一周商业人物:《我不是药神》票房破3亿,雷军下周一香港敲钟,李彦宏兑现量产承诺,币圈首富“... 01/徐峥《我不是药神》首日票房破3亿主演兼出品方徐峥大赚指日可待7月5日,据猫眼专业版数据显示,由青
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:62 评论:001/徐峥
01/Su Dynasty
"I'm not The Pharmacist" broke 300 million tickets on the first day.
starring > > > >. >..................................................................................................
On 5 July, according to the professional version of Cat-Eye, the film " I am not a drug god ", led by the young director Manmono and produced by Xu Yu, was shown, and 160 million yuan of tickets were cut off on that day, together with the previous site, which accumulated more than 359 million dollars.
As a result of this information, the stock prices of the participants in " I am not a drug god " have risen in reverse, with the main publisher and publisher of the Beijing culture rising for two consecutive days, on 3 July and 4 July.
I am not Pharmacism, adapted from real events, and told the story of a health-care shop owner, performed by Xu Xu, who “purchases” Indian counterfeit drugs for terminally ill patients in the face of the high cost of imported medicines.
Since the film was released, it has been viewed by the media as “a symbol of the rebirth of Chinese realist criticisms”, with a large number of viewers tearing down and recommending it spontaneously, with the bean petal rating of 9.0 being the highest-rated national production film since the beginning of the year.
In view of the current trend in the box office, it is likely that Ning Ho and Xu Xiao, who are the main producers, will have at least a billion profits each.
I'll tell you what.
The most moving line of the film, "He's only 20 years old. He just wants to live. What's his sin?"
02/Mine Army
小米 IPO 每股定价 17 港元
Mi IPO pricing 17 HK$ per share
To board the bell in Hong Kong next Monday
7 月 6 日,小米公布招股结果,每股定价17港元,位于招股区间17-22港元的下限,认购一手(200股)的中签率为100%,申请9手则稳获2手。
On 6 July, Mi announced the results of the offer, at a price of HK$17 per unit, at the lower limit of HK$17-22 per unit, with a median of 100 per cent for subscriptions (200 shares) and a steady 2 per cent for application 9.
Mi claimed that this offer, which was made public and involved some 110,000 people, had been oversubscribed by about 8.5 times the total of 1,035 million shares and had not been subject to mandatory redistribution because of a slight over-substitution.
按每股 17 港元的价格计算,扣除包销费用、佣金等开支,小米预计本次 IPO 将募资约 240 亿港元。
At a price of HK$17 per share, less expenses such as the cost of the sale, commission etc., Mi expects to raise approximately HK$ 24 billion for this IPO.
Mi will be playing a bell in Hong Kong on Monday, July 9.
In addition, the Hong Kong Post announcement of 5 July indicated that, in addition to trading shares, investors had a variety of product options, including rice futures and options, rice derivatives, inclusion in the list of authorized empty securities.
I'll tell you what.
In their road performances, the army has repeatedly stressed that “meet is unique in the world, `new species' that can be used for hardware, new retailing, and Internet services.” So, can this “new species” stand the test of the market? Let us see.
03/Yinghong Lee
100 times the AI Developer's Congress
Lee Ying Hong fulfils the no-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-man's-many commitment
On 4 and 5 July, the 2018 100-degree AI Developer's Congress was held in Beijing.
会上,百度创始人、董事长兼CEO李彦宏宣布全球首款L4级别自动驾驶汽车已经量产,同时还发布了百度大脑3.0、DuerOS 3.0、Apollo 3.0、智能小程序、“昆仑”芯片等一系列产品。
At the conference, the 100-degree founder, chairman and CEO, Yinghong Lee, announced that the world's first L4-class autopilot had been measured and that a range of products such as the 100-degree brain 3.0, Dueros 3.0, Apollo 3.0, smart applets, “Quinlon” chips, etc. had been published.
It can be said that this is the biggest release of 100-degree-AI in years, from technology to platform to ecology, to bottom-level chips. This means that 100-degree AI's all-store layout is on the line, that ecological chains are connected, and that developers will find a wider scope from it.
Interestingly, at the beginning of the Conference, Lee Ying Hong opened the chute pattern, saying that he had been constantly being asked when the 100-degree vehicle was being produced. To that end, he was saying, “Contrary to making cars and making PPTs, there are often delays in their delivery...”, and he achieved the bulls he had blown in the past.
It was reported that these unmanned vehicles, Abolom, would be transported to Beijing, Yuan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tokyo, etc.
I'll tell you what.
It's good to have a little bit of fun. Did you get a Lee sense of humor like that?
04/Li laughs.
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
"Li laughs to record the leak, show the coins and cut the vegetables."
On 4 July, an internal shared recording suspected of laughter six months ago was painted on the Internet.
In the recording, the people identified as Li laughter are rife, and, more importantly, the recording “Li laughter” gives an assessment of multiple currency circles and their projects, suggesting that “the biggest virtual currency exchange at present is a concoction exchange”, “the sharp-wave founder Sun Woo-mun is a connoisseur,” and that stupid consensus can be valuable”.
After the recording leak caused a “blowing wave”, Li laughter published a long article in response to the incident on 7 and 6 June. In an article published on a personal microsignal, he said that most of the recordings had been misinterpreted, that he had not called himself a fool, and that what he said was “don't blindly believe in value investment” was focused on the word “blind”.
It also deals with the evaluation of Chen Weising, stating that he has been charged by a lawyer in the Hangzhou Internet Court and that he is in favour of transparency in the profession.
I'll tell you what.
Why did the founder of the United States of America say on Twitter, “Whoever is a liar is a liar...”, that I, as a pickle, do not understand what you are saying?
Facebook shares data with 61 companies
includes U.S. Online, Nike, etc.
On 2 July, the foreign media reported that social media giant Facebook had recently admitted in a 747-page document submitted to United States Congressmen that it shared user data with 61 hardware and software technology companies, including American Online (AOL), Nike, Federal Package Service (UPS) and dating applications such as Hinge.
Facebook acknowledged in the document that in 2015 the company restricted user access to user data, but gave dozens of companies access. In the wave of Facebook's management of user information, such information is re-emerged.
Facebook submitted 747 pages of documentation to the United States Congress last Friday and acknowledged that 61 companies had been granted “one-time” access to user data for six months in exchange for policy adjustments to user data in conjunction with Facebook.
I'll tell you what.
With what to save you — “Death?”
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