電子貨幣(Electronic Money)
Electric Money
The so-called electronic currency means or to convert the same amount from the sender and get the same amount to transfer the data directly to the payer through the use of certain electrochemical methods.
Chart: Flow of electronic currency
1, issued
2, circulation
3, recycling
(1) Storage, payment and circulation on the basis of electronic computer technology;
(2) Available for wide application at , , distribution and collection fields;
(3) Savings from , and (4)電子貨幣具有使用簡便、安全、迅速、可靠的特征;
(4) Electronic currency has simple, safe, rapid and reliable features; (5)現階段電子貨幣的使用通常以銀行卡(磁卡、智能卡)為媒體。
(5) The use of current electronic currency is usually based on (, (1)方便
(1) Accessibility (2)安全
(2) Security (3)通用
(3) General (4)增加社會效益
(i) /b> 1、概念:是指某一行業或公司發行的可代替現金用的IC卡或磁卡。如電話充值卡神州行等。
1, Concept : means a business or or magnetic card. (二)信用卡
1, Concept : bank or title by issuing company 2、特點:同時具備信貸與支付兩種功能。
2, Feature : Two functions are available for loan backup and payment at the same time. (三)存款利用型電子貨幣(電子支票)
(iii) Explosion-type electronic currency () 1、概念:是一種電子貨支付方法,其主要特點是,通過電腦通信網路安全移動存款以完成結算。
1, Concept : A method of payment for electronic goods, the main feature of which is that deposits through computer communication network security /a> to complete the calculation. 2、使用過程:無論個人或企業,負有債務的一方,簽發支票或其他票據,交給有債權的一方,以結清債務,約定的日期到來時,持票人將該票據原件提交給付款人,即可領取到現金。
2, using process: individual or , having cash (iv) Cash simulator electronic currency (, ) /b> 1、概念:是一種表示現金的加密序列數,它可以用來表示現實中各種金額的幣值。隨著基於紙張的經濟向數字經濟的轉變,電子現金將成為主流。
1, Concept : It is an encrypted sequence of cash that can be used to indicate the value of the various amounts of money in the real world. The paper-based economy goes to 2、特點:匿名性、節省交易費用、節省傳輸費用、持有風險小、支付靈活方便、防偽造及防重覆性、不可跟蹤性。
2, Feature : Anonymous, administration , savings in transfer charges, risk holding, ease of living payment, forgery prevention and repeatability, non-traceability. 3、種類:(主要有兩種)一種是基於Internet網路環境使用的且將代表貨幣價值的二進位數據保管在微機終端硬碟內的電子現金;一種是將貨幣價值保存在IC卡內並可脫離銀行支付系統流通的電子錢包。
3, Class : Two major types of (two types of) electronic cash bank payment system (五)電子錢包
1, Concept : is used as a tool to pay for small purchases or purchases. 使用電子錢包的顧客通常在銀行里都是有賬戶的。在使用電子錢包時,將有關的應用軟體安裝到電子商務伺服器上,利用電子錢包服務系統就可以把自己在電子貨幣或電子金融卡上的數據輸入進去。在進行付款時,如果顧客要用電子信用卡付款,例如用Visa卡或者Mastercard卡等收付款時,顧客只要單擊一下相應項目或相應圖標即可完成,人們常將這種支付方式稱為單擊式或電擊式支付方式。
client who uses an electronic wallet 2、特點:安全方便、成本低
2, Feature : Secure, low 電子貨幣主要具有以下功能:
Electronic currency has the following main functions: 1、轉帳結算功能:直接消費結算,代替現金轉帳;
1- Reconciliation function: direct cost calculation in lieu of cash transfer; 2、儲蓄功能:使用電子貨幣存款和取款;
2. Storage function: the use of electronic currency deposits and withdrawals; 3、兌現功能:異地使用貨幣時,進行貨幣匯兌;
3. Extrenchment function: where foreign currency is used, currency transfers are made; 4、消費貸款功能:先向銀行貸款,提前使用貨幣。
4. Lending functions: loans to banks first and the use of currency in advance. 對於電子貨幣是否構成貨幣的問題在學術界尚有爭論。一些法律學者認為在經濟學界對貨幣的概念尚無定論的前提下,將電子貨幣是否構成一種新型貨幣的論證任務交給法學家是不現實的。
There is a debate in the academic world as to whether or not electronic currency is part of a currency. Some legal scholars argue that it is not realistic to give forensics the task of proving whether or not electronic currency is part of a new currency, given that there is no economic certainty about the concept of currency. 一般認為,對電子貨幣是否構成貨幣的一種,應當視具體情況個案處理。對於信用卡、儲值卡類的初級電子貨幣,只能視為查詢和轉移銀行存款的電子工具或者是對現存貨幣進行支付的電子化工具,並不能真正構成貨幣的一種。而類似電腦現金的現金模擬型電子貨幣,則是初步具備了流通貨幣的特征
It is generally believed that a specific case should be taken of whether an electronic currency is formed into a currency. For credit cards, storage cards, etc., the primary electronic currency can only be regarded as an electronic tool for checking and transferring bank deposits, or as an electronic tool for paying for the current currency, and not as a currency. 但是,要真正成為流通貨幣的一種,現金模擬型電子貨幣還應當滿足以下條件:
However, in order to be truly a currency in circulation, cash simulations of electronic currency should be sufficient: (1)被廣泛地接受為一種價值尺度和交換中介,而不是僅作為一種商品;
(1) Broadly accepted as a and as a trade broker rather than just a commodity; (2)必須是不依賴於銀行或發行機構信用的用於清償債務的最終手段,接受給付的一方無須保有追索權;
(2) The recipient must have no need to retain to pursue , without relying on the ultimate means of paying the debt without relying on the credit of the bank or the issuing agency; (3)自由流通,具有完全的可兌換性;
(3) Free circulation with complete convertibility; (4)本身能夠成為價值的保存手段,而不需要通過收集、清算、結算來實現其價值;
(4) It can be valuable as a means of saving itself and does not need to be realized by collecting, . (5)完全的不特定物,支付具有匿名性。
(5) Full , payment is anonymous. 考察上述的MONDEX卡和電子現金,首先,它們的價值均是以既有的現金、存款為前提的,是其發行者將既有貨幣的價值電子化的產物。持有電子貨幣僅意味著持有者具有以其持有的電子貨幣向發行者兌換等價值現金或存款的權利;其次,根據貨幣法定的原則,電子貨幣要真正成為通貨的一種,還需經一國立法的明示認可。所以,現有的電子貨幣可被認為是以既有貨幣為基礎的二次貨幣,還不能完全獨立地作為通貨的一種。
The value of the MONDEX cards and electronic cash mentioned above is, firstly, based on the cash and deposits available, the product of their distributors digitizing the value of the currency already in place. Holding the currency only means that the holder has the right to exchange the value of the cash or deposit with the distributor for the money in which it holds; and secondly, according to the legal principle of the currency, the currency must be explicitly recognized by a national legislation. 當今各國在電子貨幣的發行主體問題上並無統一的解決方案,而是根據具體國情而定。
Today, there is no uniform solution to the issue of electronic currency producers, depending on the country's circumstances. 美國和歐洲在發行電子貨幣的機構這一問題上持有不同立場:美國聯邦儲備委員會認為由非銀行機構來發行電子貨幣應是允許的,因為非銀行會由於開發及行銷電子貨幣的高成本而使他們必須開發具有安全性的產品。美國並不認為非銀行機構會對銀行造成威脅,因為他們認為銀行有良好的聲譽,所以消費者較傾向於信賴由主要的當地銀行所發行的電子貨幣而不會信賴一家新成立的非銀行機構所發行的電子貨幣。
believes that > > believes that the export of non-bank items of non-bank goods is not necessary for the export of non-bank companies's's's and the export of non-bank companies's bank's exports of goods is not necessary for the export of the main bank's. 歐洲貨幣機構工作小組則認為只有由主管機構所監管的信貨機構才可發行電子貨幣。例如,歐洲貨幣基金組織(EMI)於1994年5月公開發表的歐共體結算系統業務部提交的《關於預付卡的報告書》中指出:電子錢包發行者收取的資金應視為銀行存款,原則上只允許金融機構發行電子錢包。歐盟成員德國在對“信用制度法”的修正案中規定:所有電子貨幣的發行均只能由銀行開辦。
For example, the EMI report on pre-paid cards, which was published in May 1994, states that money collected by electronic money-contractors should be considered as and that only 在我國,對於信用卡,我國1996年4月1日起實行的《信用卡業務管理辦法》中規定信用卡的發行者僅限於商業銀行,對於信用卡之外的其他電子貨幣種類,我國尚無法律規定。
In my country, with regard to credit cards, the credit card issuer in the Credit Card Business Administration Act, which was introduced in my country on 1 April 1996, is limited to , and there is no legal regulation for other types of electronic currency other than credit cards. 就目前我國現狀以及國情而言,發行電子貨幣的主體為中國人民銀行或者中國人民銀行委托的金融機構是比較可行的辦法。理由有:第一,有助於政府對電子貨幣進行監控並根據電子貨幣研究和實踐的發展及時調整其貨幣政策,並同時保證了支付系統的可靠性。第二,由於由中央銀行發行的電子貨幣在信譽和可最終兌付性上比較可靠,對消費者而言就更容易接受並積极參与,從而推動電子貨幣的普及與發展。
For our country's current situation and national circumstances, the main issuer of electronic currency is or the financial institution commissioned by the People's Bank of China
The question is whether the security technology used by electronic currency should be regulated by the state? Because electronic currency can be used efficiently and effectively in electronic commerce only when high-tech infrastructure is in place. Some argue that we believe that if electronic currency is to be made “negotiable” in the future and can be “trusted for its safety”, then it should be subject to government control. 但是,這裡的問題是,政府監管的尺度應如何把握?就如同在電子簽名技術上有技術中立和技術特定化之爭一樣,政府的過分管制就會對技術的發展造成妨礙,這對於快速發展的電子商務是致命的,但是如果不加以管制,電子貨幣的信用就難以樹立。因此把握政府管制的尺度是非常重要的。
But the question here is, how should the scale of government supervision be captured? Like the competition for technological neutrality and technical specificity in electronic signature technology, government over-regulation can hinder technological development, which is fatal for fast-growing electronic commerce, but without it, the credit of electronic currency cannot be maintained. 電子貨幣是否應像紙幣一樣不記名,以利於像貨幣一樣可以流通?如果對電子貨幣加密,其實就等於記名一樣,如果欲不記名,則連密碼都不能加。問題是如果使用不記名的電子貨幣,則一些犯罪活動,如洗錢、販毒、恐怖活動、買賣軍火等將大肆猖獗,而執法機構將無法在網路中查出這些電子貨幣的來源或去處,在此情況下,則又形成無法保護使用者的局面。毫無疑向,電子貨幣無國界並可在瞬間轉移的特性將造成治安上的死角。法律應當權衡兩者,在兩者之間作出一個平衡的規定。
The question is whether electronic currency should be as anonymous as paper currency, so that it can circulate as currency. If it is encrypted, it is as if it were, and if it is anonymous, even the password cannot be added. If anonymous electronic currency is used, some criminal activities, such as money laundering, drug trafficking, terror, arms buying and the like, will be rampant, and the law enforcement agencies will not be able to detect the origin or whereabouts of the electronic currency on the Internet, and in this case will be unable to protect the user. 在電子貨幣的交易中,有關結算信息會被大量積累儲存到結算服務提供者處。不同的電子貨幣種類和結算類型所涉及的個人信息有所差異,所涉個人信息的隱私程度和範圍也有所不同。客戶對結算服務提供者處大量積累個人信息未必能理解,由而產生不安全感。所以,結算提供者應對其存儲和積累的個人信息的範圍和隱私程度公開向客戶作必要的說明,並保證該信息的積累和使用僅為保證交易之安全的目的。
In electronic currency transactions, accounting information is stored in large quantities to account providers. There are differences in the personal information involved in different types of electronic currency and accounting types, as well as differences in the degree of privacy and scope of personal information involved. Clients are not necessarily aware of, and feel insecure about, a large amount of personal information available to account providers. Therefore, the accounting provider should publicly inform clients of the extent and degree of privacy of personal information stored and accumulated, and ensure that the information is accumulated and used only for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the transaction.
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