从世界第二到暴雷崩盘,昔日加密货币巨头 FTX 的好日子,在上个月走到了尽头。
from the second to the thunderstorm in the world, used to be /strong> 宣布破产、自救失败、资产被盗、CEO 辞职,这个本就存在流动性问题和严重风险问题的脆弱平台,最终迎来狼狈的终章。
Announce bankruptcy, self-help failure, asset theft, CEO resignation, a fragile platform with liquidity problems and serious risk problems and finally the final chapter.
在 FTX 倒塌后,其创始人萨姆?班克曼 - 弗里德表示,希望开办一家新公司,弥补投资者造成的损失,愿意“付出一切”开始新冒险。
After the collapse of FTX, its founder, Sam Bunkman-Frid, expressed a desire to start a new company to make up for the losses incurred by investors and to “take everything” to start a new adventure.
Don't look at him, but he's still in a crisis of trust and accused of fraud.
, just a few days ago, , and an unspecified criminal charge was also brought against him by the United States, with possible extradition.
因为法官认为,他存在潜逃的风险,将继续羁押至明年 2 月。
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