What's Web3.0?
In fact, whether it's a metacosystem or Web3.0, it's designed to make it easier to describe the concept of the birth of new forms in the future.
Web in & nbsp; Web3.0, the World Wide Web, is one of the main services available on the Internet.
至于1.0、2.0、3.0,则是由业内人员制造出来,方便理解万维网发展的不同阶段。本文讨论的Web3.0概念以近期较为主流的解读为主,它来自美国区块链数据库公司Messari研究员的一篇文章。 要厘清Web3.0的概念,绕不过Web1.0和Web2.0。 在这版解释里,Web1.0时代,网页是“只读的”,用户只能搜索信息,浏览信息,无法参与创作。比如早期人们在互联网上浏览新浪网站、搜狐网站的资讯等,只是在资讯下留言、评论、互动。Web2.0时代,网站是“可写可读的”,即用户不仅仅是内容的接收方,还可以参与创作内容,比如发短视频、发微博、写大众点评等。现在,人们就正处于Web2.0阶段。 这两个时代,都是中心化的形式,与用户有关的所有数字资产,都从属于某一家巨头公司,用户在平台上生产的内容,不属于用户;用户在不同平台上的数据,也不能跨平台使用。比如,用户在淘宝上的行为数据,微信并不能获得并使用,抖音上的视频内容,也不能直接转到微信上等。
In terms of 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, it is made by people in the industry to understand the different stages of the development of the World Wide Web. The concept of Web3.0, discussed in this paper, is based on a more recent and mainstream interpretation, and is based on an article by Messari Researcher at the US Block Chain Database. & nbsp; to clarify the concept of Web3.0, which is not only a receiver of content, but also a creator of content, such as short videos, microbrows, popular comments, etc., is now in the Web2. & nbsp; both times, it is a centralized form, and all digital assets related to users are "readable", i.e., users are not just recipients of content, are involved in the creation of content, such as short videos, microblogging, and the writing of popular comments.
而在近期流传的Web3.0时代概念里,一切内容是“可读可写可持有的”。这是一种去中心化的模式,每个用户都能掌握自己的数字资产和数据,主导权不在互联网巨头手中,而在用户手中尽管 Web3 现有发展程度,还远不足以“接棒” 我们现今所处的 Web2.0 世界。但在 Web3 生态中已然诞生出不少姣佼者,正展现出自身超高的潜力,并跃跃欲试,意图颠覆所处领域的行业格局。今天,我们精选十大不同领域的 Web3.0 应用,并辅以大家熟悉的 Web2.0 应用为参照,快速的带各位一窥 Web3 世界的玄妙。
In the recently circulated Web3.0 era concept, everything is “readable and writeable”. This is a decentralized model in which each user has access to his or her digital assets and data, and the dominant power is not in the hands of the Internet giants.
gymnastics: StepN
近期热度最高的Web3应用,非StepN莫属。在全球健身热潮下,相较于以Keep为代表的传统模式的运动类app。 StepN“Move to Earn 边跑边赚”的商业模式显得格外讨喜。StepN 的 APP上有各式各样的NFT鞋,价格从几千元到上百万元不等,大部分价格卡在5000元~40000元这一区间。
The most recent application of Web3 is not that of StepN. In the global heat of fitness, the business model is particularly encouraging, compared with the traditional type of sport represented by Keep. & nbsp; StepN “Move to Earn's running side gains.” StepN & nbsp; APP has a variety of NFT shoes, ranging from thousands to millions, most of which are stuck between $5,000 and $40,000.
StepN采用了双代币经济模型,其中GST为游戏内代币,总量无限供应,GMT限量供应,总量60亿。GST可以用作鞋子修复、升级等功能,此外它还可以用于每天跑步的奖励。StepN一经推出便立刻受到了市场和资本的热捧。数据不会说谎,全球 300多万人真金白银的购入了人生中第一双“虚拟鞋”。有业内人士透露,最早期的投资机构以350万美金入局,目前盈利大概已有5亿美金,实现了超过100倍的回报。StepN公司也因此轻松实现,月收入超过1亿美元的“小目标”,创始团队成员一脚迈上了财务自由的康庄大道。
Stepn uses a double-currency economic model in which the GST is an intergenerational currency, with an unlimited supply, and a limited GMT supply of $6 billion. The GST can be used as a shoe repair, upgrading, etc., and it can also be used as an incentive to run every day. StepN, as soon as it was launched, was attracted to markets and capital. Data does not lie, more than 3 million people buy their first pair of “virtual shoes” in their lives.
然而,2022 年5月27日,StepN 官方在推特上突然宣布,将清查中国大陆用户,预计将于7月15日停止对大陆用户的服务。消息一出,StepN 的两款代币集体跳水,最大跌幅超过40%。不久前才发生的LUNA清零事件(2000亿元市值一夜蒸发)令投资者们心惊胆战,唯恐 StepN也步入LUNA的死亡螺旋。
However, on May 27, 2022, StepN officials suddenly announced on Twitter that China’s mainland users would be surveyed and that services to mainland users were expected to cease on July 15th. As soon as news came out, StepN’s two-generation dollars jumped collectively, with the largest drop of over 40%.
After that, the team’s open letter was a source of disappointment for more people, with no substantial compensation in the form of a whole “relationship card.” At the same time, the founder, Yawn, made a series of inappropriate statements in the community, fueling the negative sentiments of more users, and many early-stage big players left the site.
The Web3.0 project relies heavily on user consensus, and once the user’s negative and distrustful mood has sprung up, it will be powerful enough to shake the whole project’s roots. Although mainland China is estimated to have only 5-10% user size for StepN projects, investors’ nerves are exceptionally fragile in the larger context of the Bear City, and the prospect of a project is bound to be less ambitious once StepN is given a vote of confidence in people’s minds.
digital wallet: MetaMask
只要对 Web3 领域有所涉猎,那么你肯定不会对「小狐狸」Metamask 感到陌生。
As long as there is hunting in the Web3 area, you will certainly not be unfamiliar with Metamask, the Little Fox.
根据Metamask母公司ConsenSys今年三月发布的消息,MetaMask每月有超过3000 万活跃用户。在近的四个月,该数据增长了42%。如果按照每个用户只有一个地址计算MetaMask市场占有率就超过了50%,而每个用户并不只有一个地址。
According to the news released last March by the Metamask parent company, ConsenSys, MetaMask has more than 30 million active users per month. In the last four months, the figure has increased by 42%. If one address per user is used, the market share of MetaMask is more than 50%, and not just one address per user.
可以说,MetaMask独占区块链数字钱包的半壁江山。毫无疑问的是,MetaMask已成为 Web3经济的关键参与者。简单来说,可以将Metamask理解成Web3.0时代的支付宝,二者同样有用支付属性。但不同之处,Metamask还承载了独立的数字身份功能。
There is no doubt that MetaMask has become a key player in the Web3 economy. Simply put, Metamask can be understood as the payment treasure of the Web3.0 era, which is equally useful for paying attributes.
One of the worst ills of Web2.0 is that the “one application, one account” model is not interoperable. At the same time, these numbers do not have power, responsibility, or obligation.
The block chain digital wallet, represented by Metamask, binds digital identity highly to private property, personal information. Digital identity information will be held in its own hands and stored on an undisguised chain of blocks, rather than on a server of one or several companies.
以 Sound.xyz 为代表的 Web3 NFT音乐平台,正在尝试打破音乐人的困境。
而在 Sound.xyz 上每首歌都限量发售25 ~ 1000个NFT,每个单价为0.1ETH。NFT 的销售可以为艺术家的一首歌提供首轮赞助。艺术家可以从他们的音乐作品中获得100%的收益,和每次在二级市场转售费的10%。平台并不会参与 NFT 销售抽成。
And every song on Sound.xyz is limited to 25 ~ 1,000 NFTs at a unit price of 0.1 ETH. NFT sales can provide the first round of sponsorship for an artist's song. Artists can get 100% of their music work and 10% of each resale fee in the secondary market. The platform does not participate in NFT sales.
Fans have a proactive pricing power in secondary markets, and the increased visibility of musicians can add value to NFTs in the hands of fans, benefiting both musicians and fans in real terms.
2021年12月,Sound.xyz 获得来自 a16z等多家专业投资机构 500万美元的融资,助力平台进一步快速发展。
In December 2021, Sound.xyz received $5 million in financing from a16z and other professional investment institutions to further rapidly develop the enabling platform.
social media: APPICS
& nbsp; Facebook, the world’s largest social media empire, officially changed its name to Meta last year, bringing the tide of the meta-cosm to the world. But not everyone buys Zuckerberg’s books.
The idea of a meta-cosmos cannot be achieved without the advancement of Web3 and decentralisation. But at this point, apart from input on hardware, we have not seen any structural changes in the decentralization of the products under the Meta flag.
Given the impact of the over 500 million user data leaks in the Facebook era, there is a generally cautious vision of the meta-cosmos in the mouth. From the creator’s point of view, tens of millions of creators, day after day, support the platform, but most of its benefits flow into the pockets of a few platform shareholders.
What Instagram has yet to do is APPICS, a Web3 social media application established in 2018 and headquartered in Chug, Switzerland.
APPICS provides a pool of incentives, made up of original intergenerational funds of the project, which, depending on the value of the user’s contribution, will provide users with a token for participating in the platform. By voting, users can decide how and to whom the tokens in the incentive pool will be distributed.
As a result, the user’s “applause” of his favorite accounts at APPICS is no longer merely an expression of the desired data feedback, but a “celebrity” of real value. The creator does not need to crave the brain and think about how to “realize” the various ways, but rather a more focused content. Good content promotes the platform’s development, attracts more new users, and then activates the whole system’s virtuous development from the bottom logic.
According to CoinMarketCap, the location of the first three places in which the encrypt currency is currently traded is covered by a centralized trading platform. But the centralization of the organization will inevitably lead to the platform’s “atrocity” to some extent.
In March this year, following the escalation of the crisis in the Russian Federation, Coinbase announced the closure of 25,000 Russian-related wallet addresses.
而早在2020年,每日邮报 ( Daily Mail ) 就曾爆料Coinbase在2020年10月底的比特币牛市期间,冻结了数百万客户的账户,使得许多用户只能眼见着比特币一路暴涨,却“无能为力”。而自始至终Coinbase都没有给出任何解释。
As early as 2020, the Daily Mail announced that Coinbase had frozen the accounts of millions of customers during the Bitcoin Cows at the end of October 2020, leaving many users with only sightings of Bitcoin as it soared that they “can't do anything” and no explanation was given by Coinbase.
The problem remains that any centralized organization, decision-making power, and rule-making power will always be in the hands of a few. From the outset, therefore, the platform and its users are in a situation of power inequality.
而以Uniswap为代表的去中心化交易所(DEX)的出现,正在努力改变这样的局面。Uniswap不在服务器上存储用户资金和个人数据,而是通过区块链上的智能合约执行所有操作,交易者无需中介即可在平台上实现直接点对点交易。同时在去中心化交易所(DEX) 上,平台只负责为交易提供流动性,而不控制实际资产。去中心化交易所保护用户的个人信息,用户在去中心化交易所进行交易,也无需提供社保号或地址等个人信息。
Uniswap does not store user funds and personal data on the server, but performs all operations by means of smart contracts on the block chain, where traders do not have to broker direct point-to-point transactions on the platform. At the decentralized exchange, the platform is responsible only for providing liquidity to transactions without controlling actual assets.
But Uniswap’s decentralized exchange also has many disadvantages, with slow transactions, high transaction costs, and poor user experience. But, in any case, Uniswap’s existence has broken the monopoly of the centralized exchange, leaving more room for imagination to encrypt the future of the world.
One day on earth, Web3 World Year.
一个由 4、5 个人组成的团队项目能在一个月内登上行业龙头,一个头部的Web3 应用也可能因为在几个月内,就「命丧黄泉」。
A team project of four or five individuals could enter the industry in one month, and a head Web3 application could also be the result of a "dead spring" in a few months.
历史的发展,从来都是踩在前人肩膀上进行的实践。在 Web3 普及世界之前,不论现存的应用,能有多少能活着见证愿景实现,它们都仍是我们这个时代中伟大的开创者,用技术将人类载向一个可能的新世界。
History has always been on the shoulders of former human beings. Before web3, no matter how many applications we have, we can live to witness the realization of our vision, they remain the great pioneers of our time, carrying humanity to a possible new world with technology.
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