When Bitcoin reached the height of US$ 19771, yesterday, the founder of Bitcoin became the 44th richest man in the world. The problem is that we still don't know who he is.
在过去的很多年里,很多人怀疑比特币的创始人是一位名叫“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人。但是也有一些其他的说法,包括密码学学生迈克尔-克里尔(Michael Clear)、芬兰游戏开发者维利-莱多维尔塔(Vili Lehdonvirta)甚至Fast Company公司的某个三人小组。
In the past many years, many people have suspected that Bitcoin’s founder is a man named “ Central Ben & rdquo; Satoshi Nakamoto. But there are other accounts, including that of a cryptographic student, Michael Clear, a Finnish game developer, Vili Lehdonvirta, and even a three-person team from Fast Company.
2015年12月,当时澳大利亚警方突击搜查了商人克雷格-斯蒂芬-莱特(Craig Steven Wright)在悉尼的家,差一点就找出了这个谜题的谜底。
In December 2015, the Australian police raided the businessman Craig Steven Wright's home in Sydney and came close to finding out the mystery.
Wire and Gizmodo, through a large number of e-mails, blog articles, and leaked legal documents, identified Leiter as the founder of Bitcoin. Leiter did not admit it at the time, but later claimed that he was indeed the middle-brain that the world had been looking for.
However, Leiter could not prove this because he could not physically encrypt a signature on the first data block generated while adding bitcoin, which could be done by the true middle-breath.
Once again, we are back to square one.
Quartz指出,不管中本聪是谁,据估计他已经拥有98万枚比特币,价值194亿美元,超过了沙特亿万富翁阿尔瓦利德-本-塔拉尔(Alwaleed bin Talal),而仅次于苹果联合创始人斯蒂夫-乔布斯的遗孀劳伦-鲍威尔-乔布斯(Laurene Powell Jobs)。
According to Quartz, whoever it may be, he has an estimated 980,000 bitcoins worth US$ 194 billion, surpassing the Saudi billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal, after Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs.
Of course, as the price of bitcoin fluctuates, the price of bitcoin has now fallen to $18,981 and the net assets of the centre have declined to $18.6 billion.
这仍是一笔可观的财富,而且仍然在全球富豪榜前50名之内,只比沙特王子落后一位,仍高于俄罗斯天然气和化学亿万富翁列昂尼德-米赫尔松(Leonid Mikhelson)。
This remains a considerable asset, and it is still among the top 50 on the global list of wealthy, one behind Saudi princes and still above the Russian gas and chemical billionaire Leonid Mikhelson.
It's a source of tether technology.
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