Block chain ecosystems refer to the different parts of the network of blocks and how they interact. All of this works in the block chain and is part of the way it operates.
尽管区块链网络有相似之处,但每一个都是独一无二的。区块链生态系统的元素可能会有所不同。例如,比特币(?CRYPTO:BTC?) 和以太坊(?CRYPTO:ETH?) 有两个截然不同的区块链生态系统,以太坊具有更广泛的项目和服务。
Although there are similarities in the network of block chains, each is unique. The elements of the block chain ecosystem may differ. For example, bitcoin (? CRYPTO:BTC for taytoETYPTO:ETYPTO=A?) There are two very different ecosystems and services.
Block chain ecosystems are an important theme for encryption investors. Ecosystems show how the block chain works, which usually helps us understand the current state of health of the block chain.
- 开发者:构建和更新区块链网络的各方。
- 节点:运行区块链软件并保持其交易最新历史的设备。
- 矿工/验证者:区块链交易验证过程的参与者。区块链可以有矿工或验证器,具体取决于它使用的验证系统。
- 利益相关者:区块链原生加密货币的持有者。这包括购买它作为加密货币投资并计划将其用于支付的人。对于某些区块链,利益相关者有权提出提案并对其进行投票,从而在未来给予他们发言权。
- 尽管这些是区块链生态系统的核心要素,但它们往往只是开始。从以太坊开始,许多现代区块链已经启动,具有运行智能合约的能力。智能合约是一种自动执行的区块链合约,就像在区块链上运行的程序一样。
Smart contracts greatly expand the capabilities of block chain technology and introduce a new group in block chain ecosystems - projects built on that block chain. The following are several types of projects that can be created on the smart contract block chain:
- 去中心化金融 (DeFi) 平台提供了传统金融服务的替代方案,例如加密借贷计划。
- 在区块链中编码的不可替代代币 (NFT)代表了独特数字资产的所有权。
- 区块链视频游戏将加密货币的元素与传统的在线游戏相结合。
- 虚拟房地产存在于数字世界中,可以买卖。
Two popular examples are given when one refers to the ETA or Caldano (比特币是开始这一切的加密货币,也是市值最大的加密货币。然而,与自推出以来多年来出现的许多区块链相比,比特币生态系统更加有限。
bitcoin is the encrypted currency that started all of this and is also the most market-valued encrypted currency.
去中心化应用程序 (dApp)的过程。
It is also well known for being friendly to developers. In particular, EVM helps simplify the process of starting .
Binance与我们一直在研究的其他区块链生态系统不同,因为它不仅仅是一个区块链。它首先是使用自己的本地加密货币BNB?(?CRYPTO:BNB?) 进行的加密货币交易所。币安还有一个智能合约区块链,BNB Chain(原名币安智能链)。
CRYPTO:XLM?) 是围绕加密货币的最初目的而构建的——成为一个去中心化的支付网络。它非常高效,因为交易可以在几秒钟内完成,成本只有几分之一。恒星币还兼容所有类型的法定货币。
The Stellar Ecosystem is the site of a number of companies and projects seeking payment solutions. IBM (
如果您正在考虑投资区块链项目,其生态系统是您开始研究的好地方。 ; <[spanng>/spanspanetyst=spanty"brockkklkklkkkkölkklkkkkkkkkkkkt_225;
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