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extends the security consensus to


The most valuable public chains in the development of the block chain to date must be Bitcoin and Ether, whose security, decentralisation, and value consensus, which have been deposited for many years, are the key inner cores that guarantee that the two will be permanently established at the top of the public chain. They are also the rare features of the remaining isomeral chains that are most difficult to replicate, and the core of the modularization idea is to “rent” these characteristics to those who need them. In the modular approach at this stage, there are two main factions:

  • 第一种,具有足够安全性的 Layer 1 (通常是以太坊)作为 Rollups 的下三层或部分功能层,这种方案具备最高安全性、正统性,也可吸纳主链生态中的资源。但对于特定的 Rollup(应用链、长尾链等)来说吞吐量及成本不是特别友好;
  • 第二种,即再造一个与比特币、以太坊安全性接近且成本性能更优的存在,比如我们熟知的 Celestia 就是通过纯 DA 功能架构、最大程度降低节点硬件要求、低 gas 成本等,删繁就简的方式,以求在最短的时间内创造一个足够媲美以太坊安全性与去中心化且性能强劲的 DA 层。该方案的劣势在于安全性与去中心化程度还需要一定时间补全,且缺乏正统性并与以太坊构成明面上的竞争关系,被以太坊社区排斥。

而这个派系中的另一类则是 Babylon 与 Eigenlayer,通过 POS(即 Proof-of-Stake,权益证明)的核心思路,借用比特币或以太坊的资产价值来创造共享安全性服务。相比于前两者来说是一个偏中性的存在。其优势在于继承正统性与安全性的同时,又赋予了主链资产更多利用价值,且更为灵活。

The other group in this faction is Babylon and Eigenlayer, using the core of POS (i.e. Proof-of-Stake, proof of rights) to create shared security services by using bitcoin or the value of the community’s assets. This is a neutral presence compared to the former. Its advantage is to inherit orthodoxy and security while giving more value and flexibility to the main chain of assets.


无论从那种共识机制的底层逻辑来说,区块链的安全性在很大程度上取决于它有多少资源的支撑。PoW 链需要大量硬件、电力,PoS 则依赖于质押资产的价值。比特币自身由极为庞大的 PoW 算力网络支撑,可以说是整个区块链中最为安全的存在。但作为一个流通市值 1.39 万亿美元,占据区块链半壁江山的公链,其资产作用仅仅只有转账与支付 Gas 两个主要使用场景。

Regardless of the underlying logic of the consensus mechanism, the security of the block chain depends to a large extent on how much of its resources support it. The PoW chain requires a lot of hardware, electricity, and PoS depend on the value of the pledged assets. Bitcoin itself, supported by a vast network of PoW algorithms, can be said to be the safest of the whole block chain.

而对于区块链的另外半壁江山来说,尤其是自以太坊上海升级转为 PoS 之后,可以说绝大部分公链都默认使用不同架构的 PoS 来完成共识。不过由于新异构链本身并不能吸引太大的资本质押,其安全性存在很大疑问。在当前的模块化时代,Cosmos zone 以及各种 Layer 2 虽然也可以使用各种 DA 层来弥补,却也损失了自主性。对于大部分 POS 机制的老公链或者联盟链来说使用以太坊或者 Celestia 充当 DA 也基本不可能,而 Babylon 的价值正是补全这部分空缺,将 BTC 质押来为 PoS 链提供保护。正如同人类过往用黄金来支撑纸钞的价值一样,BTC 在区块链世界中确实很适合扮演这个角色。

In the current modular era, Cosmos zone and various Layer 2 have lost their autonomy, although they can also use various DA layers. For most POS mechanisms, the use of Taipan or Celestia as DAs is largely impossible, and Babylon’s value is just to fill this gap, and BTC pledges to protect PS chains. Just as humans have used gold to support paper banknotes, BTC is well suited to play this role in the region’s chain world.

从 0 到 1

from 0 to 1

释放“数字黄金”一直是区块链中最宏大也最难达成的叙事,从早期的侧链、闪电网络、桥接包装代币到如今的符文与 BTC Layer 2 ,可以说无论那种方案都存在一定的固有缺陷。Babylon 如若要贯彻比特币的安全性,引入第三方信任假设的中心化方案自然是要首先排除的。而余下的方案中符文和闪电网络(受限于开发进展极为缓慢)当前基本仅有资产发行的能力,这也就意味着 Babylon 需要自己再设计一套“扩容方案”,让比特币原生质押从 0 到 1 。

The release of “digital gold” has been one of the most ambitious and difficult narratives in the block chain, from the early side chains, the lightning network, the bridge-packaging tokens to the present and BTC Layer 2, and it can be said that there are inherent flaws in any such scheme. Babylon’s approach to centralizing the assumption of third-party trust would naturally be the first to exclude. And the rest of the scheme’s chars and lightning network, which is limited to very slow development, is currently essentially the ability to issue only assets, which means that Babylon needs to re-design a “enhanced programme” of his own, allowing Bitcoin to be encumbered from 0 to 1.

拆解比特币现行可利用的一些基本元素其实无非如下几种: 1.UTXO 模型, 2.时间戳, 3.多种签名方式, 4.基本的操作码。Babylon 给出的解方是,基于比特币孱弱的可编程性和数据承载能力考虑。秉承最小化原则,在比特币上仅需完成质押合约所必要的功能,也就是说 BTC 质押、罚没、奖励、取回等都在主链中完成。在实现这个 0 到 1 后,复杂需求的部分再交给 Cosmos zone 处理。但此处依旧存有一个关键问题,如何将 PoS 链的数据记录至主链?

Some of the basic elements currently available to disassemble Bitcoin are simply the following: 1.UTXO model, 2. Time stamp, 3. Multiple forms of signature, 4. Basic code. Babylon gives the solution based on the weak programmable and data carrying capacity of Bitcoin. In keeping with the principle of minimization, only the functions necessary for a pledge contract in bitcoin, that is to say, BTC pledges, fines, rewards, take-backs, etc., are to be done in the main chain. Once this 0-1 has been achieved, the complex requirements are returned to Cosmos zone. But there is still a key question here as to how to record the data of the PS chain into the main chain.

远端质押(Remote Staking)

Remote Staking

UTXO(未花费的交易输出模型,Unspent Transaction Outputs),是中本聪为比特币设计的交易模型,其核心思路极为简洁。交易无非是资金的进与出,那么整个交易系统也仅需输入(Input)和输出(Output)这两种形式表达即可。所谓 UTXO 就是资金进来了,但花出去的资金并没有那么多时,余留下来的这部分即是未花费的交易输出(也就是未支付出去的比特币)。而比特币的整个账本实际上就是一个 UTXO 集合,通过记录每个 UTXO 的状态,管理比特币的所有权和流通,每次交易都会花费旧的 UTXO 并生成新的 UTXO。由于其属性具备一定潜在的可扩展的可能,自然也成为了许多原生扩容方案思路的起始点。比如利用 UTXO 和多签创建罚款机制与状态通道的闪电网络,又或者是绑定 UTXO 实现 SFT(半同质化代币,semi-fungible tokens)的铭文、符文等。都是基于这个关键的起始点,才能成为现实。

UTXO (unspent transactional output model, Unspent Transport Outputs) is a transaction model designed for Bitcoin in China, and its core approach is extremely simple. The transaction is simply an entry and exit of funds, so that the entire trading system can only enter (input) and output (output) in both forms. The so-called UTXO is the source of money, but not so much of the money spent is the opening point for many original expansionist ideas (i.e., unpayed bitcoins). For example, the entire account book of Bitcoin is a UTXO, by recording the state of each UTXO, managing the ownership and circulation of Bitcoin, and each transaction costs the old UTXO and generating a new UTO. Because of its properties, it has some potential for expansion, it naturally becomes the starting point for many original expansionist scheme ideas.

而 Babylon 自然也需要借助 UTXO 来实现质押合约(Babylon 称为远端质押,即 BTC 安全性通过中间层远端传递给 PoS 链),同时在思路上去巧妙的结合现有的操作码,其实现合约的具体步骤可拆解为如下四步:

Babylon naturally also needs to use UTXO to fulfil the pledge contract (the remote pledge, known as Babylon, whereby BTC security is passed through the intermediate far end to the Pos chain), along with a clever combination of existing codes, which can be broken down into the following four steps:

  • 锁定资金
  • 用户将资金发送到一个由多重签名控制的地址。通过 OP_CTV(OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY,允许创建预定义的交易模板,确保交易只能按照特定的结构和条件执行),合约可以指定只有在满足特定条件时,这些资金才能被花费。资金被锁定后,生成一个新的 UTXO,表示这些资金已被质押;
  • 条件验证
  • 调用 OP_CSV(OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY,允许设置一个相对时间锁定,基于交易的序列号,表示在某一相对时间或区块数之后才能花费 UTXO)可实现时间锁定,可确保资金在一定时间内不能被取出。结合上文所诉的 OP_CTV,就可实现质押、解质押(在满足质押时间的情况下,质押者就可以花费被锁定的 UTXO)、罚没(Slashing,质押者出现作恶的情况下,将强制花费 UTXO 到锁定地址,并限制为不可花费的状态,类似于黑洞地址);

  • 状态更新
  • 每当用户进行质押或取回质押资金时,都会涉及到 UTXO 的创建和花费。新的交易输出会生成新的 UTXO,而旧的 UTXO 会被标记为已花费。这样每个交易和资金流动都被准确记录在区块链上,确保透明性和安全性;
  • 收益分发
  • 根据质押金额和质押时间,合约会计算应得的奖励,并通过生成新的 UTXO 进行分配。这些奖励可以通过脚本条件在满足特定条件后进行解锁和花费。

有了原生质押合约后,自然需要思考外部链历史事件记录的问题。在中本聪的白皮书中,比特币区块链引入了一种由 PoW 支持的时间戳概念,这种机制为事件提供了不可逆的时间顺序。在比特币的原生使用场景中,这些事件指的是账本上执行的各种交易。如今,为了增强其他 PoS 链的安全性,比特币也可以用来对外部区块链上的事件进行时间戳标记。每次此类事件发生时,都会触发一笔发送给矿工的交易,矿工随后将其插入比特币账本,从而为事件添加时间戳。这些时间戳可以用于解决区块链的各种安全问题。在父链上为子链中的事件添加时间戳的一般概念称为“检查点”(checkpointing),而用于添加时间戳的交易则称为检查点交易(checkpoint transactions)。具体来说,比特币区块链中的时间戳有以下几个重要特点:

With the original pledge contract, it is natural to think about the history of events in the external chain. In a white paper from China, the Bitcoin block chain introduces a time stamp concept supported by PoW, a mechanism that provides an irreversible chronological sequence of events. In Bitcoin's original use, these events refer to transactions carried out on the books. Now, in order to enhance the security of other PoS chains, Bitcoin can also be used to mark events in the external chain. Each such event triggers a transaction to the miners, which the miners then insert into the bitcoin account book, thereby adding a time stamp to the event. These time stampes can be used to resolve the various security issues in the chain. The general concept of time stamping on the parent chain for events in the subsystem is called “checkpoint” (checkpointing), while the transaction to add a time stamp is called a check point (checkpoint transactions).

  • 时间格式:时间戳记录的是自 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00: 00: 00 UTC 以来的秒数,这种格式称为 Unix 时间戳或 POSIX 时间;
  • 作用:时间戳的主要作用是标识区块的生成时间,帮助节点判断区块的顺序,以及协助网络难度调整机制;
  • 时间戳和难度调整:比特币网络每隔 2016 个区块(大约每两周)会进行一次难度调整。时间戳在这个过程中起到关键作用,因为网络会根据最近 2016 个区块的总生成时间来调整挖矿难度,使新区块的生成速度接近 10 分钟一个;
  • 有效性检查:节点在接收到新区块时,会对时间戳进行验证。一个新区块的时间戳必须大于之前若干区块的中位时间,并且不能超出网络时间 120 分钟(即未来 2 小时)。

时间戳服务器是由 Babylon 定义的一种新原语,可通过 PoS 区块通过 Babylon 检查点分配比特币时间戳,确保时间序列的准确性和防止篡改。该服务器在 Babylon 整个架构体系作为最上层,是信任需求的核心来源。

The time stamp server is a new original defined by Babylon, which distributes bitcoins of time through the PoS block through the Babylon checkpoint to ensure the accuracy of the time series and prevent tampering. The server is at the top of the Babylon architecture as a core source of trust demand.

Babylon 的三层架构

Three-storey structure for Babylon

正如上图所示,Babylon 的整体架构可分为三层:比特币(作为时间戳服务器)、Babylon (一条 Cosmos Zone),作为中间层、PoS 链需求层。Babylon 将后两者分别称为 Control Plane(控制平面,即 Babylon 自身),Data Plane(数据需求平面,即各种 PoS 消费链)。

As shown in the figure above, the overall structure of Babylon can be divided into three layers: Bitcoin (as a time-stamp server), Babylon (a Cosmos Zone) as an intermediate layer, the PoS chain demand layer. Babylon calls the latter two respectively as Contractor Plane (control plane, Babylon itself), and Data Plane (data demand plane, various PS consumption chains).

在理解了协议去信任的基本实现方式后,我们再来看 Babylon 自身是如何利用 Cosmos zone 衔接两端的。依据斯坦福 Tse Lab 对于 Babylon 的详解「 1 」,Babylon 可接收来自多条 PoS 链的检查点流,并将这些检查点合并后发布到比特币。通过使用 Babylon 验证者的聚合签名,可以最小化检查点的大小,并且这些检查点的频率通过允许 Babylon 验证者在每个 Epoch(纪元)只更改一次来控制。

After understanding the basic ways of trusting the protocol, we look at how Babylon itself uses Cosmos zone to connect the two ends. According to Stanford Tse Lab’s detailed explanation of Babylon’s ‘1’, Babylon can receive check-point streams from multiple Poss chains and publish them in Bitcoin. By using the merged signatures of the Babylon Certator, the size of the check-point can be minimized, and the frequency of these check-points can be controlled by allowing Babylon Certators to change only once in each Epoch.

各个 PoS 链的验证者下载 Babylon 区块,观察其 PoS 检查点是否包含在比特币检查的 Babylon 区块中。这使 PoS 链能够检测到差异,例如,如果 Babylon 验证者创建了一个由比特币检查的不可用区块,并对不可用区块中包含的 PoS 检查点撒谎。构成协议的主要组成部分如下:

Certifiers of each Pos chain download the Babylon block to see whether its Pos check point is included in the Babylon check block in Bitcoin. This allows the Pos chain to detect differences, for example, if the Babylon verifier creates an unusable block that is checked by Bitcoin and lies on the Pos check point that is not available. The main components of the agreement are as follows:

  • 检查点:只有 Babylon Epoch 的最后一个区块被比特币检查。检查点由区块的哈希以及单个聚合 BLS 签名组成,该签名对应于已签署区块以进行最终确定的 2/3 验证者集的签名。Babylon 检查点也包含 Epoch 编号。PoS 区块可通过 Babylon 检查点分配比特币区块的时间戳。例如,前两个 PoS 区块由 Babylon 区块设置检查点,而 Babylon 区块又由时间戳为 t_ 3 的比特币区块设置检查点。因此,这些 PoS 区块被分配了比特币时间戳 t_ 3 。

  • 规范 PoS 链:当 PoS 链上出现分叉时,时间戳较早的链被视作规范 PoS 链。如果两个分叉具有相同的时间戳,则平局被打破,有利于具有 Babylon 上较早检查点的 PoS 区块。

  • 提款规则:要提款,验证者向 PoS 链发送提款请求。包含提款请求的 PoS 区块由 Babylon 检查,然后再由比特币检查,并分配时间戳 t_ 1 。一旦时间戳为 t_ 1 的比特币区块深度变为 k,就在 PoS 链上授予提款。此时,如果已提取质押权益的验证者进行长程攻击,则攻击链上的区块只能被分配一个晚于 t_ 1 的比特币时间戳。这是因为,一旦时间戳为 t_ 1 的比特币区块变为 k 深度,它就无法回滚。然后,观察比特币上这些检查点的顺序,PoS 客户端可以区分出规范链和攻击链,随后可以将攻击链忽略掉。

  • 罚没规则:如果验证者在检测到攻击时没有撤回其质押,则可以对具有双重签名冲突 PoS 区块的验证者进行罚没。恶意的 PoS 验证者知道,如果他们等到提款请求被批准后再进行长程安全攻击,他们将无法迷惑客户端,客户端可以查看比特币来识别规范链。因此,他们可能会在为规范 PoS 链上的区块分配比特币时间戳时分叉 PoS 链。这些 PoS 验证者与恶意 Babylon 验证者以及比特币矿工合作,将 Babylon 和比特币分叉,并将时间戳 t_ 2 的比特币区块替换为另一个时间戳 t_ 3 的区块。在后来的 PoS 客户端看来,这将规范 PoS 链从顶部链更改为底部链。虽然这是一次成功的安全攻击,但它会导致恶意 PoS 验证者的权益被罚没,因为他们有双重签名的冲突区块,但尚未提取其质押权益。

  • 不可用 PoS 检查点的停止规则:PoS 验证者在观察到 Babylon 上不可用的 PoS 检查点时必须暂停他们的 PoS 链。在这里,一个不可用的 PoS 检查点是由 2/3 的 PoS 验证者签名的哈希,其假定对应于无法观察到的 PoS 区块。如果 PoS 验证者在观察到不可用的检查点时没有停止 PoS 链,那么攻击者可以揭示以前不可用的攻击链,并在后来的客户端视图中更改规范链。这是因为稍后显示的阴影链的检查点出现在 Babylon 的早期。上面的暂停规则揭示了我们要求作为检查点发送的 PoS 区块哈希由 PoS 验证者集签名的原因。如果这些检查点没有签名,那么任何攻击者都可以发送任意哈希,并声称它是 Babylon 上不可用的 PoS 区块检查点的哈希。然后,PoS 验证者将不得不暂停检查点。请注意,创建不可用的 PoS 链是困难的:它需要破坏至少 2/3 的 PoS 验证者,以便它们用签名完成 PoS 区块,但不向诚实的验证者提供数据。然而,在上面假设的攻击中,恶意对手在没有攻击任何一个验证者的情况下,就停止了 PoS 链。为了防止此类攻击,我们要求 PoS 检查点由 2/3 的 PoS 验证者验证。因此,只有当 2/3 的 PoS 验证者确实被攻击者控制时,Babylon 才会有不可用的 PoS 检查点。由于破坏 PoS 验证者的成本,这种攻击极不可能发生,并且不会影响其他 PoS 链或 Babylon 本身。
  • 不可用 Babylon 检查点的暂停规则:PoS 和 Babylon 验证者必须在观察到比特币上不可用的 Babylon 检查点时暂停区块链。在这里,不可用的 Babylon 检查点是具有 2/3 Babylon 验证者的聚合 BLS 签名的哈希,据推测它对应于无法观察到的一个 Babylon 区块。如果 Babylon 验证者没有停止 Babylon 区块链,那么攻击者可以揭示一条以前不可用的 Babylon 链,从而在后期客户端的视图中更改规范的 Babylon 链。类似地,如果 PoS 验证者没有停止 PoS 链,那么攻击者可以揭示以前不可用的 PoS 攻击链以及以前不可用的 Babylon 链,从而在后期客户端的视图中规范 PoS 链。这是因为后来揭示的深色 Babylon 链在比特币上具有较早的时间戳,并且包含后来揭示的 PoS 攻击链的检查点。就像不可用 PoS 检查点的暂停规则一样,上述规则揭示了为什么我们要求作为检查点发送的 Babylon 区块哈希必须附有一个聚合 BLS 签名,以证明 2/3 的 Babylon 验证者的签名。如果 Babylon 检查点没有签名,那么任意对手都可以发送任意哈希,并声称它是比特币上不可用 Babylon 区块检查点的哈希。然后,PoS 验证者和 Babylon 验证者将不得不等待一个在其原像中没有任何不可用 Babylon 或 PoS 链的检查点!创建不可用的 Babylon 链需要破坏至少 2/3 的 Babylon 验证者。然而,在上述假设的攻击中,攻击者停止了系统中的所有链,甚至没有破坏单个 Babylon 或 PoS 验证者。为防止此类攻击,我们要求 Babylon 检查点通过聚合签名进行证明;因此只有当确实有 2/3 的验证者被损坏时,才会有不可用的 Babylon 检查点。由于破坏 Babylon 验证者的成本,这种数据可用性攻击极不可能发生。但在极端情况下,它就会通过迫使它们停止来影响所有 PoS 链。

BTC 中的 Eigenlayer

Eigenlayer in BTC

从目的上看 Babylon 虽然与 Eigenlayer 并无二致,但 Babylon 绝不是简单 fork 的“Eigenlayer”。在当前 BTC 主链 DA 无法原生使用的情况下,Babylon 的存在很有意义。该协议除了将安全性带给外部 PoS 链,对于 BTC 生态内部的盘活也尤为重要。

From the point of view of purpose, Babylon is no different from Eigenlayer, but Babylon is by no means a simple fork “Eigenlayer.” The existence of Babylon is meaningful in the current situation where the BTC main chain DA cannot be used in its original form. In addition to bringing security to the external PS chain, the agreement is particularly important for the BTC ecologic exercise.


, for example

在 Babylon 中可能存在的用例有很多,以下是一些已经实现或者未来有机会实现的用例:

There are many examples that may exist in Babylon, and the following are examples that have already been achieved or are likely to be realized in the future:

1.减短质押周期与增强安全性:PoS 链通常都需要社会共识(社区、节点运营商、验证者之间的共识)来阻止长程攻击,长程攻击是一种通过重写区块链历史来篡改交易记录或控制链的攻击方式。这种攻击在 PoS 系统中尤为严重,因为与 PoW 不同,PoS 系统中参与共识的验证者不需要消耗大量的计算资源,攻击者可以通过控制早期的质押者密钥来重写历史。所以为了保证区块链网络的共识稳定与安全性,长质押周期基本是必要的,比如 Cosmos 的解质押周期就需要 21 天。但通过 Babylon,PoS 链历史事件可以加入 BTC 时间戳服务器中,从而用 BTC 作为信任源来取代社会共识,如此解质押时间就可缩短为只需 1 天(即 BTC 运行约 100 个区块后)。且 PoS 链在此时可具备原生 Token 质押与 BTC 质押双重保障;

1. Shorter pledge cycles and enhanced security: The PoS chain usually requires a social consensus (consensus among communities, nodes operators, certifying officers) to deter long-range attacks, which is an attack that alters the transaction log or control chain by rewriting the history of block chains. This attack is particularly serious in the PS system because, unlike PW, participants in the PoS system are not required to consume a great deal of computational resources, and the aggressor can rewrite history by controlling the early pledge keys. So, in order to ensure the stability and security of the block chain network, the long-term pledge cycle is basically necessary, such as 21 days for Cosmos's release cycle. However, the original Token chain historical event can be added to the BTC time stamped server, thereby replacing the social consensus with BTC as a source of trust, so that it can be reduced to only one day (i.e., about 100 blocks after BTC runs).

2.跨链互操作性:通过 IBC 协议,Babylon 能够从多个 PoS 链接收检查点数据,实现跨链互操作性。这种互操作性允许不同区块链之间无缝通信和数据共享,提升了区块链生态系统的整体效率和功能;

Cross-chain interoperability: through the IBC protocol, Babylon is able to receive check-point data from multiple PoS links to achieve cross-chain interoperability. This interoperability allows seamless communication and data-sharing between the different block chains and enhances the overall efficiency and functioning of block chain ecosystems;

3.集成 BTC 生态:当前的 BTC 生态中的项目大部分还没有足够强的安全性,无论是 Layer 2、LRT 还是 DeFi,大部分还是依赖于第三方信任假设。而这些协议的地址中又寄存着大量的 BTC,未来也许能与 Babylon 碰撞出一些很好的契合方案,互相反哺,最终形成 Eigenlayer 在以太坊中那样强大的生态;

3. Integration BTC Ecology: Most of the current BTC ecologies are not sufficiently secure, be they Layer 2, LRT, or DeFi, and are largely dependent on third-party trust assumptions. These agreements contain a large number of BTC addresses, and they may be able to collide with Babylon in the future with some of the best compatible programs to feed each other and eventually form Eigenlayer's very powerful ecology in Etheria;

4.跨链资产管理:Babylon 协议可以用于安全管理跨链资产。通过为跨链交易添加时间戳,确保资产在不同区块链之间转移时的安全性和透明度。这样的机制有助于防止双重花费和其他跨链攻击。

4. Cross-chain asset management: The Babylon protocol can be used to secure the management of cross-chain assets. By adding a time stamp to cross-chain transactions, it ensures security and transparency in the movement of assets across the chain of blocks. Such a mechanism helps to prevent double spending and other cross-chain attacks.


/strang >

巴比伦塔的故事来自《圣经·创世记》第 11 章 1-9 节,是一个关于人类企图建造一座通天塔,最终被神阻止的经典故事,其寓意象征着人类的统一和共同的目标。也是 Babylon 协议的潜在含义,该项目旨在为诸多 PoS 链建造一座巴比伦塔,并将其团结在一起。从叙事上来说似乎也并不比 Eigenlayer 这个以太坊捍卫者逊色,但实际情况如何呢?

The story of Babylona comes from the Bible, Book of Creation, chapter 11, sections 1-9, a classic story of humans attempting to build a tower of heaven, which was eventually prevented by God, and whose pseudo symbolizes the unity and common purpose of mankind. It is also the potential meaning of the Babylon agreement, which aims to build and unite a lot of Pos chains of Babylona. Nor does it seem to be any worse in narrative terms than Eigenlayer, an euphemist, but what is the reality?

截止当前,Babylon 测试网已经通过 IBC 协议为 50 条 Cosmos zone 提供安全性保障。而在 Cosmos 之外,Babylon 还与部分 LSD(流动性质押)协议、全链互操作协议、比特币生态协议达成合作进行集成。另一方面,在质押情况上,相比于 Eigenlayer 能对以太坊生态内的质押及 LSD 做复用,Babylon 当前还是稍显逊色。但从长远来看,沉睡在诸多钱包与协议中的 BTC 还没被完全唤醒,所以这仅仅只是 1.3 万亿美元的冰山一角,目前的 Babylon 还需与整个 BTC 生态形成积极的互补。

To date, the Babylon testing network has provided 50 Cosmos zone security guarantees through the IBC agreement. Beyond Cosmos, Babylon has worked together with some LSD (mobile pledge), full-chain interoperability, and Bitcoin eco-agreements.


The only solution to the problem is "strong" and "strong" and "strong" and "strong" and "strong"

正如前言所述,Eigenlayer 与 Babylon 羽翼渐丰,从当前的趋势来看,两者未来将会锁定天量的区块链核心资产。即使这两个协议本身的安全性没有问题,但多重套娃是否会促使整个质押生态进入死亡螺旋,并引起不亚于美国再度加息级别的下跌?当下的质押赛道确实在以太坊转 PoS 与 Eigenlayer 横空出世后,经历了一段相当长久的非理性繁荣。项目方为了获取更高的 TVL,往往会甩出了大量空投预期与套娃叠加收益来诱惑用户,一个 ETH 从原生质押到 LSD 再到 LRT 甚至能套娃 5、 6 次。这自然会随着套娃叠加引起大量风险问题,只要其中一个协议出现问题就会直接影响参与套娃的所有协议(尤其是处于套娃结构尾部的质押协议)。而 BTC 生态又存在大量中心化方案,如果学葫芦画瓢,照搬这一套的风险只会更大。但需要明确的一点是,Eigenlayer 与 Babylon 本身是引导质押飞轮走向真正的实用价值,两者本质上是在创造真实的供需来抵消这种风险。所以“共享安全性”协议的存在虽然间接或直接促进了不良风气的加剧,却又是质押套娃跳脱旁氏收益的唯一解。现在更主要的问题是,“共享安全性”协议的商业逻辑是否真实成立?

As noted in the preamble, Eigenlayer and Babylon have grown stronger than ever before, and in view of the current trend, they will be able to lock in the natural core assets of the chain of blocks. Even though the security of the two agreements themselves is not in question, the multiplicity of wives will push the entire pledged ecology into the death spiral and cause it to fall again in the United States. This will cause a lot of risk problems in the current pledge lanes as the nests overlap, so long as one of these deals has a direct effect on all the commercial agreements involved in the condom (especially the pledge agreement at the end of the frame of the condom structure).


True supply and demand is the key

在Web3中,无论是公链还是协议,其底层逻辑往往都建立于“撮合”某种需求的买卖方。撮合得当者即可得“天下”,区块链本身只是让这个撮合公平、真实且可信。共享安全性协议从理论上来看可以和当下繁荣的质押及模块化生态形成良好互补。但仔细思考,这个供给是否将远远超过需求?首先对于供给端来说能提供模块化安全性的项目和主链相当之多,另一方面老牌的 PoS 链可能并不需要或者说碍于面子也不会租用此类安全性,而新式 PoS 链又是否能支付天量 BTC 与 ETH 所产生的利息,Eigenlayer 与 Babylon 的商业逻辑要形成闭环,至少需要赚取的收益要与协议内质押 Token 所产生的利息达成平衡。而即便这个平衡能达成,甚至收益远超利息的支出,这种情况下又会存在对新式 PoS 与协议的吸血。所以,如何在经济模型上权衡,不陷入靠空投预期发展的泡沫,更健康的带动供需双方将是重中之重。

In Web3, the bottom logic of a public chain or agreement is often built on the buyer and seller of a “synchronous” demand. The right one can be “under the sky” and the chain of blocks itself is only fair, real and credible. A security-sharing agreement can theoretically be well complemented by a booming pledge and modular ecology. But whether this supply will go far beyond demand.




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