According to data on digital currency-related transactions, the market value for circulation in taupulega is $44.715 billion, or 12.17 per cent of the total global market value, with 112 million in circulation, $5.791 billion in 24 hours, and 1,4435,000 in 24 hours, which shows that there are still more investors on the market who buy taupulega, but for new entrants in the ring, they do not know how to purchase taupules.
Today, as an example of buying ETH at EuroOKX Exchange, for a wide range of investors, see below below for details of the process of purchasing the new ETS:
1. 打开欧易OKX交易所官网,点击页面右上方【注册】按钮进入注册页面,在首页输入邮箱地址。
Open the EuroOKX Exchange , click on the top right-hand page
2. 向右滑动滑块,完成拼图进行验证,然后输入邮箱收到的验证码,验证码有效时间为10分钟。 2. Slide to the right, complete the puzzle for validation, and then enter the authentication code received in the mailbox, which is valid for 10 minutes. 3.而后输入手机号,点击“立即验证” Then enter the cell number and click on &ldquao; authenticate & rdquao immediately; 4.输入手机收到的六位数字验证码,有效时间同样为10分钟 4. Enter the six-digit digital authentication code received on the cell phone for the same period of 10 minutes 5 .选择居住国家/地区,勾选服务条款、《风险与合规披露》及隐私政策与声明 5. Selection of country/area of residence, ticking of service terms, Risk and Compliance Disclosure and privacy policies and statements 6.创建密码需要符合长度为 8-32 个字符、1 个小写字母、1 个大写字母、1 个数字、1 个符号,如:!@ # $ %等条件 6. The creation of passwords requires the following conditions: 8-32 characters, 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter, 1 number, 1 symbol, e. g.! @#$% 7.先验证身份(KYC验证)才可进行交易,点击首页右上角的【个人中心】——【身份认证】进入身份认证页面,按照页面提示完成LV.1基础认证、LV.2高级认证和LV.3视频认证。 7. Authentication of the identity (KYC authentication) is done by clicking on the [personal centre] & mdash at the upper right corner of the first page to enter the identification page and complete basic LV.1 authentication, advanced LV.2 authentication and LV.3 video authentication by reference to the page. 注意事项: Attention: (1)认证级别越高,在进行法币交易时,更容易匹配到更优质的商家和更优惠的价格。 (1) The higher the level of authentication, the easier it is to match better-quality businesses and more favourable prices when dealing in French currency. (2)官网无法进行LV.3视频认证,请下载欧易APP完成认证。 (2) The LV.3 video authentication cannot be performed by the NVnet, please download EuroAPP to complete the authentication. 8. 完成以上流程后即可进行交易,点击【发现】--【机会】进入行情页面。 8. Upon completion of the above-mentioned process, transactions can be made by clicking on [discovery] -- [opportunity] to enter the GLAD page. 9.进入【行情】后可以看到如下页面,再点击【交易】即可进入买卖交易页面。 9. The following page can be viewed after entering the [transaction] page and then click on the [transaction] page. 10.选择ETH/USDT的交易对,进行买币。 10. Select the ETH/USDT transaction pair for the purchase of currency. 11.输入对应的价格即可进行买币,卖出以太坊步骤也如上一致。注意:ETH最小交易数量是0.001ETH When you enter the corresponding price, you can buy the currency, and the sale is done in the same manner. Note: the minimum transaction amount for ETH is 0.001 ETH. 如图所示:然后可以根据自己的需要,来选择限价/市价交易。所谓的限价交易就是挂单交易,你可以自己设定买入/卖出价格,等市场价格波动到自己设定的价格便可成交。当卖出挂单价格低于当前市场价格,会按照市价成交;当买入的挂单价格高于当前市场价格,会按照市价成交。 As shown in the chart, the price limit/market transaction can then be selected according to its own needs. The limited price transaction is the registered transaction, where you can set the purchase/sale price yourself, while the market price fluctuates to the price you set. When the listed price is lower than the current market price, it is paid at the market price; and when the purchase price is higher than the current market price, it is paid at the market price. 所谓的市价交易就是指不设定买入价格,按照当时的市场价格买入或卖出,只需输入想买入的总金额或卖出的总量即可。 The so-called market transaction means that the purchase price is not set and the purchase or sale is made at the market price at which it was made, and only the total amount of the purchase or the total amount of the sale is required. 购买以太坊币技巧: Buying an Ether currency technique: 1.多看 1. Take a look. 这里所说的看,不仅仅是看有关投资方面的书籍,还有平台老师或其他投资高手的市场分析,多看别人的操作,在“看”中,进行综合,取其精华为己所用。对于新手而言,领域王国分析师根据实盘与之交流使得更易懂。 What is said here is not only about books on investment, but also about market analysis by platform teachers or other investment masters, more about other people's operations, in “ & & & & rdquao; in which they are integrated and used for their own purposes. For newcomers, it is easier for Kingdom analysts to communicate with them on the basis of compacts. 2.多听 2. Listen more 俗话说,眼观六路耳听八方,除了多看,还要多听。听什么?听别人对市场对技术的讲解,听别人针对你目前存在问题给出的意见,尽管“忠言逆耳”,但利于行,肯听才会有进步。 As the saying goes, "Look at the world, but listen more." Listen to what? Listen to what people say about technology in the market, listen to what others say about your current problems, despite &ldquao; back-hearing and & rdquao; but if it's good for you, there will be progress. 3.多学 3. Multiple studies 别人的分析方法、投资策略和规划、投资心态等方面都是值得你去学习的。优秀的投资者,就是融汇百家优点,变成自己的优点。 Other people's analytical methods, investment strategies and planning, and investment mindsets are all worth learning about. Excellent investors are those who combine their strengths and become their own. 4.多做 4. Do more. 实践出真理,所有的投资经验和技巧都是从实践中积累出来的。别以为学到了人家的理论你就厉害了,多做多练才能真正消化,领悟其中真谛。 The truth is that all investment experience and skills are accumulated in practice. Don't think you've learned your theories so much that you can really digest them. 5.多想 5. Ideas. 投资绝对不能犯懒,特别是懒动脑!懒动脑的人,永远也不可能成为投资高手。市场的金钱,都是被那些勤动手爱动脑的人赚走的。 Investment must never be lazy, especially the lazy brain. The lazy brain never becomes an investmentr. Market money is earned by those who work hard to brain. 通过以上介绍,相信大家对于购买以太坊币教程有所了解,其实购买以太坊币流程跟购买比特币的流程一样,只不过购买时选择的币种不同,在这里小编提醒投资者,购买任何币种之前,都要对该币种有一定的认知,多看多学,不要盲目购买陌生人推荐的币种,如果想要了解更多以太坊币相关知识,可以关注,小编后期会持续更新以太坊币相关报道! In the light of the above, it is believed that there is an understanding of the acquisition of the Ether currency curriculum. The purchase of the Ether currency process is the same as the purchase of the Bitcoin, except that the currency chosen at the time of the purchase is not the same. Here, the small editor reminds investors that before purchasing any currency, they must have some knowledge of the currency, look more into it, do not blindly buy the currency recommended by strangers. If you want to know more about the Ethercopics, you can pay attention.
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