网易财经1月5日讯 根据比特币交易平台火币网的数据显示,5日凌晨1点10分,比特币价格突破历史高位8000元,创下历史纪录。截止发稿前,根据OKCoin币行网数据,比特币价格最高涨至8725元,相比周二收市价大涨超1300点。
According to data from bitcoin 在一个比特币的qq群里,大家在互相询问赚了多少钱,是什么价位买进的。有人激动地表示一定还会涨,也有人贴出了2013年央行等五部委印发的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》。 In a qq group in bitcoin, people are asking each other how much money they make and what price they buy. Some are excited to say that it will increase, and some have posted the Bulletin on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued by five ministries, including the Central Bank, in 2013. 2009年1月4日凌晨2点15分,比特币创世区块正式诞生,至今已整整八年。在5日之前,比特币的历史最高价格是8000元。那时是2013年11月19日,也是很多人开始听说比特币的时候。 On 4 January 2009, at 2.15 a.m., the Bitcoin creation block was officially launched, eight years ago. Five years ago, Bitcoin had a historic maximum price of 8,000 dollars. That was 19 November 2013, when many people began to hear about Bitcoin. 自2013年6月至今的比特币价格走势图(来源:交易平台OKCoin) Bitcoin price trends from June 2013 to date (source: trading platform OKCoin) 价格高位带来的是交易量的增加。根据此前的报道,2013年11月19日,BTC中国的单日成交量突破了10万比特币大关,此前一月其日成交不过18474.2比特币。 High prices have led to an increase in the volume of transactions. According to previous reports, on 19 November 2013, BTC China’s single-day turnover broke the 100,000 bitcoin mark, before it had less than 1844.2 bitcoin in January. 与之前不同的是,2013年那次,比特币价格一个月从800元涨到8000元,令投资者追逐。在这一轮中,根据火币网,2016年年初比特币价格在2351元左右,之后逐渐上涨。在11月1日前后,价格突破5000元,之后的2个多月中,价格开始快速上涨。比特币一年上涨270%左右。 Unlike before, in 2013, the price of Bitcoin rose from $800 to $8,000 a month, forcing investors to chase. During this round, according to the gunnet, the price of Bitcoin rose at around $2351 at the beginning of 2016, and then gradually. 火币网COO朱嘉伟表示:这一轮比特币涨破8000元和2013年涨至8000元的情形大有不同,目前的交易体量是当年的约37倍。2013年出现最高价的时候,火币网一周的交易量是39.3万枚比特币,一周的振幅达103%;而目前火币网在节后4天的交易量是735万枚比特币,节后4天的价格振幅15.95%,要比当年稳定得多。 COOjucavey states that this round of bitcoins has broken down by 8,000 dollars and increased to 8,000 dollars in 2013 and is now about 37 times the volume of transactions in the same year. At the peak price in 2013, the number of tradables in the ring was 393,000 bitcoins a week, with 103 per cent of a week's amplification; while the current number of tradations in the net is 7.35 million bitcoins for the four days following the festival, the price amplification for the four days following the festival is 15.95 per cent, which is much more stable than in the current year. 值得注意的是,与2013年11月19日行情中,成交量极速上涨不同的是,根据火币网的数据,在价格再次突破8000元的前24小时,比特币的交易量与前期相比几乎持平,为200万枚/日左右,交易额在170亿人民币/日左右。8000元当天的日交易量是前4日平均交易量的2倍。 It is worth noting that, unlike on 19 November 2013, the volume of transactions rose at an extremely rapid rate, and according to the gunnet data, during the first 24 hours when the price again broke over $8,000, the amount of transactions in bitcoin was almost equal to the previous period, at around 2 million yuan per day, or about 17 billion yuan per day. The daily volume of transactions on 8,000 yuan was two times the average for the first four days. 不过,根据《南方周末》当时的报道,2013年的历史高点曾直接触发了大量抛盘变现者。火币网在2013年的11月19日至21日三天,平台提现近7000万元比特币,猴性特征表现无遗。 However, according to the South Weekend report at that time, the 2013 historical high point had directly triggered a large number of throwers. For three days, from 19 to 21 November 2013, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Democratic Republic of the Congo has launched a network of coins with nearly $70 million in bitcoins on the platform. 之后的2013年12月5日央行等五部委还曾印发《关于防范比特币风险的通知》,这也在当时令行业遭受打击。 Subsequently, on 5 December 2013, five ministries, including the Central Bank, issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, which also hit the industry at that time. 根据网易财经日前的报道,央行方面的权威人士向网易财经透露,数字货币目前尚处于研究阶段,距离推广应用还有很长一段距离。 According to recent reports, central bank authorities have revealed to Internet finance that digital currencies are still in the research phase and that there is still a long way to go to promote their application. 比特币做为投资品,是高预期收益高风险的投资。火币网提醒称,比特币涨跌幅无限制,近期价格波动巨大,应谨慎投资,做好风险控制。OKCoin币行网分析师建议仓位应该适当降低,将部分获利锁定,控制风险。“比特币的历史走势曾经多次出现过暴涨之后的暴跌现象,所以居安思危的心态很重要。” Bitcoin, as an investment, is a high-risk investment with a high expected return. The network warns that bitcoin is boundlessly up and down, that prices are volatile in recent times, that investments should be carefully invested and that risks should be controlled. OKCoin web analysts suggest that the warehouse should be properly reduced, that some of the profits should be locked in, and that risks should be contained. “The historical movement of bitcoin has been marked by a number of surges, so it is important to be in a state of mind.” 根据此前报道,比特币涨跌幅无限制的特征,在2013年3、4月已上演,一天上涨152%有之,一天跌去60%亦有之,“4月10日还每比特币266美元,4天后就只剩下105美元了。” According to previous reports, the unrestricted feature of Bitcoin's up and down was shown in March and April 2013, with an increase of 152 per cent a day and a fall of 60 per cent a day, “On 10 April, there was only $105 per bitcoin at $266 a day, four days later”. 关于此次比特币是否会像13年末那样突然暴跌,OKCoin币行网徐明星表示无法预测,但他指出只要是交易行为,从交易规律来看,超涨超跌的行为都是不稳定的,投资者需要谨慎对待价格上涨行为,但相比那次价格高峰形成的过程,今年的上涨更加稳定,相比13年,比特币全球市场的参与者也扩大了很多。 As to whether Bitcoin would suddenly fall as it did at the end of 13 years, the Xu Myung /a > expressed uncertainty, but he pointed out that, as long as it was a trade act, the surge was unstable in terms of transaction patterns, investors needed to be cautious about price increases, but this year's rise was more stable than that price peak process, and the number of participants in the global market in Bitco was much larger than in 13 years. (网易财经 马莉 爆料邮箱:bjmali1@corp.netease.com) (Intelligent finance, Mary: bjmali1@corp.netease.com)
标准一旦建立了之后,大多数时间并不用总管着市场。 巨丰投顾6月策略:市场低谷期防御为上。 Huge investment was driven by the June strategy: the low-market defense. 此种战法是短线交易者必须注意的一个因素,是散户能够获利的力量之源。 Such methods of warfare are a factor that short-line traders must pay attention to and a source of power for which the diaspora can profit. K线是分析和判断行情走势最基本的技术指标。学会看图,赚钱不再难! Kline is the most basic technical indicator for analysing and judging trends. Learn to read the map, making money is no longer difficult! 在这个市场里,主力决定着大市走向。散户能赚钱的方法就是跟庄操作。 In this market, the main forces determine the direction of the market. The way that the bulk makes money is by doing business. 要做股票,先看大盘,如果把握不好节奏,想在市场生存,真的很难。 It's really hard to be in the market if you don't get the pace.
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