让很多行业去中心化,极大的提升行业效率

The main purpose of this phase is to give the learner a general understanding of the block chain and to describe the content of the block chain from a macro perspective. This is a purely theoretical stage, which does not require programming, so the focus of learning at this stage is on listening rather than writing. The block chain will also be used as a basic technology, like artificial intelligence, to transform many of the current industries.

3.数据库操作和Golang Web


The Go language can be used as a service end language, and the Go language can be used to complete the Web project development.

4. Golang 实战项目

在学习完前几个阶段后,本阶段是要对前面几个阶段的实际应用。单独学习每个语法可能都不难,但是要把学习的内容融入到实际项目中就需要一个转化的过程。这个阶段重点在敲代码, 一定要按照视频中顺序把每个功能都认真完成。

It may be easy to learn every grammar alone, but a process of transformation is needed to integrate the content of the learning into the actual project. The focus of this phase is on the code, and each function must be carefully performed in the order in which it is recorded in the video.



Cryptology is one of several core parts of the block chain and is an important tool for achieving data compliance. At this stage, the knowledge of cryptography is presented on the higher frequency of application in most block chain naming projects. Each cryptography has a separate presentation, which focuses on learning and is the basis for learning bitcoin, Etherno, super-account source code.

6. 共识算法


The so-called “consensus mechanism” is a particular node in which a transaction can be verified and confirmed in a very short period of time; if there is consensus on a transaction, and if there are several nodes where the interests are not relevant, we can assume that the whole network can agree on it as well. In a more general sense, if a Chinese Weibo Big V, an American virtual currency player, an African student, and a European traveller are unfamiliar, they all agree that you are a good person, then basically you are not a bad person.


The block chain can support different consensus mechanisms as a data structure for time-sequenced data storage. The consensus mechanism is an important component of block chain technology.

共识算法和密码学都是区块链核心部分, 学习完共识后就可以准备开始学习具体的区块链项目了。

Consensus algorithms and cryptography are both core parts of the block chain, and after learning about the consensus, we can start learning about specific block chain projects.

7. Solidity

Solidity是以太坊中专门描述智能合约的语言,学习Solidity的同时也在讲述什么是智能合约。 学习完Solidity就可以学习以太坊相关内容.所以本段内容是专门给以太坊打基础。

Solidity is a language that describes smart contracts in the Taiku, learning about Solidity while also talking about what a smart contract is. After studying Solidity, you can learn about it. So this paragraph is dedicated to laying the foundation for Ether.

8. 以太坊原理

以太坊和比特币都是学习区块链中经典的例子。 这个阶段,包含了以太坊原理架构流程和一些区块链中专业概念。这一阶段讲解比较全面,重点学习后就可以对区块链有了较深的认识。

Ether and Bitcoin are classic examples of learning blocks’ chains. This phase contains the Etherms’ rationale process and professional concepts in some blocks’ chains.



At this stage, you continue to learn about the Tai-cham, which focuses on the configuration and rationale of the Tai-chamber client.



This stage is a solid learning process for the Etherms. It is a coding phase. The focus of all the coding phases is on-the-job, on-the-ground.


In the end, we can use: block chains, interplanetary file systems, Node.js, and MongoDB to build a “decentralized” revolutionary electrical platform.


超级账本是一个大体系。 在这个阶段中会使用Linux的一些命令和使用,同时这一阶段中使用Go作为源码语言。学习完这个阶段后会更加加深对区块链的认识。

Superbooks are a large system. Some Linux commands and uses are used at this stage, while Go is used as a source language at this stage.


C++语言是比特币项目的编写语言, 学习C++主要目的是为了读懂比特币中关键代码。所以这阶段不是非常详细的把C++所有知识点都讲解到,只是一个快速入门,能够读懂比特币的核心代码即可。

The C++ language is the writing language for the Bitcoin project, and the main purpose of learning C++ is to read key codes in bitcoin. So this stage is not very detailed enough to explain all C++ knowledge points, it is a quick entry that can read bitcoin's core code.


There was no need for an in-depth study of C++, which was becoming less and less applied.


比特币作为区块链的起源,也是区块链行业中的标杆。学习区块链,也一定要学习比特币相关内容。 之前已经学习了区块链的两大部分,这阶段学习起来将会比较轻松。

Bitcoin, as the origin of the block chain, is also a stick in the block chain industry. Learning the block chain also has to learn about bitcoin.



In addition to several classic bitcoin projects, other projects have been introduced into the course, currently referred to as EOS, and others such as ants, nebula, quantum, etc. will be introduced in subsequent courses.

EOS:可以理解为Enterprise Operation System,即为商用分布式应用设计的一款区块链操作系统。EOS是引入的一种新的区块链架构,旨在实现分布式应用的性能扩展。注意,它并不是像比特币和以太坊那样的货币,而是基于EOS软件项目之上发布的代币,被称为区块链3.0。

EOS: It can be understood as an Enterprise Operation System, a block chain operating system designed for commercial distribution applications. EOS is the introduction of a new block chain structure designed to expand the performance of distributed applications. Note that it is not a currency like Bitcoin and Taiku, but rather a token based on the EOS software project, known as the block chain 3.0.


EOS is somewhat like a Microsoft windows platform, which supports the simultaneous operation of multiple applications by creating a bottom-of-the-developing block chain platform that is friendly to the developers and provides a bottom-up template for the development of daPP.


When you have the EOS, it's like having the computer resources, and with the DAPP you can lease the EOS that you have for someone else's use. In short, you own the EOS, you own the rent for someone else's rent, or you own the land for someone else's house.


This set of 100 complete project source codes is provided by participants in the " Beijing School of Learning ", with the teacher providing the corresponding guidance.


It is divided into five seasons, with about 20 projects per quarter, and it is hoped that there will be sustained attention.


Many of our seniors suffer from the lack of reference, or from incomplete downloads, code problems, data problems, etc., which have caused problems affecting university graduation. We now provide an approved 100 project source code and a corresponding tutorial video that allows everyone to complete their graduation design in a short time.


You can also view and study online at www.itbaizhan.cn, or download it free of charge on the Beijing School Journalist Network.


If the original author’s copyright has been violated, please contact us.


In the future, we will launch the H5 front-end, Python, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, etc.


You can do it at: .

http://www.bjsxt.com/biyeshejishipin.html (毕业视频视频的拼音)




Since many university students are not familiar with software development, we record the usual ways of using software for development.


In order to facilitate learning, we have provided installation packages for commonly used software development, which can be downloaded directly from the web-disk as needed:


Software is used in a very simple way, so don't be afraid. This explains how it is most commonly used in development. It includes the use of common database software (oracle, Mysql, sqlserver), database client software, eclipse, Myeclypse, Tomcat servers, etc.). It contains the following videos:


1. Use of Eclipse 1 - Reasons for Development of Environmental Use


2. Use of Eclipse 2 _ Basic selection and use of download buildings


3. Use of Eclipse 3 - Structural description of JAVA project - project


4. Use of Eclipse 4 - Development and operation of JAVA programs


Use of Eclipse (JEE)_Tomcat integration_project deployment


6. JDK installation 1_Downloading and installation_JDK directory introduction


7. JDK installation of 2_environmental variable PATH settings_crasspath problems


JDK installation 3_System testing JDK installation and configuration successful


9. Myeclipse 2014 installation and use_web project creation and distribution


10. Myeclipse and Tomcat integration_web deployment


11. Mysql database 1_installation and configuration_simple use of command lines


12. Mysql database 2_navicat client software usage_load SQL files to library


Oracle database 1_installation


Oracle database 2 - Client plsql installed and connected


15. SqlServer database 1_installation


16. SqlServer database 2_ Connect and respond to database


SqlServer database 3_client operations


SqlServer database 4_Unmount


Tomcat server installation _ Introduction



The 20 source code sets in the first quarter are more extensive, with a more basic JAVA primary project and a larger WEB project. Each project provides a complete content covering papers, PPTs, source code, database files, and accompanying presentation videos.


When you open a folder entitled “Thesis, etc.”, you will find the full text of the paper and the statement of defence, for your information:


The project tutorial video was opened, and a detailed project presentation video was found to help solve the problems of project deployment, project module presentation:


To quickly see if the project meets your needs, you can open the Project Screenshot folder:








There are e-government projects, medical projects, supply chain management projects, and Internet projects. At the same time, there are several java foundation projects that can be used for JAVA curriculum design.



Success in the workplace and in life requires not only hard power, but also soft power. Two kinds of power are like a man's legs, one missing is “impaired.” Chinese Media University teachers Wang Shei and Takashi, the president of Beijing's Academy of Science, invented the 7U soft power theory, which allows people to have measurable soft power levels of seven dimensions and upscaling standards.


Programmers tend to focus on hard-strengths such as “code capabilities” while ignoring soft-strengths such as “spoken talent” and “communications” that make development difficult, job-promotion difficult, and even love marriage difficult. So, for friends who are not very soft-powery, it is very important to learn soft-power.


More importantly, soft power is a relative concept. And most people think that “soft power” is innate and cannot be changed through training.


Soft power in the workplace is not a skill, but it allows for better use of your skills. It's a catalyst for your personal development, and it allows you to grow faster and move more steadily.



A good image and a professional manner is your successful "runner." No one else has an obligation to know what's inside you, except your parents, through your dirty appearances and unprofessional manners.


At this stage, a detailed description of practical skills is given in various settings. These include: dress matching, speech, social ceremonials, ceremonials and ceremonials.


To give you complete control over the basic rituals of the workplace, the manners of business reception and negotiation; the manner of the hospitality of life; and the manner in which you become a person of great pleasure; and the manner in which you have mastered the manner in which you speak and how you speak in your own right.



Sound is not natural, it can be changed through professional voice skills. If sound is bad, it is less effective in interpersonal communication. This stage is designed to develop how you can make a sound sound in communication, making our voices more magnetic, more powerful and more contagious.


Learn to take charge of your own voice, in karaoke, no more fear. In public speaking, you'll feel better.


Sound is the second business card of a man. We can quickly become a person who is no longer afraid of speaking through the right air skills through joint chest breathing, resonance training.



Relationships are so important that they are the foundation of all of our soft power and the final boost, so mastering them can make our relationships more harmonious, while at the same time not focusing on dealing with difficult setbacks. At this stage, we will tell you why we are nervous and how we can overcome them.


By learning about the basic principles of emotional control: the principles of stress, the principles of condition reflection. Let yourself understand, the basics of the physical knowledge of serenity.


Further learning, “love among friends” makes himself an understanding person; learning to work as a partner in leadership, co-workers and subordinates;



Good communication is the basis of human interaction, which can significantly reduce the cost of life and work. Bad communication can make good things happen as well. This stage will provide details on how best to open each other's hearts quickly, as well as more than 20 techniques of praise and criticism, and how to tell good stories, facilitate our communication, and some of the coping techniques at the banquet.


We need to learn:


1. How to introduce yourself, in business, in gossip.


2. Characteristics of humanity


3. How to find the right topic


4. Mastering the praises of art


5. Profiting the skills to criticize others


6. Speeching skills at various banquets


7. Know how to say a good thing.



Life is made up of one persuasion and persuasion, either by others or by others. Convincing power is the key to success in the workplace.


Good persuasion can make a difference in your relationship, in your search for work. We need to learn the following:


1. Eight main strategies on how to break the ice


2. How to add chips to convince others


3. Ten major persuasion techniques


4. Structured formulae (convincing requires structure and logic)



No matter what your profession is, everyone sells. Some sell products, some sell ideas, and some sell themselves.


In any profession, marketing skills are very helpful. After all, in essence, “everyone is a salesman.” We need to learn the following:


Successfully sold three songs (questioning, listening, reading)


Ten steps to sell.


There's definitely seven tricks.



. At this stage, let's start with the three key points of the speech, with detailed analysis and skill management, how to deal with the embarrassment of the speech, how to deliver improvising speeches on the stage, and how to make us more comfortable on the stage.


We need to learn the following key points in speaking training:


1. How to write a beautiful speech


2. How to overcome fear


3. Self-presentation of speeches and interactive techniques


4. Powerful opening remarks


5. Keeping the pace and content of speeches


6. How the eyes, shapes, tone are used


7. Small strategy for the presentation


1. How to create an interactive atmosphere


2. How to win a round of applause


What about forgetting a word?


4. How to face the strange question of how to deal with it.



“Don't want to be a general's soldier is not a good soldier.” Leadership must start with the doll, with leadership before leadership, rather than leadership (unless a good dad gives you a lot of hands-on opportunities). The nine attributes of leadership at this stage and ways to rapidly upgrade leadership, and how to create an excellent team fit for business development.


Learning leadership requires learning the following courses and starting practical training:


1. Understanding the nine attributes of leadership


2. Leading innovative mindset adjustment


Core secret of organizational management


4. How to develop sound strategic decision-making


5. Sound communication and coordination of subordinate approaches



Founded on February 14, 2006, for more than a decade, it affected tens of millions of people. We launched a video with hundreds of downloads.

北京尚学堂经过十余年的发展,已经成为拥有14个校区,多家子公司的综合性集团公司。公司定位于“为IT人才提供就业创业服务”。 业务涵盖:软件培训、技术开发、企业技术咨询服务、猎头高端人才服务、线上教育、创业风投、教材出版等领域。我们将继续以“软件、教育”为核心,拓展新的领域,为中国的IT人才全力护航。

After more than a decade of development, the Beijing Academy has become a conglomerate company with 14 campuses and several subsidiaries. The company is positioned to “provide employment and entrepreneurship services for IT talent.” It covers areas such as software training, technology development, enterprise technology advisory services, headhunting, online education, entrepreneurial investment, and publication of educational materials. We will continue to focus on “software, education” and expand new areas to provide full protection for Chinese IT talent.



In more than a decade, we have trained more than 100,000 students, most of whom have become the backbone of their enterprises. The students of the Academy are found in the small and large IT enterprises of China, and have become a view of the Chinese IT talent.


“The human being is the foundation of the nation, education is the foundation of human achievement, and physical warfare is the soul of education.” The Academy proposes the concept of education as a “warlike school of good education” and injects the concept of actual warfare and practice as a soul into the details of educational training.


We're going to change the traditional model of education in the form of “war education” so that learning is no longer difficult.


It's a lot of knowledge, and it's a short time. It makes you 10 times more efficient to learn, and it makes you 10 times better to understand knowledge. Our idea is, "The realist, the good to educate, the hard to learn."


We also have a deep sense of “everyone is a unique human being.” It is possible that many people have been “sacrificed” by the wrong way of learning and by the wrong environment. We have seen many university students who have failed for four years, who have come to school and have been deeply influenced by the concept of “real war”, who have learned how to learn and learn the pleasure of learning and “reborn” themselves in a short period of four or five months.


The concept of “war in action” has many meanings, such as:

1. 心态上,说干就干,气势十足,不拖沓。

1. Psychiatry: do what you want, do what you want, do what you want, do what you want, do what you want.

2. 行为上,知行合一(理论结合实践)

2. Behavioural, knowledge-sharing (theoretical combination of practice)

3. 方式上,项目驱动教学


4. 激励上,实战的效果就是最好的驱动力

4. Incentives, the best driving force is the effect of the battle.


Our student Liang, who has learned to write an online version of the boxing king for three weeks, dares to do his job with this energy and is now the senior technical director of Tweets.


Our student, Li, dropped out of junior high school, went to college, started a business one year later, and received $10 million in financing in his second year of work, while his classmates were busy with graduation design.


Our student Zhang, a major in arts, has worked as a seaman around the world for three years. After he came to the school, he changed his body. He is now in charge of a certain purpose in the company.


These are not only examples of “change” but also the results of “wartime education.” When they come to the school, they learn how to learn and fall in love with learning. To defend the project, and for the honor of the team, the overnight preparation project became their most characteristic “recreational approach” during the training period. In the school district of Kyonnan, often with lights on at 12 a.m., it is the classroom of the school and the building of the capital headquarters.



The Academy is located in the “IT Entrepreneurship Service for Employment of Talents” and is structured around the much-needed IT Internet talent in all disciplines. The following IT-related specializations are currently being developed:

1.JAVAEE学科 2.Python学科 3.人工智能学科 4.大数据云计算学科

1. JAVAEE discipline 2. Python discipline 3. Artificial intelligence discipline 4. Large data cloud computing discipline

5.区块链学科 6.架构师学科 7.前端H5学科 8.UI视觉设计学科

5. Block chain disciplines 6. Architecture disciplines 7. Front-end H5 disciplines 8.UI Visual design disciplines


9. Special training in the field of soft power enhancement



Teacher power is not only the “core” of education training, but also the “soul” of education. In order to ensure a top-class teaching staff, the following initiatives have been consolidated:


Our teacher must have come from the company's first line.


Our teachers must come from the front line of the business, and they must be technocrats to qualify for the podium.


Our teachers must be involved in research and development!


Some institutions use the content of the Department of Research and Development to train teachers, reducing the requirement for teachers to be “recorders” only. There is also a special research and development department in the Academy, but teachers must be involved in the development of the curriculum, and teachers themselves are part of the research and development team.


Our teachers must be involved in in-house technology development .


Since there are a large number of cooperative enterprises, we have developed a system for teachers to participate in business technical advisers. Teachers are also technical advisers in certain enterprises, some of them also work at the level of technical supervisors in some enterprises.



A good course also requires good management. Otherwise, it will be less effective. At the heart of good management is “management of learning effects”. To achieve this, we created a “operational physical monitoring system”. The school supervision of each student is placed within the system, and the students themselves can be kept abreast of their learning, teachers can be kept aware of the learning of any person in the class, and early warning and follow-up can be achieved for those who fall out of the class.


On the basis of this system, even the president of a company has access to the studies of one of the students at any time.


On the basis of this system, full-flow supervision is achieved from the beginning of the foundation to graduation, employment, probation, and official work.



The technical curriculum of the Academy is based on the “systems first” principle, starting with the teaching of the whole spectrum of technologies, focusing on the underlying principles and the application of the project.


How many modes of learning that do not rewrite the word “reflection” and leave behind this backward approach. The knowledge that is not used in practice does not speak, and spends as much valuable time as possible on “useful, real dry goods.”


The training system of the Academy is structured around “Projects, Practical Action” and provides everyone with as much access to projects as possible. Our project is not simply a “triple cat” project, it comes from the corporate front, and it is developed and adapted for teaching.


The monthly update course is derived from our special “triple one” research and development system. “triple one” refers to:


Institute teams with an average work life of 10 years


2. Teacher involvement in research and development


The teacher is directly involved in research and development, not taking someone else's.


3. Content delivery and impact testing for the participation of cooperative enterprises in the course


Hundreds of enterprises with a cooperative curriculum provide fresh technical content and project cases on an ongoing basis.



Many institutions refer to business cooperation as “Logo-type cooperation”, with websites posting a few LOGOs or organizing several businesses over the next few months.


Since April 14, 2014, we have held hundreds of job fairs. At the same time, we have organized interviews with students to companies.





The most important thing for a research and development teacher in the Academy is to go into the cooperative business line, bringing fresh technology to the firm and getting it back from the firm. This interaction has resulted in the accumulation of many “consultants at the level of technical director of the enterprise” who are also members of the research and development department of the Academy.


By 2018, we had a team of 104 “business frontlines” on the various specializations offered. 104 consultants brought in the freshest technology, the newest business technology, to the Academy. Let us keep the curriculum updated monthly.


This is also the core secret of the monthly updating of the Academy programme.


It is also a central secret that graduates of the Academy are very popular with businesses.


This is also an important crystallization of the concept of physical warfare in schools of learning vis-à-vis enterprises.

总裁高淇与教育部特聘专家 蒋宗礼教授合影




● 合作企业的口碑,是对尚学堂最好的认可

:: The reputation of the cooperative enterprise, which is the best recognition of the school

● 学员的认可,是尚学堂发展的不竭动力

• Recognition of participants as an inexhaustible driving force for the development of the Academy

● 内部员工的认可,是尚学堂课程好坏的最佳证明

:: In-house staff recognition is the best proof of how good and bad the school curriculum is.


(See next page, internal employee chat record)


We will continue to do our best to serve our students and all IT people!



Series 6000 covers several areas of specialization, such as artificial intelligence (359), Python (90), JAVA (1103), big data (660), Internet architecture (300), 7A workplace soft power (292), C language (199), PHP (700), block chains (500), front end development (640), primary and secondary school programming (500), and more systematic courses as the industry develops.

市面上大量视频课程都属于零散性质,不利于真正掌握一门技术。6000集本着系统化 的思维,让基础的同学也可以步步深入,跟着一集集系统的学习,直达高手境界。

A lot of video courses on the market are fragmented, which is not conducive to real mastery of a technology. The 6,000 series, based on systematic thinking, allows basic students to go further and follow the system to the point of excellence.

注重效率只讲干货,让每人在编程学习上节省1000小时。 我们将用心做好每一集视频,甚至精确控制到“帧”为单位, 力争成为“中国最系统、最优质”的课程。

The focus on efficiency is on dry goods, which saves each person 1,000 hours in programming. We will try to be the most systematic, high-quality course in China by working hard on each episode of video, even precisely controlling it as a frame.




1. The 6000 Episode brings together all the high-end courses of the Academy and the 100th Combat Programmer, which are updated on an ongoing basis according to the start of the course.

2.普通人只需要选择一个领域即可。没有必要将所有领域全部学习一遍。当然,在校大学生时间充裕,未尝不可, 成为超级大神迷倒身边众多妹子,不是坏事。成为超级大神,迷倒你的大学老师,更令人神往。

There's only one field for ordinary people. There's no need to study all the fields. Of course, it's not bad to be a super god with a lot of girls. It's even more amazing to be a super god, a super god, and your college teacher.

3. IT时代,编程终将成为每个人需要的技能,希望大家分享给身边的人,你的分享就是我们的动力! 让我们一起为中国IT发展,奉献自己的力量。

3. In the IT era, programming will eventually become the skill everyone needs to share with the people around us, and your sharing will be our driving force. Let us all work together to develop and give our strength to the Chinese IT.



At the same time, the Ambassador will receive the following benefits:

1. 可以免费获得一门专业的学习机会,节省5000元费用

1. Free access to a profession with a cost saving of $5,000

2. 可以获得推荐实习的机会

2. Access to recommended internships

3. 可以获得优秀实习生证明

3. Obtaining a certificate of excellence for interns


4. Priority is given to the availability of the most up-to-date learning materials for the Academy of Learning for the Beacon programmers.


If you wish to be a “campus ambassador”, please contact the home page with a micro sign.

3. 讲师加盟和认证


The 100-year-old programmer is committed to docking “practical good teachers” to “every student”. We therefore welcome the first-line research and development team to join us as the “super-classmaster” on the line, and you will have the right to start your own classes independently and receive most of the income from school fees.


Conditions for registration:

1. 高校计算机老师、培训机构讲师

1. Computer teacher at higher education institutions, lecturer at training institutions

2. 高校硕士、博士、科研人员

2. Master's degree, doctor's degree, scientific staff in higher education

3. 企业一线程序员、技术经理、技术总监

3. Business front-line programmer, technical manager, technical director


You don't need to resign if you want to join the 100-year class of programmers.


There's a lot of technocrats, but they're not good at lectures. It doesn't matter, we've hired the best teachers in the country to record fresh courses, and “supermasters” are more important to coach and manage the trainees, and to pass on their experiences and contacts to the students.


Through certified lecturers, we are classified as follows:


1 General Lecturer


1 General Lecturer


3 experts in the field


If you wish to become a member of the Lecturer's Heaven Group, please contact the home page for a microsignal.


The program will also assist small and medium-sized IT enterprises in setting up their own training departments, and our courses will be open to cooperative enterprises.

1. 从经济上,节省企业大量的培训费用。

1. Economic savings on substantial training costs for enterprises.

2. 从人力资源上,大大提高软件企业员工开发效率,直接为企业创收。

2. In terms of human resources, there is a significant increase in the efficiency of software enterprise staff development and direct revenue generation for the enterprise.

3. 直接招聘优秀的“百战程序员”

Direct recruitment of excellent “Henries programmers”


Please contact the home page micro-signals for companies wishing to join the 100-year-old programmer.

1. 大赛说明


The goal of this competition is to get the students of the Academy to be more than code-written, and to make the articles more miraculous. Three sessions were held, and many very talented students wrote a lot of “terrible” articles.


We are limited to space, and here only some of the winning articles are listed.


The competition has also begun for students from all over the country. For each request, please refer to the Beijing Network of Academic Doctors. The prize is very generous. Please use your literature so that you can see the different “IT people”.



A thousand worlds, everything. There's not just the human world, there's our Java world.


Today, I am taking you as an internship guide to understand the wonders of our Java world.


There's a warm guy called Catch, and there's a true love called Try-Catch, and the truest love in the world is that you're in Try I'm in Catch, and whatever temper you get, I'll take it quietly, and I'll forgive you and love you, whatever you're wrong with.


There's a lazy employee named throws, who throws everything out, gives it to his superiors to wipe his ass if he does something wrong, and he doesn't give it to his superiors until the boss does, and the boss doesn't give it to him.


There was a listening employee called the loop, and he did it several times when you asked him to do his job several times, and he did it without sleeping and working overtime. Without the permission of his boss, Break, he would never stop.


There is a hegemonic president called Finally, who has to do whatever he wants to do, even if the resturn wants to stop it, and unless he dies, he will do anything to get his prey.


There's a dump called Finallize, which is very similar to our boss, Finally, but don't call it wrong, or the consequences are serious. Three times, you can't call it wrong, you can't call it wrong, you can't call it wrong, you can't call it wrong, you can't call it wrong!


There is one kind of river, one type, one person in a river, one person in a river, one in a pool, one in a skill, one in a way.


One name code, known as the identifier, is specifically used to name classes, methods and variables. The code specifies that letters must start with underlined? _ or dollar-dollar symbols, and that they are sensitive to case writing and must not be keywords, such as class, catch and so on.


There is a name rule in the code called the Camel Peak rule, and the first word must be underwritten when naming methods and variables, and the second and third initials are capitalized, which is the Camel Peak rule. Of course, if a name is given to a class, it is the initials of each word that have to be written up. Don't ask me why, that's the way it is.


There may be some confusion here. What are the variables?


Don't worry, I'll tell you.


The variables are three brothers, divided into the big static variable, the penis member variable and the bronze local variable.


The boss is more selfless and shares himself; the penis is more naughty, mixed up in rivers and lakes, and often walks freely in categories and methods; as for the old man, he is a good boy, likes to play together, and when the method disappears, he dies with the same method.


Do you know why the boss is so selfless, because the boss is influenced by the shared leader's state of mind, but anyone who hears the speech will be affected by the variable and willing to share it?


This state is a very large static family system with static code blocks that take precedence over ordinary code blocks; static internal classes, which can be called directly by an external class; static methods, which do not require objects, can be called by the class.


The Static family is loaded with classes and has priority over objects. So this is not a key word in the static method, why not? Because this is a reference to the current object, in short, when the static appeared, this is not available in the static method.


There's an old final that can't be changed, who dares to mess with who he is, and the little partners are afraid of him, especially the ones who are about to be ligated. It's a sad story of tears. The variable meets him and never gets tall. The method meets him and is never rewritten. So, for those who don't want to change themselves, the variable can look for final.


There's an idea called "everything is the object." In the eyes of the programmer's father, there's a new one. See if it's a bold idea, whether it's about being a single dog, or whether it's about being a single dog, and it's about giving yourself a new one. Come on, New Year, you're still a single dog. The object is still a class one, and it's used to call methods and membership variables.


An example of creating object:


Basically, there's at least one construction method for each class, except for the anonymous internal class, and if one class does not develop any construction method, then the class will have a self-inflicted structure. If there is another one, then the object can be created with a direct initial value, which is a convenience.


When they grow up to be married and have children, they are called sub-types, which is easy to understand. Sub-groups can inherit fatherhood and attributes, as if children in humans could inherit their parents’ property. Some are more independent, less mediocre, when they add their own attributes and methods, and the stronger ones are not only self-inflicted, but also powerfully improved, that is, rewritten methods.


Examples of succession and method rewriting:


However, the patriarchal construction method cannot be inherited by a subcategory, which can only be constructed by using the super key word. It is as if the father had a house, but the father had to continue to live, and he could not give the son a key, and the son could often come back.

在我们java中,一个子类只能继承一个父类,这一点和人类一样,一个儿子只有一个亲爹。啥?你问我能不能有干爹? 那当然可以有了,接口就是子类的干爹,而且一个子类可以有多个接口,子类名implements接口名,接口名就能实现多个接口了。

In our Java, a subcategory inherits only one parent, just like humans, and a son has only one father. What, you ask me if I can have a godfather?


There is a kind of secrecy called envelopes that can hide certain types of information within the class, which, apart from the exclusion of direct access to the category, does not want anyone to know.


So how do you wrap it up? Simple. Just add private to the top of the attribute.


If you want to modify and view the post-envelope properties, then you need to use the get(), set() method. Data that are not particularly important can be modulated using protected, so that the subcategory can also be accessed in different packages, and two access modifiers are public and default (not written by default), and public is more popular and can be accessed by anyone.


Four rights modifiers:


Envelopes can hide the details, like humans have a TV set, and humans just need to know how to use it without knowing how to make parts of a television agency; and they're safe because nobody else can see it.

有一种照骗叫做多态,举个栗子吧:听说最近人类挺流行网恋的,然而没有线下见面谁也不知道手机那一端的人长啥样啊,视频又太模糊了看不清,于是照骗出现了,人类将照片ps的美美哒,大脸盘变成瓜子脸,小眼睛变大眼睛,各种美白磨皮,然后再把照片发给对方来吸引对方,终于关系进一步发展到了奔现的程度了,然后就没有然后了。 这个故事告诉我们在没有真正见到对方之前,你永远也不知道手机另一端的对方长啥样。多态也是一个道理,左边一个样,右边又是一个样。

One of them, called multi-faceted, has a chestnut: I hear that humans have become popular recently, but no one knows what the person on the other end of the phone looks like without a wire, and the video is too vague to see, and it turns out that humans are making pictures of ps beautiful, big-faced, big-eyed, white-eyed, and then send pictures to each other to attract each other, and finally to the point where the relationship has developed further, and then to the point where it doesn't. The story tells us that you never know what the other side of the phone looks like before we actually see each other. Multimorphiality is also the same thing, the one on the left and the other on the right.

多态存在有3个必要条件:1.要有继承 2.要有方法重写 3.父类引用指向子类对象

There are three necessary conditions for multi-state presence: 1. There is to be succession, 2. There is to be a way to rewrite 3.

多态又分两种形式,一种是向上转型,格式是:父类名 父类对象=?new?子类名(); 向上转型对象不能使用子类新增的成员变量和方法;

Multi-states are divided into two forms, one of which is an upward shift in the form of: a parent name; a parent object =?new? sub-class (); an object upward transitioning cannot use the additional membership variables and methods added to the sub-category;

还有一种是向下转型,格式是:子类名 子类对象=(父类名) 父类对象;?向下转型对象既能调用父类方法也能调用子类本身的方法和属性。

There is also a downward shift in the format of sub-name sub-objects = (paternal) parent objects; and a downward transition object can call both the parent approach and the methods and properties of the sub-category itself.


I'll share this with you.


(a) Multi-state membership variables and methods: compile left (parent) and run right (subcategory);


(a) Multi-state approach to membership: to compile the left (paternal) and to run the right (sub-category);


The downward transition must be preceded by an upward shift; otherwise, there will be a conversion of types from the GlassCastException.


Polygonal examples:


Everyone knows van Gogh, the famous abstract painters in the human race, by the way, we also have a class called the abstract in the Java family. The abstract is a tough parent, his abstract approach has no method, he provides a generic template for the subcategory, which avoids the randomness of sub-class designs, and the sub-category has to rewrite the abstract parent approach.


Both abstract methods and abstract classes must be modulated with abstact, and abstract classes can also be without abstract methods.


Examples in the abstract:

提到抽象方法就不得不再说一下接口了,接口中所有方法都是抽象的,所有变量都默认使用public static final修饰,也就是说接口中的变量就是静态常量了,值不能被修改了。

A reference to abstract methods would have to be made to interfaces, where all methods are abstract and all variables are implicitly modulated using public state financial modifiers, meaning that the variables in the interface are static constants and values cannot be modified.


Examples of interfaces:


In the end, let us give you a beautiful picture of the beautiful sleeping woman, the princess who ran into a hammer to make the curse work, and who was asleep in the castle waiting for the prince's kiss to wake her up. This is a picture that we used to have in the world of Java:


There's a hammer called wait() and a kiss called notify().


There's a beautiful thread princess, who meets the wait, and unless a prince kisses her, she's going to be in a coma, and soon the thread prince appears, and the princess wakes up with notify. Since then, the princess and the prince have lived happily ever since.


How's it going? You've seen so much, you've found the world quite interesting. Do you want to go further?


> > : This article is awesome! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ by the programmer community ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



On March 26, 2018, the largest city in the galaxy, the solar system.


There are countless galaxies like the “solar system” in the vast universe, unlike here, where the most visible event of the universe is now taking place. Oh, no! Indeed, there is a school in the “solar system” called the “Earth.” So, here, the elites from all over the universe are about to perform an enigma of history.








Early in the morning, the sun was bright, and the sky was clear. The train from the "Cosmos" had a deep feeling of emulation and hope. I knew that, from today on, I would be integrated into a magical world, where I would meet many people who were as ambitious as I am. We have come to learn from the universe, whether the past was glorious or lost; whether it is happy or lost; whether it is good or bad in the future; whether it is good in the future or bad in the future. Here it is zero, start again. Thinking of my eyes as being steady and steady in the future. Just as the breeze has passed, we have taken away the fatigue of all the journeys.


Evening, I came to the cafeteria after visiting the physical and human features around the school. After the meal card, I lined up and looked around, and my heart was as calm as a lake, with self-confidence and vision for the future. The world became quiet, as if it were shrinking, and there was a huge screen in front of me.


The first thing that came out of the curtains was a speech delivered by Mr. Java:


Hello students, my name is Java. Born in 1991 at Sun, I am one of the most popular computer languages in the world. I will be your teacher in IT, and I will teach you in a different way than tradition. I will teach you one technique. This technique will be deeply embedded in your minds, and the way you learn it is through this technology, which you describe yourselves, and the more vivid it is, the more clearly you describe it. The saying is: Master leads in the door, the more he practises it in the individual. It will be as if you were able to understand the extent of it. Well, let it begin to be your legends.


The scenes flowed, and one of our classmates went on stage and began to describe himself:

大家好,我叫int。我代表一个整数类,然而我拥有的范围最多只有十位,21亿左右。我的特点是热情,并且应用广泛,比如在java代码中去声明一个变量,此时我便如同一个盖章,被我盖章后的变量才能在代码中去加减乘除,或者参与循环判断。还有在创建扫描器中:Scannersc=new Scanner(System.in);我还可以让用户随机输入他们想要的整数。列如:int a=sc.nextInt();?当然我还拥有很多变化能力,比如用户想输入小数类型,只需把我变成double就可以了。也可以这么理解我,面前有一大桌java代码化成的菜,我就是盛菜的盘子,有了我,菜才可以端来端去。

Hello, I'm calling in. I represent an integer class, but I have only a dozen or so, or 2.1 billion or so. My characteristic is enthusiasm, and I have a wide range of applications, for example, to declare a variable in the java code, and then I'm like a stamp, and I'm stamped by a variable that I'm stamped to add to the code, or to participate in circular judgment. And in creating a scanner: Scannersc=new Scanner (System.in); I can also have users randomly enter the whole number they want. Columns like: Int a=sc.nextInt; of course, I have a lot of ability to change, for example, if the user wants to enter a small number, it can just turn me into a doble.


The picture continues to flow, and another classmate is on the stage.

Hello, everyone,我叫if。我的性格是刚正不阿,号称java中的判官。我十分崇尚原则,并且励志要做一个有原则的大牛。生活处处面临着选择,有时候一个选择就可能发生很多事情并引起一系列反应。所以我的每一个选择都在我的原则之中,顶天立地,无愧于心。因此在java语句中,我有三种结构方式:

Hello, everyone, my name is if. My personality is just now, the judge in Java. I'm very committed to principles, and I'm inspired to be a big, principled cow. Life is faced with choices, and sometimes a choice can take a lot of things and trigger a series of reactions. So every one of my choices is in my principles, and it's in my heart. So, in Java's statement, I have three structural ways:

要注意的是和我交朋友,千万不能在我面前做坏事。例如在()和{}之间加个“;”此时:“喂,兄弟我是个有原则的人,你别想贿赂我,即使这个(;)价值10亿。我也无动于衷,我会严格的让系统报错的。” 所以你们未来敲代码一定要严谨啊!

What's important is that you don't make friends with me and do bad things in front of me. For example, add a ";" when you say, "Hey, brother, I'm a man of principle, you don't want to bribe me, even if this is worth a billion dollars. I don't care. I'll let the system get it wrong." So you'll knock on the code in the future.


It's running again, and a fat guy with a bright eye is on stage:


Hello, my name is Whale. It's obvious from the outside that I'm a smoother person. But I'm still very loyal in my bones, and I'm a very faithful man, and I'm going to do what I've been given to me, day after day, year after year. So my grammar structure is:


Here I have a theme for you: "Aggregation between 1 and 5 and (sum):

大家刚接触我的时候感觉可能是:朦胧而又旋绕。?也许是因为我的圆滑让我深信一个道理“刚则寸步难行,柔则行天下!”没办法,当今世界 形形色色事与物。若想进步唯有取其精华,去其糟粕。随着世间的流逝,当你们完全了解我的为人处世后,我给你们的感觉是:简单而又方便!没错,未来我会经常在你们的代码中出现。在你们运用我和其他语句做嵌套时,可能会短暂迷失,在此我送你们一个口诀:“初始化什么,就判断什么,判断什么,就改变什么,再有其他判断,在循环中用if即可。”只要记住这个口诀,包你们跳出圈外,看清本质!

When you've just touched me, it's like: "Simple and convenient." Maybe because I'm stubble, I'm convinced that when you use me and other words to frame things, you may get lost for a short while, and here I send you a mouth: "What to initialize, what to judge, what to judge, what to change, what to judge, and what to judge, and what to use in the loop." Just remember that, when you jump out of the circle, and see what's in the loop.


The scenes continue to flow, and one of my classmates goes on stage with the legends of theirs. My thoughts continue to drift in the sea of time. No, I see only a little brother walking out of my mouth, saying, "Come to Earth for the first time, and look at a motto for half a day. You want to like it, and I'll send you 800 letters. Now, please, I'm in line behind you." I'm rushing to laugh at him, and I'm going to take my meal and walk out.


On the way, I looked back at the motto on the canteen wall:


The fire of life was ignited by passion.


The Ark of Life moves forward as a matter of struggle.


Yeah, well, there are signs of the world.


And even though We looked upon the stars and looked towards the stars full of them.


Question? Genius like you! Why don't you come here and tell a tale of your own!


The next time I'll see you on the campus, I'll look at you with the look of worship. The thumb is insufferable.



My name, Hog, was born to fight against the king, therefore, the king of kings!


♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ I've got the mountain ♪ I've got the mountain ♪


I am the king, the king, and I am the king. My world is the world of Java, a world of thousands of legions, thousands of kings, thousands of smokes, all over the land of the deer. In the world, I am the most powerful. I am the best. I do not want to take over the CPU.


On February 26, 2018, Java was born, and the whole world was peaceful and peaceful. But many ambitious people fought to take CPUs, and they were different and unequal, but they were all envied by the infinite river: CPUs, which they fought for CPUs, and from there on. Perhaps our Mother of the Earth: the computers were so heavy that I gave birth to the world, and I will put an end to the chaos of war.

在我的征程中遇到了许多志同道合的人,他们有的人冲锋陷阵,英勇无畏,有的人运筹帷幄,智慧绝伦,皆为我的左膀右臂。丞相Exception满腹韬略且老谋深算,他统领的exception军团尤其擅长突袭,总能攻敌不备,悄无声息的击溃敌人,就算在正面战场也能让敌人退避三舍、心惊不已。Exception掌管RuntimeExceptin军部和CheckedException情报部两个部门,CheckedException情报部门里英杰辈出,RuntimeExceptin部门下猛将如林。RuntimeExceptin部里战功卓著的有这五虎上将:前将军:ArithmeticException,擅长敌方运算计算失误之时展开攻击。右将军:ClassCastException,擅长当敌方类型转换错误时展开进攻。左将军:NullPointerException,擅长当敌方军令调用错误孤立无援时展开进攻。后将军:ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,擅长当敌方索引下标越限时展开进攻。镇军将军:IllegalAccessException 擅长当敌方君臣不和,当前的方法即没有对该类的访问权限时展开进攻。而CheckedException情报部更是在敌军里暗中偷袭,从中破坏让敌人头痛不已!

In my journey, I met many like-minded men, some of whom fell into the same line of action, bravely and courageously, some of whom were able to carry out their battles, both of which were my left-hand arms. Exception took over the RunmeExceptin Army and the CheckedException Intelligence Department, both of which were so adept that the RunteExceptin Department was so adamant that it was able to storm the enemy that it was able to defeat the enemy without sounding, even in front of the field. The Exception took control of the RunteExceptin Army and the CheckException Intelligence Department, and the Check ExcedException Intelligence Department, which was so successful that it was able to attack the Enclave at the time of the attack.


I have no one but these masters, and I have in my hand an ace to kill -- Error! Whenever Error is on the show, that is when the enemy will not be defeated. Our army is invincible and fighting is invincible, and I am known or feared as a king!


♪ I don't want to die ♪ ♪ I don't want to die ♪ ♪ I don't want to die ♪ ♪ I don't want to die ♪ ♪ I don't want to die ♪ ♪ I don't want to die ♪


War bears burn the whole world. I led my men to fight year after year, to kill their enemies, and the red words on the platform of control recorded our after-effects. But I found that the enemy was growing and looked back, but many familiar faces were missing. As if there were a pair of hands in invisible manipulation, the enemy's army came out like: try-catch, throw, and throws. Although I was the enemy's commander-in-chief, Try-catch came back to me like an infuriating fly, and then came back to me with almost no place to hide, and the throw and throws were better trained than once.


I don't want to die.




This night has not been a month, nor a wind, nor a familiar song. Since the beginning of the army, I have fought dozens of battles, without a single defeat, and my extraordinary army has become insolent. But once and for all, the hand of fate has come to me, and the enemy's code has become more rational and more functional, and the weapon has sharpened, and the armour has become more tenacious. My efforts seem like an empty space, the death of the sky, and the sin of war. That may be my destiny, but I can be defeated, but I will never be defeated, and I will remain me, and I will be the nightmare of all the codes, the day when you will come back, the day when my army will rise again.



"Do you want to learn a technique?"


In this lost month,


I remember what my family said to me when they were so confident that they were ready to go out for a walk.


More than two years of spelling have allowed me to see real real societies.


I made a choice.


From the southern cities to Beijing,


The school was chosen to master the key to Java's language.


A technology is essential for us to be socially based.


I've never been in touch with Java before.


When you sign up, the teacher sends me an introductory teaching video.


He also tried to read the video himself, although he was free to arrange his own time.


But the shortcomings are also obvious.


Ununderstanding problems cannot be solved by themselves; and lack of oversight requires a strong degree of self-regulation;


Poor base, thin base, heel.


When you're learning, you're dizzy and you're like a cloud.


I gave up in a few days.


Lichun is almost a month old.


The Western Siberian air conditioning group has yet to withdraw completely.


The plants and trees in the park are also bare.


When she first walked into the classroom with her computer bag, several students thought she was a new girl.


A number of male students were drawn to her eyes until she went to the podium.


She is our lecturer, Mr. Zhao Sanshan.


"The head of the moth, the eyes of the stars."


These eight words are exactly what they describe her.


She's from the Northeast. She's white. She's slender.


There are few women in the North.


Mr. Sansan is a very funny man.


The laughter is clear, it's piercing, and it attracts your hearing.


When a man comes into a strange environment,


I'm sure I'll be stunned, alone, lonely, scared.


I want to be integrated into this environment as soon as possible.


As soon as the class QQ group was created, Ms. San-Shan sent an emoticon.


The little one in the picture is exaggerating and vivid, except that there is no hair on his head.


A line has been written below everyone:


"Java learned it's interesting, just a little cold."


There's a whirlwind in the clock shift.


It has been with us ever since, adding a lot of joy to the boring learning.


Her classroom is like a big family.


Because he brings a little joy every day, so that the classroom does not become monolithic.


Students like me who don't have the basics,


There's a benefit, you can go to prep classes.


The curriculum of the preparatory classes is as follows:


Let's learn some simple java logic first.


In the next four months, we're going to have to pre-read the knowledge framework that we're going to be learning.


There's one thing about JavaSE.


We'll wait for the class to re-read the whole thing carefully.


With the basis of the preparatory classes, it will be very easy to learn during the period of the beginning of the class.


For students with a thin base, this arrangement is reasonable.


Our learning atmosphere is relaxed, as there are no intensive classes in the preparatory classes.


It's a good start for me.


There was a thunderstorm, everything recovered, the south was drizzled and the cold warmed up.


Recently, a few new groves have arrived in the park, and they take their nutrients in good time.


A few days later, green oil sprouts grew.


The window was full of life.


We've finished our preparatory classes and we've started our official course.


The news is that Sansan will continue to teach our class.


Of course I'm not alone.


It's not just about Java's little female teacher, it's because she's one of our teachers.


The most beautiful, favorite, most fun teacher.


After a lunchtime philosophical sharing,


She said something that I thought was very philosophical.


— “A man can't help himself until he is middle-aged; he can keep his cup warm; he chooses Java as the way to feed himself;”


I've been sitting in the classroom for a long time. My neck, neck, back.


My seat is close to the podium, and I'll take a massage hammer from the podium at the end of the class.


Shoulders and backs.


It was only then that I learned about these little hammers.


It was a gift from a student she had taught her before.


Mr. Zhao Sanshan's teachings are very good.


When she talks about circular phrases, she's never tired of knocking on repeat codes.


One step at a time, teach us the dumbest way to understand the process of implementation.


Instead of telling us the rules.


Our understanding of the cycle,


It is like planting a fruit tree, watering it and fertilizing it until it produces its fruit.


Isn't that what we do in our lives to understand complex issues in the most stupid way?


She's good with metaphors, and she's going to have a complicated and incomprehensible version of Java.


Paradigms are funny humors (even pieces) that are close to the examples of our lives.


The story is simple and clear.


There are seals, successions, multi-states, which can be described as the most difficult chapter for Java to understand.


I am reminiscent of the idea of inheritance.


"Everybody knows Wang Si-seok has a nickname for a national husband. So why does he have a nickname?


Wasn't because he had a rich dad, King Kenlin.


Wang Kenlin's money is Wang's money. Did he inherit her father's property?"


Mr. Sansan is introducing a new concept.


"Well, we first created a "King Jianlin" class.


Wang Jianlin has a name, age, and means of work and rest.


And then we'll create another "Wang Sew" class.


Isn't Wang Si-Chung also a name, age, and can also work and rest.


Wasn't he and his dad in the same place? Wasn't he like Wang Si-seok with a lot of girlfriends?"


When we talk about this, we laugh at each other.


I don't know which of the classmates said: "It's hard, Iron."


Mr. Sanshan also made a clear laughter.


There was another leap in the classroom.


“In Java we can also allow him to inherit his father's attributes and methods.


After the name, add extends and the parent who wants to inherit.


As long as there are attributes in the "Wan Kenlin" category, there's always the "Wang Sew" category.


Come on, let's test it."


Mr. Sansan was knocking on the code and explaining it.


We often come up with examples to understand the principles of remembering.


Gradually, we began to master the key to Java's language.


On the day of the successful completion of the work after school,


I can't believe I didn't realize it was because of her good intentions.


Mr. Sansan has a hard side, in addition to fun and humor.


She'll never give up until you do.


"Let me ask you something. Can I keep up with you in class?"


After noon, Mr. Sanshan was talking to a student.


"Do you understand me? If you don't understand me, look at the video. Make sure you understand me."


"This knowledge spot will be used more often when it comes to working."


"Come on, I'll say it again."


I often feel her interest in the students sitting next to the podium.


In private, she's like a friend to us.


Many of her classmates used to call her "Sam's sister" very dearly.


But as a teacher, she was equally dedicated.


How can we not be happy when we meet such a good teacher?


When we graduate,


The leaves of the trees should also be turned from green to red.


And danced in the blizzard, and each drifted far away.


Mr. Zhao Sanshan used his simple, funny and humorous explanation.


Take me out of Java's cloud and lead me into the right HoloWord.


We, who have the key to Java's language, are eager to use the knowledge we have learned to get to work.


It is hoped that this choice will be a turning point in life.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Academy and to Mr. Sanshan for his guidance.


Autumn symbolizes maturity and always brings joy to the harvest.


> > : Beautiful Sansan teacher. > < > > > > > > >. > > > > > >







It's a pretty title, yes. It's a very popular one, and it's a six-and-a-half. It's a nice one. I'm grateful to all of you. If you're tricked into it, don't be in the back, make sure you read it completely, and don't regret coming here. Of course, it's a little bit of a witch compared to Wang Kenlin's “one-billion-dollar-a-year-a-year-a-year-a-year-a-year-a-long” goal. But everyone has a desire, and everyone is content, and everyone is happy with it.


I'll call myself "The Old Man." Please, allow me a moment of understanding. Thank you all!


All right, let's go straight to the theme -- the day I fought in a school.


This article by my husband is divided into three main parts: the first chapter — by the way, by the way, by the way, by the end, by the end, by the end, by the end, by the end. The final chapter is divided into three parts.



It has been more than 5,000 years since the Emperor, and more than 5,000 years have passed, and with the emperor of ancient times, he has come forth. But life is short, more than 30,000 days, and a long life, but a hundred years. How short can life be?


And time is long, and time is long, and let us cherish it, and let us not waste it in vain, lest we repent.



Three thousand worlds, millions of lives, but only you?

老夫与尚学堂结缘,算起来,要回到今年的二月份。一路挑选,选定了尚学堂;一路学习,学到了java中级;一路波折,时间就走到了九月份。波折何来?回校毕业耽误了四个月的时间。说实话,心真疼! 如果说春雨贵如油,那时间就是油中油。

I'm back in February. I've chosen it, I've chosen it, I've studied it, I've learned it, I've learned it, I've studied it, I've learned it, and I've come to September. What happened? Four months have passed since I went back to school. To tell you the truth, it hurts. If the spring rains are as expensive as oil, then the time is in the oil.


Life is like a journey. It doesn't have to care too much about the destination. It's about the way it goes and the way it goes. It's like a dream, it's like a dream.


I'm desiring.

是 “今朝有酒今朝醉”的豁然,

It's the "drink of the day and the drink of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day" thing, it's the "drinking of the day."


It's the smoothing off of the "sands of bamboo" and "shoes of bamboo" and "shoes of bamboo" and "scaffles of bamboo" and "scaffles of bamboo" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "scaffles" and "suppliers" and "supplier" and "supplier" and "supplier" and "supplier" and "supplier" and "supplier" and "supplier" and "sup" and "sup" and "sup" and "sup" and "sup" and "sup" and "sup"


It's the honor of "ten steps to kill one person, without leaving a thousand miles."


It is also the low profile of “the achievement is the retreat, the hiding of the merit and the reputation”.


This period of time in the Academy is also a unique sight on the journey, and it keeps my husband alive for the rest of his life.


There are things that have long been planted, like a circle of yearning wheels on trees, which they cannot smell, but look, and the smell of wood lingers. This is the way for me to learn from my husband and Sang-goon.


My husband's favorite is a long porch in the district where the school is located, full of green taste and green taste. There are some vine plants entangled on stone pillars. On the afternoon break of summer, there will be a man on a wooden chair. There will be an artificial garden in the area, a flowering scent, a colored flutter, and a hundred-year-old tree, and it will be beautiful.

尚学堂社区 花园一角



In a school of learning, it is like a practice: the process of learning is in itself a process of healing; the process of refining the heart; the process of grinding the heart; in which it is bitterness, like drinking water for humans, cold self-knowing.


Day of my husband:


The summer usually wakes up at 5:30, leaves for the bus at 6:00 and arrives at the school at 7:00 an hour later.


Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run.


Runs early in the morning, sweats off, then walks in the small area, feels the heat in the body and the whole body is punctuated. Ten minutes later, in the small area, the game is played. The exercise is complete, the body is relaxed and the spirit is full.


Coincidentally, at 7:15, it is common in the neighborhood for an old tyrannical man to dance with a talisman, every day, in his spirit, looking at his age, about 70 years, and my husband cannot help but admire it. To think that we are only 20 years old, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're rich, we're in the business, we're in the business, we're in the business, we're in the business, we're in the business, we're in the sleep, we're in the sleep, we're in the sleep, we're in the room, we're in the dark.




When the exercise is over, we go back to the school that we learned yesterday, study for today, study for a limited period of time, study only its general framework, and do not know the details.


Morning English reading:


It's very important. Java relies heavily on English. When the English word is understood, the content and meaning of Java can be understood. The teacher gave the PDF version, which, in order to make it easier for me to edit, my husband turned it into a word, and the word would not be red.




At 1:00 p.m., for 30 minutes, the body and soul will be calm, free of themselves, and not do what he wants.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I'm studying late: {\cHFFE7C5}


This period of time is self-control, which can be used to sort, summarize and internalize the knowledge of the day. Knowledge is the only thing that can internalize it. Otherwise, everything can be talked about. If you have a free time at night, knock on the code more often.


Knowledge is divided into: know-know-understand applications. Knowledge is ultimately intended to be self-used.


"Learning little tricks:


1. Manifesto


II. Quietness, oligarchy


3. Rhythm (i.e. set of paths)


4. Interest


5. Rest


Six. Use the mythograph.


Wait for my husband to come along.


1. Manifesto


The first is the vision. It's not about learning, it's about learning, it's about learning. It's about knowing what it is and building what it's about. It's about what it's about. It's about what it's about.


"Why don't the boys take Wu's hook and collect the 50 States of Guanshan."


There's also a verse cloud that takes a bow like a full moon, looks northwest, shoots a wolf.


But my favorite word is, "It's gonna be the top, and it's gonna look small."


There is no great ambition on the part of anyone who has reached a great event in the past, and indeed there is a great ambition on the part of those who are very special, and that is the engine of progress.


2. Dissatisfaction


Caution: The husband has to learn to do so, and to do so. It is not so quiet as to go far. The flat words are: "The heart is sick, the heart is sick, the heart is sick." The old man says, "When the heart is restless, the heart is flat, and the heart is in hell." Thus, it is always quiet.


Again, I'm going to talk about ecstasy: people who want it. We're going to go into the Java pit, we're going to learn about it, and we're going to learn about it, and we're going to reduce our desire for other things. For example, the king's pesticides, the LOL's desire, we're going to have to restrain ourselves, we're going to learn, and we're going to be right.


3. Development of a learning rhythm that is unique to itself and can also be referred to as a learning package


In the course of learning, we must gradually find out what the pace of learning is for ourselves to learn and what it is for us to do.


4. Interest


The interest is the best teacher, as well as a passive key, and my husband will not repeat it here.


5. Rest


If you're going to play, you're going to learn hard. If you're going to learn with all your heart and soul, you're going to have to take your rest completely out of your studies. Mr. Lenin, old man, says, "Who doesn't rest, who doesn't work."


None of the good men around me is full of trouble. Their work is organized, their life is easy, and their masters are still virgins, moving like rabbits. A real rest is a peace from the heart. However, only those who study with their hearts are entitled to learn.


6. Occupancy software


Some of the instruments are recommended for use:


a. Todolist of task management software


Reasons for recommendation:

1、 可实现任务层级管理

1. Achievable mission-level management

2、 可标注优先级

2. Markable priority

3、 数据可视化

3. Data visualization


The disadvantage is you can't sync without user functionality.





b. evernote impression notes of the notebook management software


Reasons for recommendation:

1、 可将零散的知识整理、归纳、组合到一起,相当于个人知识存储库。

1. Fragmented knowledge can be collated, summarized and grouped together, amounting to a repository of personal knowledge.


Multilevel Note Management

3、 可在笔记中添加代码块区域。(为码农量身制作)

3. The area of the code block may be added to the notes.

4、 在笔记中建表

4. Charting in notes

5、 可账户同步,移动的知识库。

5. Accountable synchronization, mobile knowledge base.




c. 笔记管理软件之mindmnager思维导图管理

c. Mindmnager Mind Management of Note Management Software


推荐理由: 用于宏观知识体系建立,总之:

Rationale for recommendation: for macro-knowledge system development, in sum:

a 用于任务管理?

a For task management?

b 用于微观知识细节归纳、整理? ?

b For micro-knowledge detail synthesizing and sorting?

c 用于宏观知识体系建立

c For macro-knowledge system development.



Learning Java Knowledge Five Status


Today, there are those who do not learn, those who do not learn, those who learn, those who do, those who learn, those who expand, those who learn, those who expand, and those who expand. There are five categories.


The first group, those who do not learn to knock, those who do not listen to lessons and those who do not tap codes;


The second category, those who learn not to knock, are taught only, but not the code;


Third category, learn and play, both in terms of lessons and codes;


The fourth category, those who learn to expand and learn to do so themselves, still learn to expand their knowledge after learning to do so;


Category five, learn to expand and expand on its own.


Each of these five categories is different and ends up in the sky.


Like those in the first category, who have great intentions, where have they fallen? Woe to us! We should not follow the example.


Like the fourth category, we should strive to reach such a state.


Like the fifth class, the husband has not yet found him. But if he does, he will be surprised: "Amazing! Awe! These men will be compared to those who teach the Lord's House on the side of IT."


I don't know what you're talking about.


“A good java program is a soul!” When I first heard that, my husband was a rocky old heart shaking. A project, a program, like the design of a rare work of art, must be done with the best of effort, design and finely carved. And when it is done, a sense of achievement and pride is born.


However, a few short words, which are not entirely programmed, are not enough to speak of Java.


The wind rises and shines. Let's hope that the people of our generation will learn well and use Java to point the way to the world of IT!


final chapter 2 > > as a school of science


There are birds in the South Mountain. Three years of silence. But it's not flying, it's flying, it's not breathing. It's the night, it's the night, it's opening its wings...


Chapter 3 of the final chapter - into a school of science


To be completed after graduation.



This is the result of my husband’s efforts, and if there are any flaws, welcome proposals to help him fill the gap. Some of the learning methods and small techniques are described, and the pace of my husband’s learning is described. If you can get some inspiration from the paper, the job is done in half.


Finally, at the end of a self-created poem, we agree with the King:






I'll bet you 100 bucks that this little brother will be a CEO-class bull five years after graduation!


Hello world!


I intend to use the classic greeting of our Java family as our first greeting!


I'm a class! Super-beautiful dudes with flowers.


I'm creating a template for Java objects. As far as my template is concerned, it depends on what my programmer's dad wrote about me. First of all, I have a name, like humans, -- class names. Just like human names, my first letter usually starts up like Steve Jobs, but there's no space between names, because according to our Java code, names can only consist of letters, numbers, _ or dollars, and they can't start with numbers. So why do you ask the programmer's dad?


Our groups can have a wide range of variables: local variables, membership variables, class variables.


The local variable is a urn of ashes never found in a method, construction method or statement block. Its declarations and initializations are in the method, and once the method is completed, it is automatically destroyed to the point of death.


The membership variable is defined in our category, but the variable outside the methodology is exemplified when we create the object.

类变量也声明在类中,方法体之外,但它必须贴上static的标签。并且在使用它时候,只需要使用 类名.变量名 即可。

Class variables are also declared in the class, outside the method, but it must be labeled with a state. When using it, you can simply use a class name. Variable name.


Each of our classes has a construction method, and even if the programmer's dad doesn't show us a definition, the Java gene provides us with a default construction method. The construction method is like hands to us, because only by calling the construction method can we create and initialize an object. The name of the construction method must be ours, and we can have a lot of construction methods.



We're like a small factory that produces the same type of product. Our product is the object. And the object combines methods and attributes.


If you want to create an object, first you have to say hello to the Java people and state a subject, including the object name and object type. The second you need to build a new engineer to create an object, and then we call construction to initialize the object. For example, our Puppy class:



Our children are subclasses, and if you want to inherit my property, you have to say by using the key words:



In Java's code, a subcategory can only inherit a parent, yeah, as a class, we can't be too greedy!


Usually, children have to inherit their father’s non-private attributes and methods, what is private and what is not. Here is the reference modifier in the law, which is a label that can be chosen for each category, method, attribute.


There are three labels, which are privately owned, protected, public, and none of which are labeled without any embellishment, i.e. the default default.


There are only public and default options available to our class. Usually, the class lives in one package, with the public type being very popular, and can be accessed by other types of packages through the guide package, but none of the labels are labeled introvertually, but only by the same type of package.


For our attributes and methods, the four of us can choose, and usually we can put their more intimate attributes and methods on the privat, so that they can only be used in this category, and even our children cannot inherit them. After all, even human beings do not want to pass on to their children their little panties or some hidden little habit. And, through the privat modifiers, they can hide the details of our kind of realization and protect our data.


And we want to inherit the attributes or methods of our children, and we will label them as protected, so that as long as they are our children, whether they live in the same package or not, we can use our methods and attributes. Of course, if a class lives in the same package, even if he is not our children, we can use the protected methods or attributes.


The role of the public and default labels is the same for methodological attributes and classes, and public's methodological attributes can be used whether or not they are in the same package, whether they are our children or not, while the pedician's methodological properties can only be used by the same class.

不过时常有些很酷的丁克类,他们自愿到医院实施 final手术,手术完成后,他们就再也不能有自己的宝宝,再也不能被继承!潇洒走一生!

But there's always some cool dinks who voluntarily go to the hospital to perform final surgery, and when it's done, they can't have their own baby, can't be inherited!


At the same time, our children — subtypes — are not following the rules; they have some uniqueness and dissatisfaction with the way we attribute them, adding their own unique methods and attributes, and becoming different fireworks. At the same time, for some of the methods we give, if they fail to meet their needs, they often change and rewrite them themselves.


There is also an abstract class of people who are free, free and unexamining, who are labeled as objects, and who are entitled to the abstrat method, which is not defined in the abstract, which has no body of methods, and whose name follows a semicolon instead of brackets.



And if a subcategory inherits an abstract method, it has to be done in its entirety. The so-called realization is an abstract method of rewriting the parent category. If the subcategory does not want to do so, it must also be an abstractist (declaration is abstract).


In the end, how can we forget the kind of Object of our ancestors? We all have his blood in our veins. And when will the readers tell your stories as sons of yellow?


: A beautiful programmer, writing the code, writing the article, really did it. Contemporary, "The Ark of Chiang among the Programrs."




The harder it is to learn, the harder it is to learn, the more helpless it is, the more it is to walk into Kyoto.


If you are a skilled man, if you are in Beijing, if you are in Beijing, if you can see me in the sky, then I have been conquered by the reputation of the Church, and I have begun a new chapter in my life.

穷书生,志不穷,背着行李去匆匆 来时两眼泪朦胧,亲人细语伴耳中。

Those who are poor, have a lot of ambition, carry their luggage and come in a hurry with tears and their loved ones whispering in their ears.


It's the first time I've come to the capital, the West Side Road, the BMW car, the school hall, my hide-and-seek, the Air Force compound.


The host teacher's last name is Zhan, and I'm ashamed to look down when she smiles and talks.


On the first day of the school year, there were four people in the same room, and the roommates had a common home, and each one had a common sense of humor, and they had to break through the day, with a slight bias between men and women and a small number of girls, but they were all dry goods.


The class has a class director, who takes things seriously, who doesn't recognize people in violation of discipline, who calls him "Mother in Charge" and who doesn't come home at all, who has his own home, and who treats the small family for all of us.


At first sight, I felt the flame of a bear burning in everyone's hearts, as if it were written on the face, filled with desire to know, watched the end of the world, and suffered from the horrors of life. Of course, there are people like me who have not graduated or have just graduated, who have dreams that are good, but who can stand the test of time. Will I be able, as time passes, to appease the prism of my dreams? The answer is yes, at least three months later, to see you, and when I am tired, weary, and I want to give up, I see you all so insist that I open the video of my class, and over and over and over and over again, and look and learn more and more and more, each of us will be radical, encouraging and growing, and growing, and learning again and again.











Harvesting philosophy sharing, interviewing less stressful, grouping and learning about team strength.


There are, of course, a number of rivals (extraordinary, linear security, sql grammatical).


1. The code often drops and Mr. Yang says it's normal to teach me not to panic and to encounter unusual technologies.


I've been bullied by the database. My sql didn't read it. The teacher came and changed it.


I fell in love with an unbelievably loved person, whose name was the thread. I thought she was one of my own, but I often followed the old king's door, and she didn't fall in love with me at all, but it was all my fault that she did not lock her heart.



In the end, the paper had a clear sense of what was going on. Here, in a war-torn way, I stopped talking on paper. In practical project exercises, we have accumulated a great deal of experience and, under the encirclement of many codes, we can still find the wrong entry points, which has led to a great improvement in our ability to manage a large number of codes.


Everything here makes me feel very kind, and I've had the pleasure of seeing General Gao. He's dressed as plain, and he's still the same voice. High Quechua 300. I've heard that he's coming to our class this afternoon to present the award, thinking that he's an invigorated, official image, but after meeting, he's dressed like a man who doesn't feel like he's good, he's kind of mean, he's kind, he's kinder, he's more respectful. He says he wants us to take every chance, so, this time, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm going to take this opportunity, and I hope that the next chance will be me, though it's small, but at least he can see it, and I'm trying to get it. So, wherever you go, I'll take every opportunity seriously.


The words of influential people often encourage many people, and sometimes, even when you look at them in front of you, you think of him as a sign of life, because he seems to be no different from me, and he is right next to me, and since the people around me can be so good, then I can try, often inadvertently, to give us great self-confidence and encouragement.


No matter where you come from, no matter what you did, no matter where you came from, no poverty, no racial discrimination, some brothers and sisters, some laughs, and, more importantly, there is always a power here to encourage you to move forward. It is a good journey, and I will remember it wherever I go.


When we're young, we have to live beautifully. It's always easy to go up, and it's hard, and a good environment always gives people an infinity of motivation. If we stay young, we come to a school, younger than college, cleaner than society!


Clean-up, consultation details:

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