In the same context, with the opening of Hong Kong's policy, the agency's eyes have turned to Hong Kong, and the flow is huge. In the same context, with the successful acquisition of trading plates, how does the exchange come out? It's the rich effect of the exchange, and the TIC project belongs to the one track, the hot spot, and the first IEO project of the exchange, the operator and the agency will focus on it. The heat flow is easy. Here's what we're going to do about the TIC project:
The first “TIC-(Turing-Ai)” ecological tokens based on the Ai track are about to be purchased publicly at HKD for Launchpad. The first institutional angel wheels have been closed, with 6,500 real warehouse data in a short period of time, 30,000 to go online, many overseas institutions, communities, and communities.
On 17 May, the TIC-(turing-Ai) Foundation officially released air drop information.
To take stock of the enrichment effects of the legendary airdrops in the history of encrypted money:
$1$UNI, DEX, airdrop 17 September 2020, 310,000 addresses, 400 UNI per address, air drop value $2400
$2.IMX, Public Chain, 22 July 2021, $1262IMX per address, air drop value $4,000
3. DYDX, DEX, August 11, 2021, 65,000 addresses, 310-22330 DYDX per address, airdrop value $4000-$290,000
4. ENS, domain name, 3 November 2021, 137,000 addresses, airdrop value $70,000
$5 APE, NET, 17 March 2022, 130,000 addresses, 10,000 + APE per address, air drop value $130,000
$6.OP, Public Chain, 27 April 2022, 2.65 million addresses, 254-3000 OP per address, $4000 per capita
7. APT, Public Chain, 19 October 2022, 110,000 addresses at $1,500-$5,000 per address
$8.ARB, Public Chain, 16 March 2023, 620,000 addresses, 625-10250 ARB per address, $1000-$15 000 per person per drop
TIC-Ai is another huge enrichment movement in the currency circles, and the time has come for the wool to grow.
Read TIC-(uring-Ai) valuation
TURING-AI-WEB3 Foundation
Turing-Ai 旨在構建一個為 Web3 和元宇宙賦能的基礎設施,來解決當下數字資產生態系統中的一個痛點:通過提供強大、低延遲、具有成本效益和可靠的計算資源,以便開發人員可以輕鬆地,並且以去中心化的方式部署 DAPP,以滿足 Web3/metaverse 等應用程式不斷增長的對算力的需求。
Turing-Ai aims to construct a infrastructure for Web3 and meta-cosm energy to address one of the pains of the current digital resource generation system: by providing a strong, low-delayed, cost-effective and reliable accounting resource so that developers can easily deploy DAPPs in a decentralised manner to meet the ever-increasing demands for arithmetic applications such as Web3/Metaverse.
Introduction to TURING-AI
TIC(Turing-Ai) 是一個構建在 web3.0、元宇宙之上的為 AI 服務的公有區塊鏈協議,可以用區塊鏈對人工智慧進行認證、管理、數據學習和應用開發。TIC(Turing-Ai) 不僅為開發者提供了一個商業發射台 ( 就像應用商店為移動應用開發者提供了一條通往市場的捷徑 ),它還允許人工智慧進行互操作,創造了一個更具協同性、功能更廣泛的智能。
TIC (Turing-Ai) is a public-sector chain agreement built on web3.0 over the dollar universe to serve AI, which allows artificial intelligence to be validated, managed, mathematically learned and applied to develop. Tic (Turing-Ai) not only provides developers with a commercial launcher (as the application shop provides a shortcut to the market for mobile developers), but also allows artificial intelligence to operate together, creating a more homogeneous, more functional intelligence.
與傳統的區塊鏈協議不同,TIC(Turing-Ai) 區塊鏈協議有一個人工智慧學習的人工智慧網路模組。分佈式人工智慧演算法交織在區塊鏈架構上,是 TIC(Turing-Ai) 的核心模組。區塊鏈讓更多的人願意分享以前不會被共用出來的數據和資源,這樣大規模數據和資源比互聯網更大,因此需要強大的基礎算力支撐。TIC(Turing-Ai) 區塊鏈協議是為人工智能定制設計的,為人工智能的部署的提供了區塊鏈平臺。更多的數據和資源、包括算力都可以被共用出來,不用擔心隱私、安全、以及被競爭對手拿走。使用和記錄都被分佈在龐大的、去中心的電腦網絡中。
Unlike the traditional framework agreements, the Tic (Turing-Ai) framework has an artificial intelligence network module that has been developed with artificial intelligence. The distributional AI algorithms are interwoven in the structure of the block chain, which is the core TIC (Turing-Ai) module. The block chain allows more people to share data and resources that they would not previously share, which are larger than the Internet, and therefore requires a strong foundation of computing. The Tic (Turing-Ai) framework is designed for artificial intelligence customization and provides a block-link level for artificial intelligence deployments. More data and resources, including arithmetic, can be shared without fear of privacy, safety, and competition to take away from them.
Turing-Ai 把分散的 AI 物理計算資源聚合成巨大的算力池,回應不同開發需求執行計算任務。對於開發者而言,操作一個分散的 AI 集群資源可像使用一臺電腦一樣簡單。
Turing-Ai aggregates the dispersed AI Physics resource into a huge computing pool that responds to different development needs and performs computing tasks. For developers, it is as simple to operate a dispersed AI cluster resource as to use a computer.
計算任務涵蓋圖形處理、機器學習、數據分析和挖掘以及最新的深度學習技術,其中深度學習模組從數據、演算法和模型方面提供多種性能優化方案,提供精細粒度的調度與部署,精確支持到單臺節點的特定 TPU、GPU、CPU、記憶體等 AI 計算資源的獨享與共享,讓開發者專注自身的專業領域高效開發。
Calculating tasks cover graphic processing, machine learning, data analysis and excavation, as well as state-of-the-art in-depth learning techniques, in which in-depth learning modules provide multiple performance optimization options in terms of data, algorithms and models, providing the adjustment and deployment of precise particles, and accurately supporting the exclusive ownership and sharing of specific TPUs, GPUs, CPUs, memories, etc., to single nodes of AI computing resources, allowing developers to focus on the efficient development of their own fields of expertise.
在 軟 體 資 源 層,Turing-Ai 將 集 成 Caffe、Darknet、MXNet、ONNX、PyTorch、PaddlePaddle、TensorFlow 等常用深度學習框架,以及 Mnist、MS-COCO、ImageNet 等常用深度學習數據集,為開發者提供軟硬融合的解決方案。
On the software resource level, Turing-Ai integrates into a common in-depth learning framework, such as Cafe, Darknet, MXNet, ONNX, PyTorch, PaddlePaddle, TensorFlow, and a common in-depth learning data collection, such as Mnist, MS-COCO, ImageNet, to provide developers with solutions for hard and hard integration.
TURING-AI - Distributed AI Network
TIC(Turing-Ai) 的目標是促進區塊鏈與 AI 融合,為用戶提供各種個性化人工智慧服務,包含社交、個人助理、娛樂和醫療保健等等。為用戶及開發者提供面向消費者的去中心化的人工智慧平臺,讓用戶無需瞭解加密和區塊鏈技術,同樣可以使用 TIC(Turing-Ai) 享受人工智慧服務。
The goal of TIC (Turing-Ai) is to facilitate the integration of sector chains with AI and provide users with a variety of personalized artificial intelligence services, including socialization, personal assistants, entertainment, medical care, etc.
The goal of the first phase of the development of the test:
支持 x86 集群架構,多節點算力並網上鏈
Support x86 cluster structures, multinode computing and online chaining
支持 10 萬級別用戶端的算力資源的分配、回收以及任務調度
Supports the allocation, recovery and mission alignment of 100,000-degree client computing resources
Clients can apply the usual in-depth learning and reasoning framework
支持單 TPU 資源的精細分配
Detailed allocation of support single TPU resources
NVMe+RDMA 高帶寬低延時混閃存儲
NVMe+RDDA highband low-time mixer storage
AI 算力成本低於商用價格的 2-4 倍
AI Arithmetic costs 2-4 times lower than commercial prices
Model Design
模組化的設計更利於軟體的開發和維護,因此在 TIC 中,我們可分為以下 3 個大的模組 :
Modular design is more conducive to software development and maintenance, so in TIC we can divide into the following three large modules:
TIC 技術模組:TIC Tech :TIC Core、TIC VM、TIC identity、TIC Oracle and DataFeed、TIC Storage 等 ;
TIC Technical Modules: Tic Tech: Tic Core, Tic Awareness, Tic Oracle and DataFeed, Tic Storage, etc.
TIC 用戶交互模組:TIC UI :TIC IDE、TIC Mobile、TIC Web 、TIC Node 等 ;
TIC user interactive module: Tic UI: Tic IDE, Tic Mobile, Tic Web, Tic Node, etc.;
TIC 人工智慧模組 :TIC Business:TIC Financial、TIC legal and risk、TIC Industry、TIC Competitor 等。
TIC Artificial Wisdom Modules: TTIC Business: Tic Financial, Tic Legal and Risk, TIC Industries, Tic Computer, etc.
TIC 是 TIC(Turing-Ai) 系統級的、內部的、去中心化的代幣,中文名圖靈,是 TIC(Turing-Ai) 的核心基石。
TIC is an internal, decentralised currency of the TIC system, the Chinese name Turing, the core cornerstone of TIC.
交易 TIC 可為 TIC(Turing-Ai) 資金池蓄水,質押 TIC 可以成為 TIC(Turing-Ai) 一員,參與去中心化治理,獲得投票權,以及獲得 Staking 收益。
The TIC can be held for TIC (Turing-Ai), and the TIC can become a member of TIC (Turing-Ai), participate in decentralised governance, get voting rights, and get stagking revenues.
每一個 TIC 交易者與質押者都是 TIC(Turing-Ai) 的建設者。
Every TIC trader and pledge is the builder of TIC (Turing-Ai).
基於BINANCE SMART CHAIN Turing-Ai 主網基於 Binance Smart Chain 核心層、服務層、應用層的整體架構來開發。Binance Smart Chain 是新一代的區塊鏈協議,專注於高潛力開發者和創新專案的發現和支持。同時,Binance Smart Chain 引入了全新的基於分片技術的區塊鏈架構,旨在用區塊鏈技術滿足全球範圍商業活動的需要。
BINANCE SMART CHAIN Turing-Ai is based on the Binance Smart Chain core, service level, and whole of the application level. Binance Smart Chain is a new generation of block-link agreements focused on high-potential developers and on the discovery and support of new projects. In the meantime, Binance Smart Chain has introduced a brand-new segment-based chain of technology designed to satisfy the needs of worldwide business activities with block-link technology.
它的核心成員從開發十億 TPS 的集中式大型系統的經驗中受到啟發,將這些技術和思路應用於區塊鏈,創建了針對區塊鏈可擴展性問題的獨特解決方案。
Its core members were inspired by the experience of developing a billion-dollar centralized large system of TPS, applying these techniques and ideas to sector chains and creating a unique solution to the expansion of the chain.
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