Each version of the Ethernet has a maximum length limit on the cable (i.e. a length that does not need to be magnified) and signals in this range can be transmitted normally and beyond this range will not.
In order to allow a larger network to be built, multiple cables can be connected by . The repeater is a physical layer device that receives, magnifies and retransmits signals in two directions.
基本内容 Basics 计费系统硬件典型的接口类型是RJ-45以太网接口。它遵循IEEE802.3标准,传输速率通常为10M/100/1000Mbps,可工作在全双工、半双工模式。如下图的WAN口(广域网口)和1、2、3、4标识的端口就是RJ-45端口。 The typical type of interface for the hardware of the billing system is RJ-45 E-Tex interface. It follows the IEE802.3 standard, usually with a transmission rate of 10M/100/1000Mbps, and can work at , half-manual mode. The WAN portal () and the ports of 1, 2, 3 and 4 marking are RJ-45 ports. 网络电话的网络接口类型是网络电话与内部局域网连接的时候所用的接口类型,不同的网络有不同的接口类型,常见的网络电话接口主要有RJ-45接口,RJ-11接口和USB接口。 is the type of interface used by the network phone when connecting to the internal local area network (LAN). Different network types of interfaces exist. The common network phone interfaces are mainly RJ-45 interfaces, RJ-11 interfaces and
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