The halving of Bitcoin by 2024, and of Bitcoin by 2024 by 2024 by 28 April 2024, the halving of Bitcoin by 2024 means the halving of the incentives obtained after the production of new blocks, which occur approximately every four years, depending on the speed of the generation of the Bitcoin grid blocks, followed by a detailed analysis of the halving of Bitcoin by 2024 and a presentation of the timing.
bitcoin2024 by half:
Halve the bitcoin is a pre-established mechanism in the Bitcoin agreement, through which the new bitcoin incentive is halved for every 210,000 blocks (approximately every four years). This is to control the new supply of bitcoin and ensure that its total does not exceed the upper limit of 21 million pieces.
The following is a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of halving bitcoin and the timetable for halving that has already occurred and is projected:
The pros and cons of halving bitcoin
减缓通货膨胀: 由于比特币供应的限制,减半帮助减缓通货膨胀,保持了比特币的购买力。
Inflation mitigation: As a result of the limited availability of bitcoins, halving has helped to reduce inflation and maintain the purchasing power of bitcoins.
价值提升: 在历史上,比特币减半通常与价格上涨相关联,因为市场预期供给减少将导致价格上涨。
Value uplifting: Historically, halving bitcoin has often been associated with price increases, as lower supply is expected to lead to higher prices.
激励稀缺性: 减半强化了比特币的稀缺性,类似于黄金或其他珍贵的自然资源,为投资者提供了一种避险资产。
Incentive scarcity: The reduction by half reinforces the scarcity of bitcoin, similar to gold or other precious natural resources, and provides investors with a hedge asset.
增加安全性: 即使区块奖励减少,较高的币价可能确保矿工的整体奖励价值维持在一个有利于维护网络安全的水平。
Increased security: Even if block incentives are reduced, higher currency prices may ensure that the overall value of incentives for miners is maintained at a level conducive to the maintenance of cybersecurity.
市场成熟: 随着比特币经历更多减半周期,市场逐渐适应这种预期,可能导致价格波动更为平稳。
Market maturity: As bitcoin undergoes a more halving cycle, markets gradually adapt to this expectation, which may lead to more stable price volatility.
对矿工的影响: 减半直接减少了矿工的收入,导致运营成本较高的矿工可能无法盈利,可能会退出市场。
Impact on miners: The reduction by half directly reduces the income of miners, resulting in higher operating costs for miners who may not be profitable and may exit the market.
挖矿中心化: 中小型矿场可能受到更大影响,从而加剧了矿业活动的集中化,这可能与比特币去中心化的理念背道而驰。
Centralization of mining: Small and medium-sized mining sites may be more affected, thus increasing the concentration of mining activities, which may run counter to the idea of decentralizing Bitcoin.
市场不确定性: 减半引入了市场的不确定性,价格可能会因投机活动而出现波动。
Market uncertainty: Halve has introduced market uncertainty and prices may fluctuate as a result of speculative activity.
潜在的安全风险: 如果减半导致考虑挖矿成本效益的矿工大规模退出,网络安全性可能受到威胁。
Potential security risks: Cyber security may be threatened if the reduction by half leads to large-scale withdrawal of miners considering the cost-effectiveness of mining.
用户费用增加: 减半后矿工可能更依赖于交易费用,导致用户的交易成本提高。
Increase in user costs: Miners may become more dependent on transaction costs after halving, resulting in higher transaction costs for users.
bitcoin's schedule for halving
the historic halving of Bitcoin:
第一次减半:2012年11月28日,奖励从50 BTC减半至25 BTC。
First halved: from 50 BTC to 25 BTC on 28 November 2012.
第二次减半:2016年7月9日,奖励从25 BTC减半至12.5 BTC。
Second halve: 9 July 2016, incentives from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC.
第三次减半:2020年5月11日,奖励从12.5 BTC减半至6.25 BTC。
Third halve: 11 May 2020, incentives from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC.
第四次减半:预计2024年(奖励将从6.25 BTC减半至3.125 BTC)。
Fourth Halve: projected for 2024 (incentives will be reduced from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC).
第五次减半:预计2028年(奖励将从3.125 BTC减半至1.5625 BTC)。
Fifth halving: projected for 2028 (incentives from 3.125 BTC to 1.5625 BTC).
第六次减半:预计2032年(奖励将从1.5625 BTC减半至0.78125 BTC)。
Sixth halving: projected for 2032 (incentives from 1.5625 BTC to 0.78125 BTC).
Bearing in mind, owing to fluctuations in mining activity and block time, the actual date of halving may vary slightly.
It is important to note that the earlier halved events indicated that price volatility and market speculation would increase before and after halving, and therefore investment or mining decisions should be made with great caution during the halving period, taking into account long-term strategies and not based solely on short-term fluctuations.
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