英为财情Investing.com - 根据英为财情 Investing.com Index的行情系统显示,星期日16:57 (08:57 GMT) 以太坊 交投于816.85附近,上涨幅度达到10.12% ,这是 从2020年8月1日 以来 ,该币种获得的最大日涨幅。
Investing.com - According to the British Investment.com Index system, Sunday 16:57 (08:57 GMT) was delivered near 816.85 with an increase of 10.12 per cent, since 1 August 2020 & nbsp; the largest increase in the currency.
此次上涨推升 以太坊 的总市值达到 $92.74B ,在加密货币总市值中的占比为 10.54% . 而 以太坊 市值此前在达到高位时为$135.58B .
This rise brought the total market value of ETA to $92.74B, representing 10.54 per cent of the total market value of encrypted currency.
在最近的24小时内, 以太坊 的价格维持在$769.57 到 $816.85 之间交投。
In the last 24 hours, at a cost of $769.57 to $816.85.
在过去的7个交易日里, 以太坊 上涨了 25.18% ,其总市值出现了明显的 增长 。截至发稿, 以太坊 24小时内的总市值为 26.03B ,在全部加密货币总市值中占比 9.42% .
In the past seven trading days, Ether's market value has risen by 25.18 per cent, and its total market value has increased significantly & nbsp; by 9.42 per cent of the total market value of all encrypted currencies as of the date of issuance.
在过去的7个交易日里,以太坊 保持在 $682.4734 至$817.0817 间交投,该币种目前相较于其 2018年1月13日 的历史高值 $1,423.20,相差 42.60%.
During the past seven trading days, Ether was held between $682.4734 and $817.0817, which is currently comparable to its 13 January 2018 & nbsp; & nbsp; historic high value of $1,423.20, a difference of 42.60%.
根据英为财情Investing.com的行情数据显示,比特币目前报$34,481.0,当前交易日 上涨了13.39% .
According to British intelligence.com, Bitcoin is now reporting $34,481.0, and the current trading day is up by 13.39%.
另外,行情数据同时显示,泰达币 目前报$0.9999 ,下跌 0.09%.
In addition, the cipher data also shows that the tadco is now reporting $ 0.9999, down 0.09%.
比特币 目前的总市值为 $639.04B ,该币种目前市值在全部加密货币的总市值中占比为 72.66% , 于此同时, 泰达币目前的总市值为 $21.34B , 在加密货币市场中占比为 2.43% .
The current total market value of Bitcoins is $639.04B, which currently accounts for 72.66 per cent of the total market value of all encrypted currencies, while the current total market value of Titanis is $21.34B, representing 2.43 per cent of the total market value of encrypted currencies.
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