What's the bitcoin ? What's the use of bitcoin? Recently, besides , there seems to be another thing that is both popular and representative of the pompous identity, which is the legendary Bitcoin . This virtual currency is known to be popular this year, and everyone is discussing it.
注意:可能有同学会表示疑虑或者认为它是庞氏骗局之类的,本篇文章旨在介绍这样一种新的东西,至于风险以及安全请大家自己判断鉴别好。比特币(英语:Bitcoin,简写:BTC,货币符号:?)是一种用户自治的,全球通用的加密电子货币。 其概念由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto,化名)在2008年提出。他以开放、对等、共识、直接参与的理念为基准,结合开源软件和密码学中块密码的工作模式,在P2P对等网络和分布式数据库的平台上,开发出比特币发行、交易和账户管理的操作系统。其系统让遍布整个对等网络用户端的各节点,按照其种子文件达成网络协议,从而确保在货币发行、管理、流通等环节中公平、安全、可靠。它的货币总量按照设计预定的速率逐步增加,增加速度逐步放缓,并最终在2140年达到2100万个的极限。(来自维基百科)
working model for P2P peer-to-peer network and distributed database.
The above is a bitco presentation from Wikipedia. Perhaps after you read it, there's still a fog, so relax, and the bitcoin has the following characteristics:
- 比特币是去中心化的:因为整个比特币网络都是P2P(peer-to-peer)的,因此它是没有一个中心。这使得比特币有着与其他的货币有着根本的不同。你不用担心一个“比特币集团”破产倒闭了然后使得你手中的比特币一文不值,因为根本就没有这样一个机构,只要世界上还有其他人在这个网络上,比特币就不会完全消亡。做一个不严谨的比喻就好像原来的货币是从下载站下载东西,下载站关了,就下不到了;比特币是用种子下东西,只要还有一个人有这个文件,你就可以下载的到~
- 比特币的总量是恒定的:比特币的总量只有2100万个,这一点是在程序中写死了的。而且由于比特币去中心化的特点,总量恒定这件事情可以说是非常有保障的。也是因为这个特点,有人认为比特币与其说是一种货币,更像是“黄金”。
- 比特币是可以分割的:虽然比特币的总量是一定的,但是它是可以分割的,可以有0.00001个比特币甚至再分下去。所以如果以后比特币涨到了非常夸张的时候,那么就可以使用mBTC(0.001 BTC=1 mBTC)这样的单位来计量了。就好像现在你不会背着一块金砖去买白菜是一个道理。
- 比特币交易起来非常方便:比特币交易很方便,你可以从世界上任何一个角落非常迅速地收取或者发送比特币,感觉上和用支付宝没什么区别的。这一点来说可比黄金有优势太多了。
- 比特币交易费用十分低廉:每次交易只需支付0.0001BTC左右的费用,而这些费用用于鼓励全球比特币P2P网络节点对比特币网络的维护。
These characteristics are the basis of the Bitcoin value, whereby a fellow who is familiar with economics or interested in learning how much bitcoin is worth (or not?) or, if you analyse whether bitcoin is a bubble or a real future currency from the economics side or from the use of expertise? We welcome your contribution at any time!
好,说了这么多概念性的东西,我们也要来实战一发嘛~ 这里就为大家介绍如何使用比特币。首先呢我们需要一种被成为“钱包”的客户端软件来管理我们的比特币。在PC上使用得比较多的钱包(客户端软件)有 Multibit、Bitcoin-qt、Armory 等,这里主要介绍一下 Bitcoin-qt 和 Multibit。
All right, so let's talk about so many conceptual things, so let's go to war. Here's how to use bitcoins. First of all, we need a customer software that's become a wallet to manage our bitcoins. There's Multibit, Bitcoin-qt, Armory, and so on in PCs, and here's about Bitcoin-qt and Multibit.
这是最早的比特币客户端,它的安全性、稳定性都很不错,美中不足的地方是 Bitcoin-qt 在安装之后需要一个比较长时间的同步的过程(将整个比特币网络的信息同步到本地),而且它占用空间也很大。它在各个平台上都可以使用(Windows/Linux/Mac OS)。
It's the first bitcoin client, and it's very secure and stable, and what's lacking in the United States is that Bitcoin-qt needs a longer synchronization process after installation (syncing information from the entire bitcoin network locally) and it takes up a lot of space. It can be used on every platform (Windows/Linux/Mac OS).
下载 Bitcoin-Qt 客户端 (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Multibit is a very light bitcoin wallet, which can be done in a very short time (a few minutes) in a very short time, compared to Bitcoin-qt. Multibit is a very, very good option if you don't want to. The same is true of all three operating systems, which individuals prefer to use.
下载 MultiBit 客户端 (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Bitcoin Wallet (Android) | Blockchain (iOS)
除此以外,在 Android 手机上你也可以安装一个 Bitcoin Wallet(出于安全性考虑,最好直接在 Google Play 市场下载,如果你手机没有 Play 商店,那么可以试试这个方法直接下载APK文件)。如果你使用的是 iPhone,那么你也可以试试 Blockchain。
In addition to this, you can install a Bitcoin Wallet (for security reasons, it is better to download directly at Google Play, if your cell phone does not have a Play store, then try this method ). If you use , then you can also try .
When you download and install a bitcoin wallet and open its interface, you can see your own address (a string like this: 19ECupzBQLrocugvR44LFr87ggqyf JgswN). This is your account number in the Bitcoin world, and you can get it if someone sends it to that address!
So it's very important to keep it safe. You can also use . For more information, see: .
Well, you can use bitcoin now, oh... and so on and so forth you don't have bitcoin! Although bitcoin can be directly “mining”, it's estimated to be quite unconscionable with the computing power of the current general personal computer, and even with the electricity bill. So let's introduce two bitcoin trading sites from which you can buy or sell bitcoin: one is BTCchina, China's largest Bitcoin trading market, which has recently received $5 million in investment, whether safe or easy to use; the other is
So you can just feel the bitcoin, buy a few bucks and put it in your wallet.
If you want to learn more about bitcoin, there are several sites to look at:
- 比特币中国的百科:介绍一些关于比特币的基础知识
- 巴比特:一些关于比特币的资讯
- 比特币123:比特币的导航网站,很实用
- 货币之王:微信上搜索“btc233”,关注之后会推送比特币相关新闻,也可以实时查询比特币价格。
And if you think this will help you, give me a few bits of bitcoin, .
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