11月23日消息,yearn finance(YFI)创始人Andre Cronje在今日公布了他的最新作品Deriswap,据悉,该项目将Swap、期权和借贷合并为具有高资本效率的单一合约,从而为用户提供一站式交易服务,截至目前,Deriswap正处于审核阶段,而AC本人也没有发布相关合约地址。
News dated 23 November & #xff0c; yearn finance( YFI) founder Andre Cronje published his latest work today, Deriswap, known & #xff0c; the project combined Swap, options and borrowing into a single, capital-efficient contract & #xff0c; thus providing a one-stop trading service to users xff0c; as of now xff0c; Deriswap is in the audit phase xff0c; and AC itself has not issued the relevant contractual address.
以下是来自Andre Cronje发布的关于Deriswap的简单介绍:
Below is a brief introduction to Deriswap from Andre Cronje #xff1a;
I am becoming more and more obsessed with capital efficiency; now & #xff08; defi market & #xff09; liquidity is fragmented. You can choose a #xff1a in the agreement below.
Exchange transactions & #xff08; Uniswap, Sushiswap, Bancor et al. & #xff09;
Options & #xff08; Deribit, Hegic, Opyn, Primitive & #xff09;
Lending & #xff08; Aave, Compound, DyDx et al. & #xff09;
Deriswap( currently under audit xff09; xff0c; making Swap, options and loan combinations a single, capital-efficient contract xff0c; and allowing swaps, options and borrowings between the two assets.
Let's think about it.
该互换合约为标准的Uniswap x * y = k,流动性提供者(LP)提供ETH-BTC作为流动资金。交易者可以将ETH交换成BTC,反之亦然。LP则赚取交易费用。
The swap contract is the standard Uniswap x x * y & #61; k, liquidity provider & #xff08; LP& #xff09; providing ETH-BTC as liquidity. Dealers can exchange ETH for BTC & #xff0c; vice versa. LP earns transaction costs.
The TWAP prophecy was expanded to read data every 30 minutes & #xff0c; this allows us to report realized deviations, realized fluctuations, implied fluctuations and prices on any selected time series.
上述派生值允许我们使用Black Scholes期权定价模型对看涨/看跌期权进行报价。这些都是美式期权,可以在任何时间点结算。结算发生在pair资产中,因此看涨期权需要买入full value,看跌期权需要卖出full value。
These are US options & #xff0c; they can be settled at any point in time. The settlement takes place in Pair assets & #xff0c; therefore, the options need to be bought in full value & #xff0c; and the options need to be sold in full value.
The combination of xff08; swap) swaps and options is an interesting interaction xff0c; options are a transaction for volatility xff0c; transaction costs are a hedge against volatility. Trades vs. pair fluctuations xff08; 43; Ve transaction costs xff09; losses on settlement options are offset xff08;-ve settlements xff09;
In addition, xff0c; xff0c should also be selected for full settlement; xff0c; because LP has a permanent position for its assets xff0c; xff0c is a permanent loss if the profit is settled only; xff0c is an irregular loss if the underlying asset is settled xff0c;
Settlement may take the form of ITM or OTM.
Futures extend and simplify options & #xff0c; you can pay the base extra & #xff0c; this allows you to settle with another pair at a user-defined future date.
The loan extends and simplifies futures & #xff0c; you pay extra costs and collateral & #xff0c; this provides you with borrowed assets. & #xff0c; you can settle the borrowed assets before the user-defined future date & #xff0c; or you confiscate the encumbered assets.
Loans, futures and options are made by monetizing xff0c through NFT; thus, secondary markets are allowed to be created and traded.
Deriswap provides an integrated and capital-efficient market for transactions, options, futures and lending & #xff0c; allows LP to maintain exposure to risk and to enjoy additional costs and returns.
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