Block Chain
There's no doubt the biggest and most hot one in the world.
"Be a red fried chicken."
You know.
What's the value of the block chain?
How does the chain of blocks change the world?
What is the stage of block chain development?
Which block chain applications will pre-empt landing?
In order to find an answer to the above questions, Ms. Kämei had recently conducted an exclusive interview with an IEEE expert and Professor Chai Wedd, Director of the Research Unit on Digital Society and Block Chains at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
goes beyond cloud computing, big data
云计算、大数据、人工智能都会改变社会,但区块链带来的改变最彻底, 因为区块链可以承载法律, 在社会活动中执行法律,这和其他技术有着很大的不同。正因为如此,区块链价值最高。”
Cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence can change society, but the chain of blocks is the most radical, because the chain of blocks can carry the law /a>, & nbsp; the enforcement of the law in social activities is very different from other technologies. This is why the chain of blocks is the most valuable.”
Objectively, “ABCD” has different values, while the block chain has the highest value.
云计算是基础计算平台,提供计算和存储能力,功能强大、 价值高,但价值局限在计算机领域。
Cloud computing is a basic computing platform that provides computing and storage capabilities with robust & nbsp; high value but limited value in the computer field.
大数据是应用技术,用数据来分析各行各业,同样具有功能强大、 价值高的特点,其价值进一步扩展至各行各业。
Large data are applied techniques that analyse industries with data that are equally powerful and & nbsp; high-value features that further extend their value to industries.
Artificial intelligence focuses on data analysis and cognitive computing, using a broader concept of data that can be applied across a wide range of industries using statistical and machine learning algorithms.
区块链是价值传递,具有一致性,可以应用在各行各业。“区块链带来的价值不同于人工智能、云计算、大数据, 因为区块链可以应用于价值本身。”蔡维德特别指出。
The block chain is a transfer of values that is consistent and can be applied in all walks of life. "The block chain brings values different from artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, & nbsp; since the block chain can be applied to the value itself." Chae Wed, in particular, notes.
Cloud computing is the farthest away because it is a basic computing facility; big data can encounter data and data are associated with value, so the value of big data is higher; artificial intelligence is a higher level of computing and can be linked to value; but block chains can carry value and can be directly linked to value, so value is the highest. Chae Wedd stressed that the value of block chains is higher than the sum of other technologies (coated computing, big data, artificial intelligence) and is already the highest today if only one application of the block chain — a digital token.
“信任”机制 正在改变世界
"Trust" mechanism is changing the world
“The block chain technology is likely to be a life-changing, applied revolution, like light bulbs, cars, trains, airplanes, etc., that will gradually penetrate every aspect of human society. But, just as every social technology revolution will take time, the transformation of the block chain technology will also require a long-term acceptance process.”
区块链将所有的重要数据连到链上,是一种共识的分布式账本,其中的数据很难篡改。分布式账本能够保持参与者的数据一致。一致性正是区块链带来的价值, 因为它通过技术手段建立起了“信任”机制。能够建立“信任”机制的区块链是人类历史上从来没有过的技术,有望引发第4次工业革命,而每次工业革命产生的经济效益都会大于前面所有工业革命的总和。
The block chain links all the important data into the chain and is a consensus distributed book, which is difficult to manipulate. The distribution book keeps the participants' data consistent. Consistency is the value that the block chain brings, & nbsp; it creates a “trust” mechanism by technological means. The block chain that can build a “trust” mechanism is a technology never seen in human history and is expected to trigger the fourth industrial revolution, and the economic benefits of each industrial revolution are greater than the sum of all previous industrial revolutions.
“信任”创新是第4次工业革命的动力,是一种组合创新。过去,只能用中心系统或是组织解决的问题,现在可以用技术手段来解决,这会引起社会组织、流程、法律的改变, 影响整个社会。研究法学的学者明白,一旦法律改变,人类行为就会改变,当许多人的行为改变,社会便会产生巨大的变革。而这次法律的改变,最显著之处在于法律的执行,因为有智能合约可以执行法律,而且许多证据会存储在区块链上, 法律纠纷因而可以快速得到解决。
“Trust” innovation was the driving force behind the fourth industrial revolution, a combination of innovations. In the past, it could only be addressed by a central system or by an organization, and now by technical means, which could lead to changes in social organization, processes, laws, and & nbsp; affecting society as a whole.
“信任”机制可以广泛应用在各个领域,包括货币、法务(证据和仲裁)、政务、民生、税收、能源、医疗、教育等, 必然会给整个社会带来巨大的改变。
“Trust” mechanisms can be widely applied in various areas, including money, justice (evidence and arbitration), government, livelihood, taxation, energy, health care, education, etc. & nbsp; they are bound to bring about significant changes in society as a whole.
Indeed, “the block chain changed the world in 2017, especially the capital market.” Chae Wedd said to Ms. Ying. In 2017, many countries introduced their own block chain policies, or encouraged or prohibited digital currency transactions.
“This, however, was only the beginning, since the change in 2017 was mainly in the field of digital tokens; the year 2018 would be the year of application of the block chain, extending from digital tokens to all walks of life, and where justice, fairness and integrity were needed, the block chain would be needed, including , stocks, transportation, education and old-age insurance >.
In the insurance industry, for example, insured persons and insurance companies need information security, insured persons need to know that the insurance company is real, and insurance companies need to know that the insured person is real, and both parties need to verify each other’s identity and relevant information. In addition, the insurance industry is prone to fraud. For example, in order to be able to make a regular claim, the insured person needs to pay attention to the financial situation of the insurance company, and there may be multiple claims of fraud.
In addition to the insurance sector, the block chain will trigger changes in a number of industries, including stock markets, philanthropy, taxation, etc.
区块链会给股票市场带来变革。索罗斯在2017年投资了一家使用区块链技术来发行股票的公司,此举颇有深意。众所周知,国外股票市场上有一种违法操作,即通过虚假交易无限卖空(naked shorts)来恶意拉低某公司股价,进而造成该公司运营困难。该行为虽然违法,但一直以来都缺少有效的手段来制止。如果采用区块链来追踪股票市场,那么在一秒钟之内就可以知道每一张股票的去向,无限卖空就不可能发生了。“区块链可以变成一个监管利器,如果有人违法无限卖空,就可以用智能合约一分钟之内把所有卖出股票再自动买回来。”蔡维德指出。
Soros invested in 2017 in a company that uses block chain technology to distribute stocks, which is very interesting. It is well known that there is an illegal operation in the foreign stock market, that is, to sell an unlimited amount of stock through a false transaction, thereby making it difficult for the company to operate.
“If all donations are tracked through the chain, then one can see where they are being used. When public-interest organizations have such a mechanism to gain trust from the outside world, on the one hand, they will not be faced with the risk of losing public trust.
It is worth noting that “in the future, there will be different block chains, each industry will have its own industry version of the block chain, and there will be different safety standards.” Chae Wedd stressed that some industries, for example, require higher safety and security, would use more account points for the block chain.
out of error
"There's only a public chain of value, and that's what a lot of people think today. In fact, it has nothing to do with a public and a private chain, because a public and a private chain can give or don't. Their true words are, "There's only a chain of value."
Today, not only are public and private chains no longer separate, but some of the well-known and high-value public chains are later found to be union chains or even more terrible “centre chains.” For example, a public chain that for many years has claimed to be distributed (“decentralized”) was found to be under central control in 2018.
“只有发币的链才有价值”,这种说法过于片面。蔡维德指出,“不发币的链”也有很大价值。举一个例子,银行的“贸易金融”业务全球一年交易额是22万亿美元, 这部分金额要被银行抵押大概90天。一般人认为,如果使用区块链将会减少一半抵押时间,也就是45天,代表这么大一笔钱可以有一半时间用来投资其他项目,相当于每年有11万亿美元释放出来进入实体经济,而不用印钞票。区块链在这里产生的价值巨大无比,11万亿美元就大过美国在2008年经济危机时所印钞票的价值。
For example, the bank’s “trade finance” business has a global annual turnover of $22 trillion, this amount is held up by the bank for about 90 days. It is generally believed that if the block chain is used, it will be reduced by half, that is 45 days, that this amount of money could be spent half of the time on other projects, equivalent to $11 trillion being released into the real economy each year, rather than printing money. The value of the block chain here is enormous, with $11 trillion being greater than the value of the money that was printed in the United States during the 2008 economic crisis.
Therefore, it is not necessary to issue a currency in order to be of value to society, and the application of block-chain technology in the financial sphere can be of great value without issuing a currency.
In addition, the bottom of the block chain technology is valuable. Many investors have previously argued that the area of the block chain is valuable in applications and the bottom technology is worthless. Now, on the contrary, the bottom of the block chain is the bottom technology company.
The three main application directions of
“The block chain is still at an early stage of development and will continue to evolve over a period of 10 to 20 years.”
Although still in the early stages of development, the direction of the block chain is now clear. Chae Wedd points out that there are three directions for the block chain at this stage: the first is a digital currency, generally a public chain; the second is a financial market, i.e. an enterprise block chain; and the third is a physical network block chain.
"The chain of blocks in these three directions is not designed in the same way, and the business scene is large." Chae Wedd stressed. In this, the public chain does not require speed, but is more demanding of faulty tolerance; the enterprise version block chain requires speed and high throughput; and the physical network block chain requires light-sized design.
Of these, the public chain has the oldest history, and digital currencies based on this technology have affected the world. Whether drugs, alcohol, gold, stocks, 企业版区块链的市场还有几千倍的成长空间。业界有观点认为,2018年是企业版区块链元年,以后还会有“自金融”出现。所谓“自金融”,意指每个个体都可以成为一个小型银行,很多以前只能由银行做的事情,以后可能会拿到外面(非银行的公司)去做。
There is a view in industry that 2018 will be the first year of the business block chain, and that there will be a “self-finance” after that. “self-finance” means that every individual can become a small bank, much of what banks used to do, and may later take it outside (non-banking companies). 目前,各种区块链技术都不一样。例如,有些系统本身设计得像区块链,但大家(包括自己)反而不认为这系统是区块链,例如R3 CEV的Corda;有些系统不像区块链,例如 IOTA, 大家却都认为它是区块链的延伸。其原因在于Corda 不符合区块链原则,而IOTA符合区块链原则,这种现象十分有趣。
For example, some systems themselves are designed to resemble block chains, but others (including themselves) do not consider the system as block chains, such as the Corda of R3 CEV; some systems, unlike block chains, such as IOTA, are thought to be extensions of block chains. This is interesting because Corda does not conform to block chain principles, and IOTA conforms to block chain principles. 那么,区块链最先会在哪些领域落地呢?对此,蔡维德表示:“公证,可能是区块链第一个应用的领域,因为操作起来非常简单,只需要创建一个区块链,然后鼓励人们将信息放在区块链系统里就可以了。区块链可以证明信息的存储时间以及所存储信息的真实性。”
So, what are the first areas of block chains to land? In response, Chae Wedd says, "Nominal, perhaps the first area of application of block chains, because it's simple to operate, just to create a block chain and then to encourage people to put information in a block chain system. Block chains can prove the time when information is stored and the authenticity of the information stored." 事实上,人们也愿意将一些信息放到区块链中。对此,蔡维德给出了两个生动并且十分贴近生活的案例。其一,高校学生可以将自己的报告提交到区块链中,这样就可以防止与自己关系不和的导师报复,撒谎说没有收到他的报告。“这种事情的发生率并不高,但是碰上一次就很倒霉。之前我一个朋友遭遇到类似的事情,他的成绩单被美国学校的老师修改了3次。”其二,婚姻登记系统如果使用区块链,那么一方就能在婚前通过区块链查阅对方的信息,而且这种信息是没有更改过的,这样就能避免重婚罪。
In fact, people are willing to put some information in the chain of blocks. To that end, Chae Wedd gave two vivid and very lively examples. First, students in higher education could submit their reports to the chain of blocks, so that they could prevent retaliation by their disconcerting mentors, who lied that they had not received his report. “The incidence of this kind of thing was not high, but it was bad luck. Before a friend of mine had a similar incident, his report card was modified three times by the American schoolteacher.” Second, if the marriage registration system used the chain of blocks, then one party could access each other's information through the chain of blocks before the marriage, and that information was unaltered, so that the crime of bigamy could be avoided. 客观来看,目前探索区块链应用的先锋还是金融行业,但仍处于摸索阶段,实际应用至少要在三四年以后出现,但可能会比人们预计的要早一些。这其中,银行有望成为重要的推动者。蔡维德表示:“据我所知,已经有十几家中国的银行希望对区块链技术进行试验了。”
Objectively, the current pioneer in exploring block chain applications is also the financial sector , but it is still in the process of mapping, and the actual application is expected to occur at least three or four years later, but perhaps earlier than expected. Among these, banks are expected to be important drivers. 本文首发于微信公众号:读懂科技。文章内容属作者个人观点,不代表和讯网立场。投资者据此操作,风险请自担。
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