- 课程目标
- 让学员深入了解web3.js api的用法,以及使用web3.js和微信小程序实现一款在线云笔记DApp(去中心化应用),
- 适用人群
- 区块链程序员,以太坊程序员,小程序程序员,所有对开发DApp感兴趣的同学
- 课程简介
本课程是《跟宁哥学区块链开发》的第3套课程,本系列课程包含了区块链和以太坊基础知识、Solidity语言详解、Web3.js详解、Truffle以太坊开发框架、项目实战(包括支持以太坊的微信小程序版记事本、用Electron实现的DApp云笔记、用Electron实现的DApp MySQL数据库管理系统【支持将数据保存到以太坊中】)。
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; this course is the third set of courses in The Development of Block Chains with Ningko School, which includes block chains and basic knowledge of the community, detailed interpretation in the language of Solity, Web3.js elaboration, framework for the development of the Truffle community, project reality (including support for the micro-letter program in Etai, Dapp cloud notes in Electron, Dapp MySQL database management system in Electron [supports the preservation of data in Etheria]).
Note: If solc command is used under Windows to compile sol files, if solc has been installed or the hint solc command has not been found, add cmd extension at the back, i.e. only solc.cmd can be executed.
The main elements of the course are as follows:
01 - Basic knowledge - 01-Web3.js Introduction.mp4
01 - Basic knowledge-02 - Installation of Web3.js development environment.mp4
01 - Basic Knowledge-03 - Connect test nodes using web3.js [testrpc].mp4
01 - Basic Knowledge-04 - Connecting Private Chain Node (geth).mp4
01 - Basic Knowledge-05 - Launching Smart Contracts using JavaScript.mp4
02-Base API-01-BigNumbar (disposal of any value).mp4
02-Base API-02-unit conversion.mp4
02 - Base API-03 - Conversion to Hexadecimal.mp4
02-Fundamental API-04-hexadecimal rotation with Ascii.mp4
02-Base API-05-Hexadecimal and Decimal Interchange.mp4
02-Base API-06-converted to Bignummer.mp4
02-Base API-07 - Test for validity of address.mp4
02-Base API-08 - Hash encoding to generate string.mp4
03-Eth API-01-默认账号(defaultAccount).mp4
03-Eth API-01 - Default Account (default Account).mp4
03-Eth API-02-默认区块(defaultBlock).mp4
03-Eth API-02 - Default Block (default Block).mp4
03-Eth API-03-获取同步区块对象(syncing).mp4
03-Eth API-03 - Get Synchronized Block Object (syncing).mp4
03-Eth API-04-捕捉区块同步状态(isSyncing).mp4
03-Eth API-04 - Capture Block Synchronization (isSyncing).mp4
03-Eth API-05-获取矿工地址.mp4
03-Eth API-05 - Access to Miner's Address.mp4
03-Eth API-06-判断当前以太节点是否在挖矿.mp4
03-Eth API-06 - Determining whether the current Ether node is mining.mp4
03-Eth API-07-获取gas价格(gas和gaslimit的概念).mp4
03-Eth API-07 - Obtain Gas Prices (concepts of gas and gaslimit).mp4
03-Eth API-08-获取当前节点的账户列表.mp4
03-Eth API-08 - List of accounts for the current node.mp4
03-Eth API-09-返回当前区块号(通过部署合约产生新区块).mp4
03-Eth API-09 - Return to current block number (new block generated through deployment contract).mp4
03-Eth API-10-获取指定账户的余额.mp4
03-Eth API-10 - Get the balance of the specified account.mp4
03-Eth API-11-获取智能合约的二进制代码.mp4
03-Eth API-11 - binary code for obtaining smart contracts.mp4
03-Eth API-12-根据区块号或区块哈希值返回区块信息.mp4
03-Eth API-12 - Return block information according to block number or Hashi value of block.mp4
03-Eth API-13-返回指定区块的交易数量.mp4
03-Eth API-13 - Number of transactions returned to a specified block.mp4
03-Eth API-14-返回匹配指定交易哈希值的交易.mp4
03-Eth API-14 - Return transaction matching the specified Hashi value of the transaction.mp4
03-Eth API-15-返回指定账户发起的交易数.mp4
03-Eth API-15 - Returns number of transactions initiated by a specified account.mp4
03-Eth API-16-直接执行智能合约中的函数.mp4
03-Eth API-16 - Directly execute functions in smart contracts.mp4
03-Eth API-17-预估交易需要的手续费(gas).mp4
03-Eth API-17 - Pre-estimated transaction requirements (gas).mp4
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