USDT is an encrypted currency based on block chains, which is widely used in digital currency transactions, as measured by the United States dollar. However, since its introduction, there have been questions about its legitimacy and transparency. This paper analyses the guilt and punishment of USDT.
First, the USDT is guilty of centralization. Like other stable currencies, the USDT is controlled by a centralized team, not by a decentralized network like Bitcoin. So, such centralization can lead to opaque and market manipulation, because teams can control circulation and transaction prices at will.
At the same time, there is a lack of transparency in the number of USDT holdings and in the arrangements for the value of manufacture and sales. Moreover, the USDT, for its issuer of the USDT contract, controls all the bonds associated with the contract, does not provide sufficient guarantees, and investors’ funds will be affected if there is a problem with the issuer.
Finally, USDT was punished in last year’s Bitfinex case. Bitfinex was one of the biggest trading platforms for USDT, which was involved in fraud charges with the manufacturer of USDT, Tether. In this case, the prosecution claimed that Bitfinex was using USDT to cover up its liquidity crisis, using a bond relationship between USDT and Tether to compensate for its early theft of $25.8 million. These allegations led to greater distrust of USDT and led to several digital money trading platforms to build up USDT transactions.
However, correspondingly, the crypto-currency market of previous years needed a stable currency to take advantage of the advantages of de-centralization technology, and the stability and liquidity that the USDT displayed in that regard remained irreplaceable. The distinction to be drawn is that stable currencies differ from ordinary encrypted currencies in that they are backed by a certain degree of intergenerational value security, so similar to traditional currencies, so that many fluctuations in the crypto-currency market could be addressed.
最近Tether和Bitfinex已经同意支付1.8亿美元的罚款,并且从纽约国家司法部门达成和解。 罚款原因是由于Tether和Bitfinex在未公开披露情况下伪造交易量和掩盖资金缺口。这项和解协议为它们带来了好消息,虽然需要支付巨额罚款,但仍保留了其合法性。这对于Tether来说是一次积极的转变,因为它现在必须遵守更加严格的审计和财务规定。
Recently, Tether and Bitfinex have agreed to pay a fine of $180 million and to settle from New York’s national jurisdictions. The fine was due to the fact that Tether and Bitfinex forged the volume of transactions and masked the financial gap without public disclosure.
In short, the offence and penalty of USDT are complex issues, and the transparency and legitimacy of USDT should be addressed gradually as the market for encrypted money continues to evolve and regulation is strengthened. Before this, investors need to consider the risks and advantages of USDT carefully. It is better to work with a particular platform to determine the exchange rate and circulation of USDT in order to get the best results. return to search for more information
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