
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:59 评论:0



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全球市值第二大加密货币以太坊目前跌至2018年的最低价格。据CoinDesk的Ethereum Price Index (EPI)的数据,在周一16:50 UTC时段,以太坊自2017年11月12日以来首次跌破300美元。

The second largest encrypt currency in the world market has now fallen to its lowest price in 2018. According to CoinDesk's Etherum Price Index (EPI), at 16:50 a.m., the Taipa has fallen by $300 for the first time since 12 November 2017.


At the time of submission, the average price of the ETH transaction was $264.92, a 24-hour drop of 17.42 per cent. According to CoinMarketCap, at the time of submission, ETH was the currency with the largest decline in the top 10 encrypted currencies, and over $10 billion had evaporated during this period.


In fact, ETH has now completely lost the transaction price of $289.96 last year, and it has fallen by 78% from its historical high of $1337. According to CoinMarketCap, the total market value of all encrypted currencies has fallen from a daily high of $219.4 billion to nearly $15 billion, currently just over $205 billion.


There's a risk that Etheum might fall to $200.


At the same time, there has been a general decline in the crypto-currency market, particularly since the announcement by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the postponement of the Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) and the negative reaction of the crypto-currency market, which should also fall.

加密货币量化对冲基金BloomWater Capital创始合伙人Biswa Das曾表示,有些项目因为担心熊市现状,为了负担经营费而变现了ETH。这些创业公司正在筹集大量资金,但由于没有足够的资金管理或现金管理经验,因此抛售得太早,给市场带来很大的压力,使如今脆弱的加密货币市场雪上加霜。

Biswa Das, a founding partner of the encoded money hedge fund Bloomwater Capital, said that some of the projects had been realized to cover operating costs because of concerns about the current situation in the bear market. These start-ups are raising large amounts of money, but they are being sold too early because of the lack of sufficient funds or experience in cash management, putting considerable pressure on the market, adding to today's fragile market for encrypted currency.


Last year, at a height of more than 100 times from less than US$ 10, ETH accounted for 32% of the market value of encrypted money, and more rapidly increased by about 39% in bitcoin. So, the assumption that the talisman would eventually replace Bitcoin as the most valuable encoded currency was called “lightly floating.”


The pressure from the ICO setup is intertwined with the general perception of decline in the crypto-currency market, which has fallen from a high of over $800 billion in January to around $200 billion owing to concerns about tighter regulation and slow adoption.


This year’s digital assets are also under pressure by fear of being unable to sustain enough transactions to support the DAP for the general market, owing to the proliferation of rivals. At the same time that raises billions of dollars, most ICOs do not produce effective products , and many ICOs have fraud or security problems.

区块链资本有限公司的Spencer Bogart说:“投资者对代币和ICO越来越失望,其中的大多数ICO都是在以太坊网络上发布的,我们看到ETH在市场上的表现伴随着持续的价格下行压力。”

Spencer Bogart of Block Chain Capital Limited said: “The investors are increasingly disappointed with the tokens and the ICO, most of which are published on the Ethernonet, and we see that the performance of ETH in the market is accompanied by constant downward pressure on prices.”

Autonomous Research LLP的莱克斯?索科林(Lex Sokolin)上月在一份报告中写道,假设ICO的清算规模在50亿美元左右,导致以太坊价格持续承压,由于市场人气不断恶化和流动性较低,负面影响被放大

In a report last month, Lex Sokolin wrote that assuming that the size of the liquidation of ICO was around $5 billion, it led to continued pressure on tatai prices, and the negative effects were magnified due to deteriorating market ethos and low mobility.


The research website, Santiago, has organized a series of projects using the Tai Pa, and it is expected that in the last 30 days the start-up companies have consumed more than and <110,000 ePam .


According to Das, start-ups are unlikely to make too much money, but, in the long run, the continued demand to build and hold ICOs on the platform should lead to a backlash in the market. Ethio has been the most popular platform for start-up companies to develop block-chain-based applications, as more than 90% of projects use the platform.


At the historical price of Tairyu, it's back up.


In the past year, the recovery record of Ether was not ideal after the fall. However, this year it came back with some kind of squalor.


On 2 February, it fell from $872 to $649 on 6 February, which means that it fell by 25 per cent in just three days. However, in the following days, ETH began its cattle market and increased its price by 30 per cent at $951.


On 7 April, Etheria again fell steadily from a high point to a low of $370. This means that it lost more than 60% of its market value in two months. But ETH prices did not continue to decline, as it began to rise slowly.


By 4 May, it had recovered 54 per cent of its losses. The return from the decline of $370 to the highest price of $816 showed that even after extensive losses, there was a potential for recovery.


Despite the fact that in the past few months the prices of the Tails have fallen from historical highs, some investors still have full confidence in the potential of the currency.


At present, it is still considered the most widely used encrypted currency in the world. Even then, when the time comes, it will recover its lost value.

原作者:Camila Russo?and Olga Kharif

Former author: Camila Russo? and Olga Kharif


This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011.




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