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"The Genius Basic Law" of



007, as a drama powder, often asks himself two questions: another & ldquao; me & & rdquao; me & & rdquao; me & rdquao; if the world is virtual, how can you prove that you're not a NPC?


这的确是个莎士比亚式的“To Be or Not to Be”经典问题。答案虽然我还不知道,但现实世界的确越来越元宇宙化了,前有广东电视台打造的全球首个粤语虚拟偶像悦小满出道,后有武汉首个裸眼3D数字虚拟代言人亮相......

"Span" is a Shakespearen & ldquo; To Be or Not to Be” classic question. I don't know yet, but the real world is becoming more and more cosmopolitan.



In the brand world, the trend is even more pronounced in the meta-cosm. The major power suppliers, idiosyncrasies, tethers, centimeters, Alibabas, etc., are in a variety of configurations & ldquao; the meta-cosmos & rdquao; they become not only new hubs to connect consumers, but also new spaces to extend brand value.


不过要说今年以来给007留下深刻印象的品牌元宇宙玩法,自由点 Freemore卫生巾的表现可圈可点。作为一个追求“自由”的女性用品品牌,自由点始终致力于让女性释放自由天性,传递从“生理自由”到“女性自由”的普世共识!承载的是女性对独立、自由向往的乌托邦式的情怀。

, however, says that the brand cosmos game, which has impressed 007 since this year, has performed well. As a & ldquo; free & rdquo; female product brands, it has always worked to free women from their free nature, passing from “ physical freedom & rdquo; to & ldquo; women's freedom & & rdquo; universal consensus!



from the launch of the global premiere of sensitive muscles (women's supplies) in July of this year to the launch of the ldquo, the free spirit and rdquo, and the new contact point provide some useful references.


& ldquao; new field & rdquao;


extends a new marketing scene /strang



ldquao; fire & rdquao; there is no doubt. In the midst of this tide, people, people and information, people and goods, people and services have all changed profoundly, and a landscape revolution has struck. From the beginning of the popular life, the universe is destined to become a strategic place for branding and marketing.


shows that 43% of industry experts predict that marketing will have a very high potential market size in the meta-cosmos application landscape; at the same time, more than 70% of industry experts believe that it will take only one to three years for the meta-cosmos to develop a mature cycle in marketing.


但现实远比“预言”更加迅猛。自去年facebook官宣入局元宇宙以来,元宇宙的风已然刮过科技圈,席卷了各大领域, 成为几乎所有品牌必追的“热点”。

But the reality is much faster than & & ldquao; prophecy & & rdquao. The wind of the Won cosmos has crossed the circle of technology since last year's Facebook proclaimed itself to be the & & ldquao; hot spots & & rdqua; /span >.



But on the other hand, in the new virtual world of the meta-cosmos, it is also true that it can create a richer consumption experience for consumers. In this new domain, brands provide not only the product, but also the culture, the experience and the resonance behind it.

以自由点 Freemore为例,自今年7月发布女性用品行业首款NFT数字藏品「自由梦境」,用潮流质感为消费者创造承载爱与自由的乌托邦世界;到邀请META星球的虚拟偶像IP“爱夏”担任品牌AI代言人,借助其自带科技感和未来感基因赋予品牌更多元的价值,以人格化沟通创造独一无二的代言壁垒;再到上线AR经期体验馆,利用AR技术打造虚拟空间给予消费者感知自由点 Freemore关注女性经期健康的另一种可能。

通过元宇宙“三部曲”组合拳,自由点 Freemore在元宇宙的世界不仅为品牌沉淀出永恒的数字资产,还在虚拟时空形成了以消费者为中心的营销体系,在真实世界与虚拟世界的界限不断消弭,线上与线下营销场景不断融合的过程中,让“自由人生由我定义”的品牌理念有了全新的表达场域。






there is no doubt that the metaspace has become a whole new space for brand marketing. It has become not only a new way of expressing brand stories, but also a new way for consumers to experience upgrading. At the methodological level, for the marketing of the current meta-cosmos, it can be borrowed from the electricity business & & & & & & & & & ; concepts, so summed up as & & & & & & & & ; people: virtual characters, goods: virtual objects (NFT), theatre: virtual scenes, events: virtual events & & rdquo; four dimensions of marketing innovations .


比如以天猫AYAYI为代表的虚拟人物、以自由点 Freemore「自由梦境」NFT为代表的数字藏品、以耐克NIKELAND为代表的虚拟场景和以网易云音乐元宇宙上市仪式为代表的虚拟事件......几乎都可以概括到这四个维度里。


但007在自由点 Freemore元宇宙营销三部曲中,发现其并没有局限在“人货场事”任何单一维度,而是在四个维度上进行了融合式的创新。过程中,其发布的以自由点敏感肌系列雪绒花为核心元素的NFT数字藏品「自由梦境」成为打开品牌元宇宙世界的大门“钥匙”,通过后续在“货场事”维度上的延伸,搭建了独属于自由点 Freemore的元宇宙空间。

, but 007 in the Free Point Freemore Dollar Cosmic Marketing Trilogy, found that it was not limited to “ Human Fields & rdquo; any single dimension, but to an integrated innovation in four dimensions. In the process, its release of the NFT digital collection of free point sensitive muscle series , which is a core element of free point , became a gateway to the brand-sized metaspace & & ldquao; key & rdquao; by following up & & ldquao; yard & rdquao; dimension extension, which created a metaspace unique to freespots .



1, personalizing communication, making brands and consumers run two-way /span >


以NFT数字藏品「自由梦境」为起点,自由点 Freemore为后续的元宇宙营销的搭建锚定了“支点”。8月初自由点 Freemore官宣「爱夏」为元宇宙AI代言人,作为一位来自硅基文明META 星球的公主,孤身一人辗转十多年来到地球。通过这次合作,「自由梦境」显然顺势成为其融入地球大家庭的落脚点。

starts with the NFT digital collection of the dream of freedom, where Freemore anchors the subsequent marketing of the meta-cosmos & ldquo; feeder & rdquo;

但这次跨界最大的契机还是双方在精神理念上的契合,作为一个天生爱美、爱穿搭的优雅女子,「爱夏」身上有着一股不顾世俗偏见、也不接受被定义的人格特质,而这恰恰与自由点 Freemore宣扬的“自由人生由我定义”的品牌理念不谋而合。

But the greatest opportunity to cross the border is the spiritual convergence between the two sides. As a natural beauty-loving, elegant woman, Aicha has a character that ignores secular prejudices and does not accept a defined character, which is precisely what Freemore preaches & ldquao; Free Life is defined by me & rdquao; and branding is compatible.


过程中,「爱夏」化身自由点 Freemore的人格化形象,成为自由点元宇宙的“治愈女神”给每位女性送去破次元的经期呵护能量,也以同为女性的同理心将品牌对女性经期健康的关怀具象化展现,拉近品牌与消费者的距离。

During the process, "Accor" incarnates Freemore's personalized image into & & ldquao of the free-point universe; the healing goddess & & rdquao; sending energy to every woman to break through the period of the hysteria, also in order to visualize the brand's concern for women's menstrual health and to distance the brand from the consumer.



In a larger sense, Aisha displays the charm of a woman who is now free to live on her own and inspires a spiritual world with an & ldquao; a spiritual portrait & & rdquao; roles and gestures for women at large.


值得一提的是,不止「爱夏」本人,自由点 Freemore还邀来@小小兰Cherry、@周薇、@撸姐、@李倚冰等8位女性达人组成0敏超强达人团,共同为品牌0敏理念站台,不仅成为女性价值的自我宣言,也强化了品牌价值与态度的表达。

It is worth mentioning that not only is it Aisha himself, but Freemore has invited eight women to form a zero-sensitized super-sightd group of people, including @Chirey, @Chouwei, @Shou Xiaolan, and @Li Jae-hyeong, to co-host the brand's zero-sensit idea platform, not only as a self-proclaiming of female values, but also as an expression of brand values and attitudes.


而从更现实的意义来看,自由点 Freemore不仅借达人的圈层影响力带动品牌传播的多级扩散;还切中当下的种草风潮,以达人生产的种草内容去潜移默化影响消费者对自由点Freemore产品和品牌感知,形成营销转化。

In more practical terms, Freemore not only drives the multi-level diffusion of brands with the influence of the human circle; it also stubbles the current wave of grasses in order to allow the darkening of the content of grass produced by people to affect consumer perceptions of Freemore products and brands and create marketing transformations.



, virtual scene narrative, consumer perspective's soaking' shape



In fact,


以此来观照自由点 Freemore元宇宙三部曲的第三步——搭建首个AR经期大健康体验馆,正是通过元宇宙营销中的「游戏化」思维来构造品牌与消费者间的关系,让消费者沉浸于数字构建的娱乐场景里。

uses this as the third step of Freemore dollar cosmos trilogy & mdash; and the construction of the first AR great health experience where brand-to-consumer relationships are constructed through "play" thinking in the marketing of the meta-cosmos, so that consumers are immersed in a digitally constructed entertainment scene.


通过AR体验馆,自由点 Freemore再造了一个充满新奇感的品牌体验场,从寻找“天然材质”到“实验PK”,再到“0敏测试”,充满交互感的游戏化设计让消费者获得了参与即快乐的品牌体验,注意力被众多营销线索牢牢吸引,在游戏化的互动参与中与消费者共同完成一次营销活动的共创。并通过在线自测女性健康指数,为女性0敏经期助力,在沉浸式的体验中感知品牌价值点。 

过程中,自由点 Freemore实现了“人”、“场”、“事”的有效串联。以国庆节点为契机,策划了一场爱夏国庆云游元宇宙虚拟事件,当AI代言人爱夏在国庆假期穿梭在元宇宙的世界体验自由点的多维价值,延展出令人眼前一亮的营销玩法。通过节日热点与自由点 Freemore元宇宙星球的结合,自由点 Freemore让“人”、“场”、“事”与现实世界巧妙关联,从而叠加出更多维的传播势能。 

此外,自由点 Freemore还将线上虚拟AR经期体验馆与线下营销活动进行连接。通过在各大门店开展扫码体验活动以及在校园开展免费领取开学礼包活动等,自由点 Freemore不仅打通了元宇宙与现实世界的关联,更构建了一条完整的营销转化链路。



to create a new value for multi-brand brands /strang



It is clear that brand marketing in the era of flow over time has fallen into fatigue, and the hot meta-cosm has already provided a new way of breaking through. Many brands enter the universe both to explore new business models and to mark the gradual realization of the marketing of meta-cosmos.


当元宇宙成为一种新的营销范式,那品牌们在这片广阔天地里所进行的一系列营销实验,都为后续品牌继续元宇宙主题的营销动作创新,积累起可复用的场景逻辑。自由点 Freemore自然也不例外。

When the metaspace became a new marketing paradigm, a series of marketing experiments carried out by the brands in this vast space continued to innovate in the marketing of the meta-cosm theme for subsequent brands, building up reusable scene logic. Freemore is no exception.



1 with a long-term perspective, constantly enriching brands & ldquao; meta-cosmos & rdquao;


元宇宙是一个蕴藏着巨大想象力和市场潜能的赛道。当其从概念演变成一个产业,就注定品牌之于元宇宙的玩法不能单纯的是蹭热点式的热点营销,而应该是长期主义的品牌布局。以此来看待自由点 Freemore的元宇宙,从NFT数字藏品到虚拟代言人,再到AR体验馆,一场层层递进的元宇宙营销布局,不仅使得品牌的传播力度达到最大化,更在这个不断延展的元宇宙空间里产生了丰富的内容创造力,为品牌带来长期的营销价值。

When it evolves from a concept to an industry, it is destined to be branded not simply as hot spot marketing, but as long-termist branding. It looks at free spot Freemore's meta-cosm, from NFT digital collections to virtual spokespersons, and then goes to the AR Pavilion, a layered meta-cosm marketing bureau that not only maximizes brand dissemination, but also generates a wealth of content creativity in this expanding metaspace, bringing long-term marketing value to brands.


而从更深层次上来说,长期主义视角下的元宇宙布局,也暗藏了自由点 Freemore让品牌长久为广大女性提供价值的长远考虑,而非仅仅企图攫取短期利益。这其实与自由点 Freemore秉持的对女性的永久关心与陪伴价值追求本质上是不谋而合的。

At a deeper level, the meta-cosm layout from a long-termist perspective also hides the freedom point Freemore's long-term consideration of branding as a long-term value to a broad range of women, rather than merely seeking short-term benefits. This is essentially compatible with Freemore's long-standing interest in women and the pursuit of accompanying values.



, in the metaspace




从自由点 Freemore的元宇宙布局中,007能清晰的看到一条从营销到产品、品牌的逻辑曲线。自由点 Freemore的元宇宙营销三部曲有一个共同的价值指向——为广大女性提供经期的健康关怀。

From Freemore's meta-cosmos layout, 007 can see clearly a logical curve from marketing to products and brands. Freemore's meta-cosm marketing trio has a common value towards — — to provide menstrual health care for women. /span>


这一方面得益于自由点 Freemore在产品价值上的作为。真正下沉到广大女性的经期痛点,关心女性经期常见但被普遍忽略的问题,选用有“软黄金”之称的天然蚕丝并添加瑞士雪绒花舒缓敏感,研发了自由点敏感肌系列, 让女性拥有0敏经期

This aspect of benefits from what Freemore does in terms of the value of the product. It really sinks into the menstrual pains of the broad female population, cares for the problems that are common to women's menstruation but are generally ignored, using the following: &ldquao; soft gold & rdquao; so called natural silk silk and adding the soft sensitivity of Swiss snowflakes , and develops a series of free-point sensitive muscles to give women 0 anesthetic period .


另一方面则是源于自由点 Freemore长期以来在品牌价值上的坚守。从诞生之日起,自由点品牌就始终秉承为女性群体发声,不被生活中的标签所束缚的理念。当她经济促进女性大健康时代来临,自由点 Freemore无论是产品还是元宇宙营销各个触点上对女性的关怀,都体现着一个国货的责任担当,在自身的商业体系里融入了更多的社会价值。

Freemore, on the other hand, has long held on to brand values. From its birth, free-point brands have always embraced the idea that women are heard and not bound by labels in their lives. When her economy began to promote women’s health, freemore’s concern for women at all points in the marketing of their products and meta-cosmos reflected the responsibility of a country’s goods, integrating more social values into its own business system.



for branding meta-cosm marketing.


如今,在元宇宙的大潮中,自由点 Freemore已然搏得了自己的高光时刻。而掌握了“通关密码”的自由点 Freemore,007十分期待在元宇宙生态里,关于女性健康的故事还能精彩继续!

Now, in the tide of the meta-cosmos, Freemore has been able to beat its own high-light moments. And he has mastered & ldquao; customs code & rdquao; Freemore, 007 very much looks forward to continuing the story of women's health in the meta-cosm ecology!





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