In 2023, the global market for encrypted money continued to warm, attracting a growing number of investors. Of the many encrypted currencies, which of them will be in the top ten? This paper will take stock of the 2023 global list of encrypted currencies.
排名前十的加密货币是比特币、以太坊、瑞波币、比特币现金、EOS、莱特币、Binance Coin、usdt、比原链和Bitcoin SV。
The top ten encoded currencies are Bitcoin, Etheria, Ripcoin, Bitcoin, EOS, Leitcoin, Binance Coin, Usdt, Bitcoin SV.
1. 比特币
1. Bitcoin
Bitcoin is the first decentralised digital encryption currency created in 2009 by Nakamoto. It is the most well-known and marketable encrypted currency in the market and is seen by many as a representative of encrypted money.
2. 以太坊
以太坊是一个分布式的公共区块链平台,由Vitalik Buterin于2013年提出。它不只是一种数字货币,还可以用于创建去中心化应用程序和智能合约。
Ether is a distributed public block chain platform, proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. It is not just a digital currency; it can also be used to create decentralised applications and smart contracts.
3. 瑞波币
Ribbon is a block chain trading network designed for real-time global payments. It's an open source of decentralised encrypted currency that can circulate in various markets around the world.
4. 比特币现金
4. Bitcoin in cash
Bitcoin cash is a bitcoin split currency that was created in August 2017. It is designed to solve the problem of bitcoin processing too slowly and to increase the speed of transactions.
5. EOS
EOS is a fully decentralised block chain operating system that can support the development and deployment of smart contracts and decentralised applications, significantly increasing the speed of transactions.
6. 莱特币
莱特币是一个基于比特币协议的开源数字货币,由Charlie Lee在2011年创造。它的交易速度比比特币快,而且交易费用更低。
Lightcoin is an open-source digital currency based on the Bitcoin agreement, created in 2011 by Charlie Lee. It deals faster than bitcoin and at lower transaction costs.
7. Binance Coin
Binance Coin是Binance交易所推出的加密货币,被用于支付交易手续费、投资ICO和参与投票结果等。
Binance Coin, an encrypted currency introduced by the Binance Exchange, was used to pay transaction fees, invest in ICO and participate in voting results.
8. usdt
Wedt is a stable currency issued by Tether, understood as a USD digital version. Because its value is always tied to the dollar, prices are more stable than other encrypted currencies.
9. 比原链
The comparison chain is a decentralised open ecosystem based on block chain technology that aims at the free flow and exchange of digital assets and provides truly anonymous and decentralized services.
10. Bitcoin SV
Bitcoin SV是比特币现金的分叉货币,由Craig Wright在2018年创造。它旨在还原最初的比特币协议,以提高比特币的规模和吞吐量。
Bitcoin SV is a split currency of bitcoin cash, created by Craig Wright in 2018. It aims to restore the original bitcoin agreement to increase bitcoin size and throughput.
In summary, all 10 of these cryptographic currencies are among the most popular and well-known in the current market. Given the volatility of the cryptographic currency market, investors need to make choices about their own risk tolerance when investing.
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