自 2021 年初以来,比特币的波动性一直非常高。对于不熟悉加密货币行业的人来说,这种不稳定似乎是有风险的。然而,出乎意料地出乎投资者意料,这是比特币的普遍情况。
Bitcoins have been highly volatile since the beginning of 2021. For people who are not familiar with the crypto-currency industry, this instability seems to be risky. But unexpectedly, this is what investors expect.
在本文中,我们将回顾资产的主要起伏,并跟踪 BCT 率从创建之时到现在的动态。让我们开始吧!
In this paper, we will review the major asset fluctuations and track the BCT rate from the time it was created to the present. Let's do it!
比特币的历史始于 2008 年 8 月,当时域名 bitcoin.org 被注册。同年晚些时候,化名中本聪的人发表了一篇题为“比特币:一种电子点对点支付系统”的文件。在其中,他描述了未来的加密货币将如何运作。 Bitcoin's history began in August 2008, when the domain name bitcoin.org was registered. Later in the year, the aliased Benz published a document entitled “bitcoin: an electronic point-to-point payment system.” In it, he described how the future encrypted currency would work. 2009 年,出现了加密货币挖矿。然而,比特币并没有在任何地方出售。然后根本没有加密货币交易所。从技术上讲,2009 年比特币的价格为 0 美元。 In 2009, there was an encoded currency mining. However, Bitcoin was not sold anywhere. There was no encrypted currency exchange at all. Technically, it was zero dollars in 2009. 这是比特币 2009 年至 2021 年的峰值价格图表。不过,请继续阅读以获取更多详细信息! This is the peak price chart for Bitcoin from 2009 to 2021. However, continue reading to get more details! BTC 价格动态图表 BTC Price Dynamic Charts 2010 整个 2010 年,比特币都没能达到 1 美元大关,但价格开始上涨。那一年最有趣的事件是美国人 Laszlo Hanyecz 用 10,000 BTC(当时 1 BTC 价值 0.0025 美元)买了两个披萨。如果拉斯洛将这笔比特币再持有十年,那么到 2021 年,他将拥有超过 4.5 亿美元。 The most interesting event of that year was that the Americans, Laszlo Hanyecz, bought two pizzas with 10,000 BTCs (at that time, 1 BTC worth US$ 0.0025). If Laszlo held the bitcoins for another 10 years, he would have more than $450 million by 2021. 此外,在 2010 年,臭名昭著的加密货币平台 Mt.Gox 出现,后来成为黑客攻击的目标。 In addition, in 2010, the notorious encrypted currency platform Mt.Gox appeared and was later targeted by hackers. 2011年 2011 2011 年是 BTC 的一个转折点:在我们多年来的 BTC 汇率历史上,它比引人注目的 2017 年占据了更突出的位置。首先,比特币终于成功地达到了 1 美元大关。在高度专业化的出版物 Slashdot 和 Hacker News 撰写了有关加密货币的文章之后,Bitcoin.org 迎来了一波来自 Twitter 的新用户。 The year 2011 was a turning point for BTC: in the history of our BTC exchange rates over the years, it was more prominent than the remarkable 2017. First, Bitcoin finally managed to reach the $1 mark. After highly specialized publications Slashdot and Hacker News wrote articles on encrypting money, Bitcoin.org received a new wave of users from Twitter. 2011年初,发生了一些不寻常的事件。从 2 月 25 日到 2 月 27 日,比特币网络哈希率从 401 GH/s 急剧上升到 628 GH/s。直到 3 月 1 日,哈希率降至 392 GH/s,然后升至创纪录的 774 GH/s。 In early 2011, some unusual incidents occurred. From 25 February to 27 February, the Bitcoin network Hashi ratio rose sharply from 401 GH/s to 628 GH/s. Until 1 March, Hashi ratio fell to 392 GH/s, and then reached a record 774 GH/s. 这有什么不寻常的?关键是哈希率是区块链网络中挖掘硬件解决密码难题速度的指标。简而言之,哈希率的增加意味着市场上矿工数量的增加。 The key is that the Hashi rate is an indicator of the speed at which hardware can be tapped into the block chain network to solve cryptography problems. In short, an increase in the Hashi rate means an increase in the number of miners on the market. 如此急剧的跳跃可以解释为有人在使用超级计算机或某种网络机器人。它后来被称为加密货币社区的“神秘矿工”。因此,“神秘矿工”成为 BTC 网络哈希率逐渐增长的报告点,随后将其增加到难以想象的 15.8 TH/s。 Such a dramatic leap can be explained by the use of supercomputers or some kind of network robots. It was later referred to as the “mysterious miners” in the encrypt currency community. Thus, the “mystic miners” became the reporting point for the gradual growth of the BTC network Hashi rate, which subsequently increased to an unimaginable 15.8 TH/s. 2011 年 4 月 16 日,TIME 首次提到比特币,并用一整篇文章介绍了它,标题为“在线现金比特币可能挑战政府、银行”。同年 6 月初,BTC 价格在六天内飙升至近 32 美元,但随后跌至 10 美元。 On April 16, 2011, TIME first referred to Bitcoin and presented it with an entire article entitled “Online Cash Bitcoin may challenge governments, banks.” In early June of the same year, BTC prices jumped to nearly $32 in six days, but then fell to $10. 同月,知名资源维基解密开始接受比特币捐赠。 In the same month, WikiLeaks, a well-known resource, began accepting the Bitcoin donation. 2011 年 6 月 19 日,Mt.Gox 遭到黑客攻击,导致比特币价格从 17 美元跌至 0.01 美元。它给 6 万用户的账户造成了总计超过 870 万美元的经济损失。一周后,Mt.Gox 恢复交易,黑客攻击后的价格跌幅成为比特币历史上最大的一次。 On June 19, 2011, Mt. Gox was hit by hackers, causing Bitcoin prices to fall from $17 to 0.01. It caused economic losses totalling over $8.7 million to 60,000 users'accounts. A week later, Mt. Gox resumed trading, and the price falls after hacking were the largest in Bitcoin history. 2012 到 2012 年,比特币价格跌至 4.6 美元,但在一年内回升至 13.44 美元。同年,比特币历史上第一次减半。 By 2012, the price of Bitcoin had fallen to $4.6, but it had risen back to $13.44 in one year. In the same year, for the first time in its history, Bitcoin had been halved. 2013 2013 年,比特币达到了 1000 美元大关。2013 年 11 月 30 日,BTC 价格升至 1,153 美元的第一个令人印象深刻的最高点。BTC 仅在几年后 - 2017 年 1 月 5 日重复了它。 In 2013, Bitcoin reached the $1,000 mark. On November 30, 2013, BTC prices rose to the first impressive peak of $1,153. BTC repeated it only a few years later - January 5th, 2017. 2014 & 2015 在加密货币行业经历了辉煌的 2013 年之后,比特币犯罪史上的一个高潮事件发生了。2014 年 2 月,Mt.Gox 网站再次遭到黑客攻击。这次有 744,000 个比特币被盗——这是一个绝对的记录,也是迄今为止最大的交易所黑客攻击。 In February 2014, the Mt.Gox website was hit again by hackers. This time, 744,000 bitcoins were stolen – an absolute record, and by the biggest exchange hackers to date. 由于黑客攻击,Mt.Gox 申请破产,在比特币市场造成恐慌。从那一刻起,比特币价格的第一次长期下跌开始了,通常被称为加密货币寒冬。 As a result of the hacker attack, Mt. Gox applied for bankruptcy, causing panic in the Bitcoin market. From that moment, the first long-term decline in bitcoin prices began, commonly known as the encrypted currency winter. 2016年 2016 2016 年的标志是又一次减半,Bitfinex 的第一次黑客攻击导致 12 万比特币被盗,克雷格赖特宣布自称中本聪。顺便说一句,Wright 仍在起诉比特币核心和比特币现金的开发者,由于 Mt.Gox 黑客攻击,他们剥夺了他访问两个加密钱包的权限。 In 2016, marked by another halving, the first hacker attack by Bitfinex led to the theft of 120,000 bitcoins, and Craig Wright declared himself a medium-breathing. Wright, by the way, is still prosecuting the developers of Bitcoin core and bitcoin cash, who were denied access to two encrypted wallets because of the Mt.Gox hacker attack. 2017年 这是 BTC 汇率历史上的一个转折点。2017 年初,比特币仍值 960 美元。9月突破5000美元关口,12月17日BTC价格最高记录19483美元关口。当年比特币市值超过3300亿美元。 This is a turning point in the history of the BTC exchange rate. At the beginning of 2017, Bitcoins were still worth $960. They broke through $5,000 in September, and BTC prices peaked at 19483 on 17 December. Bitcoins had a market value of over $330 billion in that year. 2018 今年年初,比特币价值 13,800 美元——这是当时每枚硬币的最高价格。到年底,它的交易价格约为 3,800 美元。今年因 BTC 崩盘和随后的加密货币寒冬而被人们铭记。2018 年 1 月 17 日,币价跌至 9800 美元。1 月 30 日,Facebook、Twitter 和谷歌禁止在其平台上投放加密货币、ICO 和二元期权广告。此后,BTC价格继续下跌。 At the beginning of the year, Bitcoin was worth US$ 13,800 — the highest price per coin at that time. By the end of the year, its trade price was about US$ 3,800. This year, it was remembered for the BTC crash and the subsequent cold winter of the encrypted currency. On January 17, 2018, the price fell to US$ 9,800. On January 30, Facebook, Twitter and Google banned the placement of encrypted currency, ICO, and binary power advertising on their platforms. After that, BTC prices continued to fall. 同年夏天,Facebook 重新考虑了其对禁止加密货币广告的态度并允许了,但经过了缓和。然而,这并没有帮助硬币市场恢复价值。 In the summer of the same year, Facebook reconsidered its approach to the ban on encrypted currency advertising and allowed it to be eased. This, however, did not help the coin market recover its value. 到 2018 年底,BTC 利率与 2017 年同期相比下降了近 80%。矿工开始出售他们的硬件和矿场,因为他们带来了损失。 By the end of 2018, BTC interest rates fell by almost 80% compared to the same period in 2017. Miners started selling their hardware and mines because they caused losses. 2019 2019 年 6 月,比特币试图克服看跌危机,但未能应对 13,785 美元的阻力位。法律问题,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)与Bitcoin-ETF的斗争以及希望推出机构BTC服务Bakkt成为社区的主要话题。 In June 2019, Bitcoin tried to overcome the downside crisis, but failed to respond to the 13,785 dollar resistance. Legal issues, the fight between the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Bitcoin-ETF, and the desire to launch BTC services for Bakkt, became the main topic of the community. Bakkt 终于在 9 月推出,但并没有引起机构投资者的太多关注,在短短几个月内就从 10,036 美元跌至 6,657 美元。 Bakkt was finally launched in September, but did not attract much attention from institutional investors, falling from $10,036 to $6,657 in just a few months. 2020 尽管发生了与冠状病毒相关的全球经济危机,但 2020 年使加密货币市场得以稳定和增长。比特币和其他加密货币似乎与所有传统资产背道而驰,并在市场下跌时反弹。 Despite the global economic crisis associated with the coronary virus, the market for encrypted money stabilized and grew in 2020. Bitcoins and other encrypted currencies seem to run counter to all traditional assets and rebound when the market falls. 1 月份,BTC 的交易价格为 720 美元,2 月份为 10500 美元,但随后急剧下跌至 3800 美元。在这一年中,价格上涨,到 2020 年 12 月,该代币的价值约为 19,000 美元。 In January, BTC's transaction price was $720 and in February $10,500, but it fell sharply to $3,800. In the course of the year, prices rose and by December 2020, the value of the token was about $19,000. 比特币的大规模增长有几个原因。首先,美元货币供应量增长了22%。由于冠状病毒导致商业活动显着下降,这导致货币贬值。 First, there was a 22% increase in the supply of United States dollars. Commercial activity declined significantly as a result of the coronary virus, which led to currency depreciation. 在此背景下,机构投资者开始投资比特币。因此,Ruffer 公司将其资产的 2.5% 投资于该代币。在英国投资基金致其投资者的一封信中,据说需要采取这一步骤来防止世界法定货币贬值。 In this context, institutional investors began to invest in bitcoin. Thus, Ruffer invested 2.5 per cent of its assets in that currency. In a letter from the British Investment Fund to its investors, it was said that this step was needed to prevent the depreciation of the world's legal currency. 2020 年,最大的支付系统之一 PayPal 允许在其平台上使用加密货币进行支付。该解决方案满足了巨大的需求,以至于该公司不得不多次提高运营限额。 In 2020, PayPal, one of the largest payment systems, allowed payments to be made using encrypted currency on its platform. The solution met the huge demand that the company had to raise its operating limits several times. 2021年 2021 and nbsp; 第一种加密货币的增长在 2021 年继续。此外,比特币几乎每个月都在创造价值记录。1 月中旬,1 BTC 价格为 40,700 美元,2 月 20 日,峰值价格为 57,600 美元,3 月 13 日 - 61,100 美元,4 月 13 日 - 63,600 美元。 The growth in the first encrypted currency continued in 2021. Moreover, Bitcoin created a record of value almost every month. 1 BTC price was $40,700 in mid-year, peaked on 20 February at $57,600, 13 March - $61,100, and 13 April - $63,600. 然而,在那之后,BTC 下跌了 1.4 万美元——该代币的交易价格为 4.92 万美元,到 5 月中旬已涨至 51.3 美元。5 月 17 日,比特币价值约为 4.25 万美元。 Since then, however, BTC has fallen by US$ 1.40 million — the trading price of the token was US$ 49.2 million, which had risen to US$ 51.3 in mid-May. On May 17, Bitcoin had a value of approximately US$ 4.25 million. BTC的波动很大程度上取决于公司和银行的消息。特斯拉宣布已购买价值 15 亿美元的比特币——价格上涨。此后不久,该公司改变了接受比特币作为支付方式的想法——BTC 的价值下降了 10%。 BTC fluctuations depend to a large extent on company and bank information. Tesla announced that it had purchased $1,500,000 in bitcoins -- price increases. Soon after, the company changed its idea of accepting bitcoins as a means of payment -- the value of BTC fell by 10 per cent. 但是,最近几个月情况发生了重大变化。10 月 20 日,比特币价格刷新了 4 月中旬的历史新高,突破了近 67,000 美元。 However, the situation has changed significantly in recent months. On October 20, Bitcoin prices have been updated at an all-time high of almost $67,000 in mid-April. 10 月 19 日,基于芝加哥商品交易所(CME 集团)比特币期货的第一只交易所交易基金(ETF)在美国开始交易后,比特币价格大幅上涨。当前比特币价格为 61,904 美元。 On October 19, the first Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) based on the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME Group) Bitcoin futures started trading in the United States, which now stands at US$61,904. 相关阅读: Relevant readings:
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