As the digital money market continues to warm, there are still many who are keen to accumulate wealth through bitcoin mining in 2023. To this end, the money network has carefully combed out a detailed course of mining for newcomers to help ease your way into the gates of bitcoin mining. Here, let us follow the steps of editor-in-chief and open up the mysterious veil of bitcoin mining.
1. 挖矿原理:比特币挖矿是利用计算机解决复杂的数学问题,以验证比特币交易并维护区块链网络的安全。成功解题的矿工将获得新区块产生的比特币奖励及交易手续费。
mining principles : Bitcoin mining is a computer-based solution to complex mathematical problems in order to validate the Bitcoin transaction and maintain the security of the block chain network.
2. 挖矿设备:挖矿主要依赖显卡(GPU)、专用集成电路(ASIC)等高性能硬件。同时,需配备比特币钱包用于存储挖出的比特币,以及挖矿软件来协调硬件工作。
mining equipment: Mining relies mainly on high-performance hardware such as GPU, specialized integrated circuits (ASIC). At the same time, Bitcoins wallets are required to store the recovered bitcoins and mining software to coordinate hardware work.
3. 矿池选择:单个矿工的算力往往难以独立挖出新区块,因此多数矿工选择加入矿池,共享算力以提高挖矿效率。矿池会按贡献比例分配收益,通常收取1%-2%的管理费。
pit selection : The ability of individual miners to independently dig out new blocks often makes it difficult for most miners to join the ponds and share the capacity to improve the efficiency of mining.
4. 交易平台:挖出的比特币需在交易所注册账号存放,并可通过交易平台将比特币转移至国内网站进行买卖或持有待涨。
trading platform: Excavated bitcoins are to be stored in an exchange account and may be transferred to a domestic website through a trading platform for sale or to be held up.
II. Pre-mining preparation
1. 硬件购置:选购适合挖矿的显卡或ASIC矿机,确保其性能稳定、能耗适中。
: selects a visible card or an ASIC miner suitable for mining to ensure stable performance and energy consumption.
2. 矿池注册:选择信誉良好、费用合理的矿池,如BitMinter、CK Pool、Slush Pool,注册账号并进行相关设置。
3. 软件安装:根据矿机类型下载相应的挖矿软件,如CGminer、BFGminer(适用于技术型用户)或EasyMiner(图形界面,适合新手)。确保软件能在操作系统(Windows、Linux、Android)上正常运行。
installation : Downloads the corresponding mining software according to the type of miner, such as CGminer, BFGminer (for technical users) or EaseyMiner (for graphical interfaces, for new recruits). Ensure that the software is operational on the operating system (Windows, Linux, Android).
4. 矿机接入矿池:在矿机配置界面输入矿池IP、矿工名和密码,保存设置后,矿机即可开始在矿池中工作。初次连接可能需等待一段时间以显示实际哈希率。
The mine machine has access to the pond : The miner may start working in the pond after the configuration interface contains IP, miner's name and password. The initial connection may take some time to show the actual Hashi rate.
5. 收益提取:挖到的比特币会在矿池账户中累积,根据矿池政策定期或手动提取至个人比特币钱包。部分矿池设有最低提取额度(如0.001 BTC),低于此值可能产生额外费用。
extracts of proceeds : Bitcoins that are dug up are accumulated in the pond accounts and are drawn to individual bitcoins on a regular or manual basis in accordance with the pond policy. Some ponds have a minimum amount of extraction (e.g. 0.001 BTC) below this value, which may result in additional costs.
III, mining technology requirements
1. 钱包获取:首先获取一个比特币钱包,用于接收挖矿所得。钱包可选择离线存储以增强安全性,或在线钱包便于日常操作。
wallets get : First obtains a bitcoins wallet to receive the proceeds of mining.
2. 硬件升级:面对日益激烈的挖矿竞争,升级至高性能ASIC矿机至关重要。矿机价格与算力成正比,投资范围从几千到数万元不等。
Hardware upgrade: In the face of increasing mining competition, upgrading to a high-performance ASIC miner is essential.
3. 加入矿池或协会:鉴于单兵作战挖矿收益微薄,建议加入矿池或比特币协会,共享资源,提升挖矿效率。
: In view of the meagre gains from single-man combat mining, it is recommended to join a pond or a Bitcoin association to share resources and improve the efficiency of mining.
4. 软件下载:下载适用于自己设备的挖矿软件,确保其与硬件和矿池兼容。
download: Download mining software suitable for its own equipment to ensure compatibility with hardware and ponds.
iv. Current analysis of mining proceeds
Bitcoin prices have fluctuated significantly in recent times, breaking key support points and causing market panic. Miners have borne the brunt of the damage. Miner sales are cold, some of them are blocked, ponds are closed, and the North Miner has been dismantled. There are indications that the Bitcoin mining industry is going through a cold winter. Plus bitcoin prices are uncertain in the future, and mining profits are in danger.
V, mining investment costs
1. 矿机价格:矿机价格因算力差异悬殊,低至数千元,高端机型则高达数十万元。
miner prices : The price of a mine machine varies widely from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars, with high-end models amounting to hundreds of thousands.
2. 能源消耗:挖矿能耗巨大,成为环保争议焦点。随着算力竞赛加剧,高功率矿机广泛应用,电力消耗呈指数级增长。
Energy consumption : Mining energy is so expensive that it becomes the focus of environmental disputes. Electricity consumption increases exponentially as computing competition increases, high-capacity mining machines are widely used.
3. 地域分布:我国以超过60%的全球算力占比位居榜首,主要集中在电力资源丰富、电价较低的地区,如四川、内蒙古等地。
For example, the gross ball technology NB-1062-bitcoin miner costs 34,000 yuan and costs 3300 W. Assuming electricity costs are 0.35 yuan/degree, the mine costs approximately $630 per month for running a continuous operation. On this basis, it would cost about 63,000 yuan to excavate a bitcoin, plus the cost of a miner.
7 and the time it takes to dig out a bitcoin.
It takes at least 556 days to dig out a full bitcoin.
8; actual application of bitcoin
Bitcoin, as a widely recognized encrypt currency, is increasingly being used:
1. 贵金属兑换:可用于购买多家公司提供的金银产品,实现线上支付。
precious metals for conversion : may be used to purchase gold and silver products supplied by multiple companies and to effect on-line payments.
2. 房地产投资:全球多家房地产公司接受比特币购房,甚至有专门从事比特币房产交易的平台。
real estate investments : Many real estate companies around the world accept Bitcoin for housing and even have platforms dedicated to business in Bitcoin.
3. 旅行消费:在CheapAir、Expedia等网站预订酒店、机票可使用比特币支付。
travel consumption : Hotel reservations and tickets may be paid in Bitcoin on the Cheapair, Expedia, etc.
4. 游戏道具购买:部分网络游戏支持比特币购买虚拟装备。
: Some of the network games support Bitcoin's purchase of virtual equipment.
In summary, despite the challenges faced by Bitcoin in mining, the value of its use as a valuable storage tool and as a payment tool remains high. For newcomers who are interested in engaging in mining, a full understanding of market dynamics, rational planning of inputs, choice of suitable mine machines and ponds, and attention to changes in energy policy can lead to sound progress on the path to mining in Bitcoin.
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