Litecoin, a network currency based on “peer-to-peer” technology, is inspired by bitcoin (BTC) and technically has the same rationale for realization. It differs from bitcoin, where consumer-grade hardware can be efficiently “mining”, providing faster confirmation of transactions (2.5 minutes on average). The Lightcoin network is expected to produce 84 million currency units.
To date, there have been at least 30 other electronic currencies around the world, such as Leitco, Quantum, Biocoin, Ripoco, Money Monet, and the United States of America. The most famous of these are Lightcoin, and industry even carries the word "bit gold, Leyte silver."
莱特币的创造者Charlie Lee毕业于麻省理工大学,曾经是Google的员工。他于2011年设计了莱特币。
The creator of Lightcoin, Charlie Lee, graduated from MIT and used to be Google's employee. He designed Lightcoin in 2011.
Lightcoin was inspired by bitcoin and technically had the same rationale for realization, and its creation and transfer were based on an open source encryption agreement that was not regulated by any central authority.
The purpose of Letco is to improve the bitcoin, which has three significant differences in comparison.
First, the Lettco network can handle a block every 2.5 minutes (rather than 10 minutes), thus providing faster confirmation of transactions.
Second, the LTEX network is expected to produce 84 million LTELs, up to four times the amount of currency issued by the Bitcoin network.
第三,莱特币在其工作量证明算法中使用了由Colin Percival首次提出的scrypt加密算法,这使得相比于比特币,在普通计算机上进行莱特币挖掘更为容易。每一个莱特币被分成100,000,000个更小的单位,通过八位小数来界定。
Third, Letco used the Scrypt encryption algorithm first proposed by Colin Percival in its workload certificate algorithm, making it easier to dig for Letco on a normal computer than it did in Bitcoin. Each of the Letcoins was divided into 100,000 smaller units, defined by eight decimals.
In terms of qualifications, Lettco has a more backward advantage than Bitcoins. Bitcoins, because they are the first to become a global currency, will require significant improvement, mainly because their unit share is so small that they are not enough to be denominated and settled in people’s lives and transactions. The second bitcoin transaction takes about 10 minutes to be confirmed.
Lightcoin has four times as many deposits as bitcoin, and there is much room for natural expansion in the future, while Lightcoin’s transaction confirmation time is about 2.5 minutes, which is more suitable for day-to-day transactions. That is why Lightcoin has been able to emerge from the bogus bitcoin.
“Can't afford bitcoin, let's try bitcoin.” There's bitcoin players, for example. Bitcoin's madness has attracted millions of eyeballs, its “brothers” – the crazyness of other mountain coins doesn't lose bitcoins, which are the best.
In a 10-day period from $27 on 17 November 2013 to $117 on 27 November 2013, the price of Leitney rose by more than 300%. Then, the price of Leitco broke out by $300. As of 16 December 2013, the price of Leitco fell to about $170.
From the beginning of 2018, the price of Leitco rose from less than $1 to the end of the day, even at the crazy rate of successive daily doublings. Other virtual currencies, such as prime money and bio coins, were worth only a few cents of money at the beginning of the year, and have now risen to dozens of dollars.
According to overseas media, China has not only become the world's largest market for bitcoin transactions, but also controls the global trade in Letcoin. The number of Letcoin transactions in China's kcoin trading platform exceeds the combined volume of transactions in all other trading platforms across the globe.
Charlie Lee在2017年12月清盘莱特币,被称为币圈“神操作”,他在社交媒体称已出售并捐赠了自己所有的莱特币,不过并未公布出售的数量和价格。
Charlie Lee, who in December 2017 cleared Laitcoin, known as the “godic operation” of the currency ring, claimed in the social media that he had sold and donated all of it, but did not disclose the amount and price of the sale.
对此,Charlie Lee称他有时在社交媒体上谈论加密货币的价格时被指责是为了个人利益,因此他认为持有莱特币与发布关于它的文章构成了利益冲突。但也有不少投资者质疑李启威是对莱特币失去信心,想从中抽身。
In response, Charlie Lee claims that he is sometimes accused of speaking about the price of encrypted money in social media for his personal benefit, and he therefore believes that holding Leitney is a conflict of interest with the publication of articles about it. But there are also a number of investors who question Lee Keeway’s loss of confidence in Leitney and want to get out of it.
当时,莱特币显露了明显上涨势头,在Charlie Lee清盘前一度达到375美元的高价,对比当年年初涨幅达7000%。在其清盘后,莱特币和比特币都在2018年价格大幅回落,加密货币市场低迷。
At that time, Leytco showed a clear upward trend, reaching a high price of $375 before Charlie Lee was cleared, compared with an increase of 7,000 per cent at the beginning of the year. After it was cleared, both Letco and Bitcoin fell sharply in 2018, and the market for encrypted money was depressed.
在清盘莱特币后,Charlie Lee曾接受采访称“后悔出售所有莱特币”,因为短期来看当时的抛售价格低于历史最高水平,但他仍认为长远来看这是一个正确的决定,并称会在莱特币成功后淡出。
Charlie Lee was interviewed after the clean-up of the Latcoin as “regrets for selling all of the Letco” because, in the short term, the selling price at that time was lower than the highest in history, but he still considered that to be the right decision in the long run and claimed that it would fade out after the success of the Letco.