原標題:錨定美好生活 奮勇開拓創新——首都幹部群眾熱議黨的二十大報告
Original title: Determined to live a good life, worked hard to create a new one -- 20-year report from the capital's headquarters.
The report shows the way forward for the full-scale construction of a modern socialist state and its full progress towards the great revival of the Chinese nation, and draws a great blue map. It is said that people are very excited and inspired by the report’s demands, and that the development of the new capital should be vigorously pursued.
follows the direction of the head record
“We are both proud and proud of the achievements of the great country in the new era, and encouraged by the great goals set by the Great Congress.” The City Water Authority organized the city-wide Water System Party (WAS) to listen to the party’s 20 largest openings. The President of the City Water Authority’s Party, Secretary Pan An, said that the report of the Secretary-General was clear, informative and focused. “Looking forward, we will deploy more and more effort to learn about the party’s 20 great spirits and to do what is really relevant, so that we can contribute more and more to the creation of the world’s first-class and home-friendly people.”
“The series of deployment requirements in the party’s 20-year report provides us with a clear way forward, a fundamental follow-up, inspirational, and an inspirational push.” According to Su Shaolin, a party secretary and director of the Municipal Communications Authority, Beijing’s information and communication industry will be working in the capital on its own initiative, using the original mission of “People’s Mail for People” to provide a strong and reliable web-based foundation for the creation of a global digital economic pole city in Beijing.
In recent years, under the guidance of the philosophy of near-life civilization, the city’s green life has been expanding, and the citizens of the capital have gained more sense of greenness and happiness. “We need to take a deep look at the new ideas, new theories, new deployments, and new requirements of the 20-year report of the Kitchen Party, as well as scientific planning for the greening of the forests of the new-generation capital city, to ensure that the spirit of the report becomes a living reality in Kyoto.
“At the end of our study of the report of the General Secretary of Jinping, we are excited and deeply responsible and proud of our mission.” The Chinese Film Museum, a group member of the Chinese Film Museum Party, Secretary Chen Ling Ling, as an intellectual and cultural platform and a national public cultural service agency, strives to carry out its mission of raising the flag, gathering the hearts of the people, nurturing the new, developing the culture and displaying the image of the Chinese people, digging deep into the red resource, transmitting the red gene, promoting and practising the core values of socialism, stimulating the new creativity of national culture, and strengthening the spiritual power of the people to realize the great revival of the Chinese nation.
It was agreed that the wisdom and strength of the entire workforce should be brought together into the 20 grand goals and tasks of the Realist Party, with a firm attitude, firm action, vigorous action, and a strong focus on improving the business environment in the capital.
"Strong" is the first thing.
“Education, technology, and human resources are the foundation and strategic support of a modern socialist state,” according to his 20-year report, has been very encouraging for Wu Xiao Lin, headmaster of China’s Petroleum University (Beijing). “A university, as an important link between technology’s first life, talent, and creativity, has an irreplaceable role in serving the nation’s new driving forces.
“The report states that, guided by the country’s strategic needs, it is a major incentive for scientists as a whole to focus their efforts on innovative, technological and technological challenges, and to make a firm determination to win the key core technologies. This is a powerful incentive for scientists as a whole.” As a new research institute, the Institute’s establishment is the result of a series of strategic decisions on technological innovation in the center of the party.
The party’s 20-year-old party’s inaugural session saw the opening of the Huairou Science City Governing Council, which has been a continuing organizing force. “The party’s 20-year report states that efforts will be made to upgrade the supply chain and safety standards. Next, we will push for a deep integration of the chain, the new chain, the supply chain, and a focus on the development of strategic new and future industries such as high-end instrumentation and sensors, life sciences, new energy materials, and the promotion of the high quality of the Huairou economy.
“The party’s 20-year report states that the creation of the modern-day industrial system, with its strong focus on the economy, has advanced into a new industrial economy, has accelerated the construction of strong countries, high-quality countries, too high-quality countries, traffic countries, Internet countries, digital China.” As a new frontier for the development of technology and technology in the Yangtze region, the Sunny Park is accelerating the construction of the digital economic hub. In the future, the 20 spirits of the party will be used as a regional development backbone, bringing together the new elements of international innovation, making it possible to move forward and move up, leading to the creation of the 20 major points of view and major strategic ideas of the Quech Party.
黨的二十大報告提出,深入群眾、深入基層,採取更多惠民生、暖民心舉措。“報告心繫民生、直抵人心,令人鼓舞,催人奮進。”海澱區萬壽路街道黨工委書記曾濤説,作為首都基層黨員幹部,我們要以推動新時代首都發展為己任,要持續深化基層治理體制機制改革,不斷提升黨建引領城市基層治理效能,切實辦好與群眾生活息息相關的民生實事,在奮進新征程上考出好成績、幹出新業績。 The party’s 20-year report suggests that we should go deep into the community, build on the foundations, promote more people’s well-being and warm up our minds. “The report is very encouraging, encouraging and exciting.” As a member of the party’s capital’s founding team, we will continue to reform the institutional system of governance at the fundamental level, continue to improve the effectiveness of the party’s efforts to lead to governance at the urban level, ensure that the people’s needs are met in a manner that is relevant to the life of the community, and make it possible for the people to do what is important for them to do, in order to be successful and successful in their quest for a new career. “新時代的偉大成就是黨和人民一道拼出來、幹出來、奮鬥出來的!”西城區白紙坊街道辦事處主任杜春曉對黨的二十大報告中的這句話深有感觸。她表示,街道的安全、穩定、和諧、發展,同樣需要基層黨員幹部同居民群眾、轄區單位一道去拼、去幹、去奮鬥。為者常成、行者常至。基層黨員幹部要始終把人民對美好生活的嚮往作為奮鬥目標,“事不避難,義不逃責”,用行動書寫服務人民、擔當作為的新時代答卷。 “The great achievement of the new era is that the party and the people are coming together, doing it, fighting it!” Do Chun-hye, the head of the White Paper Street Office in Westtown, was deeply touched by this statement in the party’s 20th report. She said that the safety, stability, peace, development of the streets, together with the need for members of the fundamentalist party to work with the population, the ruling community, to do it, to do it, and to fight. “黨的二十大報告在提到繁榮發展文化事業和文化産業時指出,健全現代公共文化服務體系,實施重大文化産業項目帶動戰略。這給我們帶來了巨大信心和期待。”朝陽區751園區品牌宣傳部副部長趙陽説,面對黨的二十大提出的新戰略、新思路、新舉措,作為北京市級文化産業示範園區,在落實好國企擔當的同時,將會開拓探索城市更新更多可能性。努力打造更多人民群眾可觀可感的高品質城市公共空間和文化活動,更好地滿足人民群眾對城市發展的新要求、新期盼。 “The party’s 20th report, referring to the flourishing of cultural industries and cultural industries, states that the development of modern public cultural service systems and the implementation of major cultural projects have led to a strategic approach. This has given us great confidence and expectation.” Zhao Yang, Deputy Director of the branding of the 751 Park in the Sun, has responded to the party’s 20th strategy, new ideas and new initiatives, which, as a demonstration of culture at the city level in Beijing, will open up new possibilities for the city at the same time that the country is well placed to do so. Efforts will be made to build more people’s visible high-quality urban public spaces and cultural events to better meet the new demands, aspirations and aspirations of the people for urban development. 密雲區馮家峪鎮黨委書記林桂彬説,聽完總書記的報告,過去十年國家取得的偉大成就歷歷在目。馮家峪鎮是密雲水庫上游深山區鄉鎮。全鎮將按照黨的二十大描繪的鄉村振興新藍圖,履行好保水首要職責,堅持綠色高品質發展,不斷增進人民福祉,全力打造産業設施興、人才服務興、文化文明興、生態環境興、組織機制興的鄉村振興樣板鎮。 The town of Feng is a deep mountain town on the upper part of the cloudy reservoir. The town is expected to rise to a new blue map of the country, in line with the party’s 20 largest depictions, to perform its primary responsibility for water conservation, to maintain the high quality of the green, to continue to improve the well-being of the people, and to create a model for the development of industrial facilities, human services, cultural civilization, a living environment, and an organized village.
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