
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:53 评论:0



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China Minerals' full net capacity is 90%


As at 3 p.m. on 12 April, the top three mining companies were from China: BTC.com (26.42 per cent), ant ponds (16.98 per cent) and BTC.TOP (14.47 per cent); only one of the top 10 ponds came from abroad, the whole network showed 20 bitcoins and the Chinese ponds accounted for more than 90 per cent of the net.


Prime Minister of Viet Nam: The Government will strengthen the regulatory framework for encrypted currency


According to the Viet Nam News Agency, the Prime Minister of Viet Nam, Nguyen Chunfu, has been informed that he has signed a directive submitted by the country's Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance that will further strengthen the management of encrypted currency-related activities in Viet Nam. According to the Viet Nam News Agency, Prime Minister Nguyen Chunfu has instructed financial institutions to strengthen their management and to review and report suspicious transactions related to encrypted currency.

  该指令签署之后,越南政府发布了编号为2768/ VPCP-KTTH的官方信函,正式通知了越南财政部、信息通信部和越南国家银行。此外,越南总理阮春福还要求司法部负责研究并完成一个统一的虚拟货币、虚拟财产和电子货币的管理及处理法律框架。

Following the signing of the directive, the Government of Viet Nam issued an official letter No. 2768/VPCP-KTTH, officially informing the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information and Communications, and the National Bank of Viet Nam. In addition, the Prime Minister of Viet Nam, Nguyen Chunfu, asked the Ministry of Justice to study and complete a unified legal framework for the management and handling of virtual currency, virtual property and electronic currency.


The Central Bank of Kenya warns domestic banks not to engage in digital currency transactions

  据cointelegraph报道,4月13日,肯尼亚中央银行(CBK)向全国所有银行发出通知,警告他们不要与数字货币打交道,或为数字货币交易提供服务。CBK行长Patrick Njoroge在国民议会金融委员会的发言中表示,CBK的行为与全球其他监管机构的行为一致,数字货币存在欺诈,黑客攻击等诸多风险。

On April 13, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) issued a circular to all banks throughout the country warning them not to deal with or provide services for digital currency transactions. In a speech to the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, CBK President Patrick Njoroge stated that the actions of CBK were consistent with those of other regulatory bodies around the world, that there were risks of digital currency fraud and hacking.



On April 14, Jeong Yiting announced on Facebook that he would run for mayor of Taipei and that he would be willing to make Taipei a financial pilot zone for block-linking. Jeong Yitinro listed the advantages of the campaign, including as the current head of OTCBTC and former CTO of Co.info, and had the capacity to build Taipei as a financial pilot zone for block-linking based on the current momentum of technology in the Taipei metropolitan chain. Earlier, Jeong Yiting and Li laughed at a dispute over the redistribution of ownership of OTCBTC, fighting water on the microbots and the public.


University of Shenzhen established the Block Chain Technical Research Centre


On 14 April, the University of Shenzhen inaugurated the Centre for the Technical Study of the Block Chain at the University of Shenzhen, which was followed by a technical workshop on the front lines of the block chain.

  硅谷风投教父Tim Draper:人类正在进入比特币时代

Silicon Valley Wind Godfather Tim Draper : Humans are entering the Bitcoin era

  Tim Draper认为,区块链是一项技术,它使所有数据更安全,更易于访问;比特币是一种更好的货币,它会随着事实与信念而传播。随着用户的增长,网络扩大,它的价格的上涨与以上两点都有关系。无论什么时候有新技术,企业都有机会应用这些技术,并利用这些新的技术进行模型创新。“我相信人类正在大跨步进入一个全新的时代——铁器时代、机器时代、互联网时代,现在是比特币时代。这次浪潮比历史上任何一次都大,它是全球性的。”

Tim Draper believes that the block chain is a technology that makes all data safer and more accessible; Bitcoin is a better currency, which will spread with facts and beliefs. As users grow, the network expands, its price increases are related to both of these. Whenever new technologies are available, businesses have the opportunity to apply them and use them for modelling innovation. “I believe that humanity is leaping into a new era – the Iron Age, the Machine Age, the Internet Age, the Bitcoin Age. This wave is bigger than history , and it is global.


Professor at Yale University: Bitcoin is a bubble and digital money is more like a psychological experiment


According to CNBC, the professor of economics at Yale University and co-founder of the Case-Shiller Index Robert? Heller argues that digital money is more like a psychological experiment than a serious investment. Shiller thinks that bitcoin is a bubble, but that does not mean that bitcoin will disappear or that it will always explode. Bitcoin may accompany us for some time. Bitcoin is a perfect example of people seeking fashion.


Genuine Fund/a>: block chain technology is inextricably linked to company operations


In an interview recently, John Wang, the founder of JFJ, said that the use of block-chain technology is only efficient if it is organically linked to a company’s established business, or logically linked to a new business. If it is simply a brand-new thing, it has to be used to get married to an established business, it is simply an “in vitro transplant” – an external transplant that does not bring natural growth to the organism.


Zhang Yichun, Xiamen University: Institute of Block Chain Finance, Xiamen


Zhang Yichun, Director of Xiamen University's Institute of Finance, said that the block chain was of great importance to Xiamen's economy, and that its value was trillions of dollars. “I plan to set up a block chain finance institute at Xiamen University's Institute of Finance and Computer Department, and there's also a block chain development institute under Xiamen.”


Yahoo Japan acquired minority shares in the Japanese encrypted currency exchange BiArg

       据路透社报道,雅虎日本旗下全资子公司ZCorporation已经收购了日本加密货币交易所BitArg Exchange Tokyo公司40%的股权,本次交易对BitArg的估值大约为20-30亿日元(约合1860-2700万美元)。雅虎日本在一份声明中表示,他们会在2018年球季正式启动业务运营。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; according to Reuters, ZCorpation, a fully-owned subsidiary under the Yahoo flag, has acquired 40 per cent of the shares of BitArg Exchange Tokyo, a Japanese crypto-currency exchange, and the value of BitArg in this transaction is approximately 2-30 billion yen (approximately US$ 186,27 million).


      & nbsp; telecommunications micro-mail House 3.0 joined AI, block chain technology


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in the era of mobile Internet, based on basic capabilities such as totting clouds, payments, big data, security, and so forth, MicroIntelligent Hospital 1.0 was born, and online subscriptions, fees, queries, etc. were achieved through a basic service connected on-line by the MicroIntelligent Public Help Line.


    & nbsp; & nbsp; , using block chains for house management


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; recently, the Xian City Housing Authority has indicated that it will collaborate with ant gold to explore in depth innovative technologies + regulatory services such as the whole chain regulatory system for real estate development projects, guaranteed house audit systems, second-hand trading systems, etc.


    & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp using block chains to build a secure chain


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; It is understood that some of the leading companies and cooperatives at the Precision Vegetable Plantation Base in Lo Town, Huixue Mountain, the largest tin-free gardening base, have started to develop and install the Block Chain system and the Material Networking System to regulate vegetable production by technical means for growers.


Russia's largest digital currency mine will be established in Siberia


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; according to TASS News Press, Daniel Zakomolkin, Managing Director of BitBaza, a mining company, described that one of Russia's largest digital money mines would be in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, border .


  & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Zerocoin allowing hackers to destroy user coin holes has not been repaired

       据Thenextweb消息,Zerocoin存在一个名为“拒绝服务”的漏洞,允许黑客销毁用户的硬币,这个漏洞已经存在2个月时间,至今仍未解决。数字货币顾问Peter Todd表示,原始的Zerocoin协议被打破,即使它“被证明是安全的”。他们只能证明,攻击者不能窃取硬币,但他们不能证明攻击者不能摧毁不属于他们的硬币。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; according to Thenextweb, Zerocoin has a gap known as “refusal of services” that allows hackers to destroy their users' coins for two months, which remains unresolved. The digital money consultant Peter Todd states that the original Zerocoin agreement was broken, even if it was “proved safe.” They can only prove that the attackers cannot steal coins, but they cannot prove that the attackers cannot destroy coins that are not theirs.



      Washington State Economic Development Department has approved a land lease and purchase application at the port of Waravola, Washington State, which will permit the establishment of an entirely new encrypted money mine on the mainland. For example, Bitcontinent will temporarily freeze 10 acres of land from its subsidiary, AntCreek, and buy the land one year later. However, it has been reported that Bitt Continent's original plan was to buy another 30 acres of land in Washington, D.C., but the plan was eventually rejected by the local government.


  & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; Telegram was sealed off by a Russian court for refusing to provide a user encryption session key


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; According to the Fortune magazine, as Telegram refused to submit the user dialogue keys, a Russian Moscow court ruled that the encryption instantaneous communication application program must be blocked immediately.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; In fact, Telegram’s founder is PavelDurov from Russia, but the application is not extensive in Russia’s mainland and is concentrated in overseas markets. The Russian Federation’s Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media Commission (Rskomnadzor) warned Telegram in mid-year of last year that Telegram had to submit the key to the user’s encrypted session in order to continue to operate locally in Russia, but it was rejected by Pavel Durov.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Synthesis of Mars Finances, 36 kryptons, Gold Finance Reports





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